@@ -63,6 +63,116 @@ Role of Social Worker is to raise a Critical Consciousness in those they interve
- Marxified version of education to push Marxist theory
# Culturally-Relevant Education
-- We are now using Identity-based cultural theory of education to push Culturally-based Identify Marxist Theory. Race Marxist theory of education pushing CRT. Same exact model - borderline plagiarism (Freirean object put into a Race box).
+- We are now using Identity-based cultural theory of education to push Culturally-based Identify Marxist Theory. Race Marxist theory of education pushing CRT. Same exact model (Glorida Ladson Billings) - borderline plagiarism (Freirean object put into a Race box).
- The real point of social & education: Awaken the Marxist
-- Generative Words/Concepti ppdd
+- Generative Words/Concepts: Codification/Problematization/Decodification (Chapter 6)
+- For Freire and Billings, the point of education is to awaken Critical Consciousness
+- Induce cultural competence: political literacy (Identity Politics - you are politically Black instead of just Racially Black)
+- All at the expense of genuine literacy and mastery (why learn disconnected sentences and syllables when we can use the class to teach political literacy)
+# Generative Concepts
+- The vocabulary word choices should be things that help to bring about liberation.
+- No longer talking about teaching people to do things, because academic mastery would be used for the "banking model" of education, where the child is seen as an empty vessel where knowledge can be put so they can choose to capitalize or not.
+- Learning allows you to capitalize in a knowledge-based economy
+- Switch this to the Marxification of education in order to bring literacy (Codification/Problemitization/Decodification - repackaging of Hegel)
+- Kant: Thesis - Anthithesis - Synthesis (encapsulates broader whole and stands up to greater scrutiny)
+- Hegel: Birth of Scientific Gnosticism - Make it about Negative thinking. Abstract, then negate, and you arrive at the concrete understanding
+- Freirean Dialectic from Hegel: Codify the make the abstract. Problematize to negate it (say why it's problematic) and do politics. Then De-codify to make it concrete for your particular understanding
+- Hegel's Scientific Gnosticism is still cult nonsense and it doesn't work, an will eventually lead to catastrophes
+- Marx made it so much worse by mkin it wholly material and fundamentally evil (putting man)
+# Grooming
+- Education turned into Cult Grooming
+- There is sexual grooming, and grooming into sexuality-based concepts (Hannah Dyer - point of early childhood grooming into Queer theory is to ensure childrens' identities stay fluid - don't stabilize)
+- Despite the ratio of
+- Catholic church grooming is continuously presented as being a secret scandal, but it's a scandal that everyone and their dog knows about and has joked about
+- Cult grooming (Marxist) occurs using the Freirean techniques (into Identity Marxism)
+- Simple methodology (trichotomy):
+ - Induce vulnerability (initiation)
+ - Offer resolution through cult doctrine (indoctrination)
+ - Cut people off from outside sources (programming)
+## Freire's Prophetic Vision
+- In practice, identify vulnerable kids: give them surveys. Ask them if they engage in suicidal ideation.
+- Ask them how the changes in their body make them feel
+- Ask them if they sometimes with they feel like a boy or a girl
+- Identify who is vulnerable/stressed
+- Shuttle them into programs in curriculum or after-school clubs
+- Make them vulnerable about identity
+- Employ cult doctrine while love-bombing them
+- Be attentive to their trauma
+- "Here's the reason why everything is bad, here's what you can do about it"
+- Cycle of commitment ensues
+- Parents don't understand, they are a difficult culture
+- Literal cult grooming posing as education
+- Freire talks about his goal of a prophetic vision for education; begins with prelude to his original essay. New book is a preliminary prelude
+"When I began to write this chapter, I looked upon this theme as a challenge. Indeed, seeing this as a challenge forces me to respond critically rather than anively. My critical attitude in itself presupposes a deep and intimate understanding of the theme in the sense of unveiling it more and more. This essay, then, answers the challenge by becoming yet another challenge for its readers. My critical attitude towards this theme leads me to an act of knowledge and this requries not only knowing objects but only a knowing subject, like me."
+*Frames this whole thing as a challenge he has had and an even bigger challenge for you. This challenge is answered by another bigger challenge. Who is a knowing subject? He is! Himself.
+- Freire describes everything as a process
+- In Marxism, everything is incomplete (man, society, world)
+- Hegel put forward a Hermetic and gnostic religion in mould of Christianity
+- Remember that with this manner of thinking, nothing ever "Is". Everything is always becoming.
+## Heremetic Belief
+Hermeticism is Alchemy of a particular type (parallel to Gnosticism)
+- Hegel put forward a Gnostic AND Hermetic religion, modelled after Christianity.
+- Synthesized things for his speculative philosophy
+- The absolute (God/Deity/Infinite) cannot know itself as divine without something mundane to compare itself to.
+- Creates the World to know what it is
+- Alchemical processes analogous to Dialectical processes
+- Metaphor of Alchemy: picture the Fire as the Dialectic (transmute things in the alembic)
+- Seeds of Gold of Trapped within the Mundane
+- Free and blossom through the process of becoming perfect
+- The state gives rise to the practical form of the idea
+- Cultural alchemy and leads to revolution with a new idea, so the Theoretical Idea can advance (which in turn updates the Practice. Praxis until absolution)
+- The Deity realizes itself it is Deity - the Deity that doesn't realize itself as deity
+- Thinking agents of the world do the thinking and synthesizing - Concretizing
+- Dialectical Faith of Leftism
+## Freirean Revolution
+- Remake education so that children become perpetual change agents
+- Stopping revolution stops progress of history
+- Constant change is the necessity
+- Frustrated Neo-Marxists can't abide
+- Constant destabilization until absolution
+"Since it always a process, knowing presumes a Dialectical situation. Not strictly an I think, but a We Think."
+*We think, therefore we are.*
+"It is not the I think that constitutes the We Think, but rather the We Think that makes it possible for Me to Think. We think, therefore I think, therefore I am. We think, that makes it possible for me to think."
+*I can only think because collectively we are thinking*
+This is why mathematics is being transformed to stop focusing on individual achievement, and instead focus on collective achievement. It is not the I think that matters, but the We think. It is not the I think that constitutes the We Think.
+The process of knowing is a dialectical situation. The individual and collective are opposites that need to be dialectically synhtesized into Individuals made to live in a Society (Socialist Man).
+*Marx says the goal is to become socialist man that lives in social society so that they become co-continuous.*
+*Russeau said Savages made to live in Cities (original Master Slave Dialectic) inspiring Hegel.*
+*Marcuse wants outsiders that are insiders. The margin made to be at the center. Individuals meant to live in society. Individuals who have subordinated themselves to the collective and through a Dialectical process you are made free. You are choosing to become part of the collective because of your interjected morals and values. Become a collectivist who believes themselves to be more free because the Collective does things for you, you don't have to do things you don't want to do. Entitlement complex.*
+"In epistemological terms, the object of knowledge isn't a term of knowledge for the knowing subject, but a mediation of knowledge."
+*The object of knowledge is the thing that you study, know, or want to know. It is not a term of knowledge for the conscious, it is a mediator/tool for learning. Math isn't math on its own, but a tool for learning something else. So it can be retooled to be the tool which teaches that which we must know - how to liberate ourselves*
+If you want to get religious, your sermon has a lesson. It's not even a sermon about God, but a Politics lesson dressed up as a sermon. Your mom is political.
+## Different Human Knowledges
+So the process of coming to know things isn't really one where the thing that you're learning matters. The thing you are learning is a mediator or vehicle of actual knowledge, which is political knowledge - Freirean education will hijack every other subject to deliver political literacy lessons. Your child becomes a tool for proliferation of Marxism.
+"Like any active study, reading is not just a passtime, but a serious task, in which readers attempt to clarify the opaque dimensions of their study. To read is to rewrite, not memorize, the ocntents of what is being read. We need to dispense with the naive idea of consuming what we read, like Sartre, we might call this artificial notion the nutritionist concept of knowledge, according to which those who read and study become fat intellectuals. This might justify such expressions as "hungry for knowledge", "thirst for knowledge", and to have or not have an "appetite" for understanding."
+*Reading has to be a serious task in which you rewrite what you're reading -> codification, problematization, decodification. The dumb smart person who repeats things is an annoying and worth of criticism, but being a Marxist isn't the distinction which makes you smart.*
+"This same artificial concept currently informs educational practice, in which knowledge is na act of transference. Educators are the possessors of knowledge, whereas learners are empty vessels to be filled by the educators deposits (switched frmo nutrition to bank analogy). Hence, learners don't have to ask questions or offer any challenge since their position cannot be anything other than to receive passively the knowledge their educators deposit. If knowledge were static and consciousness empty, merely occupying a a space in the body, this kind of educational practice would be valid, but this is not the case. Knowledge is not someting that is made and fininshed, and consciousness is an intention towards the world."
+*Two meanings here: knowledge is not something that is made and finished (no kidding), but what's being implied here. What he's saying is something that sound sperfectly reasonable, but Marxists think knowledge is contingent and relative. Knowledge and truth is a matter of a social formation.*
+*France in the 18th century and America in the 20th century have completely different knowledges. And it's not geographical - there is knowledge today, tomorrow, the next day, and none of these are the same, because for Marxists the knowlege is knowledge of how to turn the revolution one more turn. How to be Critically Conscious in the present circumstances, so that when you have your revolution and come to a new set of circumstances, you need more Critical Consciousness to have another revolution to come to the next set of circumstances. Before, now and later have different knwoledges, because knowledge is a matter of truth, and truth is a matter of a social formation.*
+"Knowledge must be relative, as Goerthe said, because everything withers away". And so the dialectic progresses. Knowledge is not something made and finished, and you think he's talking about the fact that we're still learning, but what it means is directly insofar that it enables revolution.
+*Consciousness is an intention toward the world - to create a revolution. It's all to setup the dialogical model where the educator learns about oppression from the learner, who doesn't have empty consciousness, and then grooms that learner into Marxist consciousness (the intention toward the world) - to transform the world (disrupt and dismantle - build back better!).*
+*Human is the conscious subject who knows he is the conscious subject taht can envision what he wants to create in the world and thus by creating the thing he puts some of himself in the world and then sees himself in the world. He brought his humanness into that thing (a tree into a picnic table - humanized wood / useful to humans / value to humans by envisioning what the human process is). You see yourself and humanize yourself.*
+*Remember the difference between animalizing and humanizing - you can't animalize the world because they don't have a subjective capacity. Humans are different - we need to exist to prove we are not animals through the Marxist ontology of Man. We are human because we envision as a concept subject who humanizes the world, make it fit for humans and then see ourselves and understand that we ar the kind of animal that can change the world, rather than adapting to the world. We adapt the world to ourselves, and not just the object as the world, but man is his own object. Society is his object as well. Other men are man's object, and we do this with ourselves and each other.*