Emmanuel Buckshi 1 ano atrás

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Agit Prop Inception.md

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+# Agit Prop Inception
+September 11, 2023
+Though many might see it as an indication of progress for someone to at least suspect that the information they are receiving may be some form of propaganda, it becomes infinitely more complex to to contemplate whether teh suspicion of being subjected to propaganda might itself be the goal of a propagandist's attack.
+Layers of subversion help to embed someone in a pitfall of active measures such that even the realization or allegation of one having been manipulated can itself serve in the interests of the entity that organized or deployed the attack in question.
+Let's brainstorm and disambiguate such potential operations:
+## Simple Division
+The mere expectation that the information disseminated within one's group, milieu of association, etc will cause one to suspect that those who are allies and of like mind are actually some form of controlled opposition
+## Faux Rivalry
+Simulated or feigned competition within one's group will damage cohesion and make it more difficult for that group to organize and respond to an attack from a veritable threat
+- Trump vs De Santis) => Team De Santis
+## Agit-prop Turtles
+"Turtles all the way down"
+An endless cycle of manufactured discovery of propaganda attacks where the realization of subversion is always permitted such that the target enters into a new state of subversion.
+## Foreign Fiction
+Perhaps the most classically recognizable (1984) is the concept of a foreign enemy to act as the object of one's hate, hope and despair, allowing one to fall victim to the real enemy on home turf while one is endlessly consumed with the fiction
+## Mock Patterns
+One becomes armed with a means of recognizing an enemy pattern, such as an aesthetic and ideological system or system of rationale, but is then constantly bombarded with synthetic representations of these patterns without the inclination or opportunity to analyze these instantiations to a profound degree of verification.
+## Broken Faith Systems
+What is presented as an authentic operation from the opposing group/entity is actually valuable because it allows or compels you to lose faith as to whether a just resolution is even possible within the current terms of the system. This may not seem as much of an inception agitprop event except that the operation is ostensibly one which appears to be pursued for a set of reasons of manufacturing false evidence or representation of the target and its interests.
+graph TD
+  A[Right] -->|being pushed| B(Reaction)
+  B -->|One| C[Do nothing]
+  B -->|Two| D[React]
+  C --> Weak
+  D --> Violent

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collectivist_theology/Critical Conflict.md

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+Concerning the conflict of Critical Activity as Critical Praxis vs Critical Thinking
+Critical Theory vs Critical Thinking
+The chief concern is: regardless of how one feels about one's access to objective truth and knowledge, yes, both sides can agree (because we have the subject/object split) that, regardless of whether you include the Marxian descriptions of Ideology and Conflict Theory and a hierarchized stratification of domination and oppression, both sides will agree in that subject object split. The difference is that, one has an understanding that there are methodologies which are the most accurate for being able to deduce what objective reality is.
+The other is more focused on the transformation of reality to the point where that objectivity becomes accessible, and the subject and object are one.
+One has it happen in this world, whereas the other one doesn't believe it can happen or that it can happen in a transcendental state beyond what can be understood through human consciousness and experience.
+Now, what causes,a t least myself, to choose one over the other, is that even if we do agree in that disconnect from objectivity, Critical Thinking  is superior because the only way that you can move towards it effectively is when you and your interlocutor are communicating in good faith.
+There has to be that sentiment in the experience of each participant which allows it to take place, and if you have an understanding of false consciousness or a belief that those who don't share the perception are suffering from a false consciousness, then that sentiment will never ever manifest.
+So you have to begin there - with that good faith - without the good faith it's just war and it's just who believes in truth or who believes that truth is worth it.

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+Criticize teh nature of existence. Criticize the proposition of existing. Set forward an endeavour to reject reality, to express contempt for existence, to express disgust with self and to obfuscate it as disgust for other.
+Feign a solution while laying out a pit to hell.
+We need to understand that not only is this something which is being done when demands for improvement are being disseminated, but even our own attempts to find solutions can often result in finding novel openings into the abyss of magnitudinously potentiated torment.
+Continuously realizing worse suffering than ever previously considered to be possible.
+We do this because we fall into the habit and pattern of presenting a proposal to travel to hell as a helping hand for the marginalized, and it is essentially a proposition to accept our superior moral standing in spite of our own suffering. Subvert and manipulate others, even subconsciously or unconsciously, and it can never be known if it was your intent. The act of a despot? Or simply the well-meaning actions of a concerned citizen? An attempt to rule by might and treachery, or a socially-conscious act of empathy?
+How heinous an act can one conjure without realizing the nature of one's intent? Are the most heinous of acts ever reflected upon by their instigators and effectors such as to realize anything beyond the initial, superficial representation of intention?
+That any of us are able to realize that we ourselves ever act in kind suffices to inform that all are liable to succumb as well. If someone can do it, without the associated capacities and propensities supporting the action ever being provable or fully-known, then we must realize that the explicit functions set up to do the same are going to be utilized in manners which present for the same superficial reason, without ever needing to reveal anything more.
+This is a universal problem, which can easily be realized, and though there are different philosophies about how to solve the problem, it can only be addressed to satisfaction through universal application of one ruleset, without exception.

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+# Demands
+They demand that there is a form and that there is a structure with which to proceed - a set of instructions a rule-set and that the degree to which they are able to adhere is a form of morality and success - not the fact of being able to approach without that structure and to be able to infer it as one goes forward and to specify through one's action in the unknown and to find that you can come to the same place or perhaps even find a better path.
+# Sustainability
+Sustainability means that you expect resources are going to become more scarce and you expect that it's going to be more difficult for you to maintain your level of power, set of capabilities, your activities, your interests, whatever it is that you want from your life - that you're not going to be able to pursue and achieve it.
+So, the best thing to do, is to consolidate power in the world in such a way that preserves your way to do that. You call this sustainability and you find that those who think like you and who deserve to benefit from it, it's perfect because they're to continue with the existence of humanity and whatever that entails. But, for everybody else, who doesn't think like you - well, they're just not fully human, are they?

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+a dialectical play and have been on peaceful and violent protests so that they become the same thing. That's not from any one perspective:
+Right: CNN's mostly peaceful and fiery protest
+Left: The fact that they always insist that every peaceful protest is violent because violence doesn't need physical acts of violence and also because they are willing to provide evidence or make claims and provide hearsay evidence that without substantial evidence that violence is taking place
+Judith Butler seems to do the same thing that all the other gnostic mystics have done, like Hegel who says:
+"Subject and Substance are the same thing, because I've erected this system of science and it presupposes that they're the same thing - so see? Given the fact of my having completed this system which relies on that fact, we can presume that it is true". 
+And at the same time Judith Butler doing the same thing:
+We have gender and sex. Why do we have gender? Because of those things that objective reality and biology couldn't describe and dictate about sex. But, what a minute! How would we know what the things of gender would be unless we knew what the attributes of sex are - and how did we come about those? The same way that we are coming about those things of gender - through the socializationa nd social construction. Our understanding of sex is, therefore, also a social construction. Gender is sex and sex is gender. They're different only insofar that they were both parts of our becoming conscious of the degree to which our understanding is socially constructed.

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+# The End of Civil Rights
+5 Pages onstitute the reading of the introduction
+We are now at the conclusion
+Structural, political and representational intersectionality. Where violence against women comes in. Each section therein she talks about either battered women or raped women and talks about hwo those things are more intersectionally relevant in her argument because either:
+- the feminists are approaching the issue in a way that ignores the relevance of race
+- race activists ignore women, feminism and misogyny
+### Argument failures
+Repetitive and tedious and advances itself largely through assertions and failure to understand statistics. Failure to be generous and reasonable about extenuating circumstances.
+She has a long discussion about immigrant women who don't speak english and who have challenges when going to battered women's shelters, etc.
+Takes into account very little of the real challenges about not being to offer Bilingual services in a successful way that the people she's speaking for who run those shelters had encountered in the past and had bad results whether legally liable or nott
+## Conclusion

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+# Historicism Notes:
+## Philosophies
+- Time as singular dimension
+- Anticipatability of events
+  - Things which come to pass
+  - Things which may never come to pass
+- Unknown whether an event could have occurred at the end of a different sequence
+  - Inadmissible
+## Double Negation
+- Reinforces propensity of human thought
+- Reflect on state of reality
+  - Believe it can be changed
+  - It is changed by Man
+- Disposition to believing that things come to be because they should
+  - Our mediation of this becomes teleological
+  - Our relationship to this is ontological
+### Side Effect
+- Rationale for unwanted behaviour
+  - Its negation is imminent
+  - Tolerance for contradiction
+  - Half truth
+- Able to entertain a clash of opposites
+  - Provide the utility necessary to dominate
+  - Will become parts of the whole
+    - Control definition of

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+# Paulo Freire Notes
+While there is much content to understand, a key concept is Freire's Generative model:
+## Freire's Generative Method
+As a summary of this idea of the generative method, the idea is very straightforward:
+- Talk to/Dialogue with/Survey/data mine potential students/learners
+- Find out what agitates them; what their social-emotional trigger points are
+- Abstract the idea into a codification
+- Show them the codification of their own lives { book, story, math problem, image, film }
+  - Observe with critical distance
+  - External perspective
+- 3 Step decodification process
+  - Read political context of the situation
+  - Problematize the situation { Marxist analysis - privilege/power/oppression }
+  - Personalize it
+    - This was your life
+    -
+1. Data mine user
+2. Feed that back in the abstract
+3. Teach to read the political relevance
+4. Teach them why it's problematic (Marxist)
+5. Personalize it
+The step after that is that the kids are so engaged that they'll want to learn. They'll want to learn Math so they can solve the problems in their lives. But that's not what really happens - they become emotional wrecks, no longer see the point in learning, turn on and attack their teachers.
+## AI Dialogue
+SEL competencies following the "Every Student Succeeds" act requires relentless and absurd/intrusive surveying of the students.
+This has already been done broadly with the population:
+- Which Avenger are you? Which Power Ranger are you?
+- Share your results on facebook while it is data mined by Cambridge Analytica and the like
+- Learn how to propagandize you
+Understand that if they know who your kids are, they can be nudged into specific economic or political behaviour patterns.
+It facilitates learning goals, but the learning goals are the competencies of the SEL goals, not necessarily the academic ones, which may come but only as a side-effect or second-order goal.
+## Emergency
+Using technology can be invaluable to achieving the real goals of SEL, which goes beyond brainwashing.
+WEF is going after and installing "Communofascism". Earlier formulations attempted to create the economy and then force people to adapt to it. Then, in China, they tried to create the people who would create the economy.
+WEF wants to do both: build people and the economy in relation to one another by continuously data-mining and processing it before sending back updated instructions in a duplex stream.
+Primarily focused on those who are children right now, so they can intervene in their social emotional learning. More data is needed - circularity. Social Emotional Learning is a rampant fraud:
+### WEF White Paper
+"Social emotional skills are Critical to the universe of the future. The kinds of skills that SEL addresses, such as problem solving and collaboration, are increasingly necesary for the labour market. According to some estimates, 65% of children entering grade school will ultimately work in jobs that don't exist today."
+According to a model of how COVID will be predicated. According to one model about how we're going to run out of resources by 2000. According Limits to Growth which stimulated Klaus Schaub to invite people to Davos to speak at the European Management Forum, whcih became the World Economy Forum meeting in 1973.
+According to one estimate!
+"...putting creativity and adaptability at a premium."
+Shouldn't you be teaching them how to learn new and complex material, rather than screwing with identity politics?
+"Another study shows that jobs are increasingly social skills intensive. SEL will prepare people for this evolving workplace."
+Why should we believe these people because they wrote down "one study said, here's a possible solution!". This is madness that we would be accepting this, but it's bad policy enabling the carrot of billions of dollars of revenue for companies that will do this and massive amounts of control for the council of stakeholders that are in charge of all of this.
+"With consequent benefits for individuals, businesses the economy and society. SEL confers academic success as well.". Oh, okay. You even get academic success!
+"These valuable skills can be developed at any point in a child's life, although it can be highly effective to introduce SEL early and embed it in the core curriculum throughout a child's schooling. Early childhood is a critical period for attaining important skills and augmenting such early learning at later ages is complementary and effective."

+ 1 - 1

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ But also, activists in general: group participation which makes your survival mo
 ## Survival to Murderous
 There appears to be some deeply-seeded contempt hidden amongst the veil of acceptance and togetherness. Theirs is a togetherness which, when presented, is a special offering - a gracious offering. They expect, however, that whenever a proposal must be accepted or agreed to by others, that whatever precludes the other frmo accepting is due to selfishness. If they aren't to fulfill a duty that would otherwise be an act or a gesture of togetherness and acceptance, then it was completely a misunderstanding on your part. You raen't to be listened to or reasoned with. You should have no expectation that others should wish to have you in their inner-circle because you don't meet the requirements - you don't support the same ideology, you don't praise the same symbols and values, you don't play our games - you don't blend in - you don't submit to the same delusions - you give us cognitive dissonance - you give people anxiety - you did things in teh past and you haven't repented and admitted your moral failures.
-Whatever the case may be, their club of togetherness is exclusive in that you must prove that you believe in togetherness. The principle itself isn't evident, ebcause we have hijacked the language and erected complex requirements as a consequence. Since you aren't able to meet those requirements, we will apply the genuine definitions of language, but only in use towards expressing your failure. Never to confirm an clarify our use of that same language.
+Whatever the case may be, their club of togetherness is exclusive in that you must prove that you believe in togetherness. The principle itself isn't evident, ebcause we have hijacked the language and erected complex requirements as a consequence. Since you aren't able to meet those requirements, we will apply the genuine definitions of language, but only in use towards expressing your failure. Never to confirm or clarify our use of that same language.
 And then it becomes murderous. I warned you all of the Great Flood and informed you perfectly as to what it is you must do in order to prepare, but you didn't listen. You have never listened, and your continued failure constitutes support for our own faith in our righteousness.

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+December 30
+- The first thing that happens is that we have a very strange phenomenon in China. An eye doctor spots a case of supposedly atypical pneumonia
+- Claim That's a strange event to start with - there's lots of pneumonia all the time in China
+January 5
+- WHO: claims they've identified 44 cases (out of 8 million pop) of atypical pneumonia of unknown etiology
+January 7
+- Declared a new SARS-Like virus is the cause of these pneumonia cases
+January 10
+- Firm manufacturing first PCR kits is already shipping them
+- 11 days from first patient to shipping of kits
+- First Gene sequence is published
+January 12
+- WHO accepts Drosten protocol
+- "Gold standard"
+January 19
+- Corman-Drosten protocol submitted for review
+- Peer reviewed and published in 27 hours
+- Drosten is editor of this paper
+January 21
+- Chinese study about clinical symptoms of COVID -> NEJM
+January 26
+- Asymptomatic transmission -> NEJM
+- Clinical manifestation
+- Viral cause
+- Sequencing
+- Gold standard test
+- Peer reviewed publication sets primers for global use
+- Clinical features are understood and known
+All of these steps can be bullshit and pre-meditated

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+# Adaptation
+- Therapy elicits adaptation
+  - Measurable increase in immunologically active resource
+- Null sides
+- Consensus on sufficient quantitative increase
+## No Specification
+- No agreement on desired adaptation
+- Redundant, as voluntarism
+# Modification
+- Interferon type 1 response
+- Circulatory IgG against HU1
+- Effect on future unknown pathogens
+- Cross reactivity (previous and going forward)
+- Affect T-cell responses against other pathogens
+The health of the relations in a system isn't to be determined by your choice of metrics. The relations are so complex and deeply embedded that the only hope of addressing the widest range of them for the longest term is organically, and that simply can't be expected through force.

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+*In considering potential for violation of the Nuremberg Code.*
+POEC Document:
+Overview Report: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Government Responses. It is a timeline of the Canadian public health measures enacted to address Covid-19. Its document ID on the Commission’s website is COM.OR.00000002.pdf. I have attached it to this email for your convenience, and will be referring to some of its sections as I make the case that the vaccine mandates violated the Nuremberg Code.
+## Approval
+- CV-19 vaccines initially not eligible to be approved
+- Approved through Interim Order from Minister of Health
+- Amendments made to Food and Drug Regulations which incorporate elements of the Interim Order, allowing for continued use of CV-19 vaccines
+## Long Term
+- CV-19 vaccines defacto approved before trials taken place
+- No Phase IV trials conducted, therefore no study of long-term effects
+## Coercion
+- Most people are not farmers and do not have the means to produce their own food
+- Mandating uptake of vaccines with the threat of loss of employment
+- Without incoming, humans who cannot feed themselves or their families can starve and die
+- Loss of income inhibits development of children in affected households
+- Loss of access to resources and facilities of society creates a class system and imposes hierarchical structural force on human beings

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+Collectivism is just Altruism?
+You selflessly carry the pain of everyone else's concerns, to your own detriment, and are expendable so long as to yield net improvement those who are not you.
+"Why expend myself? I am useful to improve the world"
+Then Collectivism is "improving the world"?
+Anyone can describe themselves as doing that without being a part of an ist or ism or whatever group culture.
+Why even mention collectivism? Why not devote some amount of one's time and resources to improving the world?
+One responds: "that's the same thing! Everytime you try to improve the world it's Collectivism"-
+Everytime you successfully improve the world? or simply believe to have improved the world?
+The contention over what improves the world is precisely that - to posit that this is the standard which makes it Collectivism is preposterous, but becomes easier to understand when you find the real difference: A theory about final conditions which can only be made possible because the subject and object are co-continuous.
+That is, everyone will want to do X because they live in Y.
+Because it's impossible to delimit clear lines of intent in any thought or action, the standard for advocating collectivism becomes allegiance to theory, and adoption of praxis.
+We believe we are the collective, because we both declare the right ism and intent to perform praxis.
+But the moment a contradiction presents, one of us is no longer within the collective and will have to be transformed, or discarded. Perhaps even millions of us.

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+wE HAVE CHOSEN TO Look at all-cause mortality because it is the least-biased way to look at deaths.
+It's also an indicator of what's going on in the population. If you look at all-cause mortality, any signal will tell you if something is happening, at least (on the scale of the society - what's happening which causes death. It's not ambiguous like just filtering out particular deaths, but at the scale of the society you can really see what's happening)
+The seasonal variations before the COVID period, you can go back to the 2nd world war, and th ebeginning of the century and so on, and it's a very well-known phenomenon that's very regular and which occurs everywhere in the mid latitude countries - in the northern and southern hemisphere - and it's a phenomenon that's no very well understood. There is a regular pattern with a clear historic trend and then there's a break to a new regime, where we don't even come down close to the summer baselines that we had seen before.
+For teh first time in 2020, there is no summer baseline in the US. You would expect it to go back, but it never does. Instead, it picks up again. In the summer where you would expect to see a trough, you have a peak. You can see a blow-up  by time in that region.

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+# TLAV Covid Review
+Covid cases continue to climb in LA County - tripledemic!
+Denis Rancourt
+His point was that whatever your stance is, the data proves that this is an illusion. You don't need any of those things. You could have used, pre-covid era, the false PCR cycle threshold, a flu/pneumonia/coronavirus combined test, and whatever positive result you find can be used to represent any of those 3.
+Had you decided to make things up, you could have done it just with data alone (without a change of death rate in the population). Derek had a great article on this showing how you don't actually need a pandemic - just the fear of one. Bacteria/pathogen/etc are never going
+## Will the COVID

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+He is quoted to have said "without the translocation of the plasmid DNA into the nucleus, no gene expression or gene therapy can take place" (David Dean).
+What this means is that there was no possibility for informed consent.
+DNA contamination origin
+Two processes for manufacturing modified mRNA.
+1. Produced using PCR (used in clinical trials - 20k + unblinding)
+2. Upscaling method 
+- E coli-based system
+### Concerns
+- DNA contamination
+- Lipopolysaccharides (by product of using e coli system)
+At end of 5 step workflow, the product must be cleaned.
+#### What happened?
+- Hybrids of mRNA and DNA?
+- Perhaps dnase couldn't completely break down unwanted components
+- Lipo polysaccharide endotoxin
+### Questions
+Can contaminant DNA get into the nucleus of transfected cells?
+- Lipid Nanoparticles
+  - Trojan horses
+### Nucleus
+SV40 promoter/enhancer
+- Antibiotic resistance genes
+- Strong promoters used in biotech
+- Enhancers not necessary for transcription to ensue
+- Enhancer's presence indicates it was put there to optimize transcription
+- Why is enhancer there?
+Nuclear Location sequence (Fedex vehicle bringing things to nucleus).

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+If you want to earn the trust of anyone in life, be truthful and be transparent. DO the right thing for the right reason and don't owrry about the rest.
+FIrst do no harm - certain medical schools don't require the hippocratic oauth anymore. Because it's all going to be amazon and whatever being your doctor with a robot, and it's just a recipe/algorithm.
+The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read. How many umedical colleagues are unwilling to crack an article or look at the data. I invite them - I get criticized all the time - I reserve the right t obe wrong, btu I'm alway reserivng the right to have a conversation. Should never shut down the debate. Bring your data and articles.
+To shut us down and censor us - that tells you that there's something wrong
+When a new drug is experimental, all adverse reactions  should be proven to be caused by that agent until proven otherwise.
+## Spike
+SPike is toxic and induces disease. It stays in the body, not in the arm, and it circulates.
+- Demonstrated by HArvard, Standfard, Burkhardt, etc. The mRNA
+- Liver inflammation

+ 4 - 1

@@ -43,4 +43,7 @@ But to say that a category such as race or gender is socially constructed is not
 This is not to deny that the process of categorization is itself an exercise of power, but the story is much more complicated and nuanced than that. First, the process of categorizing or, in identity terms, naming—is not unilateral. Subordinated people can and do participate, sometimes even subverting the naming process in empowering ways. One need only think about the historical subversion of the cat egory “Black” or the current transformation of “queer” to understand that categorization is not a one-way street. Clearly, there is unequal power, but there is nonetheless some degree of agency that people can and do exert in the politics of naming. And it is important to note that identity continues to be a site of resistance for members of different subordinated groups. We all can recognize the distinction between the claims “I am Black” and the claim “I am a person who happens to be Black.” “I am Black” takes the socially imposed identity and empowers it as an anchor of subjectivity. “I am Black” becomes not simply a statement of resistance but also a positive discourse of self-identification, intimately linked to celebratory statements like the Black nationalist “Black is beautiful.” “I am a person who happens to be Black,” on the other hand, achieves self-identification by straining for a certain universality (in effect, “I am first a person”) and for a concomitant dismissal of the imposed category (“Black”) as contingent, circumstantial, nondeterminant. There is truth in both characterizations, of course, but they function quite differently depending on the political context. At this point in history, a strong case can be made that the most critical resistance strategy for disempowered groups is to occupy and defend a politics of social location rather than to vacate and destroy it.
-Vulgar constructionism thus distorts the possibilities for meaningful identity politics by conflating at least two separate but closely linked manifestations of power. One is the power exercised simply through the process of categorization; the other, the power to cause that categorization to have social and material consequences. While the former power facilitates the latter, the political implications of challenging one over the other matter greatly."
+Vulgar constructionism thus distorts the possibilities for meaningful identity politics by conflating at least two separate but closely linked manifestations of power. One is the power exercised simply through the process of categorization; the other, the power to cause that categorization to have social and material consequences. While the former power facilitates the latter, the political implications of challenging one over the other matter greatly."
+## Marcuse
+"The concept of the primary, initial institutions of liberation is familiar enough and concrete enough: collective ownership, collective control and planning of the means of production and distribution. This is the foundation, a necessary but not sufficient condition for the alternative: it would make possible the usage of all available resources for the abolition of poverty, which is the prerequisite for the turn from quant ity into quality: the creation of a reality in accordance with the new sensitivity and the new consciousness."

+ 13 - 1
queer/Queer Gnostic Cult.md

@@ -317,4 +317,16 @@ One is not born but becomes (woman/homosexual/queer).
 Having achieved spiritual awakening and gnosis - a saving self-knowledge that allows you to break jail in a prison of Being in a world that functions like a prison full of unnecessary suffering through norms and expectations about sex and sexuality. it is religious awakening to become Queer, so you can transform teh world and end that situation.
-"For his remarks make sense only if he understood his term homosexuality according to my definition of Queer. As an identity without an essence not a given condition but a horizon of possibility an opportunity for self-transformation, a Queer potential. Just like Beauvoir - you become queer increasingly by rejecting the "Demiurge's"
+"For his remarks make sense only if he understood his term homosexuality according to my definition of Queer. As an identity without an essence not a given condition but a horizon of possibility, an opportunity for self-transformation, a Queer potential."
+Just like Beauvoir - you become queer increasingly by rejecting the "Demiurge's" power of expectations, norms, normativity or, for her, patriarchy, and defining what it means to Be. So, defining Queer as the Other set against an illegitimate standard as the necessary step to be able to break the idea of the illegitimate standard in the first place.
+Queer Hermetic alchemy happens just like with Beauvoir's alchemical feminism. You deliberately occupy a self-begotten identity. You ascend through levels of rejection of what's given and socially-expected in the world to arrive at your self-begotten position that is actually the 2nd person of the Queer Hermetic Godhead (Trans people are sacred). There, you have agency, because your mind, your nous, is fully gnostically awakened and, only then, you have agency.
+You're not becoming a woman according to men, you're not becoming homosexual according to straight, you are just becoming Queer, as Halperin says, because "One can't become homosexual, strictly speaking, either one is or one isn't, but one can marginalize oneself, one can transform onself, one can become Queer. Indeed, Queer marks the very site of gay-becoming."
+What we are dealing with, yet again, is Queer alchemy which is Queer Hermeticism, which is the actionable form of Queer Gnosticism, and this is the cult religion of Queer Theory.
+"I think it is politically important that sexuality be able to function the way it functions in the saunas. Where, without having to submit to the condition of being imprisoned in one's own identity, in one's own past, in one's own face. One can meet people who are, to you, what one is to them: nothing else but bodies with which combinations, fabrications of pleasure, will be possible. These places afford an exceptional possibility of de-subjectivization, or de-subjection. Perhaps not the most radical but, in any case, sufficiently intense to be worth taking note of. Anonymity iw important because of the intensity of the pleasure that follows from it. It's not the affirmation of identity that is important. It's the affirmation of non-identity. It's an important experience in which one invents, for as long as one wants, pleasure which one fabricated together with others."
+And what Halpering says is Foucault's treatment of homosexuality is a strategic position, instead of as a psychological essence, opens up the possibility of a gay science without objects. Of a Queer Studies founded not on the positive fact of homosexuality, and therefore not possessed of conventional claim to legitimate authority grounded ina  privileged access to truth, but in an ongoing process of self gay knowing and self formation (self-begetting). Foucault's approach also opens up, correspondingly, the possibility of a Queer politics defined not only bt he struggle to liberate a common, repressed, pre-existing nature, but by an ongoing process of self-constitution and self-transformation. A queer politics anchored in the perilous and shifting sands of non-identity, positionality, discursive reversibility, and collective self-invention."