@@ -524,4 +524,26 @@ This central concept is used by ideologues to weaponize language: "You like Demo
- When all become aware that they manufacture the absolute, it becomes realized
### Contemporary Comparison
+- Robin d'Angelo: "You have to try to be less white"
+- No positive white identity
+- Purify so that a racially-liberated world might bloom
+### Marcuse Finale
+(Many examples of alchemically "realizing potentialities")
+*Introduction to One-Dimensional Man*
+- Hegel/Marx Dialectic philosophy to promote Critical Thinking
+- Abstract thought from what is to yield general concepts
+- Uncritical thinking takes current thought/culture at face value
+- Seek alternate perspective as standpoint for critique
+- Negative thinking: negate existing forms of thought from higher thinking
+- Negate existence/fact/appearance, favour essence/potentiality
+- Grasp potentiality and negate inhibiting conditions; reconstruct needs for self-determination and break from existing world
+- Conceive potential for happiness/freedom and negate state of affairs which restrict them
+## Men of Action
+- Divine expressed in nature (Seeds everywhere)
+- Imperfect world bearing contradictions.
+- Pursue gnosticism and dialectically apply vernunft to synthesize more perfect representation of the divine
+- Men of action demarcate the leaps of history
+- Used by history in its purpose to progress towards the absolute
+- "Sometimes it takes good roads and sometimes it takes bad roads"