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+ 2 - 2

@@ -711,9 +711,9 @@ In the process of creating The Other (World - God, present in everything, existi
 ##### Marcuse once more
 Introduction to the 2nd edition of One-Dimensional Man:
-"Marcuse thought the dialectical philosophy could promote critical thinking. One-dimensional man is Marcuse's most sustained attempt to present and develop the categories of the dialectic philosophy developed by Hegel and Marx. For Marcuse, dialectical thinking involved the ability to abstract one's perceptions and thought from existing forms in order to form more general concepts. Uncritical thinking derives its beliefs, norms and values from existing thought and social practices, while critical thought seeks alternative modes of thought and behaviour from which it creates a standpoint of critique. Such a critical standpoint erquires developing what Marcuse calls negative thinking, which negates existing forms of thought and reality from the perspective of higher possibilities (spiritually-pure alchemy). This practice presupposes the ability to make a distinction between existence and essence, fact and potentiality, and appearance and reality. Mere existence would be negated in favour of realizing higher potentialities while norms discovered by reaso would be used to criticize and overcome lower forms of thought in social organization. Thus, grasping potentialities for freedom and happiness would make possible the negation of conditions that inhibited individuals full developmetn and realization. In other words, perceiving the possibility of self-determination in constructing one's own needs and values could enable individuals to break with the existing world of thought and behaviour. Philosophy was, thus, to supply the norms for social criticism and the ideal of liberation which would guide social change and individual self-transformation."
+"Marcuse thought the dialectical philosophy could promote critical thinking. One-dimensional man is Marcuse's most sustained attempt to present and develop the categories of the dialectic philosophy developed by Hegel and Marx. For Marcuse, dialectical thinking involved the ability to abstract one's perceptions and thought from existing forms in order to form more general concepts. Uncritical thinking derives its beliefs, norms and values from existing thought and social practices, while critical thought seeks alternative modes of thought and behaviour from which it creates a standpoint of critique. Such a critical standpoint requires developing what Marcuse calls negative thinking, which negates existing forms of thought and reality from the perspective of higher possibilities (spiritually-pure alchemy). This practice presupposes the ability to make a distinction between existence and essence, fact and potentiality, and appearance and reality. Mere existence would be negated in favour of realizing higher potentialities while norms discovered by reason would be used to criticize and overcome lower forms of thought in social organization. Thus, grasping potentialities for freedom and happiness would make possible the negation of conditions that inhibited individuals full development and realization. In other words, perceiving the possibility of self-determination in constructing one's own needs and values could enable individuals to break with the existing world of thought and behaviour. Philosophy was, thus, to supply the norms for social criticism and the ideal of liberation which would guide social change and individual self-transformation."
-"Critical and dialectical thinking, by contrast, postulates norms of criticism based on rational potentials for huamn happiness and freedom, which are used to negate existing states of affairs that oppress individuals and restrict human freedoms and well-being. Dialectical thought thus posits the existence of other realms of ideas, imgaes and imagination that serve as a potential guide for social transformation that would realize the unrealized potentialities for a better life. Marcuse believs that great philosophy and art are the locus of these potentialities and critical norms and he decodes the best products of western culture in this light."
+"Critical and dialectical thinking, by contrast, postulates norms of criticism based on rational potentials for human happiness and freedom, which are used to negate existing states of affairs that oppress individuals and restrict human freedoms and well-being. Dialectical thought thus posits the existence of other realms of ideas, imgaes and imagination that serve as a potential guide for social transformation that would realize the unrealized potentialities for a better life. Marcuse believes that great philosophy and art are the locus of these potentialities and critical norms and he decodes the best products of western culture in this light."
 Performing alchemy on them in order to reach these higher, unrealized potentialities for a better life.

+ 23 - 1

@@ -524,4 +524,26 @@ This central concept is used by ideologues to weaponize language: "You like Demo
 - When all become aware that they manufacture the absolute, it becomes realized
 ### Contemporary Comparison
+- Robin d'Angelo: "You have to try to be less white"
+- No positive white identity
+- Purify so that a racially-liberated world might bloom
+### Marcuse Finale
+(Many examples of alchemically "realizing potentialities")
+*Introduction to One-Dimensional Man*
+- Hegel/Marx Dialectic philosophy to promote Critical Thinking
+- Abstract thought from what is to yield general concepts
+- Uncritical thinking takes current thought/culture at face value
+- Seek alternate perspective as standpoint for critique
+- Negative thinking: negate existing forms of thought from higher thinking
+- Negate existence/fact/appearance, favour essence/potentiality
+- Grasp potentiality and negate inhibiting conditions; reconstruct needs for self-determination and break from existing world
+- Conceive potential for happiness/freedom and negate state of affairs which restrict them
+## Men of Action
+- Divine expressed in nature (Seeds everywhere)
+- Imperfect world bearing contradictions.
+- Pursue gnosticism and dialectically apply vernunft to synthesize more perfect representation of the divine
+- Men of action demarcate the leaps of history
+- Used by history in its purpose to progress towards the absolute
+- "Sometimes it takes good roads and sometimes it takes bad roads"