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+ 2 - 2

@@ -688,11 +688,11 @@ The alchemy is different, but worded differently and much less mystically.
 The alchemist must purify himself appropriately or the alchemical magic won't work. A key hermetic belief.
-Marcuse: "What is now at stake are the needs themselves. At this stage the qestion is no longer how can the individual satisfy his kpown needs without hurting others, but rather how can he satisfy his needs without hurting himself. Without reproducing through his aspirations and satisfactions his dependence on an exploitative apparatus which, in satisfying his needs, perpetuates his servitude. The advent of a free society would be characterized by the fact that the growth of wellbeing turns into an essentially new quality of life. This qualitative change must occur in the needs - in the infrastructure of man, itself a different dimension of the infrastructure of society. The new direction, the new institutions in relatio must express the ascent of needs and satisfactions very different, and even antagonistic to those prevalent in the exploitative societies. Such a change would constitute the extinctual basis for freedom - which the long history of class society has blocked. Freedom would become the environment of an organism which is no longer capable of adapting to the competitive performances required for wellbeing under domination. No longer capable of tolerating the aggressiveness, brutality and ugliness of the established way of life, the rebelien would then have taken root in the very nature - the biology of the individual - and on these grounds, the rebels would redefine the objectives and the strategy of the political struggle in which, alone, the concrete goals of liberation can be determined."
+Marcuse: "What is now at stake are the needs themselves. At this stage the question is no longer how can the individual satisfy his own needs without hurting others, but rather how can he satisfy his needs without hurting himself. Without reproducing through his aspirations and satisfactions his dependence on an exploitative apparatus which, in satisfying his needs, perpetuates his servitude. The advent of a free society would be characterized by the fact that the growth of wellbeing turns into an essentially new quality of life. This qualitative change must occur in the needs - in the infrastructure of man, itself a different dimension of the infrastructure of society. The new direction, the new institutions in relation must express the ascent of needs and satisfactions very different, and even antagonistic to those prevalent in the exploitative societies. Such a change would constitute the extinctual basis for freedom - which the long history of class society has blocked. Freedom would become the environment of an organism which is no longer capable of adapting to the competitive performances required for wellbeing under domination. No longer capable of tolerating the aggressiveness, brutality and ugliness of the established way of life, the rebellion would then have taken root in the very nature - the biology of the individual - and on these grounds, the rebels would redefine the objectives and the strategy of the political struggle in which, alone, the concrete goals of liberation can be determined."
 Claims in a footnote that he's not talking about the normal conception of biology, but rather making people in tolerant to the idea of intolerance and oppression. Look at what we're doing to our children with their hypersensitivity to microaggressions.
-"Political radicalism thus employs moral radicalism. The emergence of a morality, which might precondition man for freedom. This radicalism activates the elementary organic foundation of morality in the human being. Prior to all ethical behaviour in accordance with specific social standards, prior to all ideological standards morality is a disposition of the organism, perhaps rooted in the erotic drive to counter aggressiveness - to create and preserve ever-greater unities of life. We would then have, this side of all values, an instinctual foundation for oslidary among human beings. A solidarity which has been effectively repressed in line with th requirements of class society but which now appears as a precondition for liberty. To the degree to which this foundation is itself historical in the malleability of human nature reaches into the depth of man's instinctual structure, changes in morality may sink down into the biological dimension and modify organic behaviour. Once a specific morality is firmly established as a norm of social behaviour, it is not only interjected, it operates as a norm of organic behaviour. The organism receives and reaacts to certain stimulii and ignores and repels others in accord with the interjected morality, which is thus promoting or impeding the function of the organism as a living cell in the respective society. In this way,a society constantly recreates, this side of consciousness and ideology, patterns of behaviour and aspiration, as part of the nature of is people, and unless the revolt reaches into this second nature, into these ingrown patterns, social change will remain incomplete and even self-defeating."
+"Political radicalism thus employs moral radicalism. The emergence of a morality, which might precondition man for freedom. This radicalism activates the elementary organic foundation of morality in the human being. Prior to all ethical behaviour in accordance with specific social standards, prior to all ideological standards morality is a disposition of the organism, perhaps rooted in the erotic drive to counter aggressiveness - to create and preserve ever-greater unities of life. We would then have, this side of all values, an instinctual foundation for solidarity among human beings. A solidarity which has been effectively repressed in line with the requirements of class society but which now appears as a precondition for liberty. To the degree to which this foundation is itself historical in the malleability of human nature reaches into the depth of man's instinctual structure, changes in morality may sink down into the biological dimension and modify organic behaviour. Once a specific morality is firmly established as a norm of social behaviour, it is not only interjected, it operates as a norm of organic behaviour. The organism receives and reaacts to certain stimulii and ignores and repels others in accord with the interjected morality, which is thus promoting or impeding the function of the organism as a living cell in the respective society. In this way,a society constantly recreates, this side of consciousness and ideology, patterns of behaviour and aspiration, as part of the nature of is people, and unless the revolt reaches into this second nature, into these ingrown patterns, social change will remain incomplete and even self-defeating."
 Scary project, but let's finalize with the Essay on Liberation:

+ 42 - 1

@@ -474,4 +474,45 @@ Hegel -> Y Hegel -> Marxists -> Neo-Marxists -> Black Feminism
 - No perfected Communism to draw from, just an effort to continuously raise consciousness
 ### Horkheimer / Adourno
-Dialectical thinking is *"In which each thing is what it is only by becoming what it is not".*
+Dialectical thinking is *"In which each thing is what it is only by becoming what it is not".* - The Dialectic of Enlightenment
+This central concept is used by ideologues to weaponize language: "You like Democracy, don't you?".
+- Undemocratic means to refine our Democracy
+- Remove undemocratic ideas from Democracy
+- Tolerance must be intolerant of intolerance
+- Limit freedoms which harm freedom
+- Desegregate this space by removing whiteness
+- Deracialize through racial consciousness
+#### Revised views
+- Adourno criticized these ideas later in 1966
+- Retain Dialectic, but remove synthesis (Foucauldian)
+### Marcuse in Metaphysic
+- Build realm of freedom by breaking with past/present (Historicism)
+- Question man's needs (he hurts himself, and others)
+- Man's needs are his servitude
+- Advent of new dimension of well-being in the infrastructure of Man
+- Ascend to new needs through Institutions antagonistic to "exploitative societies"
+- Extinctual basis of freedom: freedom becomes environment of organism intolerant of domination
+- Rebellion takes root in biology of individual
+- Microaggressions?
+### Marcuse continued
+- Political radicalism employs moral radicalism as precondition to freedom
+- Radicalism activates organic foundation of morality (free of social standards)
+- Morality rooted in erotic drive to counter aggressiveness
+- Changes in morality sink into biological and modify organic behaviour
+- Organism reacts to different stimulii in accord with interjected morality
+- Organism living cell in society which recreates itself through patterns and aspiration
+- Revolt must reach into nature or social change incomplete/self-defeating
+### Marcuse: Essay on Liberation
+- Radicalization countered by social-engineering
+- Development of needs perpetuates servitude
+- Interest in existing system fostered in instinctual structure of exploited
+- Rupture coninuuum of repression -> liberation
+- Radical change in dimension of human existence hardly considered in Marxism (you sure, bro?)
+- Liberation presupposes change in biological dimension - instinctual needs, body reactions, and the mind
+### Marcusian Alchemy