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+# Interferon Concerns
+June 12, 2022
+Interferon respones were said to be quite different between acute SARS-CoV-2 infection (pronounced) and SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. What is striking about this is that interferon Alpha and type 1 interferon as a whole is associate with such a wide variety of innate immune behaviour that it would beg the question of what could possibly be considered broad, comprehsnive and robust if it lacked a type 1 interferon component. It is not evidence of the response in and of itself, but evidence of the many associated factors having been initiated.
+# Having to Do
+There were many friends and associates whom I never expected tobe telling that I could no longer have mor eto do wit, but such is the case se we begin to take our time more seriously. I dno' tbelieve that they were so interested in listening to my ideas as they were interested in observing that they would maintain good standing and feigned agreement with someone whom they believe holds very different opinions and views from them. But do we really?
+In my humble opinion, the answer is no. We don't ultimtaely hold different feelings on these matters, it is that the same matter suddenly needs to be treated differently -> being represented by completely different symbols and invoking different chains of propisitions and environments - chains of evaluative mechanisms - not even the same mechanisms, parameters or operations.
+## Examples
+Children are perhaps the biggest. Preceding teh current apperance of the child issue is the propensity of some to allow their child's health and well-being to be sacrified for their material success. And how do we know it is for material success? Well it is in exchange for something. IT is certainly not the path to spiritual sucecss. There might be some hope that, for example, in highlighting the medical issues of a child that they might be cured by focsing on the material aspects of a problem it might eb more likely to be resolved, but this is the most charitable interpration, because it assumes zero risk of any detriments incurred by doing so, not the least of which being the tendency of a human to be manipupulate dfor sympathy or a different circumstance through or upon which to be judged.
+And really, we know for the simple fact that human babies do learn to manipulate through their crying and whimpering. So empowering that process, rather than simply allowing it to play out within a range of what is considered reasonable, is problematic.
+# Book Progress - Mind
+June 15, 2022
+Pushing back on many things, but it isultimately the belief in mind to transform through one's expression which is not merely the vocalized or animated expression observed by another, but the instantiated thoughts and conception fo thoughts in mind. We must alwayas give priority to the most fundamental level of environment upon which to cast, strike, place, etch a point of expression. Though we insist that the environment has an ideal form, weknow not whether it may be realized and, furthermore, though the tone struck might not resonate to the extent or satisfasction desired, the correct fundamental placement can always be sought for it is chosen in mind, and to choose correctly in the face of burden develops important skill.
+Mind is the ultimtae apparatus, function and instantiated implementation through which limits are surpassed and the unrealized is discovered and acknowledged. It occurs when free movement of focus can take place or is imposd to tak place, even in the presence of force nad constraint. The modern state religions claim to present the means by which to do all that mind does already, while suggesting that mind, in fact, is not able to do those things and that it conversely amplifies and cements the aspects of the system which is responsible for negating such capabilities.
+So, then, how do they purport to do what they assume mind cannot? By asking you to question what you believe to be true. But only about those things which the Theory concerns itself with.
+# Who is the Groomer?
+June 18, 2022
+They ask if those concerned with PRide movements show the same concern for catholic priests and churches as whole.
+Their perspective comes from the assumption that traditions are forms of ideology which impose belief systems, such as Catholicism, through grooming which allows those with power to take advantage of others, like children. They have two forms of proof:
+1. Cases of priests assaulting and performing sex acts on children
+2. Assumption that normality causes Queer peopel to hurt themselves.
+That is the analog to grooming chilren into a belief that there is emancipation and virtue to be sought by identifying oneself as Queer, though they might say that Queer is less or even not sexual, as opposed to heterosexual or proto-heterosexual. This is because hetero means has, or having, or aspiring to have sex between male and female, whereas Queer can remain undefined, ro can claim non-sexual/asexual status or a political motivation for opting out of any process that has to do with sex or normative human practices, such as reproduction (which is normal because we still exist). But here is the rub:
+- All Queerness originates from the idea that sex be made politicized in order to push back against and eliminate oppression which occurs along a dimension of or in respones to that which is sex and sexual - oppress sex workers and sodomites, etc.
+- An asexual, abstaining or pure platonic status is defined as per sex, its absence, but this need to specific that one should never wihs to have sex is absurd - either they feel no attraction to anyone, have a fear of confronting sex, or have chosen the designation arbitrarily
+- Queerness pushes the idea of levels and rules, and always remains fluid, so making definitive claims is oppressive on its own.
+So, no matter where the focus of conflict goes, Queerness contends that whatever evokes an expectation of normality or normalcy is harmful and that, since heterosexuality is considered normalcy, and is defined by sexual behaviour, anything that reinforces normalcy is reinforcing expectations about sexual behaviour and that those who raise children without allowing them to become Queer are "grooming" them for a sexual behaviour while also injuring their development and risking catastrophic harm to those kids who would otherwise be empowered to discover a Queer identity which more authentically describes and expresses them
+# Defunding Children
+Of course the area of conflict eventually becomes children. People invest in children because they expect that there is a future to be had, and that the future will be like them (like the children whom they believe will learn or adopt some of your characteristics). For anything which becomes a non-starter for someone past a certain level of development, it becomes feasible for those below that level of development. Children are also that which cannot defend themselves.
+## Is It Really Our Fight?
+Some might say "This concern ma seem legitimate, but focusing on it is negative and might breed further negativity".
+There is truth to this, in that one can never know if things in the world most as per the sentiment one expresses as they exist. The empiricist would say that there are direct cause and effect observations to be made from the manner in which you engage the physical world, and that you cannot make such observations of your feelings/internal state, and that is easier to understand. The next question, then, becomes: "what is negative? Conflict? Is it disagreement? Could there be challenges in this world without conflict? How about progress?
+Is there not always something to resolve? I suppose that might depend on what one believes is an ideal state, and what would need to change before such a state could come into being. In this case, we are looking at all of these phenomena through framing the proposition of existence. Do we want to exist? Presumably yes, as we are here, and we find ourselves looking forward. If that takes place at all, then we know existence can be acceptable and that alone is sufficient to meet the threshold of existing vs not existing. Then, what are the moments that we find acceptable? Are they so because we are experiencing something beyond our nature? It is as of yet inescapable, so we must all acknowledge that our natural existence can be acceptable.
+The Victim would contend that all moments should be beyond acceptable because:
+- For many, they are unable to envision what is truly acceptable
+- They impose unacceptable standards on those who are able to better see reality
+- The threat of perceiving the unacceptable looms and must be evolved beyond
+Were you always powerless to affect teh nature of your existence? Is that not the only interface by which to transform the moment? If there were nothing but one more moment, would you use it to ask why it wouldn't be a better moment, or would yuou attune to that one moment of existence through championing one's curiosity of existence? What is this moment wherein it has come to pass that I am experiencing it?
+## It Always Comes Back To This
+We, indeed, always fight against a drive to control every facet of existence and being - one which asserts that existence on its own is frightening and that certain assurances need to be made and granted until such time that teh proposition of existence be made more acceptable. But, what is there to be said for a proposal to exist in an environment whose chaos engages us such that we and it are transforming in ways unknown, that there is utility in allowing that to take place, and that there are downsides to giving in to the desire to have complete control. That drive can never be satisfied as its requirements will always change.
+# Being Anti-Communist
+Listening to someone claiming to be an anti-Communist caught my attention, even though I had no idea who it was and what sort of background he had, beacuse it seemed to me that if one has such concerns, they might elaborate into:
+- how could it already be present here?
+- how might I already be contributing to the problem?
+- should I realy be prioritizing scrutiny of an external enemy over an internal one?
+As you can see, these concerns are prioritizing a means of examining the likelihood that the ideology might be implemented through subversion of the environment to which one is already most familiar. Why is that? Quite simply, it is the manner in which all previous Communist regimes have come to fruition in the past. That is to say, the populace themselves did not notice the ideology being implemented into their society or, more specifically, their personal lives.
+The most dangerous, insidious and pernicious characteristic of a collectist ideology is that it destroys independent thought. Independent thought is naturally antithetical to a collective as there is an utmost priority to achieve and maintain uniform thought. Uniform thought is the essence of the collectivist system. So, if you find yourself arguing with people within your system as to which external entity is the bigger threat, you must ask yourself how this conflict and discussion is helping or beneficial to those already in your system and how it might be conducive to collectivist thinking.
+# Queering Kids Through Drag
+It is said that this practice is meant to give them exposure to that which they might not see at home, btu that argument applies to anything, including murder and consumption of that which should never be consumed.
+But the general idea is that it makes them more comfortable around "Queer Folk", and gives them an opportunity to have some fun.
+Comfortable around Queer - does this mean Gay? No, it doesn't. It means those who express themselves in a way which falls outside of the norm. To be clear, it's specifically a dialectic of normalcy. But is that non-sexual? Because, first, nothing can ever be established as Queer since it will be less Queer or not Queer at all the moment it becomes normalized. But what do we expect to see at Drag Shows?
+Dressing and presenting as caricatures of the opposite sex, particularly men as women. Caricatures, how? The most flushed cheeks indicating excitement and arousal. Lipstick does this too. Breasts, to attract men and demonstrate reproductive fitness, except it is not, actually, wide hips to accept entry and bear children, as they cannot. Long, smooth legs that want to be observed and caressed. Why? Becaus they invite access to that which is between them.
+Strangely, some figures whom I have admired actually fall for the absurd suggestion that Drag Queens aren't always sexual, or that some might even be asexual. I am not even sure how this idea got started, but he referenced a TV program as being boring, banal and political.
+At the margin, what is an asexual sexually reproducing species? It is almost like a protest against being. Someone finds either the proposition of life completely untenable, or they find the social aspects of society to have been so distasteful and horrid that they are explicitly focused on making this sexual grievance a centerpiece of their identity. Sex, as it was, was a distasteful proposition and they will live in a way which makes existence unfeasible for humanity. Whether that is void of sex is ridiculous as the entire context is based on male/female sexual relations.

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@@ -103,4 +103,65 @@ History, for Marxism, as the object of its theology, is therefore the trajectory
 - Production and outputs are a sacred object producer by sacred work, creating a new kind of man which can be perfected
 ## The Creator
+- Man is incomplete and completable
+- Due to high intellect, he knows he is incomplete
+- Project of history is the project of Man completing man
+- Conscious subjects of history know they are making history by using Dialectical Materialism to transform man:
+  1. Man Creating Society
+  2. Society Creating State
+  3. State Creating New Man
+- Fundamental unit of society:
+  - Conservative: family
+  - Leftist: institution
+- Create history and complete man (Social Man co-continuous with Socialist society)
+- Work brings own vision into the world.
+- See yourself in vision and reflect on the world as one's abject other to refine Theory being put into practice in one's work
+- Humanize the World to Humanize the man.
+- Man, seeing himself in his creation, and seeing that his creation is good, realizes that he is good
+## Good
+"The idea of the Good is when the subject tries to mould the world in the image of itself"
+- To do good is to transform the Object into the Subject
+## Subject/Object Split
+- Kant proposed that we perceive objective world from our trapped perspective with a subjective consciousness, making the world only an interpretation
+- Subjectivist view sees one's consciousness as creating objective world because both still need to be reckoned with
+## World as Abject Other
+- Hegel: World is Abject Other to Absolute
+- Dialectical Process for Subject to realize Object is, in fact, completely continuous with itself
+- Marxism: Man instead of Absolute, Himself/His Species/Nature as his Object are things which are not separate from one another
+- Reflected Praxis changes idea of yourself so you can change the world iteratively
+- Man looks back at creation of history with image of Utopia (no domination/estrangement) as standard
+- Process of Dialectical Materialism wherein work identifies contradictions/material & social conditions and puts these things in in conflict with one another to advance Master-Slave dialectic
+## Religious Work
+- Doing Work changes Material Conditions which change Social Conditions and Oneself
+- Hammer and Sickle - Religious symbol of productive work's capacity to remake world in image of oneself
+- Work creating conditions where man's needs are met
+- Work is only Work when man does work out of his freedom and for his freedom to make his freedom
+- Productive Work is unexploited Socialist Work
+## Freire (Politics of Education)
+- Action is work because of the consciousness the subject has of his own effort
+- Work must produce significant products that are the object of reflection
+- Transform world by work and it conditions your consciousness through inversion of Praxis
+- The quality of work can be assessed in relation to the process of conscientization
+### The Bees
+(Chapter 7 of Das Kapital)
+- Labour (work) a process in which both man and nature participate - He changes the external world and his own nature
+- At the end ... result that already existed in the imagination of the labourer
+## Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts
+### Species
+- "Man is a species being... adopts the species .. as his object ... adopts the species as his object"
+- All nature is man's spiritual, inorganic body:
+  - "That man’s physical and spiritual life is linked to nature means simply that nature is linked to itself, for man is a part of nature"
+  - Nature is man's object as man and his species are his object
+  - In man's consciousness, nature exists in perfected form
+- Division of labour estranges man from himself, nature and the species because the "life of the species" is changed "into a means of individual life"
+- Life of species is supposed to be the Sacred Work, which cannot be done if individual labour is performed for individual needs
+### Consciousness and Estrangement

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@@ -259,6 +259,7 @@ The Marxian view is that man in himself is imagining looking back on the creatio
 The process, again, is Dialectical Materialism where the work is identifying the contradictions, material conditions and social conditions that man finds himself in, putting these things up against one another in continuous conflict (Oppressor vs Oppressed) until Synthesis is achieved using the Master-Slave Dialectic -> the oppressed have the view of the oppressor AND what it's like to be oppressed, thus they have a second-view/second-consciousness that moves the Dialectic and it is achieved through cyclical revolution in the making of history.
+## Religious Work
 Work, The Work (do the work) is the Sacred Charge of the Marxist. The Work is Socialist Work which is to Humanize the world until the world is perfectly Humanized creating only Social Man that lives in Socialist society. Socialist/Spiritually/Laborious productive process which changes the world Materially and thus by changing the material conditions of the world he changes the social relations that define the Material Conditions of the world, hence changing himself.
 The Hammer and Sickle are a Relgious Symbol of productive work in its capacity to remake the world into the image of itself - the Communist Utopia - the tended Garden through the Gnostic Vision of realizing that God is the jailer and then remaking man into a perfected state. So, in Marxism, you must Do The Work. Work Makes Free. Work Creates Freedom. Labour and activity don't create freedom, only work does that by creating the conditions under which man is no longer dependent because his needs are being met through work and the conditions through which he is able to use his work to create spiritual improvement through reflection that leads him to realize, eventually, that he's free because all domination and ideology are dispelled/critiqued into the ground (Praxis). In reciprocration, Work is only Work when man is actually free and doing work out of his freedom and for his freedom in order to make his freedom.

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+# Paulo Freire - Learning to Remake man
+The Politics of Education - broke him out into the North American education scene (magnum opus was Pedagogy of the Oppressed, which hadn't had the same impact by this time). This book got a favourable review in Harvard Educatoon review and had been Championed by Henri Giroux, who was Paulo Freire's chief evangelist. Set the stage so it would be taken up by hundreds of  marxist educators.
+Successful branch of the long march through the institutiosn whereby the Mraxists could infiltrate the key cultural pillars, like education, to lead into everywhere else.
+# Social Workers
+Attempt to send them to re-education criminals instead of police
+Role of Social Worker is to raise a Critical Consciousness in those they intervene with.
+- Trauma informed education
+- Social Emotional Learning - justfiied on the back of Trauma-informed education or care
+- Trauma-Informed Care: Started in 2001 to deal with an issue in medicine/psychiatry where people who were traumatiezd needed special treatments - instead of hitting psychological triggers have a rape or something like that.
+- Mushroomed into something that was not like it used to be: taken up by activists and educator-activists - shift in education into a from in which Trauma-informed care fits perfectly.
+- Logical model of Freire: education is for awakening a consciousness to a just and equitable world - Freierean Model
+- Pop-psychology: basd on scientology - revaluation counseling -> plagiarizezd ersion of scientology written in theterms f pop psychology. Henry Jakins ? Devotee was Herbert Marcuse's 3rd wife - totally into his nonsense (marcuse's)
+- This is the milieu in which all this trauama-informed nonsense cama einto being -> social workers who took up the Freirean charge in this work.
+# Becomes Religious
+- Becomes less about education and becomes more religious
+- Chapter 8 - The Process of Political Literacy
+- Education is the process by which to achieve political literacy (its new purpose, in fact)
+- Demonstrates that the theological/ontological model of Marx is actually being used in this way because that is the accurate interpretation of it (distinct from post-modern and neomarxist)
+- point of education for Freire is a political education - which is to say, a Marxist education
+- Education should teach political literacy
+- Not easy to make sense of the role of this
+- Political Theory -> Marxist theory. Only one vaild way to understand politics because Marx believed he had found th one truly scientific of history. All others suffer from ideology - captured by the dominant modes of thought, created by the bourgeiousie to maintain their power.
+- Marxism arrives from a gnostic consciousness/scientific concsiousness that was "crucial" for understanding how to seize the means of production of society and man in the world around you to go forward to a Utopian vision.
+- Freire's Utopian character of education
+- Wissenschaftlizur Socializmus - everything else is a mytholgoy that the ruling class tells itself to keep itself in power and everyone else down
+- Marxism is the only legitimate poliitical theory so educating in political literacy is really only educating in Marxism
+- Ideologies are mythologies that the Bourgeiosie write for themselves, tell themselves, convince those of the underclass of etc. Just stories to justify dominance
+- Justify dominance OF THE SYSTEM in which they happened to be dominant -> this removes agency
+# Scientific Study
+- Real material conditions that Marx alone had discovered
+- Politics is "downstream" from economics and society/man/everything is downstrea mfrom economics and material conditions
+# Hegel
+- Marx appropriated Hegel with 2-tiered lizenschaft
+- Hegel: verstand (science) underneath vernunft (higher level reason)
+- Hegel created the idea that we have to understand the world but we have to be able to contextualize those facts and see, in a sense, the wholistic picture and pieces within context of the whole
+- Vernunft: Hegel's speculatize Idealism
+- Hegel's Dichotomy is what Marx used to create WissenschaftLicher Socializmus - scientific socialism
+- We still have to study the world, but the study has to conform to mrxist theory which is the true reaso - everything else is contaminated by ideology and vested interests
+- people don't know what they are participating in because what they defend is a mythological representation fo whot hings work which they call the "system", but that system happens to benefit them
+- Scientific Socialism wherein you assert Dialectical Materialism to change the material cnditions in a dialectical process
+- The one true understanding of Society - all other political theories defend a system
+# Che
+- The true avatar of what is left wing. Everything else is Right wing
+- You must continue to be a revolutionary
+- Right wing is everything bureaucratic, sclerotic, necrophiliac
+- Constant, perpetual revolution (you can't know the end)
+- If you know the end that you have in mind, then you become right wing
+# Dialectical Evolution
+- Hegelian thought - dialectical faith of leftism
+- Hegel's idealism wasn't good enough for Marx, who transformed it into Dialectical Leftism
+- Hegel had right/left branches (his followers)
+- Hegel created Scientific Gnosticism: Gnostic cults (serpent in the Garden of Eden, whispering in language assumed to be Science), but Vernunft is the gnostic high-level understanding
+- Marx takes the dialectic and turns it from idealist to materialism - Rejects speculative idealism -> politics no longer running downstream from ideal, but from Material Conditions
+- Freire takes this and says "no, they run downstream from Cultural conditions"
+- Only scientific of politics follows from this dialectical interpretion: Marxist dialectical materialism is the only true scientific study, and educating for Political Literacy (educate for Marxism)
+- Marxified version of education to push Marxist theory
+# Culturally-Relevant Education
+- We are now using Identity-based cultural theory of education to push Culturally-based Identify Marxist Theory. Race Marxist theory of education pushing CRT. Same exact model - borderline plagiarism (Freirean object put into a Race box).
+- The real point of social & education: Awaken the Marxist
+- Generative Words/Concepti ppdd

+ 0 - 0
new/Protest.md → collectivist_theology/Protest.md

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new/Trans_critiques_religious_covidism_amongst_right.md → collectivist_theology/Trans_critiques_religious_covidism_amongst_right.md

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new/hegel.md → collectivist_theology/hegel.md

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+ 4 - 4
new/sustainability notes - Marcuse.md → collectivist_theology/sustainability notes - Marcuse.md

@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ The new sensibility. The society we live in (advanced capitalist society) forces
 In 1964 he published One Dimensional Man. A huge deal because he has this idea that the consumer society, by the same process, flattens society into a one-dimensional process. Get up, go to work, make money, buy stuff, do it again tomorrow. You don't think outside of this pattern, and everything in society reinforces this pattern to keep you stuck in it. You aren't doing a critical theory of society, and your experience in society (a discontended proletariat revolutionary).
-Repressive Tolerance: we have to rethink tolerance because that which maintains and preserves this society (conservatism/right-wing thought) (maintains this repressive society) - even the most liberal person on the planet who believes (I saw on today an educator saying that our completely Marxist schools are a center right institution) even if you are this very left liberal character, but you believe in the structure of a free liberal democratic society, then you're a Fascist. You want to preserve the status quo of the existing system and only aim for incremental progress, step by step change, so you're evil. You are prat of the right, according to their thought, everyone who wants to maintain the existing system instead of overthrowing it for a new one. The left are people who want to voerthrow it for a new system -> radical revolutionaries. Everyone else is on the right.
+Repressive Tolerance: we have to rethink tolerance because that which maintains and preserves this society (conservatism/right-wing thought) (maintains this repressive society) - even the most liberal person on the planet who believes (I saw on today an educator saying that our completely Marxist schools are a center right institution) even if you are this very left liberal character, but you believe in the structure of a free liberal democratic society, then you're a Fascist. You want to preserve the status quo of the existing system and only aim for incremental progress, step by step change, so you're evil. You are part of the right, according to their thought, everyone who wants to maintain the existing system instead of overthrowing it for a new one. The left are people who want to overthrow it for a new system -> radical revolutionaries. Everyone else is on the right.
-FO rexample, Helen Pluckrose who alwys speaks of how she on the left. She is a rightist, according to this formulation in repressive tolerance and under Marcusian thought. She is a conservative rightist, because she watns to maintain the essential character of our society. We have to rethink tolerance to be tolerant of the left (as understood this way) and be utterly intolerant of the Right.
+For example, Helen Pluckrose who always speaks of how she on the left. She is a rightist, according to this formulation in repressive tolerance and under Marcusian thought. She is a conservative rightist, because she wants to maintain the essential character of our society. We have to rethink tolerance to be tolerant of the left (as understood this way) and be utterly intolerant of the Right.
-Two different rulebooks for our society. That's what this means -> the double standards -> the left is to be given tolerance even when they are violent, because it is justified against a repressive regime - the left is supposed to be outside of the law, because the law is designed to maintain order and maintain the existing system - therefore it' all illeitimate nad you have to be outside of it.
+Two different rulebooks for our society. That's what this means -> the double standards -> the left is to be given tolerance even when they are violent, because it is justified against a repressive regime - the left is supposed to be outside of the law, because the law is designed to maintain order and maintain the existing system - therefore it's all illegitimate and you have to be outside of it.
 Far left by all everyday standards can be rightists through this definition.
 Not only can the right not be tolerated, but they also have to be censored and pre-censored so that the thought can't even enter their head.
-Hitler: if we hadn't extended to him democratic tolerance, then eh couldn't have had the holocaust, we would have avoided Auschwitz and a wworld war had we not extended him this. What's absolutely necessary or ultimtaely necessary is not to prevent Hitler, but to prevent the movement around him, so you need to pre-censor this from happening -> so that the thought of maintaining the society can't even enter their head. Just in case it becomes Fascistic.
+Hitler: if we hadn't extended to him democratic tolerance, then eh couldn't have had the holocaust, we would have avoided Auschwitz and a wworld war had we not extended him this. What's absolutely necessary or ultimately necessary is not to prevent Hitler, but to prevent the movement around him, so you need to pre-censor this from happening -> so that the thought of maintaining the society can't even enter their head. Just in case it becomes Fascistic.
 In 1969 he writes the essay on liberation -> outlines, basically, what the new revolution looks like. Probably the most important essay to understand leftism since the end of the 1960s. Even taking into account woke literature, like Gender Trouble from Judith Butler, or Mapping the Margins from Kimberle Crenshaw.

+ 0 - 0
new/totalitarianism_.md → collectivist_theology/totalitarianism_.md

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corona/1.log → covidism/1.log

+ 1 - 1
new/Activating_Biases.md → covidism/Activating_Biases.md

@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ Implications of this is not necessarily anything good at all.
 4. It normalizes death of citizens
 5. It reinforces obedience by all those who are genuinely afraid of the virus
-It just seems like the narrative needs to be maintained. It will be interesting to see if all other western nations make the same statements to the press.
+It just seems like the narrative needs to be maintained. It will be interesting to see if all other western nations make the same statements to the press.w

+ 0 - 0
new/AllConcernsAccountedFor.md → covidism/AllConcernsAccountedFor.md

+ 0 - 0
new/Alternate_Reality.md → covidism/Alternate_Reality.md

+ 0 - 0
corona/Astrud_notes.md → covidism/Astrud_notes.md

+ 0 - 0
new/Banished_From_Hell.md → covidism/Banished_From_Hell.md

+ 0 - 0
new/Boomer_babptism.md → covidism/Boomer_babptism.md

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corona/Bret and GDB.md → covidism/Bret and GDB.md

+ 0 - 0
new/ButTheyWork.md → covidism/ButTheyWork.md

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