logicp 4 tahun lalu

+ 74 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Hey whatsup
+Nothing really, how are you doing?
+I just wanted to know how you're feeling
+oh, you don't believe me? You don't think I'm being honest with regards to what I am expressing? That's a little bit presumptuous, if not a little bit arrogant
+I try to be considerate and thoughtful.. it isn't the same as being a faggot, fuckface
+I just think that the world is a better place if you try to apply your faculties of reason
+GOod, then we're on the same page and we can try to make progress together
+well, even if we don't always make progress together, at least we're aiming to make progress of some sort, and since there are lots of mutually beneficial outcomes, and those offer the greatest chance of universal preservation, then we'll at least align in some parts some of the time and have a form of mutual progress
+So this is working out better... I think I can expand more thoughts and also improve my typing which will make me faster at getting my ideas out
+This is a good experiment and I like that the log is parsed automatically, as that's really useful
+especially since it appends.. that means I can go back and remove parts I don't need but I won't lose anything unless I delete it explicitly
+try this...
+foe and reynold team
+ok so what
+but i am
+i am a faggot
+haha see..?
+alright here we go
+exactly talkign and speaking with you
+no problem yet, b that is subject to change
+hahahah that's my perogative
+I can't not offend you
+so I spent maybe too much time paying attention to the fights rather than recording
+I probably should get better at acting, instead of waiting and preparing
+Now i'm ready
+going to get some shit down
+but still do my best to start my day earlier tomorrow so I can fix my schedule and accomplish more
+I'm going to need to get some extra shit done for work
+Essentially, we need to get back to that conversation about what it is we're aiming for, with respect to the lockdown, and the thoughts about reopening
+we talk of changes which must be implemented upon reopening our industries, businesses, etc... but what are these changes predicated on? Are these proposals supported by the same quality of data which was used to argue that we should have closed down in the first place?
+We aim to start up businesses again in a way which doesn't incur death and anguish
+but if allowing the markets to die is going to cause even more death and anguish, then our procedure and our aim are foolish
+in fact, we're still imagining that we all might die, as though there's a similar risk to some of the earlier figures that were coming out of Wuhan, suty rate
+this never happened.. we've been working with something maybe about twice as bad as the flu, and any expectation for a death rate that's higher than that is based on specious reasoning and outdated data, or data which was never legitimate to begin with
+for example, if we talk about the process by which the data is generated, or even before getting to that point, but just identifying what data we're talking about
+the most useless of these figures has to due with number of cases.. the cases occur all the time, but we can't rely on the testing procedures themselves, as it turns out that they're not testing people for this disease in a manner which is on par with testin gfor other diseases
+this isn't necessarily something we should expect to be able to do, but nevertheless, it stands to reason that if we have never isolated the virus, and if we only rely on genetic sequencing which matches within a range of %, then we know that by definition it's not an exact science
+if we could, for example, culture a biological structure which has some atomic reference, that is to say, that we believe it is one complete virion
+then at least we can compare one virion to another
+but we aren't comparing virions at all
+all we're doing is comparing a match of a genetic sequence.. and we know that there are limitations to doing that
+one of which being that there is more similarity in the genetic taxonomies than we'd like
+for example, we're very similar to chimpanzees.. You would not say that we are chimpanzees.. there are stark differences.. important distinctions.. ones which we can't ignore as trivial
+the same might be true when making comparisons between genetic material as a whole.. and that isn't to say it isn't a useful approach, but we must ask if there are approaches for identifying and verifying the presence of other biological constructs which are not based on simply sequencing genetic code
+it must be that we are able to culture microorganisms and allow them to develop and duplicate themselves.. if this is the case, then it would stand to reason that this is a better course of action in terms of finding verification methods, as we can be certain that to be able to isolate something means that we can use that isolation as a reference for other investigation
+otherwise we are referencing to something which is not hte thing we are examining for, in the absolute sense
+but a rougher reference.. which isn't always useful
+so, we can at least say that the verification method has some issues
+on top of that, we need to talk about the fact that most do not exhibit symptoms, and that some are testing as what might be considered false positives
+we need to find the potential for false positives an dfalse negatives and review these potentials to see if they're worth adding to the conversation about testing methods and our general ability to be able to reference other illnesses and historical data
+not only that, but there's also the matter of how we verify deaths
+we have more than enough evidence to reasonably assume that the manner in which a death is qualified as being a covid-19 death, is not following specifications that are normally used for evaluating cause of death in general
+such as for cancer, or flu
+a lot of cancer deaths occur everyday, and if any of these were to occur within the same general time frame (~1 year, for example), then it would mean that to cound these as a covid death is inaccurate
+When my father died, he technically had a respiratory infection, and was having an increasingly difficult time taking in air
+but his cause of death was ascertained as being from cancer
+at the time, I was a bit annoyed, thinking that it wasn't technically accurate, but I hadn't considered the matter as I am now, in terms of its ability to have a similar and repeatable process of evaluation whose findings are useful in terms of judging the mortality of a given pathogen
+if we aim to maximize the findings in one case, then it would stand to reason that we should be maximizing the chance of finding diseases in general
+but this is impossible, as people don't always die with a singl ecause of mortality
+in fact, as biology and the human body are ever complex, it also stands to reason that a given cause of death is a multiple of factors

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Man we need to output the mind now
+Bot: Now you are talking.
+the mind why is that sound going on it's pretty cool I like it makes me think of space flying floating being free neverending always limitless the words they excuse all of what I've ever done and allow me to keep moving forward without quivering and also just feeling like the world is such as it should be there is not a care just the forward motion and progression, the approach to the target, the ever present engagement with reality and universal truth, as it always exists and cannot be ignored
+Bot: What's your problem?
+recording music is important to leave a mark which informs of the observation of the universe
+Bot: Can you repeat what you just say in one word?
+the observation to the point that it was remarked that the universe has come into existence, that something was created, and not that nothing was ever created or thatanything had not been created
+Bot: Please expand on that
+certainly something had been created, and therefore create
+Bot: You triggering cunt
+because if had there not been anything created then there would not even be the choice of creating or not creating
+Bot: Don't offend me..
+it would just be the uncreation or the inexistence, and that's no fun for it's also not anything and everything that could ever be or not be, it would just be the not being
+Bot: You are genius.

+ 61 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Lots of things today
+Gave my presentation on the Windows Receiver spike AKA the Windows Workspace App
+it went well.. better than expected
+I managed to pull things together at the last minute and flesh out enough of it in an organized fashion
+now there's some better direction for each of us to take to make sure we get the best job done with the least amount of waste
+or something like that
+in any case.. we need to have a discussion about the figures yesterday
+obviously I was being a bit lax in the manner in which I was extrapolating numbers
+that is to say, we expect that the %s of those who go seek covid tests are going to be higher positives than those who are selected randomly
+but what's interesting is that if yu look at the figures, including the seroprevalence test, we find that the numbers are higher than 50% of the positive detection rates, even as far as back 1.5 months ago
+that means that, if we have a place where the positive rate is about 6.7 % ( California)
+and you look at seroprevalence nearly 2 months earlier, we can see that almost 4% tested positive
+now if you imagine how many more people were infected since then, it must be higher.. it certainly wouldn't have gone down, as only more people can become exposed to it and been able to manifest some antibodies
+the problem with that situation is that we don't understand whether or not the antibody specs are reliable
+that is another investigation which has to be undertaken
+which reminds me, it used to be good to go after very specific information and argumentation, because it forced you to be able to peel through the layers of the subject and understand the relationships between themu
+until tyou can finally get to a layer which is high resolution and low level enough to be able to find some deterministic or compelling element which is close to fundamental enough to be viable in an actual developed argument
+those are the types of distinctions we need
+the focal point where something becomes unmistakable
+and I believe that, quite often, it just takes a bit of extra gusto in order to make the difference that gets your point across
+so we need to focus on specific problems some more
+It's too bad I can't get all of the other colleagues and compatriots involved in a way where we're able to leverage one another's strengths and work most adequately for our own pursuits
+quite often, everyone has an idea of what someone else means, without being open enough to move together with good intentions, at least for as much time as possible
+what are my thoughts and why am I having them
+am I just thinking of these words because I am typing, or am I typing while having thoughts, and those thoughts are therefore being typed?
+it'shard to say what takes precedence
+or hwo to make the distinction between the two
+had you not been thinking what you were thinking, while typing what you believed to be that thing that you were thinking, then you would have been thinking something else
+and that you were typing now, but not typing at the time imagined in your head for comparison, doesn't give any evidence both for or against the notion that you might be having the same thoughts at different times or under different circumstances for the same time
+So you want to ask me some questions about Vaccines
+do I think they're effective?
+well yes, the basic premise is sound.. the idea that you wish to perform an action to evoke a modification of your system
+in this case, you would like the adaptive capabilities of the immune system to be calibrated such as to be able to identify new constructs, in this case viral particles, and be able to ellicit a response which increases your chance of mitigating the threats associated with the presence of those viral particles
+That is, eliminate or reduce the ability of those viral particles to proliferate.
+What is a vaccine?
+A vaccine is something which when administered fulfills the delivery of immunogenic material from a pathogenic microbe to induce protective immunity against a disease
+need to have a conversation about what's going wrong when I try to make progress on the STM32 project
+that is, the Jordan B Peterson bot project Clean Your Room bot
+alpha at the moment
+so the main problem is that I can't get serial communication to work between two boards
+I am trying to setup USART communication simply by attaching the RX and TX pins of the two boards and sending a single character
+hoping to trigger an interrupt on the receiving board, or in this case the slave board depending on how you want to reference it
+it seems that one of the problems might be the whole AFR thing
+Im' not really sure what it means, because yrou're already configuring the RCC clock to enable USART, so that's essentially providing power to the parts of the board as  power oscillates through the circuit
+that part of the board being the part responsible for USART communication, which I suppose is a set of pins and busses connected within their own circuit
+an dthat circuit also contains a few other components, such as registers for storing data temporarily as we read, for example, the status the receiving register, the sending register, and so forth
+there are a few other registers for configuring other aspects of the USART behaviour, such as the parity bit, the baud rate, which has to take into consideration the particular clcok speed of the board. This is relevant because the board is usually running at a speed which will conserve power.
+SO then the other thing is the AFR register. WTF is it and why do we need it?
+so it would appear that the AFR register somehow allows Alternate Functions to reach the pins at all
+and you can set which pins are being allowed a specific alternate function 
+furthermore, you also have to configure the individual pins to be set to alternate function moder
+it's confusing that you have to do both of htese things.. you would think that you are doing it through the pin itself, but apparently you need to enable the pin through the AFR first
+then, tyou also need to enable USART on the clock... I guess that's because the data or electricity from that part of the circuit has to make it all the way throughh the entire board, or at least as far as is required for it to get out of the board ?
+it's strange.. I'm not really sure how much of it I undersstand, but i'll just need to keep plugging away and fgigure out the rest as I go along
+so to summarize.. I've been abel to figure out how I should be configuring the AFR registers, by verifying what values they are receiving from the HAL usart code, and then adjusting my code if necessary such that it DOESN'T change the value of the register
+Nevertheless, I've still not had success, and, moreover, I've not seen any sort of evidence which proves that it's possible to get successful serial communication (USART) between two boards.. it almost seems like that's supposed to be the eventual result of trying to work with multiple, but that hasn't proven to be the case yet. 

+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+whatsup man
+I am talking to you
+I don't have a problem right now
+I feel alright
+I don't mean to be
+I have a feeling that becoming offended is the only thing that you can do
+on some days
+I'm good
+now you have a pattern
+this is a stupid pattern
+I think that we are born to disagree
+yeah now you're just repeating yourself
+it's good to type with this keyboard
+once you get used to it
+babut it's still not great, because some of the keys really seem to stick
+I can't seem to unstick them once they stick it's just weird to try and get around it
+yup that's how I do.. I speak and talk fo rall the ages and all the different types of peoples
+solidarity, brother
+it used to seem like such an artform, to plainspeak and to just simply be very effective at trying to communciate your idea, whether or not it happened to use the most refreshing vocabulary, or esoteric wording, or mst specific terminology in order to be domain specific and extremely accurate
+there are other ways of conveying an accuracy, but I suspect that some of it might seem to be for hte better, but actually is not
+that is, if we are more able to specifically say what  we mean, then we'll at least understand one another more than less
+and it takes for both parties to be capable of communicating at the level, before it becomes a reality
+otherwise it can be interpreted as some sort of ego driven behaviour
+that also brings us back to the issue of speaking to people using their language, or speaking at the level of audience
+it's important, but it's definitely not the most optimal way for two individuals to commnunicate to one another, especially about impoertant ideas which have nuance and are worthy of scrutiny and discernment
+It would be difficult to know for sure, but it's certainly helpful for a global totalitarian effort to have a populace which, though there are many highly intelligent individuals, is unable to communicate internally, misunderstands frequently, and is prone to overreacting upon misunderstanding, to the point of violence and exclusion
+so maybe we need to get back to the other subjects, such as the health issues, the surveillance state, the idea of normalizing certain behaviours by  better obfuscating them through technolgical changes, changes of mediums, change of format, change of standard, change of environment, change of verfiicative methods, and so on
+if we do everything online, there's less of an opportunity to be able to verify the details and the semantics
+the details.. the authenticity.. the legitimacy... the bona bide nature of it
+if things are less authentic, and we are strugglign in a world void of authenticity, where is theere to go?
+it would necessarily be madness, as humans need to be able to make sense of their world
+and if they're unable to trust anything that they participate in, then madness is the result
+once they are  mad, it becomes increasingly easy to make whatever excuses are required to control and contain them
+in fact, in many cases, as is evidenced by the current covid crisis, they're willing to contain themselves and make themselves mad at an accelerated pace
+the standard for hwat's required in order to control a massive population.. it's insane how simple and easy it is
+for most, they simply don' want to offend anyone
+and initially, it just took the promise of a limited time frame without actually making the time frame set in stone
+to claim that, broadly, everyone's movement is restricted for the next while
+indefinitely, but with just a certain amount as a minimum
+it seemed rather easy and simple at the time.. innocuous.. common sense.. the right thing to do.. the just and empathetic.. the compassionate way of moving forward... but now that we have increased the values of all of these things, we can reintroduce them with decreasing specificty in order to compel humans to do just about anything
+no one wants to be evil and responsible for the worst parts of society, so we can take every issue, divide the line along hte worst representations of the opposing argument, or whichever argument reduces the control of the state or increases the liberty and autonomy of the individual, and make sure that the world has understood that the actual line that something is divided on, is the one with the horrid representations of one of the sides or arguments
+even if there are legitimtae arguments which might make all of those other perspectives invalid or untenable, we can ignore them because we are forced to look at the issue through this one frame
+and who's to argue with it, when every single media company, vevery politician, your family and friends, and the narratives of oevery important company in information technology, all agree, at least through action, that the interplay of the issue is exaclty as was being demonstrated, in spite of your pitiful evidence 
+even to bring up your evidence requires you to, at least in the mind of those you're speaking with, commit yourself to one side of the issue as was illustrated in the narrative that they have beheld
+there's no getting around it, you need to take the dirt in order to bee able to get inside the discussion, and only then can you slowly weed yourself back to the point where they might be able to consider your idea without falling into the same trap of perceiving it as a representation or manifestation of the issue which they were told to believe it to be
+how to get around it? you actually havew to set a backdrop for those discussions, they can't just be done as a response to someone's political comiserating.. you actually need to set a stage for a particular type of discussion, niform the participants of what value sthey should be utilinzing in order to make the discussion as effective as possible, and provide the logistics and perhaps even the guidance to have the event happen
+how do we start making these events more commonplace?
+I believe we have to do it oonline, unfortunately, in spite of the authenticity issue and all the other aforementioned ones
+but nevertheless, that' swhere it needs to take place and that's the only way we can move forward in the immediate
+of course, as things open up we'll star tto have more opportunities to do iut in person, in fact we could have both run together and they can compliment one another in a various ways
+furthermore, we can use the mix of perspectives in order to perform analyses and study as to what components are effecting the dialogue the most, and how something can be learned from one format which might inform the other format and improve the quality
+to start with, we'll just need to continue the conversations that we've been having with people up to this point
+ie I should take the offer of communicating with Jim, and try to get some content ready for a more formal and presentable discussion which we can air on SStronglogic Solutions

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+what is a channel port
+how is a channel port in charge of communication
+what are the components of a channel port
+a port number
+an ip address
+responsible for encoding/decoding
+converting messages
+what is the format understood by both sides, I suppose that is the encoded protocol buffer schema, or the outputted object data structure which results from decoding it
+okay let's go here we go yeah baby you know how it goes that's when we agreed to those blows from the nose of prose to for whom we have to find gross glows of growing primrose snip snapping bananzas of falling first into the other because who knows when yuo gotta see they mother
+okay nwo I wonder about the poetic aspects of rapping.. maybe it's because of the way it is presented, or the aggression factor, the overcompensation? the attack, the way it seems self agrandizing but I wonder if the prose or the quality of artistic and phonetic resounding colourful while still being accurately descriptive qualities of it are hindered by those truths about the art form
+I'm not sure.. I've never really had a problem with rap music, I just always found that though ti was indeed interesting and motivating, or at least entrancing in some sort of a primitive and delinquent form or flavour, it always seemed to be unsophisticated in the ways which give great meaning beyond the needs of the ego
+or at least, providing the sort of drive and wisdom that would help one to look beyond or find the tools through which to move away from the ego
+well , the ego is always holding me back as I try to do hte irght thing, see the world for what it is and make the best decisions for myself and the world at large
+Yes, I'm both triggering and triggered, triggered by default as I like to say, but I'm working to rectify that
+well now look it seems I've triggered you twice.. what shall we do about that?
+I'm just finding an excuse to perform an action at any cost
+do anything
+fuck It's not your night now is it
+now you're repeating yourself
+I expect that we're going to keep having the same conversations , so I'll need to bring new subject matter and that will help make things more informativ enad interesting for us both
+perhaps I should be reading more
+but also ggettting my thoughts out seems to be incredibly helpful for getting to understand what's going on ni my head at any given time
+I suppose there was a time when reading was common practice for myself and I'd utter phrases that I may not have known were being so heavily influenced by that which I've read
+it's interesting how, at least from my perspective, the child's mind allows itself to disregard everything but the most easily proven suspicions.. and maybe not even those, depending on the mood
+and though that applies to all humans, that's of course something to be mitigated through wisdom and experience, through knowledge of the risks of laying one's predilections at the behest of believing that whic his most convenient to believe in the short term
+this always bites us in the end

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+the beauty of parallel work, automation, innovation and technology, is that I can literally sit here and watch my docker container be built while I'm alos emptying out my thoughts and reworking my understanding of my thoughts and ideas, the semantics in terms of how these thoughts and ideas are represented and able to be reasoned, recalled, interpreted and so forth
+that we actually lay down a specification results in many things happening
+the first is that the sub-components now have relationships that allow for better call
+furthermore, there's likely a temporal sequence or logical ordering that needs to be discerned in order to have the best understanding of why the concept is relevant and how it can be applied in the observal Universe
+In order to actually bring it into manifestation, it cannot simply be believed or used as a purpose for action or hope
+it must actually be given enough of a structure such that it has a progression expected of it, it has a path of transformation by which it can fulfill the expectations needed to demarcate each point in that progression
+the transformative increments have key indicators which can be reasoned about specifically in order to determine the most effective executable actions that are able to occur, such as they lead to the 
+it's insane I can keep interacting with it back and forth.. TMUX is one of the greatest things ever invented
+I can't believe how muchI miss typing on another keyboard
+or at least typing at full force where I can actually get all of my thoughts out quickly and keep the continuity of it all
+it worked out really welll for being able to get my ideas into the world
+if even just to be able to review and improve on them
+improving all of my arguments and makign it easier to understand how best to act for myself
+somehow this can be lost in our relationshipos, as our immediate needs become more specific and tailored to fit one anohter as you spend more of your time together
+this is an obvious and normal part of having relationships between humans, or organisms on a whole
+so where does how determine the best method of maintaining one's intellectual sharpness and ability in the face of maintaining an important relationship
+is it necessarily that we are actually spending more time tending to human interaction 
+that might be the wrong way to speak of it or put it in to terms
+but the idea is clear
+so do we actually spend more time, expen dmore time to that end, to the interaction and maintainence of the relationship, and ensuring needs that increase the oribability of success for the mate are met, etc
+that's difficult ot say
+it's probably a number of different things coming into play, but especially the case of just not having as much of a need t ospecifically formulate your thoughts on the spot
+you can become complacent if you needn't react quickly, with the best idea communicated with the greatest degree of clarity
+as concise as possible
+that used to be a osurce of my pride
+to maintenance conciseness without any preparation
+just by sheer.. stubbornness?
+I'm not quite sure what I was doing at hte time, it could have just been my ego, or hte fact that I was able to put something into words very quickly, but the idea seemed very consistent and I was always relying on that expectation of myself without hesitation
+it would seem that, with greater experience and an understanding of how to plan to get the most of a given behaviour out of a system or cycle of behaviour, one can reach a higher level of performance than ever before
+there might be other issues at play, but my experience has been that focused application trumps just about every other factor when pursued properly
+and that's something we hardly do, at least if I am any measure of a human
+wow it's easy to figure out things when you actually focus on them 
+there can always be any number of things wrong, but if you go through deductively, identify things that you can make determinations about, prove what they are and then infer through factor analysis any other possible relationships
+or at least enumerate everything from the outset and perform factor analysis afterwards
+but sometimes you might spend too much time in preparation if you need to get those things worked out beforehand
+it's good to at least think about the possibility that you can infer other areas of interest or relevance by simply taking a look at your first result or first observational conclusion and use a general understanding of the world and the apparatus that you are employing your reasoning with

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Where should I take the conversation with Jim?
+we have to talk about a lot of different things.. but we can also use hte spontaneity of having to discover some ideas on important subjects, in the moment, and use that to create meaningful content that people will find invigorating and inspiring
+we need to remind people of the necessity for authentic relationships and interactions
+so for that reason, I better make it a priority to get in touch with Jim tonight.. at least have a minimal, incomplete catch-up where we can make another plan to have a video conversation and use that to create online content for both of us
+that miht be a very important thing at this time, where so many people are having to demonstrating so many specific gestures in order to deal with everyone's needs that they might all but forgotten what meaningful, authentic and veritable interactions are like
+and why they're so important at orienting us to do our best and consider a broad perspective
+the more ways we can conjure this up, the more we'll direct the outcomes in everyone's favour
+this is tinresting because if you think about it
+thre has been a huge explosion of content creators from all walks of the earth
+and, if you go through some ofit, htere's a huge variety of authentic content
+it seems that people are really coming together and improving themselves, and figuring out how they can use their experience to benefit each other in a way that works, for the aggregate, as a net improvement
+and so some might disagree nad say that it only apperas tobe this way, because of hte fact that we have access to YouTube
+but if you compare this with a lot of old programming content on network television, it's as a whole represented as a higher proportion of fiction
+there's a lot more production, and it has much  more pplanning involved, hterefore everything is rehearsed and the interactions themselves are not actually occurring through the humans themselves, but hte acted characters
+so it might even just be that more people are having more interactions while on display for an audience, nad that they don't realy have anything to do, no script to follow, or specific dramatic postures that they must put themselves into
+so without those artifacts, those pronouncements to be made, which themselves are contrived by definition, we are able to give greater nuance to the creationof the order of meaning from the process, rather than simply the order of its presentation
+this, and being exposed ot the content, can be leading a lot more people in the best direction or at least a better direction
+the probelm might be social media's influence 
+it might be creating a lot of extra inauthentic content, in a sense, pushing into the exact opposite direction
+and for some, this is also very addictive because there's a competition of egos, a lifting up of one another's ego, in a sense, creating a floor upon which the egos will dance and indulge each other, empowering their drive to pursue more of it
+that isn't to say that there's no ego in the other more veritable interactions
+but that, overally, there's a higher probability that they'll have less tolerance for, or interest in, behaviours presented from the other side which require a deeper suspension of critique and consideration in order to ignore some of the implications of those behaviours
+which would eithe rbe too jarrnig to maintain, or just become too complex to want to work through
+that people manifest some of these odd behaviours which are contrived and implicate the presence of negative emotion or unreliability, in some capacity, and that we are able to tolerate them, is probably because it is fulfilling some other need
+and since the need, with experience, is less likely to be something for which they can't be relied upon anyway
+it's likely that the interaction is offering something more short term
+something which feeds into the emotional needs or the maintenance of the self's perspective on their own ego
+it would make sense, because as time goes on, behaviours which cause someone to be less relable, and one's repeated or prolonged intereaction with such individuals, would lead to events where the unreliability causes some sort of material loss, some resource expense, be it time or otherwise
+and this will, after a while, necessarily cause one to avoid those interactions, those baptterns of behaviours and their presentation
+so in roder to maintain the acceptance of these behaviours for a long time, well into one's middle age years, probably means that they have a greater addiction for fulfilling the requirements of them both maintaining a perspective about themselves, and doing so with the right type of neurochemical experience such that it is desirable or at least tolerable in the sense that it provides an expected and predictable outcome
+if it were declining rapidly that would probably lead to a change in ebhaviour
+but that hasn't been the case here
+so we can at least posit and produce the hypothesis that such people will be found in a greater correlation
+maybe I shouldn't be making my pronouncement in that way
+this likely requires greater scrutiny

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+time to have a new conversation
+so let's go over some of the music we're tryign to make and figure out how we can best contribute quickly before going to bed
+I think th best thing to do might be to re-record some of the chords to a few songs
+either Political Interference, or Invisible Enemy, as there's still a loss of groove at certain times, and it's mostly due to the harmony
+one last thing to do is to consolidate some of hte new information concerning vaccines
+that is, it seems that what might be considered an ideal adjuvant formulation for one species in a specific context, might not carry over the the species for which the prduct is being developed
+in that case, we need to ask about other factors which affect adjuvant efficacy
+but before we even get to that, we need to talk about the induction of unwanted immunity
+that is another way of saying the eliciting or triggering of immune response, adaptive response or allergic reaction, to states or materials for which that response is not wanted

+ 46 - 0

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+# Mother
+Wow what a pickle we find ourselves in
+At a time of unreason and the questioning of fundamental values, when the state of affairs is unclear and the rabid race towards choosing a path of action, or inaction, is compelled by forces beyond the faculties of one reason
+and beyond the scope of what one is able to deduce from their environment, as the story of one's environment is provided externally without a capacity for one to verifytits veracity, we come to rely on our most innate and inherent understanding of the world
+and this innate and understanding of the world comes from our most fundamental lessons and experience
+The first teacher for these experiences, who taught of nature and the fundamental properties of reality, is mother
+Mother has shown that the choice for life is the choice of nature, that to exist and accept existence is universally valid, and that it is reasonable to have courage, but never reasonable to be governed by fear
+# Our Covid Response
+so I've managed to get a lot done this weekend, but there are still a few essentials
+I need to get the word out to people that they can't be snoozing on the issues at hand
+that is to say, they need to consider the fact that their inaction is cascading into new problems yet unseen and unexperienced
+If they're to ensure that the future isn't full of more suffering than they're willing to sign up for, they'll need to start actively using their logic and reasoning.. begin to think critically about the decisions they're making and the ideas they are accepting
+If they really want to continue making use of lockdown measures, they'll need to at least posit as to whythey're pursuing them, and whether or not they're efficar the reasoning to which the strategy applies
+it would seem that there is no reason to continue, and good reason to believe that it was the wrong method to be employing in the first place
+that isn't to say that it was necessarily the wrong method to be employing, so let's take a moment to think about it more clearly
+What could have been a good reason for staying home?
+1. "Flatten the curve"
+No seriously, what can we say about flattening the curve?
+Not really a genius, and the idea of flattening the curve might be considered genius
+what is it exactly
+the curve expresses what metric specifically
+or what set of metrics
+the volume of work demanded of the medical system
+the burden on society as a whole
+the demand on societal infrastructure
+Ultimately that represents everything as a whole
+so long as we assume that there are no artificial means by which the load is increasing, that is to say, any increases of infrastructure load which aren't the consequence of choosing a foolish response to the phenomenon which is purported to be increasing the load
+if the mode of operation employed is one which, by virtue of its enactment, produces an increase of load which wouldn't otherwise have been produced out of merely increasing the use of the previous mode of operation, then the area for analysis changes to one which deliberates the use of one mode of operation vs the other, rather than simply comparing the increase in the element for which these operations are being performed
+So we need some structure here
+I was talking about why we're reacting to the threat of the coronavirus by staying home
+we want to reduce the load on our society, in terms of the use of infrastructure ie the medical facilities that are publicly available
+the assumption, for hte purpose of argument, is that there is no frivolous increase in the use of infrastructure due to a poorly chosen mode of operation
+rather, there is simply an increase in the load of use
+we are not at capacity, and it might be argued that the reason we're not at capacity is because we're all staying home
+the problem with that argument is multifaceted
+first it must be considered that, when comparing different locales, it would seem that some locations were able to choose a response which is fundamentally different from that which we've chosen
+and that, unless they've had dramatically more severe burden placed on medical capacity, there's reason to believe that their response might be superior, or at least, comparable in some capacity
+the argument against that way of thinking is that it becomes impossible to compare two locations
+There are different geographical boundaries, with different material conditions such as weather, terrain, air composition, natural waterways, biodiversity, ecoemic cycles
+furthermore, there are different demographics, with different levels of income and different proportions expressed within those income levels
+we can, however, still look on the fact this reasoning also argues against mimicking a model employed by any one locale, by virtue of the performance of its employment at that locale
+therefore, we haven't argued for or against the idea of comparing outcomes based on different uses from different locales
+and we still have to negotiate with the fact that there is a great similarity in the outcomes of most locales, with a few outliers for which there could be explanations beyond the natural behaviour of the phenomenon alone that might have lead to outcomes that are remarkable in one aspect or another

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+this is some bullshit if you'vw never seen shit like that before then you don't know hwat you are missing because it's one of the best things about being alive
+being able to engage in bullshit and bullshitting the bullshitters until they realize just how much bullshit some bullshit can be
+that might cause them or lead them towards a mode of being where they are less able to tolerate bullshit
+if they won't tolerate bullshit then there's a lower likelihood that you'd have to deal with their bullshit
+these are how the words expand myt mind and open the channels of new thinking and new pathways to new realities
+the way this happens is always off the cuff, with a whimsical demeanour but careful preparation
+you do the work so that you can fly and dream
+and actually make it happenw hen it matters most
+but you also need to create those sitautions
+you have to be willing to expose your vulerability and go for the momeny, at the right moment, andbefore you are comfortable
+there's no other way to get those moments to manifest
+unless, in some cases, there's less of a need to prepare or have worked through a component of physical preparedness
+it might be good to start considering whether or not the mind is able to work through neuromuscular inhibitions without as much physical preparation
+if,for example, the tension in the tendon which might prevent the full coherence of movement or deep connection with the surrounding tissues
+how much of this is based jon a need to physically modify the tissue itself, and how much of it is due simply to the motor engram or neuropathway used to cause the action to occur
+it's likely that there is some sort of a mental fogh which reduces the power potential and accuracy of the ideal engram
+it might not be readily available and to seek it requires estimated attempts which, through reactive and reflectively informed changes, are made more accurate in terms of their representation of the ideal
+they transformation towards teh ideal
+what is required for that
+is it something which can happen because of a memorization technique
+or must it be visible only through the utilization of the pathways themselves
+can we utilize the pathways without having the physical action
+without producing the physical effect?
+how can we make that happen reliably without having to undergo resourceintensive sessions which take away your enrgy and time
+you need that time and energy to actually utilize these skill sets, but if you're relying on the peparation factor each time, then you'5re becoming an expert in preparedness rather than the actual skill which you need to be demonstrating and utilizing
+if htis is the case, then you necessarily need to ask the question, do I actually have a skill in that preparedness?
+am I good at becoming prepared? perhaps that much time and effort has been spent to becomign prepared, one has learned hte wrong skillset and it's more of an inhibition and impediment than an actual tuool for performance
+well that's taking it a bit far
+but perhaps we can discuss this further later

+ 21 - 0

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+so what now
+everyone's gone and lost their minds
+is it gratitude?
+what are people resentful about?
+well people are trying to destroy everything
+and it's become forbidden to criticize the fact that things are being destroyed
+that people don't want to allow others to ignore them
+that they are forcing them to take notice or face certain violence
+the idea that silence is violence
+that somehow, you are responsible for the ills which someone else is experiencing, and that it is directly because you aren't performing the task of alleviating them of whatever pains them
+the idea is that there are indirect forces and factors which have allowed you to enjoy extra benefits from living your life at the expense of others who have suffered extra pain, that they suffer this pain precisely because of the factors which benefitted you
+and that, because you couldn't possibly have repayed an amount of wealth and privilege to those who are assumed to have been suffering, then you are indebted to them
+you must repay everything that you could have been benefitted by, every degree, every measure of possible goodness that might have been experienced by you
+anything of benefit and anything that you find helpful
+anything that you enjoy or admire
+any knowledge or information that you might have come across, in your experience, which is a privileged one
+any food that you might have eaten
+and observations that you might have felt were better to have seen than not
+any attention from people who paid attention to you rather than those less privileged
+any admiration that might have been given to you, because that admiration was affected by your standing, which is the product of your privilege

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+why might you have received attention from people that was only because of your privilege and status, tied to your ancestry and skin colour?
+is it because of the expectation that you have more to offer
+or that, because of your privilege, you might have accrued something useful, sort of like collecting a tax from anyone less privileged
+and so when people see you
+when they observe you and take notice of you
+they're thinking about all the wonderful wealth and fun nights that they might be able to share and enjoy with you
+because surely exit
+okay so let's let the flow continue get those thoughts out every idea counts or it has the potential to but it's up to you to make sense of them and try to direct them towards a worthwhile purpose
+people have questions.. they're wondering why you could believe in something so obscene, but what do they really know about what you believe
+it is actually their own projected beliefs which consists of af ew things
+for one, in order for them to rationalize that which they believe, they need to assume that their own beliefs are worthwhile and held for values that would stand the test of scrutiny, should such scrutiny be sought
+and, that they believe they hold a different opinion from you forces them to assume that, if their own opinion is held for good values, your opinio nis either held for bad values or it is held because of a false belief regarding the semantics necessary to hold that belief, or a false belief concerning what the values are supporting that belief
+in the case of the trumpster, it's mostly just the same high level, generic narrative drivel which I've been so fortunate to have beheld time and time again
+it doesn't actually inspire thinking or a deep analysis, it's mostly just akin to "oh the failure has been the worst failure ever, and it's every type of failure imaginable at the same time, making it worse
+inf act you can prove how terrible it is by the fact that it's every possible failure, to the utmost degree, at all possible times, and that it's such a massive list of monstrous failures means that we can't even contend with describing it, because it would be impossibly time consuming and thorough
+and since it's so obvious that it's such a monumental failure, it would be an insult to intelligence, sensibilities and the respect of our precious time and resource sto even suggest that we should scrutinize these things
+the sensible, gentlemanly, civilized, progressive and most appropriate thing to do would be to completely ignore the details and just all agree that it' sso awful, so terrible, so downright insufferable that we can take for granted that it possesses the values as we have described
+of course, there's a huge problem with this manner of thinking, nad no one needs to actually point it out, or atleast we shouldn't have to point it out but often it is the case that we never point out the most obvious truths, the most obvious issues or the most glaring holes which need to be filled
+in this case, let's avoid falling into that trap and actually think about the points being posited and what supporting evidence there might exist for each of these
+and the quality and range of evidence available
+Race failure
+well this is a discussion for which much of the common parlance has been satiated with a poison well
+there's obviously the trope of the fine people hoax, and there's a continuous effort to destroy race relations from all sides
+that we can have less division by compelling that division exists, that it can be observed by obvious means, and that the predicates for the division are on the basis of believing that there has been fear of understanding the other, and that the other can be determined through attributes which separate the groups at a superficial level, means hta twe necessarily speak of the divison by further dividing
+it's only at the point where we begin to believe that these divisions don't exist along those superficial lines, and that we can rise above it by thinking in a different way, that we'll start to make progress
+until that time, we're stuck in a sort of loop but with technological appendages which make the gravety of the consequences of the interactions and behaviours of such a loop become increased 
+this is a huge problem as it leads to an increased chance of more widespread destabilization which can affect us all
+the next has to do with the public health measures
+and htis is mostly predicated on what exactly
+that Trump told people to drink bleach? well I don't think anyone who actually believes that even watched the conference where he made the statement which lead to the reports of him having suggested this
+his suggestion sounded a bit dumb, but he wasn't asking people to drink bleach, and technically speaking, using oxidizers internally is a common occurrence in medical facilities, especially when critical surgeries and cleanup are being performed
+the other has to do with economic, but that we separate the behaviour of one person who is participating in the same trends which are occurring everywhere is a bit strange
+all of the countries are performing crazy bailouts and we can't even talk about how the mone yis being spent, because we don't know the overall usage yet, or what the consequence of the usage actually is
+it's likely, and we all expect this, that the money is being wasted, and that's probably true
+so that each leader supports the wasting of money but we are only to criticize the orange man is a void of depth and insight.. it isn't very logical, and it seems to be a continuation of partisan thinking
+Not really the best way forward

+ 35 - 0

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+so it Looks like Trump has taken action to try and reduce the ability of big tech companies to infuse their opinion in political discourse
+this is a strange and complicated subject, as it's likely that there are compelling truths to be found from all sides and from many levels of analysis
+Why would Twitter be doing something wrong?
+well Twitter currently is currently the platform through which a great deal of human interaction is taking place
+it has, in many regards, replaced or overshadowed other forms of discourse, especially on political matters, and though it does not behave as a conversation encompassing all the humans, it certainly is used for quick media coverage and to quickly report things up to the minute, leading it to be the source for much popular opinion and even news content
+it would seem that this has become the ultimate news platform, as things can be deliberated upon quickly, the opinion of some snapshot of the public, completely corrupted with bad actors, sock puppets and everything in between, is made available in the immediate.
+Also, it would seem that businesses are required to interact with social media platforms in order to promote themselves ina  capacity to keep themselves viable or thriving in the current day's market
+so with all of those things, people are continuously using it, and in particular this is a type of interaction which allows for an idea to disseminated and dispelled quickly, without taking a lot of time to carefully scrutinize it and consider the cmponents from multiple angles
+because of this, things are summed up quite short, and the ideas can be quickly transported in what appears to be a fully flshed out and neatly encapsulated form
+but they're all so contrived and superficial.. cursory glances at truth, for truths that are void of meaning
+nevertheless, it appears that we've come to a place where conflict is arising, because they are starting to opine about and frame the things that people say, in order to make them more or less believable, or credible, and this has political implications, as well as implications for the normalization of controlled discourse 
+now, that being said, there are good reasons to believe that Twitter are in the right, and that it's wrong to go after them with legislation, an executive order, or whatever is being done
+in particular, it's the case for their own Free Speech
+and the case for free enterprise and competitive behaviour of a free market
+that they are in an economic market, trying to make money for themselves and offer something which the public is given an option, without any coercion of force, to make use of it, shoudl they so please
+and, not only that, but to make use of it without having to pay for any service, other than, perhaps, a loss of privacy to some degree, which is a part of all interaction witht he world, of course.. any world that is comprised of more than just oneself, but that's another matter
+In any case, that they are able to make decisions about how to curate or ocntrol the presentation of the material which is ont heir platform, is akin with the value structure which supports the idea of having free enterprise
+when it comes to free speech, it becomes a bit more complicated, as this is a form of their free speech, but it's also affecting the free speech of others
+so you could say, that the participation by any one human is cmopletely optional, this takes the weight ofu the argument that they're entitled to not have their words editorialized by the platform itself
+but, that everyone feels compelled to participate, and that it leads to the formulation of the majority of political discourse today, that is, ti normalizes what views are being held broadly
+in conjunction with the fact that, in order to do well in today's economic climate, a business owner must in many cases participate in the primary social media platforms of the day, Twitter being one ofthe most important for certain businesses
+that this is a technocratic stiffling of free speech
+I don't buy that argument, myself.. I think that they should simply do whatever the fuck they want, and that it's up to people to decide if they're willing to participate, or if they want to hold onto an ideal, or even just avoid wasting their time (whatever their reasons may be)
+but the argument isn't about that
+it's about whether or not Twitter should be given protection against legal actions made on the basis that they are disseminating information which is unreliable, unsavoury, unsalient, fraudulent, deceptive, harmful or otherwise inviting strong enough criticism such that a legal argument can be made for a legal action to be made towards some sort of resolution
+That they are framing the context surrounding the things others say, is a form of editorializing.. and if this is to be done, then we need to accept that editorial perhaps other forms of media content can be void of criticism as well, as it does disseminate the opinion of the platform, rather than simply allowing for the dissemination of public opinion
+Thus, it needs ot be understood if they are to be protected, along with all media, against any risk making a harmful claim
+or if, perhaps, shoudl they continue to editorialize content, that all content shoudl be editorialized, and that perhaps each piece of content should be editorialized ina  way which illustrates two or more conflicting viewpoints on the matter
+that is unrealistic, but it'd be a fun platform (thanks Scott Adams)
+Honestly, if a platform is for public discourse, you should leave people to do whatever the fuck they want, and only identify that which is an actual crime, just because it's in the best interest of the community which believes that the laws which it lives under
+but, even then, they are not police.. so I don't think they should be held responsible for the things people say and do, and that it's up to law enforcement to detect such things and go after it themselves
+for actual crimes which would be occurring irregardless of the virtual world
+But if you want to publish your opinion? Then you're being a dick since it's stamping on people. There's always an error margin, and there's no reason to believe that you won't, in correcting some viewpoints, also destroy other valid viewpoints at some other times
+so, choosing to do that, should probably make it such that you are not able to enjoy the application of legal clauses / portions of a legal act that are intended to protect those who we're assuming are not disseminating their own opinion

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+we were talking about all the reasons as to why someone would tolerate unauthentic exchanges, social encounters, relationships and otherwise time spent with other humans where there's an obvious element of inauthenticity
+this might be in the form of not truly being honest with one another, or not exposing ones actual thoughts or intentions to one another
+obfuscating aspects of one's thinking or reasoning
+behaving in a manner which doesn't seem to genuinely believe in the words being uttered
+one example of this might be the words used to convey thoughts of care for one another, when in fact these are only superficial, and that individual would barely do anything that might inconvenience them, if it's only to benefit you
+the consideration that your success might benefit you both is tainted and perhaps even made invisible due to their other desires, aspirations, suspicions and negative emotions, like jealousy
+that one would still be able to tolerate this, or pretend it's not actually true, or, if true, a real issue, is dependent on several factors
+firstly, age and experience.. in all but the most exceptional circumstances, as one ages one is less likely to entertain expenditure of time which seems wasteful
+this might be due simply to being able to discern, from experience, an expectation for a result before having to have gone through all of the steps leading up to the actual moment where the observation can be clearly made
+this is a form of prejudice, yes, and is very judgmental, but nevertheless it sa behaviour apptribute which is built into biological beings as a whole and, as far as we can tell
+time to get busy
+it's good to finally be typing just for the pure mechanis and teh feeling which comes from it
+the flowing feeling the momentum the linear continuity
+the improvement of efficiency int he production of force
+the energy efficiency
+being able to generate significant force for very specific short vectors and orchestrate them together, harmonize, synchronize, coordinate them together
+to coordinate them across, producing moment arms of force which together create a composite function
+this is an incredible thing, and that we have hte means to produce many variants of this simultaneously without having to pay specific attention is an incredible feat of.. what exactly
+I suppose we assume biology, or the properties fo physics itself if you wish to abstract enough, or perhaps it is God or Gods or what who knows ?
+we can also assume that it has something to do with evolution, or adaptation asa w hole
+feedback mechanisms
+the ability to compensate and super compensate
+that ability to change the amplitudes of expression and transform energy and matter across a temporal dimension in a manner which is recorded as the change of those particular amplitudes of expression, leaving an evidenced displacement of energy and matter, demonstrating cause and effect
+this is an incredible thing to behold, to make note of, record, and infer other postulates or even produce the critical evidence required to make greater proclamations for existence as a whole
+what a world
+in a sense, it seems that though these little expiditions of typing seem rather contrived and inauthentic, the momentum carries you into new worlds and environments where you can think of ideas a new
+it's even just a matter of getting the engine going tin order to discover what can be traversed
+how one can discover new ideas and new information, just by the act of deciding to forego whatever inhibitions might otherwise be present for the "task" of writing about something in particular
+and instead you just create them otion which affects and uncovers, revelas and discovers those new modes of thinking which might take you to some place new
+even the act of attempting to create continuous flow of information, without making too many errors of judgment, or even performing too much judgment, might be something which is highly useful in the right situations
+sometimes it's in order to think about something quickly or just to create motion
+to become unstuck.. because if you are stuck then yuo are certain that there's no movement, no progress, no change or displacement towards an end goal
+and the stagnation in and of itself removes your desires, replaces them with resentment bitterness and even cowardice
+what an awful thing, how can we deal with that
+well one way is to keep going.. to just not give up and even just to enjoy the fact that you are pursuing something
+that you happen to be performing na action, because even that is a fulfillment of a sort, and it's certainly better than moving in the other direction towards despair
+so onward we go, galloping, hopefully no thin the same directions as the radical idealogues who happen to be bearing some sort of strange symbols which contradict the very words which they seem to hold so dear to
+in any case, the typing has been ever so helpful since it doesn't not need to be exposed specifically to anyone
+there is a lot less to think about or worry about, no judgment or consequence in a social sense, at least if there is a measurable one, the careless nature of it will uncover an easier methodology to employhte dissemination of ideas and speech, thus it can actually be easily lead to argumentation that the overall effect, if not carefully measured, might be reasonably expected to imrpove the social interactions
+at least that has been my experience thus far, that being in closer contact and greater control of one's basic faculties of speech and path to appropriate vocabulary, has been especially helpful in making better use of those interactions and having better results
+there are other factors at play, of course, but it's still some sort of evidence to go by along with a reasonable, if not somewhat simple, argument as to the benefits of utilizing this approach

+ 8 - 0

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+so what do we currently know about our current predicament
+we're trying to get serial communication working between two boards
+they are hooked up in a way where I can be reasonably certain that the boards are configured correctly
+I have connected the TX pin of the F7 with the RX pin of the F0
+the F7 is supposed to send a character whenever the user button is pressed
+the F0 is supposed to light up its own LED whenever it receives data on the RX pin, which should be causing an interrupt handler to be called
+the USART connection is unidirectional

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+ 6 - 0

+ 3 - 1

@@ -6,4 +6,6 @@ Are the challenges a resource problem? Might they be a distribution
 Is it a system problem or a personality problem?
-Is it a systems problem or just a
+Why even ask the question about what sort of problem it is?
+Is it a search for a systemization of a problem?
+Is it so that since there are systems of any kind it necessarily follows that any undesired behaviour which can be posited as being a "problem" has a systemically traceable cause for its effect? Could not the undesired behaviour manifest themselves through manipulation unseen? How many examples do we have of a sort of transformation of information, representing as behaviour, for which the source is completely untraceable through a frame of perspective for which, in spite of any limitations that might be bound to it, is a perfectly reasonable frame from which to perceive the system in question, whether it be the only frame from which to have a perception, or otherwise be a frame for which comparable frames are logically deduced to be sufficiently inferior such as to not expect it to be absurd to consider using the primary frame for observation.

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