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+let the words flow
+let the words come and go
+let's see how many letters we can type in one session
+how many words can be arranged in succession
+how many phrases can be persuasive
+how many lingering thoughts are left after dissemination
+after defecation
+after the output of the magistrate out into the nation
+phrases of persuasian from hermits avoiding conflagration
+it's difficult to always direct your intent towards something
+but that's what we do
+we focus on things
+we take aim and think w're aiming at something, at least
+we believe we are focused, because we had, at some point, chosen to focus
+but as soon as you focus, or have focused, are you still focused?
+how long does it take before you are unfocused?
+do you know how to chnage your focus from unfocus to foucs or from focus to unfocus
+that might be easy
+but when you lose your focus
+are you choosing unfocus
+or other focus
+or are you just letting go?
+and if you ever completely let go
+might you simply just have a focus borne of not having to try and focus?
+is that what some of us yearn for?
+to just have the focus be automatic, so we can operate at a higher level?
+is that a human emotion or need?
+is that transcendance?
+what is it specifically that would make one do this, especially if there's a case to be made that it's not the most fruitful way to be
+well, I suppose that depends on how you are evaluating
+but if we are to focus on this world
+and not believe that there could be some sort of preparation for another world
+or a higher level of the same world we currently inhabity
+but if we just inhabit this one and try to think how we could be arranging and coposing ourselves
+training ourselves
+refining our skill
+all with the intent, at least as inferred by the manner in which we live and act and do things
+but with the intent of being able to do everything automatically
+or at least intuitively
+so that we needn't be so explicit in our direction
+allowing ourselves to second guess ourselves
+to get in our own way
+it's only when you let go completely that you aren't in your way
+sometimes you let go in order to commit
+and sometimes you let go t just let go and see where the chips fall
+is that a paradox? is that something to ber esolved?
+or are they different enough such that we don't think of them as a conflict
+there is a need or drive to let go
+and we can't always let go because we are busy trying to understand what needs to bef ocused on and what does not
+so when do we let go? when we sleep? when we dream?
+and is letting go a form of focus?
+it would seem that we are always struggling towards something, it ight just be the breathe, or it might be something less concrete and realizable or identifiable
+but we struggle to go towards something, with our incessant behaviour
+our neediness and our cultivation of bad habits
+our proclaiming of the things that we need to be doing
+and then the celebration of not doing them
+is this part of the movement towards our goal?
+or is it simply a learned unproductive habit?
+what is the ideal way to move towards a goal?
+with intuitive such that we can direct our focus to make the travel that much better
+that much more inspiring
+that much more strongly expressed
+that much more carefully demonstrated
+what is the manner in which we best move towards a goal
+by carefully lining up every segment to be devoured?
+or to just dive into the deep
+and let go and have a ealthy mindset and positive attitude
+an understanding that even if what seems like the words could happen