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+# Paulo Freire Notes
+While there is much content to understand, a key concept is Freire's Generative model:
+## Freire's Generative Method
+As a summary of this idea of the generative method, the idea is very straightforward:
+- Talk to/Dialogue with/Survey/data mine potential students/learners
+- Find out what agitates them; what their social-emotional trigger points are
+- Abstract the idea into a codification
+- Show them the codification of their own lives { book, story, math problem, image, film }
+ - Observe with critical distance
+ - External perspective
+- 3 Step decodification process
+ - Read political context of the situation
+ - Problematize the situation { Marxist analysis - privilege/power/oppression }
+ - Personalize it
+ - This was your life
+ -
+1. Data mine user
+2. Feed that back in the abstract
+3. Teach to read the political relevance
+4. Teach them why it's problematic (Marxist)
+5. Personalize it
+The step after that is that the kids are so engaged that they'll want to learn. They'll want to learn Math so they can solve the problems in their lives. But that's not what really happens - they become emotional wrecks, no longer see the point in learning, turn on and attack their teachers.
+## AI Dialogue
+SEL competencies following the "Every Student Succeeds" act requires relentless and absurd/intrusive surveying of the students.
+This has already been done broadly with the population:
+- Which Avenger are you? Which Power Ranger are you?
+- Share your results on facebook while it is data mined by Cambridge Analytica and the like
+- Learn how to propagandize you
+Understand that if they know who your kids are, they can be nudged into specific economic or political behaviour patterns.
+It facilitates learning goals, but the learning goals are the competencies of the SEL goals, not necessarily the academic ones, which may come but only as a side-effect or second-order goal.
+## Emergency
+Using technology can be invaluable to achieving the real goals of SEL, which goes beyond brainwashing.
+WEF is going after and installing "Communofascism". Earlier formulations attempted to create the economy and then force people to adapt to it. Then, in China, they tried to create the people who would create the economy.
+WEF wants to do both: build people and the economy in relation to one another by continuously data-mining and processing it before sending back updated instructions in a duplex stream.
+Primarily focused on those who are children right now, so they can intervene in their social emotional learning. More data is needed - circularity. Social Emotional Learning is a rampant fraud:
+### WEF White Paper
+"Social emotional skills are Critical to the universe of the future. The kinds of skills that SEL addresses, such as problem solving and collaboration, are increasingly necesary for the labour market. According to some estimates, 65% of children entering grade school will ultimately work in jobs that don't exist today."
+According to a model of how COVID will be predicated. According to one model about how we're going to run out of resources by 2000. According Limits to Growth which stimulated Klaus Schaub to invite people to Davos to speak at the European Management Forum, whcih became the World Economy Forum meeting in 1973.
+According to one estimate!
+"...putting creativity and adaptability at a premium."
+Shouldn't you be teaching them how to learn new and complex material, rather than screwing with identity politics?
+"Another study shows that jobs are increasingly social skills intensive. SEL will prepare people for this evolving workplace."
+Why should we believe these people because they wrote down "one study said, here's a possible solution!". This is madness that we would be accepting this, but it's bad policy enabling the carrot of billions of dollars of revenue for companies that will do this and massive amounts of control for the council of stakeholders that are in charge of all of this.
+"With consequent benefits for individuals, businesses the economy and society. SEL confers academic success as well.". Oh, okay. You even get academic success!
+"These valuable skills can be developed at any point in a child's life, although it can be highly effective to introduce SEL early and embed it in the core curriculum throughout a child's schooling. Early childhood is a critical period for attaining important skills and augmenting such early learning at later ages is complementary and effective."