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+# Design Patterns
+## Introduction
+- General, reusable solution in a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design
+- Patterns have been used for the longest times in architecture (Arches, doors, support structures)
+- The same applies to Software Engineering
+## Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Objective-Oriented Software 1994
+- Still valid but other patterns and paradigms have been discovered since
+- Patterns you would come up with regardless just from experience
+- Put into a book, formally, to create a language around the patterns
+- Major Patterns: Creational, Structural, Behavioural
+- Added Patterns: Concurrency
+## Creational
+### Factory Method
+- Subclasses dictate the class instance created
+- Design patterns don't have to be implemented as-is
+- Useful to use slightly different approaches for similar problems
+- Simplify creation of objects with default arguments
+#### Example
+### Object Pool Pattern
+- Many objects of same type that are expensive to instantiate: thread, file, workers
+- These objects are used often, but possibly for a short period of time
+#### Example
+Webserver wants each request to run in its own thread, but don't want to create a thread each time.
+Solution: Create a thread pool
+## Resource Acquisition is Initialization (RAII)
+Idiom used in object-oriented, statically-typed languages.
+Useful to make sure resources are released when an exception is thrown.
+Mostly in C++
+### Singleton Pattern
+- Ensure class has one instance
+- Easily access the sole instance
+- Control instantiation
+- Restrict number of instances
+- Access a global variable
+- Private constructor - method to give you access to the one instance
+## Structural Patterns
+Adapter: adapt interface per a given set of expectations
+Aggregate: Composite with methods for aggregation of children
+Bridge: decouple an abstraction from its implementation so they can vary
+Composite: free structure of objects where every object has same interface
+Decorator: Add additional functional to an object
+Pipes and filters
+Opaque pointer
+*These all adapt interfaces*
+## Behaviour Patterns
+### Chain of Responsibility
+*Have a single request handled by several different objects/levels/systems etc*
+1. Send a request
+2. Each of 3 handlers must perform an action
+#### Example
+Logger has 3 different possible loggers
+In calling code, instantiate logger and add the loggers with each their own log level
+When the logger is asked to a log a message, it will only call the loggers appropriate to the particular log level provided to the call
+Works well with protocol stacks: send a message and it goes up or down the stack to the physical layer, and then goes back to the application layer
+### Command Pattern
+Object wrapping a function.
+You give that object to be executed by someone else
+### Iterator Pattern
+Class which has or is a container
+Instead of iterating through each element of the container, you have an interface which returns an object with a `next()` method which navigates to the subsequent element of that same container
+Abstraction layer over a container
+### Memento Pattern
+Used in user interfaces
+Infamous `Undo` and `Redo`
+Memento has a state that can be stored. If you have a stack of memento, you can implement the logic to work through the stack of previous states
+### Subject Observer Pattern
+AKA Observer Pattern
+- One to many dependency between objects defined without making objects tightly coupled
+- We don't know how many observers we will have on the subject
+- It should be possible that one object can notify an open ended number of objects
+Event loop with possible observers to receive events
+### State Pattern
+- Object should change its behaviour when internal state changes
+- State-specific behaviour should be defined independently
+- Define separate state objects that encapsulate state-specific behaviour
+- Class delegates state-specific behaviour to its current sate object, instead of implementating state-specific behaviour directly
+### Visitor Pattern
+Like chain of responsibility, but rather than a request going to a bunch of different objects, instead it's something which happens while visiting a certain structure
+## Concurrency Patterns
+### Active Object Pattern
+Activeobject design pattern decouples method execution from method invocation for objects that reside in their own thread.
+Command pattern is applied here.
+Pattern consists of six elements:
+- Proxy providing interface towards clients
+- Interface with request() to active object
+- List of pending requests
+- Scheduler which decides which request to execute
+- Active object method
+- Callback or variable for client to receive the result
+### Double-checked Locking
+See example in code
+### Concurrency Lock Pattern
+If two threads can change bank balance, you are in trouble. Lock access to account balance
+### CPU Atomic Operation
+Allows for locking of variable without a mutex
+Atomic operations cannot be interrupted by another thread
+Works with fundamental types (int, float)
+Made possible through Assembler call "Compare and Exchange" CMPXCHG
+Modern languages support this and take care of calling the right Assembler instruction
+Checks the value of a variable and then sets its value in a single operation without the possibility of being interrupted
+static std::atomic_bool exiting(false);
+if (exiting.exchange(true)) return;