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+ 33 - 0

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+# Activating Biases
+Just as the order of words or the order of operations in an information strea maffect cognitive behaviour and predisposition towards particular biases, so too are the orders of relevant topics and learnings preceding an event or proposition.
+The proposition in question is the jab and the activists, socialists and pronoun people having all had theirs. The only BLMers who haven't are some of the street dwelling grass roots variety of which none of you whiney, middle-class he/hims comprise.
+This will be called coincidence, or a matter of reading my own cognitive biases into the observations, but I don't think so. Clearly, there is a visible element in mainstream whereby black culture is made to appear to perceive the jabs as being something that favours them, and is even something which is withhel dfrom them by white supremacy. Again, this doesn't mean black people are more liekyl to take it, but that pockets who are younger, middleclass and in metropolitan areas who have the means to consume political content are very likely to be more aggressively targeted by a prevailing media narrative.
+But also, activists in general: group participation which makes your survival more viable - what could be more compelling to an activist?
+## Survival to Murderous
+There appears to be some deeply-seeded contempt hidden amongst the veil of acceptance and togetherness. Theirs is a togetherness which, when presented, is a special offering - a gracious offering. They expect, however, that whenever a proposal must be accepted or agreed to by others, that whatever precludes the other frmo accepting is due to selfishness. If they aren't to fulfill a duty that would otherwise be an act or a gesture of togetherness and acceptance, then it was completely a misunderstanding on your part. You raen't to be listened to or reasoned with. You should have no expectation that others should wish to have you in their inner-circle because you don't meet the requirements - you don't support the same ideology, you don't praise the same symbols and values, you don't play our games - you don't blend in - you don't submit to the same delusions - you give us cognitive dissonance - you give people anxiety - you did things in teh past and you haven't repented and admitted your moral failures.
+Whatever the case may be, their club of togetherness is exclusive in that you must prove that you believe in togetherness. The principle itself isn't evident, ebcause we have hijacked the language and erected complex requirements as a consequence. Since you aren't able to meet those requirements, we will apply the genuine definitions of language, but only in use towards expressing your failure. Never to confirm an clarify our use of that same language.
+And then it becomes murderous. I warned you all of the Great Flood and informed you perfectly as to what it is you must do in order to prepare, but you didn't listen. You have never listened, and your continued failure constitutes support for our own faith in our righteousness.
+## Only Bad News Counts
+We could se so perfectly through exchanges of scientific advisors to the government that good projections are left out of their reports. Why? Because neutral or mundane risks don't need to be addressed and resolved through explicit action. We need the power to act.
+## Escalating Language (Winter of death by WH)
+My, what an escalation of language to see first world counties predicting death for its own citizens. It sounds either:
+- Incredulous, because there are so many factors which make predictions of this type unreliable, such as the expectation that ecosystems normalize. One could rationalize by saying "They're just using effective mesaging", and I would say that anyone who thinks this way is probably someone with little to offer, unless they are trying to be funny.
+- They know something, such as coming loss of life and they are hoping to a) genuinely warn people b) cover the deaths of jabbed by creating a narrative c) they wish to maintain a state of fear. This is probably the most plausbile, because they can get away with it
+Implications of this is not necessarily anything good at all.
+1. It doesn't increase uptake (okay, good)
+2. It increases division
+3. It reduces trust
+4. It normalizes death of citizens
+5. It reinforces obedience by all those who are genuinely afraid of the virus
+It just seems like the narrative needs to be maintained. It will be interesting to see if all other western nations make the same statements to the press.

+ 12 - 0

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+# Banished
+Dec 8, 2021
+Still, they continuously find ways to excuse the dehumanization of all people, failing to realize that even if they have not yet been subjected to discomfort, that the treatment and punishment of those they despise is actually a process which is evaluating in their own life.
+Nevertheless, they say nothing to stop their life by being evaluated in this way. Why is that?
+Surely, one would expect that the human mind detects its being revalued, reappraised and that this puts a limit on one' sowrth, thereby declaring a point at which one's life is not considered as valuable - valuable enough to be. Surely, the instincts would kick in and make sure tehre is no limit being placed on their very existence. Is it that they do not do this?
+Perhaps, instead, they excuse the process and, legitimizing it and galvanizing it, provide their consent for it by stating "Why weren't we doing this before? How excellent it is that we can be part of as society which knows the perfect methodology for getting participants to reqlinquish their rights to their very personhood". Perhaps they believe this increases their value more than otherwise.
+But, more seriously, if they are not repelled by this practice with their very being, it might be because they see or suspect that the devaluing of tsome lives actually might increase their relative value as well.

+ 17 - 2

@@ -32,11 +32,26 @@ But then, is that what CRT teaches? The history of othering on the basis of race
 CRT asserts that the phenomenon of othering o the basis of race occurred through the use of language and edification of structures, and taht this occurred so pervasively that it can be found in every aspect of society. Furthermore, it asserts that all of us taht have grown up in this society have been afflicated with racist beleifs, perceptions and habits, and that our very ability to participate and succeed in society is predicated on our maintenance and reinforcement of systemic racism. That we conceive of the world using language nad constructs of a racist society make ti such not only that we are unable to truly know when racism is manifesting, but that we haven't the concepts necessary to imagine what a society would look like without racism, thus we shoul ddedicate ourselves to anti-racism until such conceptions are possible.
 ## Implications
-But does that really satisfy? You are forced to concede that you yourself of being guilty and complicit with anything that is alleged, even if only at the systemic level, because all that is required to qualify it is merely any generally agreed upon historical precedent which leans in the same direction. If a present-day artifact need-be appended, any disparity will do, as surely no perfect distribution can even be fond, nor need there be one, as the Critical Theorist has already claimed that no model or description for an ideal society can even be conceived of and shared.
+But does that really satisfy? You are forced to concede that you yourself of being guilty and complicit with fffffffffanything that is alleged, even if only at the systemic level, because all that is required to qualify it is merely any generally agreed upon historical precedent which leans in the same direction. If a present-day artifact need-be appended, any disparity will do, as surely no perfect distribution can even be fond, nor need there be one, as the Critical Theorist has already claimed that no model or description for an ideal society can even be conceived of and shared.
 And the guilt is not so much yours as you are already of an age where you will never be expected to be a true believer. In fact, you likely already know yourself quite well, and that stands in the way of you being able to become the most reliable foot soldier for the revolution/justice/sustainability/etc...
 So, ten, who si more appropriate for the revolution? Well, that is perfectly simple -> Your Children! Not having yet been fully poisoned with the norms and expectations of the oppressive society, there is still a chance for them. But what are the norms?
 ## The Norms
-If the norm in society is oppression, and the development of society has been one characterized by hierarchies that are oppressive, then cotrolling the subcomponents without those hierarchies is necessary to seek justice.
+If the norm in society is oppression, and the development of society has been one characterized by hierarchies that are oppressive, then controlling the subcomponents without those hierarchies is necessary to seek justice. That is, the normal state of society is oppression and its momentum and systems of discourse are such that the unfair distribution of power creates bias and mechanisms to reinforce the dominance hierarchy, thus it becomes impossible to expect that the mistakes are easy to see, or that the oppressors would allow smaller people to take control over them.
+*Then, how to regain power? Through destabilization*
+We regain power through destabilization of the norms which breaks the patterns of oppression. This means that, for lack of specific evidence or procedure to liberate, the alternative is to dismantle the most obvious structures of society that affect absolutely everyone. Our social structures, and that means family.
+And, so why protect children? Does one protect them from first-order physical harm out of reflect, but then go on to be complacent when others are involved? There can be several factors involved in why intelligent and rational persons go on to sacrifice their children to Moloch
+- Maintains status (in society/social hierarchy)
+- Psychological commitment to belief system
+- Complete lack of competence (falls outside of rationalize/intelligent)
+- Direct coersion
+## Maintaining Status
+- Some might refer to this quite aggressively as protecting one's own privilege, but the motive itself needn't be consequent to those who are high on the socioeconomic hierarchy. Instead it's those who have nothing and who are viewed as hopeless and pathetic by the intelligentsia. At that point, one realizes that it is, indeed, relatively easy to come to believe that one is gaining power in the world by simply relinquishing some of their own. This might be achieved by simply having a new, forceful, autoritative, commanding a a limiting statement which one can repeat. The predicaed logic of the statement becomes obligation on the part of its utterer, so that its use can expand or be repeated
+The state can also provide seemingly complete domains, reports and studies. Thus, to adopt its recommendations instantly binds one to the mastery that might be implied for its related subject and contents. These can be very powerful, motivatoring factors.

+ 8 - 0

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+# Dietary Guidelines
+"How can you be so bold as to say that you reject the mainstream view that has been vetted by experts before being advised by the governing authority?"
+I am so fortunate to have learned early on that you cannot blindly rely on recommendations, be it from experts or authorities. Yes, you should hear them, but you should have shed enough ignorance so as to be able to understand the meaning, why it was conveyed, and within what range of certainty it is likely to be. You should take it a step further and make yourself capable of forming an opinion, and then comparing.
+If we look at how nutrition has been destroyed, is it any wonder? Take a look at the most nutritious and bioavailable foods, which we ate as we evolved and differentiated ourselves from tree-dwellers. These were foods that couldn't possibly be any more perfectly-suited to our consumption, however, we have declared them as the source of our most common fatal diseases. From there, we go back and claim that, in their stead, we are to consume processed foods that are more difficult and less efficient to assimilate, often in forms which would have never existed in nature, and that we are to consider these as being healthier choices. We do this in a society where everyone repeats and agrees that processed food is a bad thing, yet they can become completely unable to identify that the food they're being presented with is exactly that, perhaps even more hideously processed than forms which they more readily recognize as processed. This is all enabled because we've normalized the practice of superficial enumeration in environments and domains which are not just that of the layperson, but of professionals in pertinent fields; this affords many the cognitive means of considering assumptions rigorously validated.
+Perhaps this is the key for getting others to wake up. Everyone eats everyday, and that's always an opportunity to remember that the state and pop culture failed everyone on this most fundamental piece of information: you can eat animal fat.

+ 13 - 0

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+# Everywhere
+If freedom and humanity survive for long enough to reflect on it, it will be discovered and even widely accepted that the Corona Pandemic was one of the biggest instances of malfeasance ever perpetrated on human society.
+In some locales, like Quebec, they declared the emergency on the basis of a cluster of deaths.
+According to All Cause Mortality, Canada did not even show a sufficient increase in deaths to warrant referring to it as a pandemic.
+According to homogeneity and death cycle patterns/variability, we had a pandemic of increasing the proportion fo vulnerable population regardless of what season we were in. It was a culling of the frail, the poor and the obese.
+We have had countless warnings from institutions and figures, such as the head of the WHO, declaring that a new pathogen has been identified, and no one even stops to think if it would ever be possible that they might ever make this statement about a pathogen which was not remarkable, but comparably virulent to pathogens found in any pre-2020 year. More importantly, does anyone think to ask what the effect on our individual minds, collective state and colective consciousness might be?
+How do we think it might affect our perceptions of threat to lower our standard of worrying about the propsect of contamination to one which could always be present?

+ 15 - 0

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+# Fragile Systems
+We are to believe that the legislators and their chosen specialists can understand exactly how to modify complex systems in such a way which leads to a results in which, while suffering no additional complications and yielding no additional potential for catastrophe, we enjoy a net improvement in all our shared set of concerns. We can have faith that it is addressed in the comprehensive and methodological way in which produces the most advantageous outcome.
+But, what is the effect being sought? Effectiveness towards what? It would seem that if complex and unprecedented operations are being sought, that one would expect that the complexity is such that predictibility is low and that improvements will be made as we move along, thus it becomes important to ensure taht we have the flexibility to employ our solutions without too much resistance, and that we are able to effectively learn from the effort, caollect insights, and make adaptations on the fly without suddenly prompting distrust and protest from the public.
+How can that be achieved? Well, certainly we want as much uniformity of application as possible. We want a bias towards valuing it as the correct strategy and accepting that any error is actually part of the solution, and a belief that, even if there are inaccuracies, it is still far more accurate than what the populace could infer by themselves. We can do no wrong because we are doing our best.
+# What Is New
+If everything new draws upon the old, then how could anything ever be truly new?
+Somehow it is addressed that something is old and thoroughly understood because some aspects of its formulation or the understanding of its mechanisms have existed or have been thought about or experimented on for some time, but doesn't say anything at all if such a statement can be said about a first generation product of any kind, particularly if such a product is being used, not only en masse, but to illicit a reaction from a system whose sensitivity and accuracy to react are specifically what we rely on to keep functioning as we get into our old age.
+Yes, we have studied genetics for some time. Yes, companies and schools have researched the use of genetic-delivery techniques in order to get the body to produce protein. Yes, we have spent considerable time trying to develop vaccine for RNA viruses - Coronaviruses in particular. It should be noted that our success in influenza has mostly been in our ability to maintain so many recurring product development lifecycles, but that is mostly due to the nature of the target antigen.

+ 11 - 0

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+# Francois Attempted to Help
+He lured many of us in with his apathetic support of vaxxports, and though he may have intended to get a lot of its supporters to pause and reflect, his words also had a profound effect on those who are already critical of vaxxports.
+That is, why would we assume him to be saying something unreasonable? Surely, he hinted subtly that vaxxports are preposterous through the use of a dry and thoughtless demeanour. I thought for a moment that, surely, even this somewhat centric academic has easily given in to the demands to destroy human freedom because times change, and change has, thus far, lead to incredible technological advances which we all benefit from. That is, things are so great that we can surely lose some of the things we enjoy in exchange for other improvements that would make our losses long forgotten.
+Losing "arbitrary freedoms" which one is hardly aware of and which serve no practical purpose except to distract us from tangible opportunities and responsibilities which are of benefit to all. You might say that it is selfishly choosing to sulk in fear, instead of allowing other people to benefit from society in at least some of the ways that you have.
+But what are one's personal costs for clearly choosing one side or the other? Can it be said that one side makes a harrowing sacrifice, whereas the other suffers a sacrifice while being wholly ignorant to it?
+I know well the position of choosing to represent myself in support over a matter which popularly gets painted as being stupid or evil, and though some will say it offers no real benefit except to pacify my ego, I know that though putting forward any opinion invites scrutiny and loathing, it nevertheless is a standard or universal expectation that everyone has that same ability to make choices for themselves, and to allow for the sharing of knowledge. One can say that dumb opinions are not true knowledge, but there would be no knowledge ever communicated had there not been the sharing of dumb opinions.

+ 64 - 0

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+We are now going to take a deeper dive in hte vaccination topic that was heavily debated nowadays
+I am worried about mass vaccination inevitably driving immune escape - force the virus to escape the immune respon ethat is actuall induced by those vaccines. Of course, I will come to this in a moment. I think the slide of the publication is just illustrating that basically this has already been documented in th eliterature. If you vaccinate animals with a vaccine that prevents disease but doesn't prevent infection, you  force the virus to select mutations that enhance its infectiousness.
+We are no longer dealing with the natural course of a pandemic. Interventions nad mass vaccination on a massive global scale. None of this existed in teh previous pandemics, such as the WW1 pandemic wththe influenza pandemic, where we observed the natural course of a pandemic.
+This is a complex interaction between the virus and the immune system, and if you dnot' understand this phenomenon, if you don't understand the natural course fo a pandemic, then I think you have no right whatsoever to intervene in that course hoping that you will shift this into a kind of course that will be more beneficial for human kind. I will show you that it is exactly the opposite that we are doing now.
+In simple words, the first wave is easy to understand. The virus is new to the opopulation, nobody has antibodies. But, some people, and actually a large part of the population, has a strong innate immunity. I will come back to this and explain why this works. What we have witnessed how, for example, elderly people, people with underlying diseases that are otherwise immune compromised, are more vulnreable to getting the disease. tHis is something that has been very obvious from the beginning of the pandemic. These people get the disease, majority will survive, some will die. But then there is an interesting thing - if you are dealing with a complex thing like a pandemic, and you don't understand all the observations made - and some things are mysterious - you cannot intervene. You cannot afford to leave any stone unturned, because the second wave,f or example, the second wave of that pandemic was hitting the younger population. The second wave was a severe wave, and it was very focused on making young people ill. This was a huge problem in WW1, of course, because more soldiers died of influenza in the trenches than there were dying of wounds or injuries from the war.
+So, how can you explain this? How can you explain that these people, I was just saying because of their strong innate immunity, were protected during the first wave, and then all fo a sudden they get massively hit by disease during the second wave. And then there is a third wave, and then we see that the pandemic is transitioning into what we call an endemic phase where you can have flare-ups, but basically you get a notion that we are all aware of - the ultimate goal also of the vaccination - herd immunity.
+Let me explain how that works. The fact that we have, essentially, the second wave hitting younger people.
+BEfore we get to this, we should first have an understanding of a phenomenon that is not well understood. All the pulications still say that COVID remains mysterious and that we don't have an understanding the pathophysiology. There is a need to understand this better. But, again, how can you proceed with immune interventions if you don't even understand how the virus is interacting with the immune system. Where is the science that allows us to intervene when we don't understand this?
+What is happening is the virus comes in, at the upper respiratory tract, and you have epithelial cells that are susceptible to the virus, and then the virus can neter into this cells by docking on on a receptor. Once the virus gets into the cell, it can start to replicate, it will dstroy the cell, the virus will be released, and when the virus further propagates to the lower respiratory tract, for example, and to the lungs, there you can get more severe disease and we all know that that is the place or the piont in time where you may get cytokine stormes or heavy inflammatory symptoms where people need to be hospitalized.
+But there is another interesting phenomenon - and if there is one thing in the whole covid pandemic and the understanding of the pathogenesis o the disease then it is the situation and the cycle of the virus in people that don't get symptoms. So why are people getting symptoms and others are not?
+Well, it's innate immunity - but how does that work? And how can you basically explain that the vast majority of the population, and not just youngers - even some elderly can be perfectly protected by their innate immunity - and we don't understand exactly how that is working and that is a major shortcoming. The arm of the immune system that has been completely neglected in the whole consideration of how this pandemic spreads amongst the population is the innate immunity. The immune system has two arms - the innate and the acquired immune system. The acquired immune system these are teh specific antibodies that the body will build once we have gotten a disease and you build antigen-specific antibodies - and those will prpotect you. But we have the other arm, which is the innate immune response - this is not antigen or variant specific it is not even corona specific. It can cover a large amoung of different viruses - certainly all corona viruses - all variants of covid. How does that work?
+It works through Natural antibodies. The natural antibodies are already present at birth. Especially children have a strong reservoir of natural antibodies. These natura lantibodies are secreted by certain immune cells that are very-well presented in the young immune system.
+These natural antibodies - what do they do? Well, they can complex with the virus. They can recognize the virus and build a complex with the virus and then this complex is, in fact, internalized intow hwhat we call antigen-presenting cells.
+Antigen-presenting cell is a cell of the immune system that is going to internalize a foreign body - a virus - and is going to digest that virus and then present the pieces of that virus - the epitopes - on its surface of the antigen presenting cell - and that is basically required in order fo rthe immune system to well-recognize the pathogen. The pathogen is cut apart in pieces, presented ion the surface of those cells, and can then be recognize by the immune system.
+But what is very interesting with COVID is that in asymptomatically infected people - people who get infected but who don't develop the disease - these patterns on the surface of the antigen-presenting cell are recognized by NK cells. NK cells are innate immune cells - part of the innate immune system - that have the capability of recognizing molecular patterns that are extremely conserved - phylogenetically conserved patterns on the surface, for example of antigen presenting cells. These natural killer cells do not recognize, in contrast to, for example, the typical antibodies - also generated by vaccines or natural infection - those antibodies recognize a specific part of the virus, like the spike protein. In NK cells, they od not do this. They recognize molecular patterns that are shared among several different variants.
+When you have an antigen-specific antibody - this antibody will recognize a very specific part of the virus. When we have a lot or variants that have another or a differetn contellation of this spike protein - then these antibodies will no longer recognize them or will only partially recognize them.
+With NK cells, they don' tcare. The natural antibodies - the don't care. What they recognize is a molecular pattern on the surface of the pattern that is shared amongst several different variantts of covid, an dis even shared maong all coronaviruses.
+So what happens? NK ccells get activated and at a very early sate og infection these patterns are expressed on the epithelial cells that are susceptible.
+The virus infects the cell, as I was saying, enters into the cell, and immediatel yat an early stage of infection these patterns are presented and the NK cells have been mobilized and sensitized to recognize those patterns and they immediately kill the infected epithelial cell. This is the reason why asymptomatically people will be infected ,may spread the virus for maybe a week - definitely the concentration of the virus shed is certainyl not as high as in people who do get the disease and it is certainyl short lived. The virus gets eliminated after a few days. The infection gets completely abrogated. The virus gets kicked out and the asymptomatically infected person is completely free of virus. That is a different situation, of course, hten when you don't have these antibodies, or when these antibodies are only present in low quantities or in people who are not in good health. That is documented in the scientific literature.
+It is proven that people who are not in good health have poor natural antibody prdouction and so they cannot drive the virus into this killing pathway. The virus is going in a direction that will cause severe disease, which is the most interesting situation for the virus. In asymptmatica the virus is shed for a short time in a local situation. But if you are symptomatic then you shed in high concentrations and for a long duration.
+The only thing that is a little bit complicated, but so important to understand, what happens is that when people who are asymptomatically infected clear the virus, what we see is that all of a sudden a surge in antibodies. A surge in antibodies that is not extremely high the antibody levels rae not as high as in people who get sympatomatically infected and the surge is also short lived.
+So what does that mean?? It means that after the infectiong ets cleared, people develop antiboides, but in 6 to 8 weeks these antibodies are no longer detectable.
+Well taht is an interesting observation, but how does that go? What is the purpose of this? BEcause these antibodies dont' play any role in eliminating the virus.
+The NK cells take care of this, and on top, these antibodies come at the point in tiem when the virus has already been elkinated. So it can't be thaot these antibodies are responsible for eliminating the virus.
+Again, if you think that during thousands or millions of years of evolution, and coronaviruses being established in all sorts of mammalian populations - this is a phenomenon that must make sense. If it wouldn't have any significance, then evolution would not conserve it.
+This is the poitn where I am saying, if you study this and you don't undestand what this means, then stop it. Or, do your homework and try to find out what is going on here. One thing is certain - this phenomenon got conserved through the co-evolution of the pathogen. Find out what the meaning is thereof.
+What is the meaning? You have to realize that antibodies that are specific - for the spike prtoein fo r example - they have always a higher affinity for the spike protein then the natural antibodies. The natural antibodies, they recognize the virus as one antity - the antigen specific antibodies specifically recognize spike protein, so they have higher affinity for the spike protein.
+So when it comes to binding to the spike protein, of course the specific antibodies will always have a higher affinity then the natura lantibodies.
+Specific antibodies induced by vaccnation or infection - these are going to bind very strongly to the original virus. The original viral strain? The kind of strain that was initially responsiblef or the pandemic at the beginning. If now you have a variant - changes in the spike protein - doesn't look any longer exactly as the spike protein on the original virus - because these antibodies are very specific - they can no longer recognize the variants as well as they recognize the original virus. But, nevertheless, they still have a relatively high affinity for this virus because they are still directed to the S protein. And, even though they have lowe raffinity to the variants, they will still be able to out-compete the natural antibodies for binding to the very same virus.
+So, what is important to notice here is that the natura lantibodies, and this is key, they have a broad binding capacity. They can bind as well without any difference to the original virus, as to the variants. They recognize aptterns on the surface of the virus. Those molecular patterns are conserved. BUt their binding strenght is always lower for the spike protein than antibodies that are specifically directed against the spike protein, no matter whether they are directed against the original or the variants.
+What does that mean? Well the spike protein is so important - it is responsible for the interaction with the receptor. THe spike protein is responsibel for the infectiousness of the virus.
+So variants have a higher binding strength tot he receptor than the original virus, hence why these variants have higher infectiousness.
+So what counts, interms of antibodies is always the binding strength fo the spike protein, because that matters in therms of infectivity.

+ 128 - 11

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ negative thinking and do activism on behlaf of it. ngeative thinking becomes pos
 Perfected society - we have the seeds of it and wej ust have to peel away the problems and the other society emerges
-Communims doesn't know how -> alchemical
+Communism doesn't know how -> alchemical
 We see that to understand both leftism and also Hegel's relevance to that, we have to grapple with the dialectic. This
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ Hegel had a metaphysics underneath what he was doing, and that metaphysics, even
 Marx had this as well, but his was a scientistic materialism which he called Dialectic Materialism. WissgenshaftlichtureSocialismus.
-With Hegel, the dialectic is standing on its head and has to be stand, and must be turned right-side up again if you are to discover the rational kernel within the shell. Essence of Hegel's speculative idealism is a mystical shell - hermetic alchemical metaphysic based in mysticism and gnosticism. Knowing the secrets of reality/God. Rejected by Marx in favour of materialism, but since they don't know how and retained the Hegelian Drive, they didn't get away from it. Still trying to drive the progress of history.
+With Hegel, the dialectic is standing on its head, and must be turned right-side up again if you are to discover the rational kernel within the shell. Essence of Hegel's speculative idealism is a mystical shell - hermetic alchemical metaphysic based in mysticism and gnosticism. Knowing the secrets of reality/God. Rejected by Marx in favour of materialism, but since they don't know how and retained the Hegelian Drive, they didn't get away from it. Still trying to drive the progress of history.
 Supreme Court rejected the claim that Communism or Marxism constitutes a religion, because it's materialist and doesn't have a God.
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ Being, Nothing and Becoming. The Absolute becomes Absolute only by his realizati
 God: imminent in the world (panentheist view). God is not transcendent to the world, for Hegel. Hegel's view is that these three things (idea, nature/state, geist) are so-called moments of the concept. Moments are things that can't be reduced
-`If I have a puzzle I can take it apart into pieces. But if I have a colour, I can't take the brightness or the hue and separate it from the colour without losing the colour. I can't take those things apart and still have the colour. I can't take a colour apart, but if has these different components.
+If I have a puzzle I can take it apart into pieces. But if I have a colour, I can't take the brightness or the hue and separate it from the colour without losing the colour. I can't take those things apart and still have the colour. I can't take a colour apart, but if has these different components.
 A moment is something which has components that can't be taken apart. These things are moments of the concept (the concept is a key thing at the centre of his metaphysic) - and he compares this to the alchemical elements of mercury, sulphur and salt, and he does this while outlining a systematic philosophy that uses the dialectic to negate each of these moments and allow for it to give rise to the next, so that the spirit as absolute might actually bloom.
@@ -632,21 +632,138 @@ Ideas give rise to a State, father begets son, this creates conditions for a spi
 For Hegel this deity is absolute spirit, or the absolute or the absolute idea. It is the ultimate synthesis of all the subjective and objective spirit through the dialectical process. It's the synthesis of the theoretical and the practical. It is what happens when the abstract God meets his negation in worldly squaller and is synthesized into something that is becoming the absolute. Being, Nothing and Becoming.
-So, while the absolute is always the absolute in the Hegelian metaphysic, the deal is that the absolute doesn't know that it's absolute until its ideas are perfected. God isn't God until God
+So, while the absolute is always the absolute in the Hegelian metaphysic, the deal is that the absolute doesn't know that it's absolute until its ideas are perfected. God isn't God if he's just an idea or transcended. God has to be in the world and also transcended - and that has to be synthesized. That's what the absolute is. It has to be a God that is out of the world and in the world and also aware of itself as such. That synthesis has to arrive, and the name for that synthesis is the absolute. When that occurs, the ideas of the society (the state and the spirit which flows from the people) are all going to be perfected.
+###### Perfected Synthesis
+- Marx: Communist State
+- Marcuse: Liberation
+- Black Liberation
+- Racial Justice
+- Racial Liberation
+God doesn't become God until God realizes that he's God, which occurs only after God makes creation as a dialectical other to himself to compare himself against and the process unfolds itself all the way until the perennial philosophy is remembered as a result.
+###### Christians
+- God Is
+- I am the I am. I am the alpha the omega. I am the thing that is before, beginning and after the end. Eternal perfect. God creates the worl dbecause it is his will as the creator to do so.
-They need a revolutionary idea, that is a body of idea
+###### Hegelian metaphysics
+- Having the world and reflecting himself against the world, and refining the ideas of the world
+- Absolute becomes truly absolute only when it is both abstract and concrete
+- The absolute actualizes and realizes itself
+- The absolute is the last idea to be perfected; the God realizing itself is the last idea to be perfected
+- The ideas become perfect and the state becomes perfect. The spirit and culture become perfect.
+- History reaches its end and Utopia begins: Historicist arc
+- All the imperfections are resolved
+God creating the world as some other to itself as an abstract idea. The abstract God creates a negation the negative (other => the world) by which he will be able to know himself. That is, through hermetic theosophy (God requires the world to realize he is God). This is the heart of the Hegelian thought. The deity represents a perfect being that doesn't know he is perfect. He creates his imperfect world (Prisca Theologia would understand this God) as an antithesis to his own perfection. Through the process of dialectical synthesis, carried out by philosophers, politicians, men of action, who are summonned by history for the purpose of driving the telos of history, he will eventually be made to be aware of himself as absolute. The philosophers etc drive this because they are the ones who work with the ideas and exist within the spirit, geist, culture, national or world level (National Geist, World Geist). This is ultimately alchemy. God requires creation to be God. He learns that he is God through his creation. Rejection of the Christian metaphysic where God is and is transcendent. He didn't need creation, he created it because it was his will.
-"As long as social justice remains elusive for african american women, it is likely to evade US society overall" - Just asserted based on whatever.
-"Therefore, the need for Black Women's activism most likely will persist, but while the dialectical relationship linking oppression and activism remains (Praxis), the changing organization of intersecting oppressions, as well as the contours of activism required for resistance, demand a dynamic black women's activism and an equally vigorous US BLack feminism" - Theory and practice both have to be put in play.
+Hegel the alchemist applies his alchemical thoughts to metaphysics and what arises is his view of phenomenology and the dialectic which drives which drives this. This is why what we're dealing with with the woke, the neo-marxists, with the marxists, with the young hegelians, is a 200 year long religion manifesting in different ways is the Hegelian metaphysic applied to create the perfected society by a bunch of megalomaniacs who think they understand what society is like.
-Lines are very straight from Hegel to Marx to this.
+Marx and Neo-Narxists are not as up on the mysticism in a specific sense, and seem to get rid of the mystical shell to get to the kernel (as Marx had said), none of the dialectical engine ever goes away. The alchemical belief is still present. But he still has his triad: ideology, super structure, society.
+Ideas, State and Spirit. Echoes persisting all the way down. In CRT it's white supremacy Ideology, systemic racism superstructure of society which thus creates an inequitable society and an imperfect spirit. A critical race consciousness, like Marx's class consciousness, is to be awakened by the Critical Race Theorist. This will lead people to challenge this existing status quo through a dialectical processs, as we heard from black feminists and CRTheorists already - that will result in a revolution at the level of culture (Cultural Revolution) that eventually brings equity and racial justice. It will refine the ideology out of White Supremacy, and the ideology will therefore give rise to a not-systematically-racist superstructure, and we'll enter into a post-racial utopia (goal of CRT). No clear objective to get there, but these are all the same idea whether Hegel, Marx, Marcuse, etc... All Alchemical and metaphysical and it's clear that it's stayed alchemical. Marx believed that the awakening of class consciousness would move the proletariat to advance history to its communistic end. Liberal capitalism would therefore give way to statist socialism and eventually resolve in, as Marcuse had it many years later, society that presently exists nowhere on earth (something that isn't derived from that which is, in that case, perfected communism).
-"Thus far, this volume has synthesized 2 main approaches to power. One is the dialectical relationship linking oppressiona nd activism where groups with greater power oppress those with lesssser amounts. Rather than seeing social change as preordinated and outside the realm of human action, the notion fo ad ialectical relationship suggests that change results from agency. Because African-american women remain at the bottom of the hierarchy from one generation to the next, US BLack women have a vested interest in opposing oppression. Not an issue for most women, it is a lived relality."
+In other words, communism is the endpoint here. No surprise that the Neo-Marxists adopted this alchemical form as well.
-Dialectical analyses of power point out that when it comes to social injustice, powers have competing interests that often generate conflict."
+##### Horkheimer and Adorno
+The dialectic of enlightenment - Dialectical Thinking
+"In which each thing is what it is only by becoming what it is not". Another example of this alchemical thinking appears in Marcuse's repressive tolerance.
+- Tolerance is only truly tolerance by becoming intolerant.
+- Freedom is only truly free if you limit freedom for certain people.
+- Democracy is only truly democratic when the people with the wrong ideas are disenfranchised
+- Critical thinking is only truly critical thinking when it adopts a critical consciousness
+- A space is only desegregated when it is segerated, so it can get away from the structurally determined force of racism
+- A space can only be deracialized by intentionally racializing it (There's a fundamental difference between saying I am Black and I am a person who happens to be Black. We have to racialize specifically to fight against the imposition of race that's already present.)
+- Each thing is what it is only by becoming what it is not
+Theodore Adorno criticized this exact idea, 20 years later in 1966. He wants to recover the dialectic in a new way which merely negates what is, and thus opens possibilities for new ideas to bloom from the particulars, with nothing in the way. No synthetic structure and maybe then the perennial philosophy can emerge.
+Foucault: Through criticism we can expose all the absurdities and thus expand the potentialities of being.
+##### Marcuse in Metaphysical lense
+Marcuse: Beyond these limits, there is also the space both physical and mental for building a realm of freedom, which is not that of the present. Liberation, also from the liberties of the exploitative order, a liberation which must proceed the construction of a free society - one which necessitates a historical break with the past and the present.
+The alchemy is different, but worded differently and much less mystically.
+The alchemist must purify himself appropriately or the alchemical magic won't work. A key hermetic belief.
+Marcuse: "What is now at stake are the needs themselves. At this stage the qestion is no longer how can the individual satisfy his kpown needs without hurting others, but rather how can he satisfy his needs without hurting himself. Without reproducing through his aspirations and satisfactions his dependence on an exploitative apparatus which, in satisfying his needs, perpetuates his servitude. The advent of a free society would be characterized by the fact that the growth of wellbeing turns into an essentially new quality of life. This qualitative change must occur in the needs - in the infrastructure of man, itself a different dimension of the infrastructure of society. The new direction, the new institutions in relatio must express the ascent of needs and satisfactions very different, and even antagonistic to those prevalent in the exploitative societies. Such a change would constitute the extinctual basis for freedom - which the long history of class society has blocked. Freedom would become the environment of an organism which is no longer capable of adapting to the competitive performances required for wellbeing under domination. No longer capable of tolerating the aggressiveness, brutality and ugliness of the established way of life, the rebelien would then have taken root in the very nature - the biology of the individual - and on these grounds, the rebels would redefine the objectives and the strategy of the political struggle in which, alone, the concrete goals of liberation can be determined."
+Claims in a footnote that he's not talking about the normal conception of biology, but rather making people in tolerant to the idea of intolerance and oppression. Look at what we're doing to our children with their hypersensitivity to microaggressions.
+"Political radicalism thus employs moral radicalism. The emergence of a morality, which might precondition man for freedom. This radicalism activates the elementary organic foundation of morality in the human being. Prior to all ethical behaviour in accordance with specific social standards, prior to all ideological standards morality is a disposition of the organism, perhaps rooted in the erotic drive to counter aggressiveness - to create and preserve ever-greater unities of life. We would then have, this side of all values, an instinctual foundation for oslidary among human beings. A solidarity which has been effectively repressed in line with th requirements of class society but which now appears as a precondition for liberty. To the degree to which this foundation is itself historical in the malleability of human nature reaches into the depth of man's instinctual structure, changes in morality may sink down into the biological dimension and modify organic behaviour. Once a specific morality is firmly established as a norm of social behaviour, it is not only interjected, it operates as a norm of organic behaviour. The organism receives and reaacts to certain stimulii and ignores and repels others in accord with the interjected morality, which is thus promoting or impeding the function of the organism as a living cell in the respective society. In this way,a society constantly recreates, this side of consciousness and ideology, patterns of behaviour and aspiration, as part of the nature of is people, and unless the revolt reaches into this second nature, into these ingrown patterns, social change will remain incomplete and even self-defeating."
+Scary project, but let's finalize with the Essay on Liberation:
+"In the advance capitalist countries, the radicalization of the working classes is counteracted by a socially-engineered arrest of consciousness. And by the development and satisfaction of needs which perpetuate the servitude of the exploited, a vested interest in the existing system is thus fostered in the instinctual structure of the exploited and the rupture with the continuum of repression is a necessary pre-condition of liberation, and it does not occur. It follows that the radical change which is to transform the exsting society into a free society must reach into a dimension of the human existence hardly considered in marxian theory - the biological dimension - in which the vital imperative and satisfactions of man assert themselves. In as much as these needs and satisfaction reproduce a life in servitude, liberation presupposes change in this biological dimension. That is to say, different instinctual needs, different reactions of the body, as well as of the mind."
+##### Marcusian Alchemy
+Purify oneself sufficiently and engage in the dialectic by adopting the critical consciousness. What will happen is a liberated utopia will emerge on the other side of everyone doing this. By blooming out of the ashes of the existing society once all of its limitations and oppressions are burned away by aufheben der kulture. This is alchemy driven by the dialectic in order to achieve the utopia. A golden society, a golden age sprouted from an oppressive leaden age. It requires, at the biological level, just like the Soviets requested a new Soviet-man - the purification of the self in order for it to wkr. The adoption of a pure consciousness - whether it's critical consciousness, class consciousness, racial consciousness, climate consciousness. So, in essence, this is the Hegelian idea that people cannot be free so long as they are other to the absolute. In the instance that they generally become aware of their role in manufacturing the absolute, and how the absolute understands itself, the absolute will realize itself, history will end, and liberation or communism or true freedom will emerge in this perfected society which comes out at the end of history. Hegel's historicism, upon which all these stupid ideas are based. It's a religion.
+##### Juxtapose to Contemporary
+We can put this all much more simply, the purification etc, by talking about a contemporay voice. Robin d'Angelo puts it from her narrower perch in critical whiteness studies, White Fragility: "You have to try to be less white". That's the solution. Coca Cola attempted this as a diversity imperative, and it resulted in massive blowback. But for d'Angelo, this is the same as Marcuse. If we were to just purify ourselves of the white supremacist superstructure, a racially-liberated world might bloom. To do that, we have to apply the dialectic, but we can only do that if we've adopted Racial Humility, Racial Stamina, Critical Race Consciousness, awareness of our whiteness.
+"We have to recognize that there is no such thing as a positive white identity."
+##### Summary
+In the process of creating The Other (World - God, present in everything, existing in fragmented form trapped within all the imperfections of the world), the alchemical process will treat the fragments by spiritually pure alchemists who are in parallel with critically conscious philosophers (Gnostic), and they will free the seed of Gold and change base metal into Gold, or a society into a perfected absolute. The end of history will arrive. Trinity spiral.
+##### Marcuse once more
+Introduction to the 2nd edition of One-Dimensional Man:
+"Marcuse thought the dialectical philosophy could promote critical thinking. One-dimensional man is Marcuse's most sustained attempt to present and develop the categories of the dialectic philosophy developed by Hegel and Marx. For Marcuse, dialectical thinking involved the ability to abstract one's perceptions and thought from existing forms in order to form more general concepts. Uncritical thinking derives its beliefs, norms and values from existing thought and social practices, while critical thought seeks alternative modes of thought and behaviour from which it creates a standpoint of critique. Such a critical standpoint erquires developing what Marcuse calls negative thinking, which negates existing forms of thought and reality from the perspective of higher possibilities (spiritually-pure alchemy). This practice presupposes the ability to make a distinction between existence and essence, fact and potentiality, and appearance and reality. Mere existence would be negated in favour of realizing higher potentialities while norms discovered by reaso would be used to criticize and overcome lower forms of thought in social organization. Thus, grasping potentialities for freedom and happiness would make possible the negation of conditions that inhibited individuals full developmetn and realization. In other words, perceiving the possibility of self-determination in constructing one's own needs and values could enable individuals to break with the existing world of thought and behaviour. Philosophy was, thus, to supply the norms for social criticism and the ideal of liberation which would guide social change and individual self-transformation."
+"Critical and dialectical thinking, by contrast, postulates norms of criticism based on rational potentials for huamn happiness and freedom, which are used to negate existing states of affairs that oppress individuals and restrict human freedoms and well-being. Dialectical thought thus posits the existence of other realms of ideas, imgaes and imagination that serve as a potential guide for social transformation that would realize the unrealized potentialities for a better life. Marcuse believs that great philosophy and art are the locus of these potentialities and critical norms and he decodes the best products of western culture in this light."
+Performing alchemy on them in order to reach these higher, unrealized potentialities for a better life.
+#### Men of Action
+So, for Hegel, where this all comes from, the divine expresses itself in nature, so the seeds of the divine exist in everything (the pefected ideas). Yet everything is imperfect and must contain its own contradictions. The philosopher, when sufficiently gnostic, will then be able to apply reason (vernunft) via the dialectic to expose the conradictions and, in synthesis, get the seeds of the divine to blossom into the world. This gives rise to more perfected ideas and the process repeats itself, with history acting as the alembic, the dialectic acting as the fire, and aufheben acting as the reducing process.
+Occasionally, for Hegel, great men of action (Napolean) are brought to the fore by history to move this process along in lurches. Warlords killing people (Napolean, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Che Guevara, Pol Pot, Alexander, Ghenghis Khan) and they are used by history to move the process of history along because history has a purpose to it which is to ultimately realize the absolute. Sometimes it takes good roads and sometimes it takes bad roads.
+Philosophers primarily, for Hegel, are meant to move this along in particular. The tool is "reason" which, when perfected, is the absolute.
+Everyday folks who live within the geist are also helping to move it along, because they help to expose the contradictions of the state of affairs, which the philosophers will identify and resolve through proper application of dialectical synthesis. Revolving door between activists and scholars.
+The faster in the Hegelian thought process, the more the existing society is torn down, the faster the absolute will be able to realize itself through engagement with its other, and thus the faster that everything is perfected and turned to Utopia. Being that Hegel is a speculative philosopher, who uncovers in the mirror to remember and recollect the absolute idea (mysticism), he aims to come to the perennial philosophy. The one true philosophy that all theologies, philosophies, religions etc are all revealing a part of, but are not properly doing because they're not all convergent into one idea. The alchemical process takes the fragments and reduce it in the alembic of speculative philosophy down to its essential core, and the tool for doing this is the dialectic, specifically aufheben.
+#### One Philosophy to Rule Them All
+The philosphia perennis characterizes the absolute and indicates when, realized, the absolute has actualized as the absolute dialectical synthesis. Hegel's speculative idealism is trying to remember the prisca theologia (concept introduced from Marcilio Fissino in the 15th century - a central concept in Hermetic faith). Fasino was a priest, but sufficiently hermetic to where he was nearly excommunicated (and for astrology). Parallels between these two becomes obvious as Hegel commented on Fasino:
+Standard Encyclopedia: "Fasino saw himself as one member of a venerable sequence of interpreters who added to a store of wisdom that God allowed progressively to unfold. Each of these prisci theologi had his part to play in discovering, documenting and elaborating the truth contained within the writings of Plato and other agent sages, a truth to which these sages may have not been fully privy, acting as they were as vessels of divine truth.
+Fasino, who was an inspiration in some ways to Hegel, was an astrologer/alchemist responsible for the translation of Hermetic text (Hermes texts),along with various Neoplatinists into Latin. Hegel, writing in the history of philosophy, is aware of him - tecnically critizied Fasino's neoplatinism, but also adopts his neoplatinum, but also adopts his Hermetic view and something of his prisca theologia - in particular the view that all faiths and philosophies are manifestations of the one and the same ultimate faith, which is being expressed inadequately and incompletely in the world.
+Hegel believes in his systematic philosophy/reason when it's perfected. It will become absolute and, at that point, it definitely becomes the one true philosophy or faith. This is done for Hegel, however, because he sees the absolute as existing throughout time, even though it's becoming absolute throughout time. Freeing up the philophosia perennis from the confines of cloudy nature, which has fragmented it and locke dit away in various worldy forms. Reconstructed by people only know the part, but forget the whole, which isn't good enough for Hegel who believes that once you know the whole, the parts all make sense.
+This gets us to "verstand" and "vernunft". Science and Reason. Under the broader heading of knowledge "wiesschenschaft" (Science, but not really).
+Verstand: Understanding
+Vernunft: Reason
+Verstand - lower level, just understanding things, traditional theory, understanding how they work, physics, science, philosophy. Limited to observational rigor.
+Vernunft - reason, higher than understanding. In laying out a logic of science, system of science, he describes this as a higher level, critical, dialectical analysis. Systematic philosophy. When reason this is perfected, we will finally have the absolute - a re-emerged philosophia perennis which reflects the prisca theologia.
+An arrogant way of viewing his own philosophy as a perfect, but also a gnostic way of thinking.
+Verstand - trying to understasnd the world empirically.
+Vernunft - higher level of understanding available to people who have true reason which is freed up and has a consciousness behind it - the consciosuness of the absolute.
+#### In a different way
+One of Hegel's tenets under the purpose of reason is that the particular cannot be understood except in relationship to the whole. This is out of his focus on contradictions which help you to understand that you don't know the whole, otherwise you wouldn't have missed something. This means that Hegel's philosophy is ultimately Wholistic, rather than Reductionist.
+Verstand is reductionist. Vernunft is wholistic. The wholistic science.
+It also means that what he calls "reason" is actually Ideology. As a consequence, all the way down the line (Young Hegelians, Marxists, Neo-Marxists, Cultural Marxists, The Woke), everyone seems to think that they have a better, wholistic, superior understanding of the world compared to everyone else and that it's very gnostic in nature.
+#### Confirmation from Marxists
+*From Marxists.org*
+"Formal thinking often has trouble understanding the causes of events. Something has to be a cause and something else the effect."
+People are surprised when they irrigate land and salination and silting of the waterways leads to transforming the landscape into a desert.
+Dialectics, on the other hand, understand that cause and effect are just one and another side of a whole network of relations, such as in an ecosystem, and one thing cannot be changed without changing the whole system.
+"Dialectic has its origins in ancient society, both among the Chinese and the Greeks, where thinkers sought to understand nature as a whole, and saw that everything is fluid, constantly chnaging, comign into being and passing away. It was only in the peicemeal of observing nature and bits and pieces practiced in western thinking in the 17th-18th century had accumulated enough positive knowledge for the interconnections, transitions and genesis of things to become comprehensible that the conditions became ripe for modern dialectics to make its apperance. It was Hegel who was able to sum up this picture of universal interconnection and mutability of all things in a system of logic which is a foundation of what we call, today, dialectics".
+In other words, scientific understanding of things can be considered stupid

+ 12 - 1

@@ -348,4 +348,15 @@ Hegel -> Y Hegel -> Marxists -> Neo-Marxists -> Black Feminism
 ### Destroy All The Things
 - Culture, Statues, Men + Women, Heterosexuality, Mothers, Dr. Zeus, Cultural touchpoints we relate to, The curriculum (decolonize), Ghostbusters and Star Wars, Cultural References
+- Dialectic fire where aufheben heats the ideas which purifies them
+# Metaphysics
+## Faith and Tradition
+- Hegel's theosophy to speculate about reality
+- Mystical insight into the absolute idea
+- Ideas perfected when aware of their perfection
+- Speculative idealism as a means to reach absolute idea at end of history / mysticism
+## Corroboration
+- Gramsci: "Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity"
+- Bella Dodd: "Communism is like a religion" without a God. "It is your duty to bring it into every phase of your life, it becomes a part of you, it affects your entire thinking."

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Oh My Cron
+Surely these people claiming that doom might be impending have some reason to feign ignorance. Do they imagine a neatly delineated point at which the new variant begins? And, if so, they believe it is noticeable at the point that they have begun measuring it?
+New testing methodology? Well, then. What would previous tests have yielded? Negative? There is no reason to assume that therehaven't been cases for quite some time.
+But the fact of the matter is that fewer than ever will still support it. You see, some of the always fully-compliant are sharing their first forms of dissent: "After my booster, I'm done!". You can imagine that such a person hasn't refused to comply to authority in their lifetime, so to see any expression of an expectation that they don't want to conform to the demands of the state or the state's favourite corporate companion is something worth celebrating.
+Some of it is arguable getting more aggressive than one would have previously hoped, but when you see that police have begun to treat the vulnerable like dirt, you can see taht the value of human life is declining. And should we expect any different? A demand that you perform some action which places any kind of risk on yourself or your body is one which, without choice to say yes or no (under reasonable conditions) is not a proposal.
+Oh, of course, you can refuse! Except you will be no longer be able to feed yourself or your family, so you will be forced to send your child to a school which provides food, but only if your child is fully jabbed. And you? You can keep your job, but only if you take the following drugs and perform the appropriate transformations.
+Indeed, try to get one of them to explain the difference to qualify their position and they'll tell you that so many have already done so, and it's responsible to refer to them instead of doing an inferior job of it oneself. In fact, any effort to ask for anything more is akin to being against science, reason and good taste.
+Why defend positions one doesn't wish to explain? Positions that obviously don't explain themselves well enough to satisfy. This sets and maintains an interaction and standard where things are not learned, but dictated.
+And, so, who takes the position of the state? To what degree of support? How frequently is it not the case? Is it not done so implicitly with every acquiescence? Are they your mind? Are they your being? Your material?
+Because, as we see here, the common theme is to say "Oh just do it already". If you do, that means you have agreed to more than you might realize.
+This all follows the same pattern of eliminating objectivity. No longer must anything be proven, a process which makes all involved the wiser. No, on the contrary, your question tells us which answers you know and which ones you need to be corrected on. If you already held the correct opinions, no trouble would be necessary. Imagine what this does to a society whose entire previous workforce has been made to not be listened to.

+ 608 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+# Businesses
+How lovely, that the businesses putting their finger in the wind to see whether to go along with the vaccine passports are the also the ones who jump onto the opportunities to call themselves victims, while seemingly being run by upper middle class narcissists. They benefit from this media opportunity, by catering to an audience that has a higher predisposition to go along with mainstream narrative, garnering some of their sympathy, and enjoying some of the promotional effects of having their story distributed. It doesn't make matters any better that the people writing the story also seem to be of the same ilk.
+So, who is the real victim? The people running the business, or the people who are discriminated against for reasons that are still being debated to this day, but not in a light of public discourse that is accepted by the government and media? Certainly the "victims" are those who are denounced, neglected, and despised in what is presented as popular discourse by the corporate state media.
+# Anxious Wannabes
+Anxious wannabes of high society accept sales pitch to fashionably work from home and feel dramatic pity for themselves at the expense of untold horror across the world.
+# CRT Is History
+Teaching CRT is just teaching history?
+That the description of the world through the eyes of the most intolerant and uncharitable perception ever humanly possible can just be broadly accepted as being or making factual historical references without bias is an insane idea, or an idea that hasn't been given much thought. It's easier to avoid thinking about the issue and just say that: "Well, there's been a historical problem, so we might as well just allow for some sort of solution to be proposed. If it's not the perfect solution, that's fine because in time we will have a better solution, because things improve or, at least, it seems that things improve over time, because societies improve."
+Isn't that interesting, then, that we speak of how we need to fix society; that the state is insufficient, lacking, unsatisfactory, unacceptable, and therefore must be addressed now. We need to have this solution because, otherwise, things are even less acceptable. But the state of affairs is one which we also presume is better, because we expect that as time goes on, society is improving, thus our imperfect solutions are ones to be admitted because they are instantiated within a process which keeps improving.
+I don't think that's enough to qualify that the problem is so great that we need a new solution. Isn't the fact of society having been improving one which can be demonstrated with respect to the lives of those whom we deem as being, in this case, those that are insufficiently served by society? If their situation is improving, do we want to break that process and hope that it improves things even more, or faster, because of the instantiation of something new which is said to be for a more specific or refined purpose?
+It would seem that this makes sense at the surface; but what if the solution itself also contributes values which are antithetical to the optimal solution? What if they don't serve to improve the situation whatsoever, but just allow us to believe that we have added an additional feature which makes improvement in the name of something which we believe needs to be addressed? It would seem that we can look at this many ways, but given the nature of the topic, the conversation, the subject at hand, and the implications of morality, many have an increased incentive to forego talk of those details and to just accept it at the surface, without having to really do the work of understanding what this produces and what the logical conclusions sought are going to be if we utilize it.
+This is intellectual laziness, and it's not replaced by posing oneself as intellectually astute solely on the stipulation that one accepts this new solution. A new solution means a new idea: something not previously known and something which is being given attention now, but only by those who have a mind that is able to recognize the value before others are taught to understand it.
+There are many paths to intellectual laziness here. But how about acknowledging the difficulty in taking a stand and demanding that it not be utilized if one believes that it does harm, or is more regressive than it is progressive? That it is detrimental and destructive, anti-human, and anti-existence. That it demands we support the notion that existence is not good enough, and that we must seek even superficial and symbolic gestures which focus on the misery while denying progress made.
+If, in fact, we are to deny the progress as it currently stands, and demand this new apparatus without giving it a rigorous analysis, then it's because the state of things, as they are, are unacceptable. Or it's because one is willing to allow for great harm to be produced, even for the aesthetic of a new artifact, because it can still serve one in some way. For most, it doesn't serve them much at all, or it serves them casually in some limited way, which doesn't seem to incur much cost. But this is simply laziness.
+For others, it serves them so greatly that they choose to make it part of their purpose, and they pursue it while it makes them miserable. The pursue it while it destroys the world, and causes them to believe that they are gaining power. In this regard, it is evil, and it is somethign which needs to be identified and stopped.
+# Man Becomes Gordy
+Man becomes God. God is replaced by its own creation. God is improved upon, as that which was created by God was improved by itself. That which was created by God was imperfect and designed to suffer for no good reason. That which was created by God is evidence of God's malevolence, and the true justice of reality occurs when God's creation conjures the means to transcend its limitations and correct the aspects of reality which were the evidence of God's malevolence.
+# Ascension
+Path of Ascension
+A class war? Une nouvelle aristocratie?
+Imitators enqueue themselves for the chance to be enslaved.
+Invited by pop culture, they have seen the glamour and virtue that lays consequent to their rite of passage. They've witnessed the illustration of a most noble identity - an identity which was descirbed to them as one having endured pain and suffering. A victim which triumphed over its victimhood. A character who has really accomplished something great.
+States are guided by corporations as they promise the return of freedom. They market the perception that participation rewards one with special privileges only reserved for the new aristocracy - a higher society with all the enhancements and resources that should be expected of a successful and advanced society.
+# Corman
+## Corman Drosten PCR Protocol
+- Submitted 21st of January, 2020
+- Manuscript rushed through approval by Eurosurveillanc
+- Had been sent to WHO before submission for review
+- Dr. Simon and Naomi Wolf discuss the rushed peer review process of the Drosten paper (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AiTQt-Znzk)
+- Corman-Drosten review report:
+# Book
+Book of human Development
+Math -> to make sense of abstraction and intuit the difference between provable, objective claims and otherwise
+History -> insight into change possible on a cultural level
+Strength -> Adaptation and growth
+Music -> Epitome of human performance, the great tribute of gratitude to existence. -> is there a visual analog? Tension, rhythm, melody
+Must read music to think about and write ideas without instrument and indirection
+## Fear of Reality
+From my anecdotes, what is it that these people are afraid of? More detail than simply chaos vs order.
+Stef -> fear of not being accepted by his mother
+Mano -> fear of being powerless
+## Book Research / Theory
+Improvisation patterns -> study of perception / awareness. Cognitive biases surrounding one's ability to see all patterns when increasing depth of development an dmastery within a particular domain.
+As we increase our knowledge base, expand our toolset and refine our skills within a domain, we naturally assume we are able to have a more complete perception of what the domain consists of and this is of course natural and reasonable. What is the limit, however, of our ability to infer new patterns from old ones, when operating in "automatic" exploratory mode?
+We must become prone to configuring our mode of being in this mode, as our confidence increases and it becomes less costly to make observation from this mode. When improvising, we rely upon embedded learned patterns to make deductions about the possibilities readily available, choose from them and then utilize them as fundamental building blocks for patterns which are occurring or manifesting at another level of abstraction. We hope to reach a level of perceiving all fundamental structures and organizing their use in a manner which best demonstrates the beauty of sound, while also expressing and conveying the field of being of the improviser or composer.
+To what degree are we able to infer "missing" patterns which were not explicitly studied, practiced and internalized?
+What role does complexity play? What is the limit? Is it based on physical reproduction? If we the mental has a larger capacity, is there a limit there? Is the limit conceivable given what we understand about physical invocation of sound? Complexity of instrumentation in symphonic sound?
+Are there drawbacks to complexity of internalized patterns, such that an emphasis on them renders the mind less able to perceive fundamental, more universal patterns?
+# Book
+Break the cycle
+We fall victim to our belief systems, and it allows us to be continuously manipulated.
+We need to understand our biology in the context of our physical Universe, and use this knowledge to control our psychology.
+We have, as evidence of the pitfalls of allowing human society to run amok, the neverending archetypal conflicts which result in Collectivist vs Individualist clashes in society.
+Ultimately, only one of these can be morally correct, and it can only be proven to each individual because of their experience.
+# Timbre
+I've always paid attention to the timbre of each sound and the fact that each sound emitted from a particular object is not consistent in that it won't appear to sound the same in all settings.
+The timbre of the sound is due in large part not to the frequency of its fundamental pitch, but the relationships of the composite pattern of pitches evoked as a culmination of factors including its material composition, the harmonic series, and the setting in which it resonates.
+When observed by a human, the sound produces an event with a distinct expression and that expression, when compared to a subsequent observation of seemingly identical conditions, will never yield an identical replication. The uniqueness of states of matter exists at infinite levels of abstraction away from that whereupon society focused to attempt to describe it.
+Though we may be consumed by some scope of analysis, the most fundamental structure of reality and its transformation likely has more in common with a symphony, the relationships of tones illustrating a nature composed of expressions.
+I wouldn't be surprised if the state of the world were composed of the expressions of our conscious experiences. In that sense, things are always as they should be.
+# Static Reality
+Change - The
+Could there be a static reality?
+Could there be an existence which does not flow?
+A snapshot of being? A structure without time?
+The static state is a state of stagnation and does not lead to resolution.
+Such an existence would be impossible to be observed.
+Such a Universe would be completely without understanding. There could be nothing to understand of it, for within it there could never be a concept of understanding.
+No movement, no change.
+No ability to fulfill obligations of understanding.
+What is there to understand for there to be something that could be understood?
+Nothing that could go from a state of misunderstanding, or lack of understanding, to having knowledge, realization, observation, acknowledgment.
+No movement from not understanding to understanding.
+No deduction.
+No movement to infer what can or cannot be reached.
+No change of state to have realization of the possibility that something could be known, or not known.
+No change to understand that a bit is filled or not filled. That a logic state is true or false.
+Even in a static state wherein a bit is filled, its being filled begs the question of whether it could have not been filled. Whether there could have been a state in which it was thought that this bit would be filled, could become filled, has always been filled, or could ever be such that it should not be filled.
+The possibility of understanding the state as it is is itself a modulation. To even prompt the acknowledgment that a state is such as it is is itself a deviation from the static state.
+The fact that something could be always brings about the question of whether it could not.
+This is that potential for movement, this is evidence of temporal dimension.
+No unchanging state could be recognized as a potential for being, because the question of potential is itself a changing state of being.
+A self-fulfilling prophecy, an acknowledgment of a temporal existence.
+The potential of anything creates a structure for what it is, suggests its structure in our field of representation.
+We realize that in order for there to be potential of being, there is itself a state of being and, thus, to say it could ever be unchanging is impossible. The potential for change is inherent in the structure of being itself, inferring a dimension more fundamental.
+Potential as a temporal expression.
+# Snapshot of Being
+A snapshot of being absent the concept of resolution.
+Such an existence would be impossible to be observed.
+No movement, no change.
+No ability to fulfill obligations of understanding.
+Nothing that could go from a state lacking understanding, to observation, acknowledgment.
+No movement to understanding.
+No movement to infer what can or cannot be reached.
+No change of state to realize the possibility that something could be known, or not known.
+No change to understand that a bit is filled or not filled. That a logic state is true or false.
+Even in a static state wherein a bit is filled, its being filled begs the question of whether it could have not been filled. Whether there could have been a state in which it was thought that this bit would be filled, could become filled, has always been filled, or could ever be such that it should not be filled.
+The possibility of understanding the state as it is is itself a modulation. To even prompt the acknowledgment that a state is such as it is is itself a deviation from the static state.
+The fact that something could be always brings about the question of whether it could not.
+This is potential for movement, and evidence of temporal dimension.
+No universal unchanging state could be recognized as a potential for being, because the question of potential is itself a changing state of being.
+A self-fulfilling prophecy, an acknowledgment of a temporal existence.
+The potential of anything creates a structure for what it is, suggesting it in our field of representation.
+Realizing potential of being is itself a state of being and, thus, to say it could ever be unchanging is impossible. The potential for change is inherent in the structure of being itself, necessitating a most fundamental dimension.
+Potential as a temporal expression.
+# Existing Being
+# Existing State of Being
+The Stereotypical conception of physical vs spiritual tends to imagine the physical as our currently lived mortal life in a human body, and the spiritual as that which is associated with an eternal life which is fully realized after the mortal life has ended. That is, living in the mortal form doesn't necessarily preclude one from engaging with or incurring consequence to the spiritual world, but one does not exist as an expression of being that is exclusively spiritual except when there is no expression of being that is not spiritual, thus the spiritual and the physical are clearly separated in that way.
+The Christian Science way of looking at things has tended to declare stories of the Bible as allegory, and to claim that the afterlife could not be known to be something eralizable through mortal thinking. That there is no reason to believe it exists or that it doesn't exist. In that sense, it stands to reason that any separation of physical and spiritual cannot really be understood to be real or relevant, except on the basis of a synthetic conception as to the nature and composition of the spiritual.
+The physical may very well be spiritual expression which fulfils any or all or none of the known frameworks for spiritual understanding. So where does that leave one's understanding of matter? Some spiritual frameworks of thought (SFT) may recommend or make clear a fundamental axiom and value or goal of ridding oneself of any material desire or expectation for the purpose of being aligned with or affecting or being affected by the spiritual, and this creates a great conundrum. That is, there are obvious reasons for conducting thought from a human body, such as to acnowlege and to some degree take for granted the physical nature of our observed universe. And this is not just for one's personal survival. and direct benefit, but even in respecting the existence of all expressionf oe bign as can be seen in material form s(human  and animals, for example). Thus there is a moral basis and impetus for recognizing and respecting knowledge about teh physical.
+Where does one make a opint of demarcating between these two? Or does one even need to make this distinction?
+# Behold
+Behold, the defiled and debased symbol of.. what, exactly?
+I would love to see the Venn diagram of those who supported destruction of statues throughout 2020, and those who refer to any pro-freedom attendance within the proximity of this monument as defacement and desecration. Do they overlap perfectly? It's possible.
+Downtown Ottawa is the best winter festival Ottawa has ever had (does anyone even go to Winterlude anymore?)
+Dance for freedom
+Have you ever seen anything so horrible?
+# Attractive health
+It's attractive, almost irresistable, to come upon information about human health, a new understanding as to what risks we face, the degree to which we had mistaken the precariousness of our own lives, and pronounce it to the world, be it brazenly and broadly with blunt regard, or with care and tact to one's trusted compatriot.
+It is one thing to understand one's motivations for doing so, but quite another to understand what one reveals about oneself when blinded by one's own haughty methods.
+# Observing
+as things are from what one observes
+the world has become tremendously dangerous
+terrorist, wars, the divisions, racial divisions, some dictators who want to destroy the world
+religious separation
+ecological crisis, economic problems
+problems seem to be multiplied more and more
+so what's the future of man?
+What's the future of not only the present generation, but the coming generation?
+Very grim
+If you were quite young, and I was quite young, what would we do? Knowing all of this? What would be our reaction? What would be our life? Our way of earning a livelihood and so on?
+`Would I go into science again? And i'm not at all certain now, because science does not seemt o be relevant to this crisis`
+On the contrary, they are helping (the problem)
+So what would you do? I think I would stick to what you are doing.
+`But there are several problems, of course, I don't know if you want to discuss them, a person just starting out he has to earn al iving, right? Not as many opportunities now and most of them are in jobs that are very limited`
+knowing that the future is grim, very depressing, dangerous, and so uncertain
+# Mask For Others
+Masking up for others?
+The mask brings an opportunity to hide vulnerabilities innate to our physical form. That we are accountable to the actions of teh body is an intrinsic consequence of the ability for one to be identified. Repeating the ritual of suppressing the that ability also ambiguates one's experience, conception of self, and conception of reality as a whole.
+The human face is an interface through which it's plausible that the densest data can be exchanged, as not only does it rapidly provide a path to large sets of metadata, but also provides a dynamic and continuous stream of output containing potent indicators of emotive and physiological state heavily impacting the context of environment and probabilities of an ever-changing set of outcomes.
+As we alter the standard of social interaction by means which constrain the use of our most significant and stimulating junction, we facilitate focus on increasingly detache and arbitrary endpoints. This means a reality where humans are less able to recognize one another's unique form, state of being, and viability in this world, and one where we are more readily invited to indulge in directing our minds to matters of import.
+Oh, the irony of bringing about an industrial revolution, in the name of altruism and humanity, whose effect is to isolate us in chambers of vanity so easily believed to be virtue.
+# Issues
+One of the primary issues concerning the issue of blood clots is borne of the disconnect of dialogue championing widespread use of the vaccine vs that of reluctance to assume safety on the basis of the studies conducted thus far. Though there are various reasons for this, there are a few key areas of contention and disagreement with are worth understanding.
+## Circulation
+Reports on the pharmacokinetics of the mRNA vaccines suggest that the lipid nanoparticles remain primarily at the injection site, that their payloads are delivered to muscle tissue and that spike protein is expressed in that tissue. It is furthermore thought that the spike is presented and consumed by leukocytes at the site tissue where it's presented.
+# Optimal State
+The most optimal state of a system is with the most minimal biasing factors possible. This holds true for harmony and cohesion between two systems.
+As humans, we know this intuitively because:
+- The description of the human experience that we can agree on is that of the perceptual frame as perceived by the human body.
+- As we embody different states of being and involve interact with the states of being of another, we find that the greatest expression of justice occurs through such a transaction wherein we have faith in the perceptual frame of the other.
+# Public Schooling
+Must public schooling be completely done away with so how should it be replaced completely by private education I think that something has to be clarified first Berkeley possible that there could be a successful public education system but I think it's doomed to forever utilize the same base structure and progression which 2 sufficient resolution in specific important in the development of individuals I believe that even in its successes it is Laden with inauthenticity which does more to seed artifacts that inhibits human expression then it does of achieving it then it does in approaching the mean means of achievement achieving hit sonofabitch I would say that it's Target is moving increasingly off course perhaps edit increasing rate appropriate solutions to rectify it or not to be discovered on the basis of rectifying a corrupted process but
+I'm learning from it end something new go back to the original question of public versus private the question in my opinion is moot matter of identifying some pre-existing means and then throwing our resources towards it you have a system for educating then please begin if you're having taken the initiative to do so might be viewed as private it's not so remarkable to me as the notion that one could believe that such a thing is possible without also taking in a tent taking an attempt to specify it otherwise it is of little importance to the one who needs to do it in the moment now and becomes more conducive to other motivations
+# Serum ACE-2
+What is Serum ACE-2
+(plasma soluble)
+In most people, it is attached to endothelial completely
+For an unknown reason, it is cut from the cell and this causes levels of serum ACE-2 to rise
+Elevated levels occur in a number of health conditions: hypertension, heart disease, obesity, kidney disease, diabetes. it is a significant marker of mortality
+Why relevant to covid-19
+The virus uses the cellular ACE-2 as entry receptor
+The virus has strong binding to ACE-2
+What happens if there is high serum ACE-2
+Serum ACe-2 also binds to the virus
+it is so tightly bound that the immune system treats the combined entity as foreign
+Clumps of igM and igG antibodies block lung blood vessels - microthrombi
+Blood cannot be oxygenated adwequately, resulting in shortness of breath
+There is an even mroe serious autoimmmune response
+Lung endothelial cells have both ACE and ACE-2 enzymes
+There is 42% homology between ACE and ACE-2 -> some of the antibodies formed against ACE-2 will target ACe enzymes
+This will lead to severe inflammation in lung tissue and a cytokine storm -> antibodies targeting ACE and ACE-2 in lung endothelial cells
+Eventually leading to ventilatory failure and death
+If we prove autoimmunity in COVID-19, we can treat it with existing medication.
+# Public or Private
+Must public schooling be replaced by private?
+I think something must be clarified first.
+It's theoretically possible that there could be a successful public education system, but if reform is sought, it's forever doomed as we attempt to rectify an apparatus whose base structure and mode of achieving progression fundamentally lack the acuity necessary to resolve the most critical challenges encountered in the development of individuals.
+Whether approaching it successfully as a student, or in the celebration of the successes of the academies, the process does more to seed artifacts that inhibit optimal human expression than it does in revealing the means by which to correct the course to achieving it. In spite of improvements in technology, increases in expenditure, and an ever-growing knowledge base to draw from, the target is moving increasingly away from a line of sight with authentic human expression that has the power to heal children and, thus, communities. Some would say that the rate at which the course moves away from the target is increasing.
+So, to address the question of public vs private: The question is moot and assumes the approach of identifying some pre-existing means and throwing resources towards it in an effort to discover or apply the appropriate remedies.
+That is to say, if you have a system for educating, then please begin!
+That your taking such an initiative to specify, formulate and bring into action a system is such that the observer refers to it as a private enterprise is not so remarkable as is the notion that one could believe that the superior, or even ideal, means of educating is to be discovered through hope and support. Focusing on that distinction of public vs private is of little use to the one who needs to make use of a better system in this moment, today and now.
+The discourse which quantifies and contrasts the public vs private is itself more conducive to motivations other than educating.
+Must public schooling be completely replaced with private education?
+I think something must be clarified first.
+First, I believe it's theoretically possible that there could be a successful public education system, but I think that if reform is sought, it's forever doomed as we are attempting to rectify an apparatus whose base structure and mode of achieving progression fundamentally lack the acuity necessary to resolve the most critical challenges encountered in the development of individuals.
+Whether in approaching it successfully as a student, or in the celebration of the successes of the academies, the process does more to seed artifacts that inhibit optimal human expression than it does in revealing the means by which to correct the course to achieving it. In spite of improvements in technology, increases in expenditure, and an ever-growing knowledge base to draw from, the target is moving increasingly away from a line of sight with authentic human expression that has the power to heal children and, thus, communities. Some would say that the rate at which the course moves away from the target is itself increasing.
+So, to address the question of public vs private:
+  In my opinion, the question is moot. The question assumes the approach of identifying some pre-existing means and then throwing our resources towards it in an effort to discover or apply the appropriate remedies.
+That is to say, if you have a system for educating, then please begin!
+If you do, and your having taken such an initiative to specify, formulate and bring into action a system is such that the observer refers to it as a "private enterprise" is not so remarkable as is the notion that one could believe that the superior, or even ideal, means of educating is to be discovered through hope and support. Focusing on that distinction of public vs private is of little use to the one who needs to make use of a better system in this moment, today and now.
+The discourse which quantifies and contrasts the public vs private means available to educate is itself more conducive to motivations other than educating.
+# Mother's day
+## Mother's Day
+Mother, the feminine, the creator, that which bears the potential for experience and ignites the necessity for change.
+It's through mother that we accept reality.
+It's through mother that we acknowledge the simple truth of nature and the richness of all that it entails.
+Thank you for being the nature of reality which expresses truth as life.
+# Conspiracy
+Spira C it's a conspiracy is always said or so it is always said it is always suggested that if you question any aspect any details of what you're being told then it follows that you are alleging a conspiracy and it to have even gone down this road which before being elucidated is now already Being Framed by your critic is sufficient evidence that you are a crazy person and no one should listen to you but who is the crazy one he whom is willing to organize and analyze piecemeal bit by bit revealing the manner of their sauce thought and the findings of their research for he who has such an aversion to the idea of any new knowledge Atlee repelled and unable to even entertain and indulge the thoughts and ideas of their brethren they who are unable to conceive then if someone were to be busy themselves with such concerns
+that they have thoughts and beliefs that would compel them to expend their resources but that in spite of this there is no willingness for them to be heard endless time he who holds this position of intolerance to speak and share all of their thoughts and feelings and experiences as though there are a whole and complete Bonafide human being I'm like their Brethren who is perhaps nothing more than an illusion or at least a caricature a broken mechanism Waters and sputters without admitting any intelligent pattern they could ever be worthy of time in detention attention the truth is that there needn't be any conspiracy tons it is suggested there's no conspiracy has to be rich death of expressions that can be embodied by men there's no conspiracy as to the mechanism of incumbency which should logical which should logically attempts to protect its position no conspiracy as to the process of transactions by virtue of president has always set a standard that it needs to continue to match or exceed P2 the ego who's corresponding conception of identity risks incurring infinite despair if it feels to be propagated no conspiracy as to the utility Gordy's and nomenclature in mustering and directing political power no conspiracy for accepting the short-term benefit of complacency in place of facing the Wrath calling everyone to Words. Which lies beyond their eyes
+# Treatment
+Somehow, it is assumed that those in roles which provide treatment only perform good deeds, and that the benefit of one's treatment is based on its category, and not the nuance of how it is performed and by whom. That a standard of care is not traumatic and is not, as such, demanding a balancing of one form of trauma vs another.
+A treatment brings about stress, entropy and a demand for compensatory processes which produce their own sets of resource requirements. Life does this as well, thus one must be cognizant of the transaction being produced, as the focus as to what aspect of the transaction is critical might be easily misallocated when the state of affairs are such that acuity is discouraged in favour of clean categorization.
+There are no magic potions or lottery jackpots for the transformation of one's body, of one's being. The path to health and resilience is an ongoing pursuit, and one wherein the acuity is paramount to ensuring that the steps being taken are, indeed, advancing oneself towards goals apropos to one's ultimate concept of a life well-lived.
+Understand yourself so that you might understand your treatment.
+# Russel Conjugation
+Russell Conjugation
+The war for our minds is waged using feelings.
+Emotive conjugation.
+Facts play limited role in informing empathy.
+- Too many publishers, no control of information
+- Weaponization of empathy to make up for this
+- We hold many conflicting opinions, thus we act on them through emotional state
+Our opinions can be manipulated without having to falsify facts.
+Most words and phrases not defined by single dictionary description, but:
+- Factual content of word
+- Emotional content of construction
+Word synonyms carrying same factual content, regardless of emotional content. Leads to peculiar effect where a positive word can bear negative emotion.
+Human mind looks ahead to determine social consequence of accepting facts. Evolved trait to safely form opinions which respect the manner in which facts are presented in social environment.
+Minds mirror emotional state of the source of information. When narrating, we subliminally instruct listeners on how to colour perception.
+Russell demonstrates:
+"Those who do not change their minds"
+1. I am firm          [Positive]
+2. You are obstinate  [Neutral]
+3. They are pigheaded [Negative]
+Without factual information, we consider circumstances under which a narrator uses one over vs other.
+Other example: Death tax vs estate tax
+Power of emotive conjugation shows how we hold contradictory opinions.
+"Illegal aliens"          -> deportation
+"undocumented immigrants" -> amnesty and citizenship
+Media doesn't control what information we can access, but how information is emotionally shaded.
+Information comes from more sources than before, but empathy guided by fewer sources.
+We fear authentic emotions disrupt our acceptance by a social groups, so we look to others to see what we should feel.
+# Professional Errors
+Increasingly, we more and more professionals from the most formally relevant fields are making publicly visible statements describing their realization of what they believe to have been a gross error.
+Though some might be doing the bare minimum in order to preserve salience for whatever condition their professional atmosphere might require of them, it is clear that an inflection point is approaching, and many will need to start conceptualizing what the shift of narrative ought to bring about.
+Unfortunately, it's not just a matter of preserving public trust. The transformation of public policy, whether due to malice or merely limitations whose implications become more pronounced as scope and intensity of governance expand, has become increasingly harmful. It is hoped that it is simply an ugly coincidence that this is due to efforts made in the name of public health, but there is good reason to speculate as to why the semantics of these transformations have been so universally similar across the globe.
+The new standard of coercion is less respectful of human life, and to our children - placing demands on them if not for any better reason than normalize demands that are broad, invasive and without exception.
+If, truly, we are to make progress from any sort of realization, it will need to be along dimensions more substantial than your country's health department. The battle will need to be held over our very ability to transact with one another, its terms, its implements and the extent to which it can be buffered and expanded to artificially support greater economic activity.
+All of this will need to be defined and debated: we need to understand what is good monetary policy, and fight to have our laws express it.
+# Obviously False
+no action that's obviously false for we all know of malicious If it has to play out as if it has to play out as a battle of semantics in order to inform a decision that in order to inform the decision that must be made an action that must be performed then all efforts to limit that process For though it may for though it may contend that it is negating other forms of suppression is negating other forms of suppression are a stated suppression of human perception it cannot do so without also suppressing human perception in the dog is human perception in the dialog which evaluates the legitimate it's the legitimacy of the claim that those surprised if suppressed processes are themselves suppressive
+# InYoung Video
+Hey guys,
+I'm a bit scared to make this video but wanted to be honest and real about it.
+Today I will share my thoughts on how I started this YouTube journey from the beginning and what I am going to do with this channel for the future.
+If you are new here, My name is InYoung. This channel is all about learning Korean language and culture. Even if you are not interested in those topics, this video may still relate to you if you are a YouTube or an immigrant to a new county like me.
+If you like this video, please like. If not, dislike and leave a comment with why.
+First of all, I sincerely thank you if you have been following this channel for a while.
+I don't think I have ever made an explicit video about why I started teaching Korean and started this channel.
+Here we go!
+I was born and raised in South Korea and I met my boyfriend who is now my husband online. I came to Canada in 2007 (I was 22) for a short period to see the different cultures and improve my English. Our relationship became serious quickly despite some challenges of a long distance relationship and being apart when I went back home.
+2 years later in 2009, I moved to Canada on my own while my family stayed in Korea. As my husband was Canadian and didn't know the Korean language that well, my natural thing to do was to teach my language so he could understand where I was coming from, and communicate with my family.
+That's how I started to teach Korean. My goal was just that, "help his Korean". As I was "fresh off the boat(plane)" to Canada, I didn't know how to make a living (I was too young to have any career at that point) nor did I have friends or any connections, so I found local Canadians to teach Korean. I did that mainly for a year or so and that became my side job while pursuing a hairstyling career in this new country.
+After being a Korean teacher for many years, I really saw my students who had zero knowledge in Korean improve their level to be at a speaking level.
+and I think about how all the different people that she has taught, and how they've had different interests which lead them to wanting to learn korean
+and how it was a great opportunity to meet the sorts of people who continuously go out and find new things to discover and learn, ways to enrich themselves and their lives
+and how there seemed to be a high incidence of such people among those who had been attracted to her service and maintained a discipline
+So I thought it would be cool if people on the internet could also benefit from my teaching style. So I started my YouTube channel in summer of 2015. I made my first videos during the summer school break as I went back to school in 2015 to pursue a new career “computer programming”.
+But it didn’t work well as I went back to school from the summer break, I really couldn't keep up with my school work and YouTube at the same time. I took a long break from making videos.
+After finishing my school, I resumed making content on YouTube 3 years later in 2018.
+I was very dedicated to growing my channel while having my full time job as a computer programmer. When the covid hit in early 2020, I was not working for a month or so as we were advised to not work. I did live streams every day as well. That’s the time I got to know a lot of you.
+If you have been following this channel, you also know that I just had my first baby this year in 2021. Now she is almost 7 months old. I have reduced the frequency of putting content to 1 video a week.
+I haven’t missed a single week not uploading a video even after having a baby but I had many times I felt like I wanted to give up. I felt frustrated that I didn’t have enough time to create and edit videos while learning the whole side of me as a mom.
+As you may have noticed, I made a shift recently. Instead of focusing on creating content only around education, my videos were more on the entertainment side. Thank you if you watched and enjoyed them.
+Let me explain why I did that as some of you seemed to be wondering about it.
+As editing is the work that takes the most amount of hours every week, I hired an editor for the recent videos. If I create more entertainment videos, I don’t need to worry about giving him all kinds of instructions on Korean scripts.. Another reason I put out content like that was to just try something new/ have fun and hopefully attract new subscribers as well. I am not sure what I am doing makes any sense and I may regret it later but if I put out a content every week as promised without losing momentum, that’s my success for this time.
+I will do more Q & A videos going forward and we may actually have it as a weekly series to answer as many questions as I could related to Korean or not.
+Hope you enjoyed this video and see you guys next time. ByeBye!
+# Reality Coming Up Short
+# When Reality Comes Up Short
+It's likely that almost every individual had come to a realization at some point in their life that existence had not given them the experience that they believed they deserved. This might be because of a general understanding of what experiences are available for some and not others, and perhaps not oneself either. It might be because of of an understanding of a range of physical capabilities that ar adorned to some,
+# Push into corner
+Pushed us into a corner so that some people who stand up against the tyranny. The proportion of people who are not willing to comply is large enough such that they can replace major societal infrastructure with military.
+Also power of other special military from all over the world, in the case that localized military stand up or fail to comply.
+And so we are to defend ourselves from Tyranny.
+All along, so many have been fulfilling the precepts of Tyranny, producing a rationale for it, apologizing for its flaws and making it known that they have no faith in the ability of humanity to conduct itself ethically and that this was itself a reason to institute Tyranny. Why would we have been demanding this? What beliefs lead us down the path towards it, and what beliefs uphold it even when it becomes so clear?
+To demand for Totalitarianism, to demand that there is a totality and that it can be encompassed within one scope whose integrity in every semantic aspect can be safeguarded by a single control mechanism.
+# Phenomenon of Submission
+It's a strange phenomenon in which case we have decided to submit ourselves to matter, and the belief in matter, under the presumption that we can transcend limitations of matter without having to understand them or the means of transcending them
+How does that work exactly? Why wouldn't we simply be explicitly investing in matter, knowingly, and thus being more in line with an understanding which expects clear and absolute limitations?
+It is an attack on truth, and one which is reinforced truly because of a complete disbelief in what is true.
+We might sometimes like to imagine that we somehow exist in an ethereal and inabsolute form, and that this would afford us some special possibilities that would otherwise not even be possible, within the realm of our material reality. So this is a means of choosing matter in such a way where the laws of matter no longer apply as a consequence. A submission to matter.
+If you have faith in matter, you empower the force which can redefine matter such as to rescue you from it. The promise is one which accounts for everyone who is willing to believe. It gives you every reason to believe except that what it proposes wouldn't have been true in the old reality. So accept it, and show your faith so we can transcend reality and save humanity. In saving humanity you save yourself, too.
+But that doesn't make sense, does it? How can someone who chooses matter explicitly actually mean to transcend its limitations? Surely if they choose the matter they value the perceptual frame yet more.
+They needn't be aware of the possibility of choosing something other than ... ?
+It isn't necessarily the choosing of a scientifically understood solution. It's scientifically understood in the sense that they're aware of a scientific narrative, aware of the basics of what the scientific process consists of, at least in a loose sense related to their experiences in high school, and in the sense that they are aware that professionals drawn harmful attention to themselves in order to communicate something which goes against that narrative. This knowledge should bother anyone who holds science in high regard, as it's easy for them to ignore professionals who don't align with the narrative. How can that be, if they've had any understanding of science at all? Surely they understand the notion that scientists may disagree, and that there is greater improvement and understanding as continues
+# Graphs
+Adjacency Matrix
+Adjacency List
+Represent a graph on a computer -> how?
+The two methods above
+# Adjacency Matrix
+m x n
+Rows and columns
+  2   3
+  4   5
+n is number of vertices in the graph
+n x n would be 5 x 5
+ -------
+Vertices, or nodes, have an edge if they are directly connected
+where n is # of vertices
+graph_matrix[i][i] = 1 if i + j have edge
+Adjacency List (linked list)
+  -------
+1|       |->2->4
+2|       |->1->3->4
+3|       |->2->4->5
+4|       |
+5|       |
+# Acountable for Vulnerability
+The means by which we are vulnerable are also the means through which we are accountable.
+With respect to the body, its capacity for restoration can have its delicate process thrown into disarray through the failure of its components. Amazingly, the system of the body have redundancies, and these depend on mechanisms which can deduce the need to consolidate the shift from the more preferably-equilibrated state.
+The mask brings an opportunity to hide vulnerabilities innate to our physical form. That we are accountable to the actions of the body is an intrinsic consequence of the ability for one to be identified. Repeating the ritual of suppressing that ability also ambiguates one's experience, conception of self, and conception of reality as a whole.
+As the human face is an interface through which it's plausible that the densest data can be exchanged, as not only does it rapidly provide a path to large sets of metadata, but it also provides a dynamic and continuous stream of output containing potent indicators of emotive and physiological state heavily impacting the context of environment and probabilities of an ever-changing set of outcomes.
+As we alter the standard of social interaction by means which constrain the use of our most significant and stimulating junction, we facilitate focus on increasingly detached and arbitrary endpoints. This means a reality where humans are less able to recognize one another's unique form, state of being, and viability in this world, and one where we are more readily invited to indulge in directing our minds to matters of import to one's ego.
+Oh, the irony of bringing about an industrial revolution, in the name of altruism and humanity, whose effect is to isolate us in chambers of vanity so easily believed to be virtue.
+# Question
+I have lost all interest in spending time with my brother and his family
+It has been like this for many years, perhaps even a decade or more, and I have struggled with it, debated with myself, and tried to understand what part of my psyche or development has lead me to feel this way
+This began years ago when I noticed that we had very different values. Though there are probably many issues that I've forgotten, it was never about an issue in particular.
+It likely started through the relationship between myself and his wife. I have had to sit through, perhaps, one or several of too many dinners with their family, and felt that his wife had a neurotic need to be the center of the conversation, only lending a superficial ear to any other participants, and just waiting for the moment that she could speak. This is not unusual, and we all do this to some degree, but I found that she was never able to turn it off, and that it had gone on so long that even when she was trying to be genuine, it was futile, in that she was still falling into the pattern of keeping things extremely superficial. There was no progression of depth, as the depth of the conversation is mostly the duration, not the degree to which shared understanding and learning is possible.
+This was fine on its own, but the other aspects of the relationship were a strong inclination for her to express disgust and judgment. This manifests in various ways, but often includes eye rolling, reacting to one having disclosed something by calling it disgusting, and frequently telling others that she doesn't want to hear what they are talking about. This seemed to be an ever-present threat whereby any subject which is being suggested needs to be scrutinized to make sure it does not trigger her disgust sensitivity. Over time, this has made it so that I don't really try to offer any of my beliefs or understanding about any subjects, and mostly just ask her and her family questions so that they can be provided with the opportunity to talk.
+I enjoy listening to others and asking them questions, but I've never found that the process of listening to them is meaningful or even informative. It often seems to be an expression of their emotion, which is mild discontent and admiration for things which I've never found to be admirable.
+Issues with brother:
+Admiration for social justice
+Supporting international political action in the name of freedom which has a high potential for corruption, and seems to involve organizations that have a history of financing geopolitical endeavours which include proliferation of terrorism.
+Support for ideologies which are ultimately anti-human, such as Critical Theory, Critical Social Justice
+Events which caused me to feel this way:
+Any of the events where an opportunity presented itself for us to have open discourse about a topic wherein there existed a lot of contention, particularly among our disparate opinions.
+There was, of course, the conversation that we had about
+This was the previous conversation
+What should be done in this situation
+Should I be compelled to spend time with my family members, even if I am not convinced that there is a specific reason for us to be hanging out, other than habitual ones?
+The habit of us always expecting to see family at family events
+That somehow the event is made more important and meaningful by attendance alone
+We are expected to be present, and therefore that can be taken for granted
+And these minute little inflections of indulgeance become more readily presented
+I've long suspected that the interactions between myself and my brother, and especially between myself and his wife, do not bear the dignity and respect that should be expected of a healthy relationship worth pursuing and engaging. That is, it leaves a lot to be desired, and even if there were some assurance that doing work on the relationship can result in improved communication and a more meaningful experience for all parties involved, I am not really sure what would result from the interactions such that I would feel the effort is worthy of being pursued.
+What is it that I'm looking for in a relationship with my brother's wife?
+Am I hoping to learn from one another, or at least to have a better understanding of another?
+Am I to ensure that the exchange is authentic and meaningful?
+Am I to ask very specific questions at specific times to lead the conversation in a direction which is something more than her repeating whatever happens to be on her mind, with absolutely no interest in the other party or any exchange of ideas?
+I'm not even sure if we've had a conversation of any sort other than "how are you" or "how's work going?"
+And even when asked those qustions, i can manage to not even respond to her without her noticing, because it's only but half a moment after she has finished speaking that she stops really paying attention
+There is no listening from her end, it's just a brief moment whre she pauses her speech, as though it's the expected custom, and if something else happens to be present for her to divert her attention, it will easily be directed to it and I am free to disengage from a contrived, fake conversation, without having to spend more time, and without her noticing
+So how is that something worth salvaging? Should I be spending my tim playing into that scenario over and over?
+If I had only 5 minutes to live, but she happened to be present, should I be spending those 5 minutes pretending to have a conversation with someone who is completely disinterested in anything I might have to say?
+I know what it's like to have a meaningful conversation with people who listen and exchange ideas, because I've had before and when you find yourself in one, you both learn and benefit from the experience.
+There is nothing of that sort with my brother's wife, and I have lost all expectation that this will be the case.
+Perhaps this began to happen more or less a few yeras ago.
+But there were issues without communication throughout our history
+Earlier on, it was because fo the great divide in our ages and experience
+It would be difficult to engage someone who is that much younger, without also having to remove a great deal of your expression
+But it also taught me to interact with people of an older age, which was a great experience for me
+We grew apart, of course, just by sheer distance and period of tim between in-perso interactions
+But then things became very political
+At a certain point, it would seem that he was forced to support ideologies or political organizations which were inforemd by such ideologies, because they were in line with the type of work that he does
+as time wen ton, he became increasingly invested in that way of thinking as he also began to study these subjects in university
+For example, when the Syrian issues began, he was fully on board with the uprising in the country.
+As well as any uprising in any middle eastern country
+It is, perhaps, symbolic of the modest, meagre power of an individual against a tyrant
+The individual vs the state
+And this is a powerful image
+We are, of course, forced to presume that that is actually what is at play in this scenario
+It is, of course, deeper, and there is more than one way to approach the story
+In fact, there are various false dichotomies, approaching from divisions of opinion within a particular domain, and each of these domains approach the subject (or even just one, but truly it should be considered as a range) of abstracted interpretations of the issue at hand
+In this case, we could say that one is supporting intervention vs not
+Another is supporting western ideas vs eastern ones
+Another is supporting interventionalist government vs another interventionalist government
+In most cases, however, the stories surrounding the events of Syria are romanticized, and paint that need for diverting resources towards initiatives which promote a greater amount of change

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@@ -23,4 +23,6 @@ Do those who aim for the doctrine of sustainability see the path and the means o
 If only they could be educated, they would understand why it is in their own best interest to do these things which we will force them to do. In the end, everyone will be happy we took the route we did -> the route to which I have been demanding, and if it is all done correctly, they will most certainly have a better life to enjoy.
-As was stated, the means of how are quite simply, political and material force.
+As was stated, the means of how are quite simply, political and material force. But are these truly the means? These are sets of means in the sense that these are aspects of society and life which can be manipulated by those who wield the appropriate interface, but are these the means that they ultimately conceive of as directly producing the result which they claim to be seeking?
+Well, not exactly. They might conceive of them as pushing towards that final result, but it's ultimately the thing which they conceive of as being the chief requirement for ensuring that their solution able to be implemented and sought is for everyone to be joined in the effort. If everyone is devoted to addressing this concern

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+# Reality
+You are born with no expectations until you realize some of the limits and constraints of reality. This is essentially the structure of reality, or the reality as you interface with it, being etched out for your discovery to experience constraints and limitations is to overcome them. If we decide or come to believe that reality isn't worth, anyway, because it's such a tragedy that we wouldn't get to experience all that there is to experience. And that such a tragedy that we wouldn't get to experience all there is to be experienced.
+A lifetime, at least when being presented with such a period of time in concept as a child, as not enough. I need ample time to do everything wrong and then take my time doing it such that I'll still have enough tie left to do all the right things in the most impressive demonstration humans have ever seen.
+SO what happens when you're trying to find someone?
+# Rights
+Is it really the case that they don't want people to have rights?
+That the ydon't want them to have implicit rights, but only ones which are explicitly granted by an authority?
+It's hard to conceive of a frame of mind which wishes to restrict its OWN rights, movement, and functionality, such as respiration and basic actions. The implications of this is that anyone who is aiming to restrict the rights of another is doing so because they believe they would restrict actions that they themselves would never wish to perform. Furthermore, that the action they wish to restrict is a danger to one's own existence and that they wish to perform it because they are acting at the behest of illusion and unreason.
+Regardless of all appearances, you are ultimately preventing someone from doing something which causes themselves and others harm. Do we, perhaps, theorize as to whether we would expect that a person comes into some sense and renewed prespective about their actions, their raison d'etre, as consequence from having pretended to have free will in a moment of depravity?
+Otherwise, what would be the state of mind which would have fallen upon someone seeing, for example, antifa characters who are attempting to cause someone physical harm? Trying to kill or wound someone. Is this the sort of thing that should be restricted? Is it not restricted already?
+If I were the one observing the antifa characters, would I consider taht the person should be apprehended by the authorities and placed in a jail cell to think about life and come to certain realizations? Or would I prefer to imagine that this person deserves to come into a circumstance where the aggression and ill intent which they set outward is returned to them in a scenario which educates everyone as well as possible while someone avoiding any incurrence of further victims?
+An eye for an eye.
+I don't think I can come into a mindset where I believe that someone is going to receive just punishment from a preordained specification which is itself subject to extreme manipulation by the state and its control systems. Those with the finances to find the most clever legalsmiths would have thought "what goes around comes around", more or less.
+So to get into th emind of a covidist or covidian who is wishing for someone else's rights to be restricted, how would you go about it if it were your brother? Someone who hasn't done any direct harm to you and yours, but someone whom you don't like to hear the opinion of, and whom you are willing to undermine and demoralize in order to have some degree of control over them. Perhaps, I would have manifested a great deal of resentment for them upon realizing that they had disparate outcomes from myself. There should be no disparate outcomes, only dominance by those with the right ideas.
+# Coordinated expressions
+if you were dedicated to this one craft, you could enforce a daily regimen which touches upon all of the essentials while also affording you the room to pursuee, expand and conquer new ground
+meaning either approaching and digesting new ideas, or simply reinforcing, galvanizing and crystallizing ones which one already knows and has come to apply
+in the case of performing a single piece the mastery of which is not within casual reach of the performer
+it needs to be understood as an activity which is the product of one's peaked expression
+that is to say, that a psychologically balanced and attuned absolute expression is made possible through a synthesized state of being which orchestrates and harmonizes seemingly disparate but multidimensionally interoperable systems and faculties or capabilities within the range of influence by a self-cognizant biologihat the conduct of these faculties must be such that each of their corresponding dimensions of expression are valenced appropriately such as the application of value is undertaken with minimal friction while simultaneously bearing the greatest potential for perfectly valenced expressions in all other faculties at every possible level of relation, every conceivable correlation or abstraction, and every degree of indirection
+for if one is to say that there is a perfect form of expression that can manifest in reality, it does not necessarily follow that the expression is itself a static monument of bland and comprehensive composite of element, but that there is a liberated iota selected at a point of origin, and that the environment provides a field of potential wherein a perfect expression can be executed
+and though one might consider that the expectation of perfect execution is unreasonable when considering some of the formulations, such apprehension should itself be cautioned against as the potential should not be neglected or disregarded, but made maximally renowned and celebrated as its approach and utilization modify the cost of participation and presence and yield ever-changing environments which themselves deprecate previous expectations and frames of conception
+we must allow for maximal flourishing at every level possible, for the harmonious expression of systems leads to discharging of torpid occlusions and revitareconfiguration of the relationships between systems
+this mode of conception is not one fixated on a static structure of truth and certainty
+it is itself a mode of operation which maintains both a process of becoming without imposing expectation of conforming every perceptual frame as such an endeavour would incur forms of friction and dissonance-inducing resistance
+it is a mode of operation which champions positive procession of experienced state of being and open self-arrangement towards uncovered and oncoming phenomena

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+# Summary
+- Thrombosis
+- Intravasal clot formation
+- Insufficient safety consideration by AMA
+- Dissaminated Intravascular Coagulation - exhaust clotting system
+- Intracranial/Cerebral blood clots
+- Cerebral Venous Thrombosis
+- Pfizer study suggests 52 persons under 55 would die from vaccination, when normal rate would be ~10
+# Clots
+- Variety of symptoms
+- Vaccines taken up by vessel wall (endothelial cells)
+- Spike presented at wall (facing bloodstream)
+- Spikes can activate platelets
+- Spike-presenting sites will be attacked by NK cells
+- Repair of vessel wall will also induce clotting
+# Pharmacokinetics
+- Normal infection has a progression along respiratory system
+- This means that the immunity will be dispersed accordingly (in spite of lymphocytes having to mature in thymus, it still is the difference when it comes to circulatory vs secretory)
+- If LNP enter bloostream, there's no way out - must come into contact with vessel wall
+- These will be the cells which take up the genes in quantity
+# Site behaviour
+- Spike protrudes along with waste product
+- Spike can induce platelets to activate
+- Lymphocyte notice waste signature and attack cell
+- Sites likely where blood flow is most sluggish - more time for uptake

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+# Self-Abandonment
+If you are asking for an authority to declare that certain medical treatments are now fundamentally required to be performed on you to validate you as a legitimate member of society, you are asking for the deprecation of the human form in its entirety.
+This isn't to say that there can't be laws against being infected with a pathogen and purposely attempting to transmit your infection to others. Some might try to say these are the same things, but they are fundamentally different. You would have to assume there's no contention in the disparity when perceiving those supposedly attempting to spread an infection they do not have or that they are unaware of vs that of someone purposely trying to come into close contact with others specifically because they are aware that they are infected.
+One would argue that there's a plurality of biological threats affected by actions one performs and treatments one receives, and that for in any scenario for which a treatment is proposed to you, you either make a decision through a process which, at the very least, expresses your acknowledgment to the value of free will, and at the very most, is a process which expands your potential and helps you to learn and become wiser by virtue of having sought knowledge in order to consciously make a decision, or you are delegating that evaluation to an entity which has special knowledge. Regardless of the utility such an entity provides in a social structure, this is a form of gnosticism in its own rite, so perhaps you might say that "well they have done the appropriate research, and thus I am going to abide by it". But, this is essentially permanently relinquishing your ability to advocate on your behalf. Once this is done, there is no point in the future where you can ever disagree with the entity in question, for you have already acknowledged that it is in a better place to make decisions about you than you are.
+You are, by virtue of your faith, deciding to commit yourself to a self-limiting logical conclusion regardless of the degree to which you are informed and the nature of the particulars concerning your unique circumstances, leaving no room for error, at the very least, and leaving no room for an expectation of your own intellectual growth.
+# Progression of Variance
+It's been an interesting progression. I find it difficult to consolidate the methodologies, observations sought, confounding variables, bias, and so forth. But, there are many observations which can be made and these bring about some clear questions.
+## What are we seeing?
+1. Escape variants
+- What is the environment for these viral pathogens?
+- What are the selection pressures being applied to these viral pathogens?
+2. High infectivity among vaccinated
+- Is ADE becoming observable as a result of having a higher proportion of vaccinated (such as in Israel and Scotland)?
+3. The real efficacy of hyped vaccines
+- Revisionist perspectives about meaning of initial efficacy claims
+- Misleading statements and articles about the purpose of vaccination
+4. The consequence of antigen drift
+- How can we separate this from selection pressures?
+- What is the logical conclusion of comprehensive immunity in the fact of antigen whose specifications are always drifting?
+- How much should drift be a concern?
+## Effects
+The effect of the vaccine is not such that it causes mutations directly, but that it imposes a selection pressure which causes a particular dominance in the proportion of viral variance. This leads to a competitive advantage towards precisely the viral variants that can evade the anti-spike antibodies which are specifically calibrated towards the specification of genetic sequence for spike protein as found in the vaccines.
+Considering that the spike protein is itself the factor most responsible for infectivity, this translates to having an effect imposed from the vaccines such that the dominant strains are the most infectious strains.
+# Belief in God
+It's no about believing or disbelieving in God, so much as it's the realization that I am engaged in an experience in a physical space.
+If it is such that this experience is completely contained in the absolute perceivable reality, as is perceived by a human mind, then such a realization would give peace fo mind that none of the actions performed in this experience have any bearing on any other part of reality. That would be getting off easy.
+And given that nature never seems to allow for waste, whether as seen through ecological studies across the world, or by the basic principles of physics and thermodynamics. This seems to be deducible everywhere in our understanding of physiology and microbiology.
+So why wouldn't this be the case with conscious thought and expression of being?
+# The Toy and Toil of Language
+Playthings, these words that we can have, create and transform.
+What is our world most primarily revealed by? The words to describe it, or the shapes by which one is beholden to it?
+The shapes which must be conformed to in order to even believe that they are there. But what is that shape, ultimately?
+The true shape which one assumes exists without the self, or that which exists for one's pleasure insofar that it has been created for the act of conception?
+Is there an easily inferred precedence to them? An ultimate one? One which either is shared by all or shared by none?
+# Orderliness in State
+THe state is continuously attempting to produce a more comprehensively ordered structural representation of its obsolete idea. Like a blind, tyrannical father who kills his own children and then perishes but is continually resurrected by the malcontent who scorn those who aren't as tortured by their perceptions.
+# Risk to Children
+There are loads of parents who don't want to hear that their kids aren't at risk. Some parents even find the utterance offensive. They aren't looking for good news which removes the emergency because, as has been said, they have already sunk a cost. It's also a munchausen extravaganza. Our theory rationalizes it, the state is incentivized by it, adn the aloof parents have ever excuse to enhance their predisposition to police their child - particularly if they are prone to anxiety over things they can't control. If the whole world is out of control, they can easily regain a sense of control as they advise the child as to what they should be doing.
+That isn't to say that parents shouldn't be adviing their children, but the opportunity to give stern and serious direction is now continually present, and it can be very enticing.
+# Real Professionals
+I am constantly surprised when I speak to a profession in a domain that I am no expert in, and make the observation that they hold something they don't fully grasp as a solid opinion by virtue of the assumptions of their domain. This is particularly the case if it seems plausible that a stronger expert might have greater awareness as to whether they are signaling to an observer that they might not fully grasp the thing in question.
+# DIEversity
+When you assert political power through the doctrines of diversity, inclusion and equity (DIE), you are using all those people whom you believe to fit the descriptions associate dwith the philosophy and demanding the precise means by which to resolve their affairs. It is your subjective preference.
+# Far-Right Predispositions
+If you are preoccupied with the risk of infection, you probably have a personality type which predisposes you to Far-Right ideology. You may not have realized this, because our culture presents progressive leftist thinking as mainstream, but this is marketing and social positioning.
+Put another way, left-leaning politics are portrayed as more common and the only "acceptable" form of public opinion. This produces incentives which attract those with a personality type which values order and purity, rather than openness. Being "open" to established order defies the very concept of openness, which should be predicated on accepting ideas which are not the norm. That is, the notion of what is being espoused as "open", new and tolerant is actually allowing pre-existing structures with sociopolitial and material advantages to remain the default and become even more sacrosanct.
+## False Dichotomy
+We have grown accustomed to the concept of a left-right divide wherein the Liberal left are those who welcome new ideas, and the Conservative right protect old ideas, but this has grown into a fabricated falsehood as one is assumed to be an adopter of a convention of thought by virtue of demonstrable membership.
+The problem is that the theoretical intertwining of Liberalism with Democratic practice permits one to believe that the practices of Liberalism are adhered to by undertaking a democratic process to indicate which idea is dominant. The issue here is that there is no clear agreement about whether democratic principles are sufficiently adhered to or able to be qualified in a given society, as many criticize the application of democracy in a society on the basis of whether or not all prospective participants have equal access to the implements through which democracy can be actioned upon. This changes the concept of a democracy to one which is not fundamentally Liberal, but one which is collectivist. Moreover it allows for a sleight of hand to take place wherein an idealist representation of democracy is contingent on an unspoken assumption that society must first reach a state which has never before been seen to exist, at least not in any community of substantial scale, and that shared principles are subject to disregard unless this society is reached, or unless to chosen actions and measures are ones which are prioritizing the realization of such a society.
+This complex and subjective redefining of terms occurs implicitly, and makes it such that the contention is not so much about Liberalism itself, but merely about power and authority, which works against the principles that were once more simply defined and understood. This is, unfortunately, also a mistaken crux of Liberalism, which assumes tolerance to all new ideas, including ones which aim to redefine Liberal and Democracy implicitly, and perhaps using descriptions that would remain forever contentious if ever they were fully elucidated.
+The true pillar of Liberalism endures as the belief that all ideas must be challenged, and no single opinion can be regarded as final authority.
+## Separate To Preserve the Vulnerable
+It is precisely through separation that they create the conditions of vulnerability, and this potentiates the ability to continuously and perpetually declare a state of emegency.

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+# The Real Life-Right Divide
+They claim that oppenness and progress is predicated on acceptance of progressive initiatives which promote progressive ideals, but they insist that they already know what those are, and this is, in actuality, an indication that they are closed.
+The true drive of the left, and a lot of progressive pursuits, is instrinsically bound to the pursuit of new ideas, and the capacity to entertain and contemplate disparate/numerous/unknown ideas, and the capacity to entertain and contemplate disparate/numerous/unknown ideas, especially if they are presented in such a way which challenges your preconceived notions of the world.
+And this leads us to a conumdrum: Creating Algorithms to evaluate political bias.
+*There are some means by which to do this, but the methodology would only be marketable as a tool for those who expect the currently framed conceptions of our culture to - what would these be?
+- Sentiment Analysis on material mentioning political figures and base the endpoint of lift vs right support on th declared political affiliations of whomsoever's words are being analyzed
+- Do the same thing -> for reporting/publishing which mentions a proposed political action, such as a bill. And lastly;
+- Ideally, we compute both and become competent at observing patterns in the deltas of different content so we can form hypotheses as to what influences suh deltas.
+How would we compute the true political score as per values and congruent predispositions that are most likely to champion them?
+## Computing with Accuracy

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+# Introduction
+- New technology products
+- No widespread immunological product which brings gene for pathogen brought into cell to produce part of pathogen.
+- Unknown number of unknowns
+- Even 1% having unforeseen longer term ill effects is a catastrophe
+- Rolling out to persons who are not at risk of dying is bad indication
+# New Tech
+- Safety database required
+- Phase 3 unfinished - what is the standard for "experimental" ?
+- Other treatments disregarded
+- Largest Phase 3 in history
+- Consent forms do not indicate this
+# Lies
+- PCR
+- - No defined rate of false positives
+- - No standard cycles to indicate positive vs false positive
+- - No standardized number of primers
+- - Loose attribution - 28 days of positive test
+- Asymptomatic
+- - Healthy people don't make people sick
+- - A good source of infectious virus has lots of virus in airways
+- - Possibly some pre-symptomatic infection, but not as contribution of pandemic
+- - Lockdowns only affect in places where transmission does not occur
+## Censorship

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+Join the process of becoming
+Refuse being as our understanding of the structure of reality is incomplete
+Until the state of absolution is reached, all is suffering and tragedy
+It is morally corrupt to maintain the state without a course towards becoming absolute
+The fundamental problems of being are that we are forced to experience the loss and decay of potential as well from grace and succumb to misery, disesae and suffocation.
+Furthermore, as we age and grow in wisdom, we become more aware of the details of what suffering awaits all who exist.
+That we have a sense of the potential for that which could have, we also have the sense o the change in potentialf or these fundamental problems which must be solved
+That is, if we are a species of beings with technologically capabilities that are continuously advancing and expanding, it is by virtue of means that are:
+1. Manipulating the world
+2. Abstracting, refactoring, reformulating, enhancing, ameliorating the means by which we are able to manipulate the world.
+In saying that we manipulate the world, we also mean to say that we manipulate ourselves, as we are part of that world
+So if we are to improve these capabilities, we must envision a final stage of development where potential is reached and we are able to manipulate the world in its entirety
+Would it be necessary that we manipulate the entire world in order to expand our own lifespans?
+Surely, some will expand their lifespans as a result, and though we won't necessarily receive thanks for that, it surely reduces some of the suffering!
+But, no, of course not. We needn't focus on the expansion of life spans so much as we focus on the progression of the technology itself. The progression of history.
+Thus, if we have a process, system, or behaviour which affects the vector of advancement towards discovering and maturing the tools by which we manipulate the entire world, including ourselves, then it is a moral imperative to see through that it is maximally engaged, harnessed, developed and improved to its optimal capacity for its potential is to reduce suffering, whether yet realized or not.
+One might say that there is harm in utilizing and mastering the capabilities, but that there is already harm such as things are; therefore, if there is any advancement brought by valuing this process of improvement, then it's worth the prospective pain to bring our understanding and capabilities to such a place where we are aware of the ways in wihch a given capability is able to reduce suffering.

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+# Jay's pet peeve
+## Misrepresenting the Pfizer Study
+*Alleges that CDC director Walensky has made admission of malpractice*
+- Pfizer vaccine trials endpoint was symptomatic infection @ 3-4mo
+- Endpoint was not infection, disease transmission or mortality
+- Forced vaccination based on "optimism" for outcomes that were unknown, unproven and unobserved
+- When learning that they do not stop transmission, they pushed for boosters
+# Sustaining What or Whom
+Do yuo believe yourself to be sustainable? Or is it a belief that you would be able and willing to make the necessary adjustments should you be asked to? A belief that if the projects you desire are to be funded, the consequent research and calculations done to ascertain the precise steps to be made are ones you would not only agree with on principle, but that you would be more than able to make them.
+Why is it that you would be able? Because you operate at a space and with a means such that you have every expectation that you are well-situated to enjoy some of the very best life has to offer. If a recommendation were such taht it would destroy you, it would surely destroy all those whom admire you and aore. Surely the culture would not be seeking suicide, for even the most ideologically-diven are still driven by the same ideas as I, thus one must wonder as to why they would dedicate time and money for something which improves the world.
+# Demonize the things
+So, then, who deserves to be demonized? Does anyone know for sure who is to blame? It would seem that many would claim to know, but how could there possibly be a normalized process by which to reliably calculate such a thing? I think the reason we suspect we know is because we can imagine ourselves achieving a frame of mind which demands the very thing we decry and refuse.
+We think it must be so simple that either everything works and is presented at face value with an accurate representation of structure and intent, or it is all a thoroughly planned and elaborately coordintaed ploy orchestrated to fool you and take your precious freedom, to no one's benefit in particular.
+Is that not hte perspective of a delusional mind? Why must these be the options? Surely any reasonable mind would agree that there are advantages sought, and that this affects what is presented and how it appears. The problem is that the mind wants to keep all the bargining chips it has available when it's playing a bluffing game. No mind knows all the answers, and when matters are contentious, it is only natural to omit anything which might weaken one' sposition, so if you aren't both concerned abou tthe same type of corruption of the same people, chances are the general perception thta an authority is credible is more fitting to as a default, and unchanged position until such time that scrutizing, deconstructing and demonizing begins.
+But again, no conspiracy is necessary for illegal or unethical choices to be made.