logicp 2 years ago

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 Disdain for the vulnerable, all because of a different decision regarding the vaccine. How does that even come about? I found it quite striking, particularly because the response was so "matter of fact" blunt about denying a man his life. One might see the respone as logical and rational, but though it might at least be the latter, it appeared to be merely repeating the arguments found in the corresponding article being shared. That is, it took me back to a tim when I would read close to the entirety of a newspaper and think of it as the norm through which to become informed. How lovely to have such a guarantee that one is obtaining such useful information, or especially information whose use can be specifically understood.
-We, or I, never questioned whether a proportion of writing was biasd or misleading, except for some of the personal bias put forth by the author, based on their personal experience and style. But it didn't go much beyond that. In fact, since they had set out to wriet an article on the subject at hand, it would cause me to assume both that the author is somewhat knowledgable about the subject at hand, or that they were intrested in that particular subject. In any case, it conferred some significant expectation about their competence.
+We, or I, never questioned whether a proportion of writing was biasd or misleading, except for some of the personal bias put forth by the author, based on their personal experience and style. But it didn't go much beyond that. In fact, since they had set out to write an article on the subject at hand, it would cause me to assume both that the author is somewhat knowledgable about the subject at hand, or that they were intrested in that particular subject. In any case, it conferred some significant expectation about their competence.
+And how has that changed? Well, quite generally, the understanding that writing has to be produced which can serve the publication, in a very basic way,

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+# Grooming Masks
+February 11, 2022
+## Expression
+Emotion less deducible. Volume less audible. Unique feaures less observable. You are presented to be less unique and more ambiguous. You feel you can hide yourself, and that you are less recognizable.
+## Agency
+Knowing that you are less observed changes your innate and intuitive sense of exposure. You feel less involved with your surroundings and better able to maintain anonimity.
+You feel that large sections of your face which communicate your thoughts and mood are less exposed, thus allowing you to hide from observers in the surroundings. This means your presence does not imply as great of a commitment to the moment and that there is less of a consequence for your expression.
+## Significance
+Why do you wear the mask?
+It might be your personal preference, but it was likely not something done previously. Therefore, you are doing it for the new circumstance, but is that circumstance a change of understanding which would retroactively suggest that we may have always been better off wearing masks? Would we have even better mask fashion now and had we been making use of and accessorizing and "personalizing" ourselves with them all this time?
+## Why
+You wear them because of first order threat or delegated threat. Either you are otherwise at risk of:
+ - a) becoming incidentally ill (in which case, what are the pros and cons of a more or less exposure)
+ - b) dying
+ - c) having permanent damage, or;
+ - d) you are being asked to incur some level of personal risk (however small you know or do not know it to be), and are doing this to the primary benefit of those who work in your professional environment or are your family.
+ All of this assumes that any of these masks have been working for all this time, and are only considering one dimension from which to draw an evaluation.
+ Are there never to be causes for concern? Is it improper to take seriously any additional concern? Are we really being honest about our effort to understand the detrimental consequences of masking children?
+ Moisture builds in the mask, which contains a composition/matrix of microorganisms which live in your mouth, nose, throat, as well as the environment at large. The organisms, like us, sustain themselves through cellular respiration (except viruses), and this process takes energy. That energy can come in several forms, and the availability of each form in conjunction with the ease by which each can be sought and utilized informs survivability and competitive performance in the face of an ecological system. One set of forms of energy are those composed or derived from our own tissues. If tehre is a breach in tissue, fo rexample, then some resources are made available and this facilitates resource utilization and cellular respiration by corresponding organisms of relevance that may be present.
+ What this means for us is both growth of organisms in our mouth (affecting microbiotic accrual and proportions as well as increased infiltration of our respiratory airways and organs).
+ To put it more simply, acute infections by pathways that are otherwise less potent. The potentiating of these pathways as a result of following orders. We can speak of RCTs, most of which have been insufficient, and have also not been useful in demonstrating the necessity of masking, but we'll never have RCTs for the sorts of possible detrimental affects being mentioned here.

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+# Honks of Terror
+*Whether this claim is originating from propagandists via the state, or is actually the original sentiment of thoughtful residents is worth discussing, but we can take it at face value just the same*
+AOC said it best -> protest is supposed to make people feel uncomfortable.
+The argument is that it makes people so uncomfortable that it is a form of violence, but this is too subjective. I understand the frustration and the consideration that it is something which can affect physical health, but that is also true of lockdowns, restricting social ineractions, limiting movement, and reallocating public funds. It is ialso true of the devaluing of people's assets and income -> eradication of material wealth and reducing their potential to pursue livelihoods.
+You can make the case that horns and traffic prevent or impede pursuit of lifelihoods, but this is less concrete and not obvious. Increase of prospective customers, for example, is a net positive for those offering food and service.
+The rest of the allegations have been no more than hearsay, admissions of fear, and preemptive suggestions from organizations. News media showed a clip of woke citizens, masked outside, walking as a group in order to deter violence and harassment.
+The only thing missing is evidence.
+The fear is the evidence, and the fear itself is not verifiable,and originates from those who dirwectly express tehir ascription to the philosophies which are logically expected to be opposed to those whom they allege guilty of wrongdoing. Call them your favourite pejorative until society helps you control them.

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+# Right and Left Dialecticism
+Is it not interesting how we try again and again to prepare for one concern, only having to find that such a concern is being presented by its antithesis?
+This might constitute a dialectic, but it also might be a failure of definition, or a failure of rigor. How are we best to evaluate whether something is originating from the right or the left? In seeking to clarify our conception and identification of the philosophy one operates under. As there are options not engaged in battle.
+Sublate and transmute, burning away that which we discovered to be presenting friction to - ? Ourselves? Our conception of an ideal? But an ideal cannot be conceived. We are experiencing history, and to see things for how they best realize the state of reality, or the state in reality, is a supreme duty or calling.
+The demand to answer that call moves towards the increasingly young. It requires them to identify themselves and their form of allegiance. So much of what goes on requires everyone to indicate their allegiance while attempting to communicate an idea that the idea itself becomes a pledge of allegiance, both to the observer and the speaker. But no idea can be accurately formed except one's personal conception of belief as to why allegiance is necessary. The only saving grace is to pledge allegiance to truth, through truthful being, and not through believing that one's words are true.
+Unfortunately, confusion has manifested through this understanding that one's own belief about what is true, especially as one's words, are subject to being delivered for reasons and through influence which makes them untrue or incompatible with truth. Instead, we assume that there are force vectors pulling and contorting the nature and substance of reality, and that these move our world along some dimension.
+The dimension along which the world moves can be conceived of in different ways. It might be history, in the sense of Hegelian historicism, or equity, in terms of our approaching or dismissing of its realization. Whatever it might be, it is that most basic aspect of the biological experience in spacetime which deduces an abstract endpoint, and gauges the degree to which it is being or not being made more proximal.
+Must this always be conceived of as a linear progression? Since history and time are apparent to the human mind, it seems forever plausible to deny any acknowledgment of logarithmic change along the dimension of time. Time is always experiences in a linear fashion, thus any change in reality is always considered to have occurred sequentially and at a range which the human mind can conceive.
+How does the linear expectation for advancement of history affect agency and accountability? Does the wind assume that a more constant rate means that it needn't seek confirmation of one's explicit contribution? Or does it have the opposite effect in the sense that it expects to find a rate of confirmation?
+## Subjective Objectivity
+Objectivity is criticized by Kant and Hegel, and other champions of the dialectic, for they correctly find contradiction is how a mind can believe itself to possess belief that it assumes is objective -> model realism and objective idealism.
+How is the subjective reality separate from the objective, and vice-versa? Our understanding of things we believe to be objective occurred in a mind which must conceive of things subjectively, especially insofar that it discovers or chooses the means by which to communicate it. Even if we are ever to know of something that is objective, it must be unearthed and revealed through means of thought which must be aware of its previous limitations (such as the limitations of its reference and expression).
+A process of preserving and purifying as something is concentrated into its most pure form while retaining its primary modality.
+Pure Idea ->  Existing in fragmented form as glimpses in thoughts. Converge and brought into matter through the state. Process reiterates and purifies over time, approaching the complete manifestation of the idea in its pure, eternal form.
+Thoughts are fundamentally formed from the fragments of a pure idea existing before time. Can we return to it, or is it not even worth being human?
+Does the fact of transporting or extending an idea through human experience corrupt the structure of the idea? And is such a corruption just the limitation of its represenation, or part of a process of refinement which can include errors to be corrected? Could the limitation of its representation, or error in its representation, as constituted in the corruption of the idea's structure and understanding thereof, be a necessary requirement in order for the idea to have taken hold in the human mind?
+In this way, the Hegelian conception of a human-centered faith, extending to the Marxist conception of a metaphysic which is based on a trajectory leading to a state of everyone doing the work, is valid, at least insofar as the understanding of there being no concept of an idea without the human mind to instantiate and behold it.
+Regardless of how one feels about population and the wastefulness of human living, the fact of their even allowing themselves the opportunity to contemplate ideas at all is an implicit validation of the value of the human mind. Thus, it cannot be known if an idea exists without man, nor can it be known if, should it exist to the exclusion of man, an idea could be made relatively corrupt through incorporation into hman thinking, or if it could even be relevant.
+## Ideas State Culture
+In climate it is the same. There is purity of ideas expressed both in the need to have everyone adopt the activism, which needn't worry about details so much as it understands its gnostic importance, and then also furthermore in the sense that there was a perfection which existed prior, perhaps before man and that it would take purification and then ascension before the new man can be in the garden of Eden, which occurs when thinking and condition are absolute.
+The state is also the embodied God on earth, as it is both the demonstrator of truth and moral living, and the entity through which we can receive salvation.
+The culture is what needs to be transformed with activism until all will think in this way and be doing the work like the rest of us.
+We can do th same thing, but let's break down the right wing conception of climate activism and sustainability.
+### Order, Disgust, Borders, Convention
+We see the same pattern of behaviour in all these parts of culture, which shrae cynicism and seek, in some way, to have all people agree that everything is as bad as they have been warning about. Whether the millenial theyby is saying that or they are here to provide no effort but to witnes what was to be a good society for them to enjoy, except that the previous generations had exploited it beyond repair.
+The climate analog is simple to observe, and easily as darkly cynical in that they will connect every ill and complain through some web of indirection. It is always absurd when when excess indirection is sought, but it never surprises me to see yet looser or longer chaseif causative factors are posited.

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@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ Then, if our capabilities become great enough, that immortality becomes approach
 Surely, if anyone wants it at all, it is to be used, and if almost no one wants it, its use and pursuit by a few carry to the culture a range of prevailing benefits which reduce particularly discernible instances of challenge.
-But, now, how can it ever be created?
+But, now, how can it ever be created and put in a system of play? A system of play, which empowers and bings about new possibilities.

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+# Algorithms
+## Introduction
+If you choose the right data structure, the algorithm will be self-evident
+Data structure dictates which algorithms you can apply
+## Functions
+### Mathematics
+Set of X to a set of Y assigns each element of X exactly one element of Y
+Functions don't have side effects and only depend on their input
+f(x) = 42 (constant)
+f(x) = 2x (linear)
+f(x) = x^2 (quadratic)
+f(x) = x^3 (cubic)
+f(x) = log2(x) (logarithmic)
+f(x) = 2^x (exponential)
+f(x) = x! (factorial)
+Factorial is recursive
+N! = (N - 1)! * N for all N > 0
+### Complexity
+Constant < log(n) < √n < n < n^2 < 2^n
+### Logarithms
+The inverse of exponentiation
+If Y is product of B to the power of P ( B^P )
+Y = B^P, therefore
+P = logB(Y)
+### Big O notation
+Express time or space complexity (asymptotic complexity). Rough approximation of number of operations needed to execute.
+Time relative to number of elements. Descrbines which function best describes its growth. Big O is always a function or combination of functions where n is the number of elements.
+f(n) = O(g(n)) means there are positive constants: c and k
+0 <= f(n) <= cg(n) for all n >= k
+### Constant time operations O(1)
+Does not depend on number of elements
+- Adding element to end of linked list
+- Accessing array by index
+- Accessing root of tree
+- Accessing/adding element to good hash table
+### Logarithmic Operations O(log(n))
+Not much worse than constant time
+Divide to conquer
+Base is not relevant (especially as we approach infinity), but usually 2
+- binary search sorted array
+- Add/search balanced BST
+### Linear Operations O(n)
+- Traverse a list or array
+- Add N elements to vector/list/table
+- Search/Insert/Remove element to arbitrary position in list/array
+  - Must be traversed (average => n / 2, but treat it as n)
+### n log(n)
+- Insert N elements in balanced BST (N times log(n))
+- Merge/Heal sort
+- Quick sort (worst case O(n^2))
+### Quadratic Operations O(n^2)
+Avoid for large data sets because number of operations grows quickly
+- Nested loops
+- Insert into unbalanced BST
+- Bubble sort
+- Insertion sort
+### Cubic Operations O(n^3)
+- Multiplication of [n x n] matrices
+### Exponential Operations O(2^n)
+- Traveling salesman with dynamically programmed solution
+### Factorial Operations O(n!)
+- Don't even try it

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+# But They Work
+They prove that the state provides real solutions that work, and that if we suspend our rights and expectations for ourselves and put our trust an dfaith in this superordinate entity, we can all benefit.
+It is difficult to make sense of the line of reasoning when your conception is as broad as the concerns for which it attempts to operate, but when you limit the scope to just this one variable, then all is well. But what does it mean to say "it works"? What could that mean?
+- Fewer vaxxed in hospital
+  - Not the case everywhere, but they would say that those cohorts are simply too old to be expected to survive
+This, of course, ignores anyone's previous expectations. You either had none, ro you had a casual conception based on the figures presenting themselves over and over in the media headlines. And who still believes headlines? After years of quips RE media sensationalism, why would anyone choose to believe media are honest and accurate? One might say that, with this type of subject (medial issues), they can't afford to be wrong - but this is ignorance on the part of whomsoever is excusing them, because they fail to realize how difficult it is to prove the causes of such broad biological effects. It doesn't serve people because of accuracy, but because, given its role and alleged reputation, one can reference it even when wrong as one can plausibly deny that they feigned being misled. So this makes it safe to reference in spite of veracity, and regardless of your personal intentions.
+Work should always mean that you can expect to live longer: "But it is about quality of life". Indeed, it is, but if something is to be considered useful in mitigating some threat, then the benefit to quality of life is its greatest selling point. In this case, "work" means a temporary period where your likelihood of illness is reduced, but where the number and frequency of infections is increased. This is a ridiculous standard upon which to reason the end of bodily autonomy.
+# Covid Wokeness
+## Catastrophe
+We haven't taken care of our world, we allowed for inequities to go on long after it was already deemed unacceptable. We have long needed an event that shows us that the state of the world is not okay. An event which gives us the chance to start again.
+COVID (they mean SARS-CoV2) hurts the most marginalized the worst. If lab leak, it is the result of rich white men who have to always control everything or make money through their privilege. This is them pursuing precarious means for rewards.
+It was only a matter of tim before the party of the privileged would come to an end. Be it by the unequality that previously existed and our unwillingness to do something about it.
+COVID is as whiteness and patriarchy. The unwillingness to address it and also to do everything we can to keep it at bay is wimilar to how Marcuse said we are always on the brink of turning Fascist again. Even if not COVID, we are allowing the same type of thing to occur again because no matter how clean and protected we all are, there is a class of citizen who can never be protected, and thus we must ask for follow-ups.
+Only when the most unprotected are protected will we have health equity.
+How does the mind conceive of all health only being considered when one's own is drawing attention upon the supposedly most vulnerable? Is it diminishing one's own potential for care? It might eb more realistic to consider that ensuring the best care for the most vulnerable might be more akin to reserving the best care for when you yourself are most likely to be in the greatest need of it.
+Why would one reject such care? Is having care not in your best interest (at all times)
+- Who gets to define what is "care"? Already we see e that many do not wish to receive every sort of "care". We have data showing significant harm from medial error, false advice on diet, overprescription of substances which have known toxic effects and no understanding of physiology revelas that treating a recurring issue in one locality brings about "scarring" and an overload of some system.
+## Alleged Sharing of potential outcome data with outsiders
+But this is most obviously in everyone's best interest. The vid will leave you with every awful symptom you fear from the vaccine, and we don't know the long-term effects of long COVID. Such a broad and complex comparison.
+### Alleged outcomes
+Blood clots, Myocarditis, Virus itsef, Destruction of immune system.
+### Myocarditis:
+- This is what has received the greatest attention because it has been the most difficult to ignore. Mostly prevalent in the cohorts whose outcomes are among the least severe on record (when it comes to natural viral infection. Imagine that, constantly alleged that vaccine-induced myocarditis is rare, mild and resolving.
+The mere fact that this was uttered so unequitably and excessively, at such an early moment...

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+# Further Than Complete
+Feb 21, 2022
+Difficult to envision the plain quality of Canada being embroiled in dialectics, but they have always been here with our false sense of intellectual superiority. Somehow, with our lesser material accomplishments, reduced sense of "flash", lesser exposure on basis of exploitative behaviours, and so forth, we have come to engage in all that is being cautioned over.
+In some ways, the lack of brutal precedent is exactly what allows for even more severe changes to go on unnoticed.
+# Asking for Death
+Is it not demanding death? Is that not precisely why they never fail to play aloof and focus on the failure of a concept to have met their own complex, synthetic definition of it? To agree with someone's existence is to forego your process of becoming and to join the process of becoming with them. To aim to connect and transform, rather than to feign a connection in order to deceive.
+That is fundamentally why we refuse.
+We refuse because it is not only a higher standard from teh state, but for the very everyday persons who occupied our lives and had expectations of us. Do you not realize how obvious it is when you pretend to be fooled?
+So, yes, we see it as asking for our deaths. Your biological specification is inadmissible and unviable. It offends my sensibilities. You have the choice to make yourself acceptable in our great culture, or you can become the past as our future is certain. You can decay by every heuristic and I can feel assured in laughing at your plummetting existence, as the state deemed it virtuous for me to do so!
+# Life Seekers
+Presented with the perceptual frame, they reject it outright. The current one offered too much power to the haves. I had hoped to have been off to a good start, but if these disparities didn't affect me, I still feel bothered and could start anew once more. You see, the culture prevented the right thing from happening. If a life is to be followed by death, then it is already tragic. Only a whole life can be looked back upon as making the suffering worthwhile, but that is prevented by every which way.
+Equity, racism, patriarchy, cisheteronormativity, ablebodiesness, colonialism, corporatism, etc have all shown that whatever shortcoming I experience could have been less so. The fact of my noticing the injustice through others is emblematic of my real care and concern, which need not be focused on or in service to the self.
+And so then my plight already makes me a martyr-to-be who sought greatness and virtue (plus, I could have been doing more enjoyable things!). Immortalized by the struggles of others, and now even conflicting over a path which might make immortality an inevitability -> how would we forgive ourselves from not allowing this gift to come upon our children? Should we not take it up as the greatest cause, even implicitly?
+# Verifying Catastrophe
+It verifies all other catastrophes. Equity would at least mean equal access to the treatments, but also the manner in which some were more subjected to the particles of satan. The real exposure, however, is Intersectional. We can't even understand how much worse it has been for those more deeply situated within the matrix of oppression.

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+# Design Patterns
+## Introduction
+- General, reusable solution in a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design
+- Patterns have been used for the longest times in architecture (Arches, doors, support structures)
+- The same applies to Software Engineering
+## Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Objective-Oriented Software 1994
+- Still valid but other patterns and paradigms have been discovered since
+- Patterns you would come up with regardless just from experience
+- Put into a book, formally, to create a language around the patterns
+- Major Patterns: Creational, Structural, Behavioural
+- Added Patterns: Concurrency
+## Creational
+### Factory Method
+- Subclasses dictate the class instance created
+- Design patterns don't have to be implemented as-is
+- Useful to use slightly different approaches for similar problems
+- Simplify creation of objects with default arguments
+#### Example
+### Object Pool Pattern
+- Many objects of same type that are expensive to instantiate: thread, file, workers
+- These objects are used often, but possibly for a short period of time
+#### Example
+Webserver wants each request to run in its own thread, but don't want to create a thread each time.
+Solution: Create a thread pool
+## Resource Acquisition is Initialization (RAII)
+Idiom used in object-oriented, statically-typed languages.
+Useful to make sure resources are released when an exception is thrown.
+Mostly in C++
+### Singleton Pattern
+- Ensure class has one instance
+- Easily access the sole instance
+- Control instantiation
+- Restrict number of instances
+- Access a global variable
+- Private constructor - method to give you access to the one instance
+## Structural Patterns
+Adapter: adapt interface per a given set of expectations
+Aggregate: Composite with methods for aggregation of children
+Bridge: decouple an abstraction from its implementation so they can vary
+Composite: free structure of objects where every object has same interface
+Decorator: Add additional functional to an object
+Pipes and filters
+Opaque pointer
+*These all adapt interfaces*
+## Behaviour Patterns
+### Chain of Responsibility
+*Have a single request handled by several different objects/levels/systems etc*
+1. Send a request
+2. Each of 3 handlers must perform an action
+#### Example
+Logger has 3 different possible loggers
+In calling code, instantiate logger and add the loggers with each their own log level
+When the logger is asked to a log a message, it will only call the loggers appropriate to the particular log level provided to the call
+Works well with protocol stacks: send a message and it goes up or down the stack to the physical layer, and then goes back to the application layer
+### Command Pattern
+Object wrapping a function.
+You give that object to be executed by someone else
+### Iterator Pattern
+Class which has or is a container
+Instead of iterating through each element of the container, you have an interface which returns an object with a `next()` method which navigates to the subsequent element of that same container
+Abstraction layer over a container
+### Memento Pattern
+Used in user interfaces
+Infamous `Undo` and `Redo`
+Memento has a state that can be stored. If you have a stack of memento, you can implement the logic to work through the stack of previous states
+### Subject Observer Pattern
+AKA Observer Pattern
+- One to many dependency between objects defined without making objects tightly coupled
+- We don't know how many observers we will have on the subject
+- It should be possible that one object can notify an open ended number of objects
+Event loop with possible observers to receive events
+### State Pattern
+- Object should change its behaviour when internal state changes
+- State-specific behaviour should be defined independently
+- Define separate state objects that encapsulate state-specific behaviour
+- Class delegates state-specific behaviour to its current sate object, instead of implementating state-specific behaviour directly
+### Visitor Pattern
+Like chain of responsibility, but rather than a request going to a bunch of different objects, instead it's something which happens while visiting a certain structure
+## Concurrency Patterns
+### Active Object Pattern
+Activeobject design pattern decouples method execution from method invocation for objects that reside in their own thread.
+Command pattern is applied here.
+Pattern consists of six elements:
+- Proxy providing interface towards clients
+- Interface with request() to active object
+- List of pending requests
+- Scheduler which decides which request to execute
+- Active object method
+- Callback or variable for client to receive the result
+### Double-checked Locking
+See example in code
+### Concurrency Lock Pattern
+If two threads can change bank balance, you are in trouble. Lock access to account balance
+### CPU Atomic Operation
+Allows for locking of variable without a mutex
+Atomic operations cannot be interrupted by another thread
+Works with fundamental types (int, float)
+Made possible through Assembler call "Compare and Exchange" CMPXCHG
+Modern languages support this and take care of calling the right Assembler instruction
+Checks the value of a variable and then sets its value in a single operation without the possibility of being interrupted
+static std::atomic_bool exiting(false);
+if (exiting.exchange(true)) return;

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+# It Progresses
+Yes, the dialectic progresses. It progresses both in that we are continuously discovering the ways in which the dialectic is necessary to synthesize some new evolution for an idea for which we have discovered its sublation via negation/antitheses, and also through any discovery for formulation of a dialectic being itself something which moves history. Interesting to note that I myself have been regarded, if even only by myself, as a synthesizer, but that this was not thought of being as done through an antithesis.
+Synthesizing seems to be a natural predisposition or propensity. Is it a path of least resistance? An Escape? It can sometimes be seen as a failure of a discipline with a failure to operate within the ranges of an imposed structure. This might very well be true, but I don't believe this is necessarily the only motivation.
+An observer might remark that the structure is not being adhered to, but perhaps they fail to see that there is, indeed, a structure and that the hybrid being sought is out of a need to find that specific formulation for the characteristics or behaviours it yields.
+# Pop Culture (is a sham)
+It is through pop culture that even the most toxic ideas rae presented as the most common and accepted one. And though it is presented as the most popular idea, or way of thinking, the mind accepts it as though it were the most refined idea, worthy of being a piece of our shared identity. Something not only verfiied and synthesized by the specialists, but now even having been taken up by the cultural icons who exist as a special category themselves.
+# Groomer Culture
+And it keeps doing so with highly conclusive views. Look at how it presents teh most contentious aspects of educating children? It takes thos easpects and only presents them int he light in which there could be the least conflict, completely side-stepping the substance of disagreement and keeping its jaggedness embedded deep in teh matter - unable to be properly discussed, and continuously resonating confusion, dissonance, and distrust. The only side which enjoys promotion and assistance is that which destroys autonomy, and replaces the meaning of the very word with dependence.
+Don't say Gay? Could the campaign have done any better to possibly misrepresent the issue? "We did look, and then asked experts". Experts, as in, activists. And only those who bury the voices of the real people. If one truly eblieves taht those concerned with Queer Pedagogy in curricula of young children act on this to champion  strategy of preventing children from knowing what homsoexuality is, then they must be one of:
+- a) Naive, older generation
+- b) Dishonest
+- c) Incompetentence
+The debasement of children is a step towards priming a revolutionary movement. Horkheimer and Marcuse were very clear about this, claiming that we haven't the means to recognize the dire state of affairs thus we must induce its recognition by all
+But then there is the other, more recent attempt to induce collectivism at even the biological level. Yes, the jabs.
+It was telling to hear the normies anticipate the vaccines. There were subvariants of focuses, each implying their rationale
+- expected to do it/feed the crocodile because they were afraid
+- doing it to facilitate being with loved ones
+- doing it to protect some loved one
+- doing so for the moral implement it bestows on one (by society)
+- doing it to increase the rate of change
+And no thi is even told to be concerned

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+# Error Correction
+## Human Form
+- Composite of interwoven, overlapping, hierarchical, generalized and specialized systems designed to maintain operational capacity
+The name of the game is respiration, but we tend to only think of the act of breathing, and have become fixated on this image of suffocation brought forward by Hollywood. But it is the more intricate perspective factored in and being juxtaposed with the whole which allows us to attempt to intuit the nature of entropy and how that is a dimension upon which our choices have some material effect. And, so what do we mean by that?
+### Thermodynamics
+- Energy can neither be created nor destroyed
+- Entropy always increases in a system
+- Entropy approaches constant as temperature approaches absolute zero
+Thermodynamics applies to us, too. We must continuously remake and repair ourselves, and the degree to which we can execute that without error is paramount to maximizing form, function and longevity. We respire cardiovascularly to maintain cellular respiration. Of course, heightening entropy due to pathogenic exposure is a concern, but we cannot conclude the net effect of every infection. That is, we cannot overlook the benefit of having natural immunity, and conclude a net balance through any particular strategy.

+ 32 - 0

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+# Historicism
+## Introduction
+Though there are theories of evolutionary biology surrounding the homo sapiens' inclination towards collectivism being driven on the factors of mating, social behaviour, hunting and general survival, there is much more to be understood on this matter in the realms of neuroscience, physics and psychology(NPP). In particular, the modalities of thought shaped through theological, ontological and religious inquiry and how such thought may too very well be the consequence of phenomena, such as biology, as can be understood through the realms of NPP.
+*Oh the ferocity. The intensity of life's pulsating nature. Rising as a plot to help conscious realizations move forward. The concept of historicism is worth being explored here. It is certain that many are influenced by historicist thinkers, but there seems to be a very naturally deducible manner by which the human mind comes to believe or even intuit and grok the notion of historicism.*
+### TODO: Expand on acceptance of theology demanding collectivism for the realization of its prophecies
+- Understanding the visual cortex
+- A Cortex in Spacetime
+- Test of Being
+- Mephistophelean Accountability
+## The Historicist Mind
+### Suppositions
+- The human mind has expectations for the future
+- It sees expected events come to pass / become realized
+- It reflects on past events
+- Historical reference necessitates ordering events as per a single world-line
+- The question is whether the path of history could have differed from what has occurred
+### Hypothesis
+- Events do not perfectly fulfill the conception
+- This does not disprove the prospect of a linear, single dimension on a set track, moving forward through a sequence of events which must occur before the inevitable arrival of a fully-realized/actualized expression of reality
+Why is this? Because:
+1. Though unfulfilled expectations are disheartening, they reveal that more is yet to come -> reveal the contradictions
+2. Events can occur which are in some respect unexpected, but their impact on perception can induce such significant reflection on their previous understanding of their own conceptions (their discernible forms, declared representations and composition), leading to revision of these conceptions.
+3. This suggests a dialectic transformation which not only revises history in the mind to align with the proposition of a single linear path, but proves that the mechanism for moving through history is, indeed, a dialectic process which transforms the subject into the object
+Fundamentally, one does instantiate a sensorial and semantically complete frame of perception in a local modality. As one's own experience always maintains the basic start->end sequence, there is already the structure of a complete epic. If there is to be a base feature of meaning from a temporal life, then it is through accepting that the more difficult portions were endured in contrast to other portions that were not as bad. This is a common feature of human experience that can be reasonably agreed upon, though we can also enumerate the wonderful, beautiful, magnificent, eccstatic and so forth, it really is not necessary, so long as there is at least agreement that there is exists disparity between the worst/most difficult moments from the rest. Should that not be enough to come into a perception that is fond of or motivated by a historicist outlook?
+This comes through during the visceral experience of longing for a reprieve when dealing with great difficulty.

+ 6 - 1

@@ -79,4 +79,9 @@
 #### Hannah Argues to Queer ECE
 - Child development theories are destructive if not attuned to possibility that children are or will become queer
 - Damaging expectation of childhood innocence represents child as figure without complexity
-- Insistence on childhood innocence injures development and might
+- Insistence on childhood innocence injures development and might
+- Treat every child as though they might be queer to maximize growth
+- Assumes everyone develops into what they're supposed to, regardless of disregarding developmental psychology and destabilizing identity growth
+- Forge conversation between Queer Theory and Childhood Studies to complicate assumptions about sexuality and a predictable future
+- Remove structure of problematic developmental psychology

+ 4 - 4

@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ You don't have a right to have an LGBTQ identity that you'd be recognized agains
 My argument begins with the premise that developmental theory and its attendant model of developmentally-appropriate practice can be destructive to some childrens' emotional and social capacities when not attuned to their possible queer presents and futures.
-The idea that we're going to take into account developmental psychology and understand that children have a developmental arc that they follow as their brains mature, as they experience teh world going through that maturation phase, that extends at least well into their 20s (beginning from early life) - we're going to say that it's sometim sdestructive of their imaginative and social capacities, unless we attune it to the possibility that they are queer in the present or that they will become queer in the future. Their possible queer presents and futures.
+The idea that we're going to take into account developmental psychology and understand that children have a developmental arc that they follow as their brains mature, as they experience teh world going through that maturation phase, that extends at least well into their 20s (beginning from early life) - we're going to say that it's sometimes destructive of their imaginative and social capacities, unless we attune it to the possibility that they are queer in the present or that they will become queer in the future. Their possible queer presents and futures.
 As many have noted, the rhetoric of innocence that envelopes normative theories of childhood development has the damaging effect of reducing the child to a figure without complexity.```
@@ -156,10 +156,10 @@ So, children are innocent - whoops - didn't take into account how complex they a
 Some of the affective libidinal (emotional, libido-based, sexual, in the Freudian sense) epistemological and political insistences on childhood innocence can injure the child's development and offer a new mode of analytical inquiry that insists upon the child's queer curiosity and patterns of growth.```
-We will find that she argues that every child should be treated as though they might be queer so that they can embrace the child's queer curiosity and patterns of growth. The assumption is that people who are of whatever type will just grow into, if they're heterosexual they'll grow into hetersexuality by default, if they're queer, they'll be nourished and validated to grow into healthier queer identities - sexual or otherwise. Developmental psychology is irrelevant - we can just open up the playing field and everone will develop into their appropriate identities without damage or problems. In fact, you are destabilizing identity growth during developmentally crucial phases and destroying children while opening them up to sexual grooming and abuse. This is horrifically and psychologically abusive because these people are crackpots and Marxists, which are, to repeat, specifically dangerous in that they believe the world works in a way that it does not. They wnat to nourish that "fact" so they can create revolutionaries out of your children in schools tha tyou pay for with your tax dollras, that you should be able to trust that your elected representatives at whatever level, that they won't put these schools into these programs, but they have failed.
+We will find that she argues that every child should be treated as though they might be queer so that they can embrace the child's queer curiosity and patterns of growth. The assumption is that people who are of whatever type will just grow into, if they're heterosexual they'll grow into hetersexuality by default, if they're queer, they'll be nourished and validated to grow into healthier queer identities - sexual or otherwise. Developmental psychology is irrelevant - we can just open up the playing field and everone will develop into their appropriate identities without damage or problems. In fact, you are destabilizing identity growth during developmentally crucial phases and destroying children while opening them up to sexual grooming and abuse. This is horrifically and psychologically abusive because these people are crackpots and Marxists, which are, to repeat, specifically dangerous in that they believe the world works in a way that it does not. They want to nourish that "fact" so they can create revolutionaries out of your children in schools that you pay for with your tax dollras, that you should be able to trust that your elected representatives at whatever level, that they won't put these schools into these programs, but they have failed.
-Forging more prolongued conversations between queer theory and childhood studies may deepen understanding of childrens' diverse educational needs and complicate assumptions that sexuality and its tendency to bleed outside the boundaries of nowable indexes of identity can be easily mapped onto a predictable future.
+Forging more prolongued conversations between queer theory and childhood studies may deepen understanding of childrens' diverse educational needs and complicate assumptions that sexuality and its tendency to bleed outside the boundaries of knowable indexes of identity can be easily mapped onto a predictable future.
 So we have no idea how people are going to grow up. We should queer everything and open up everything with no stability or boundaries. No structure. If "identity disorders" manifest, those were latent queerness that were going to come out anyway.
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ They reject the idea of developmental psychology entirely. They wnat queerness t
 A child first separates the world into 4 identity categories. Adult vs child, male and female. For a child, especially a toddler, they're very rigid. Man woman boy girl mean a lot to a child, and they are locked deep into that for a very long time. It's probably not a socially constructed phenomenon, but a core developmental milestone for children to start forming a sense of identity. That's the thing that these queer theorists want to attack in Pre-K through development programs.
-Comprehensive Sex education are re-modelled versions and post-mdoernized versions of George Lukach's ideas about sex education which he used to undermine traditional and Christian morality in Hungary so he could have a Marxist revolution in the eastern block.
+Comprehensive Sex education are re-modelled versions and post-modernized versions of George Lukach's ideas about sex education which he used to undermine traditional and Christian morality in Hungary so he could have a Marxist revolution in the eastern block.
 Drawing on deepening recent attempts to meld the fields of childhood studies and queer studies, here I dwell on the contradiction that results from the synchronous assumptions of the child's asexuality and protoheterosexuality to show how emphasizing queer growth within a discussion about how children negotiate development is constructive.

+ 15 - 0

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+# Transhumanism
+*With more humanity than a human being*
+Does one imagine small steps towards Transhumanism with a self-evaluated limit as to how extensively or significantly one undergoes the transformation? Surely, many give it no thought, but many of these, still, had the opportunity to envision their submission to technocracy. It was implict through school in the sense of perceiving that whatever is being done, particularly in medicine, is the most modern set of procedures and standards that there has ever been.
+## They Are All Transformation
+The activists seek transformative change through:
+- solidarity, redistribution, inclusion, belonging, diversity practitioners, agents and evangelists, disruption, repression, conceorship, holding institutional power, or influencing institutional power. None of these solutions are a process of conception, risk and creation. There is always risk in creating new, but to hijack institutions allows for the risk to be absorbed by some part of the structure, allowing freedom to focus on the grooming without having to worry about the cost of redirecting.
+This does a few things:
+- it not only reduces the burden of cost but makes it impossible to gain an intution for the cost.
+- reducing burden from such optimal utilization of resources increases the degree to which one pursues a modality
+- Given the above and a culture celebrating self-centredness
+So th transformation ends up being both reflected on as something compelled through ethical ..?

+ 48 - 0

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+# The Ultimate COVID-19 Decoding
+## 85-90% Americans susceptible to SARS-CoV2
+NYT 9/30/2020
+- Referenced Dr. Chris Murray
+- Epidemic models downplaying potential for herd immunity
+## Analysis of Europe Deaths
+In Northern temperate regions like North America, Europe, you get a GOMPERTZ curve. The reason is that when the virus comes in new, it hits around 20% of the population. 80% defacto immune through T-Cell and mucosal immunity (Cross reactive immunity). 1 in 5 will be less immune, and will have more difficulty with the new virus.
+Classic curve with example clearly laid out in 1918 Spanish Flu statistics, both with cases and deaths.
+### Seasonality Made Simple
+2020 Virus trigger with GOMPERTZ style curve
+Opened with no vaccine in early May
+Rates stayed low through summer
+Small peak in October
+Trigger in Winter - GOMPERTZ independent of measures
+- WHO in July 2020 put out bulletin saying SARS-CoV2 infection is not seasonal
+## Seasonality
+In terms of immunity, based on Beta Stadler (Swiss Immunologist)
+## Immunity
+Professor Beta Stadler was saying ~80% were defacto immune
+## 2nd season
+cumulative cases with massive testing - 64k positives per million people
+now, if you take that figure you see that over 2 full seasons rolled up total we had 6 in 100 people register a positive.
+Would not have been spreading in a significant way
+## Excess Mortality
+Crucial Measure of any pandemic
+Can't use PCR tests or positives - must look at the impacts
+## Excess Deaths (2018, Flu season, 140)
+Euromomo shows from 60million people in 2018 was 140 thousand people - normal value
+If you look at 2020 April, you see the big spike. But you've got to note that there was an exceedingly low death rate in teh 2019 season and the run up to April in 2020. That wuld have lead to al ot of frail, susceptible people who would normally have passed in a normal flu season not passing. A stockpile of people who are susceptible to passing from any respiratory disease. So yes, COVID came and gave a larger spike, but when you add up to the total impact, it was 180K, which is nor markedly different from 2018. Less than what you would see in some prior years over the past decades.
+The impact in excess deaths over waht you'd expect normally is not that dissimilary to differnt years.
+## Compared to Spanish Flu
+Corrected for population, the spike in 1918 was beyond anyhing we can detec tnow, i

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 13 - 0

+ 2 - 2

@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ How can we infer an objective morality from the laws of reality/physics?
 Some might question what is real, but if they are unsure that anything is real, then we have no fundamental premise upon which to establish any agreement. There must be, at minimum, an agreement that there does exist something real. Then the fun begins, because we must define reality. We can propose a few variations:
-1. Reality is all tha can be observed or experienced
+1. Reality is all that can be observed or experienced
 2. Reality is all that is, regardless of whether it can be observed
 3. Reality is everything that is every material composition
 4. Reality is anything that can be proven with science
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Some might question what is real, but if they are unsure that anything is real,
 Each of this is a proposed agreement.
 ## Does it Exist?
-It ust exist, and it is must be understandable. Just as we learn through geometrical, or better, spatial reprenestation and abstraction, there is a structure to morality in the sense that we understand the capacity of human experience to include pain and suffering, and we represent it in our visual cortexes. Though we cannot know an experience without it being our own known experience, we can do such things as compare two imaginary experiences, or compare analogs to experiences. Ultimtaely, we need to find a way of always conceptualizing someone's direct experience, and not a group representation's pseudoexperience.
+It must exist, and it is must be understandable. Just as we learn through geometrical, or better, spatial reprenestation and abstraction, there is a structure to morality in the sense that we understand the capacity of human experience to include pain and suffering, and we represent it in our visual cortexes. Though we cannot know an experience without it being our own known experience, we can do such things as compare two imaginary experiences, or compare analogs to experiences. Ultimtaely, we need to find a way of always conceptualizing someone's direct experience, and not a group representation's pseudoexperience.
 Again, though it seems our understanding of morality and ethics come about through human experience and the coniciding forms within their social context in consideration of pain, suffering and death, we must ask ourselves: are the spatial transformations taking place among those high level events simply incidental? What are the fields of observation along which tragedy and evil occur?

+ 7 - 1

@@ -8,4 +8,10 @@ Reduce anoher and factor into a form who has not qualified for your forthrite co
 # Anti-Mask Supremacy
 - expect that you are invincible, perpetuating behaviour which puts vulnerable at risk - promotes infection which disproportionately affects those from marginalized communities
+- Promotes individualism which isn't enough for the oppressed person suffering through oppressive matrices, who need their increased challenges offset to level the playing field, or we don't have a system of democracy
+Far-right association is real .Tamar is part of the Maverick Party which is part of a separatist movement in a predominantly white community with association to Pro-Trump movements (as seen on Facebook).
+A Metis woman who has been indoctrinated into white supremacy, because of internalized racism, is trying to fall in favourable light in the eyes of a system which favours whiteness.
+I suppose she has no agency as a Metis, and must be controlled by a system which tolerates no dissent or independence from its own structural specifications.

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 8 - 0

+ 26 - 0

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+# Intro
+- Compusci/EE AI conversational interfaces -> Siri/Echo
+- Environmental chemicals and disease
+# Concerns
+- Synthetic cationic lipids (toxicity)
+- Easily taken up by cells (LDL-like)
+- mRNA remains intact and resistant against enzymes
+- RNA redesigned to look more like human molecule
+- Uridine replaced with pseudouridine
+- 2 prolines added to middle of sequence
+- Locked spike disables ACE-2 Receptors
+- Codon optimized for maximum protein production
+- UTRs attached to ends of sequence
+- Spike and mRNA both remain in lymph nodes > 60 days
+- Tremendous antibody response
+- Narrow focus on spike
+- mRNA and spike in bone marrow
+# Reproductive
+ - Mice study injected IgG Ab into peritoneum of pregnant mice
+   - Baby mice had severe brain inflammation
+# Cancer
+- Spike suppressing BRCA protein (associated with breast cancer)
+- VAER strong breast cancer signal

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Queer State
 To elude our local barbaric structure, we can appeal to a more ever-present and fully-encompassing state. The limits of perception are not solved by improving focus on low level analyses, but on absolutely formalizing ever aspect of possible design. By being the only entity which promises to get into every facet of life, this allows some of us to have a means to defining structure without the barbaric oppression formerly associated with a nation state. At least, this is the mentality embodied by those who would otherwise occupy the analogous positions for a nation state. And so the Dialectic continues?
-How does one come to support the idea of Queering the child? First, one might imagine that the caretaker is someone who is interested in participating in perverse or otherwise sexual activities with the child, and there msut be some element of that, but that does not explain the need to make such an endeavour so public. The next is to assume that the caretaker suspects that this is teh direction in which the culture has shifted, and simply feels threatened at the prospect of being excluded from society, but this better explains those who are no so ardent and passionate about the effort. There are still parents, however, that are strong advocates for insisting on a developmental infrastructure which maximizes the prsopect that tehir child will discover or com eto believe themselves as being Queer. How does this play out across time?
+How does one come to support the idea of Queering the child? First, one might imagine that the caretaker is someone who is interested in participating in perverse or otherwise sexual activities with the child, and there must be some element of that, but that does not explain the need to make such an endeavour so public. The next is to assume that the caretaker suspects that this is the direction in which the culture has shifted, and simply feels threatened at the prospect of being excluded from society, but this better explains those who are no so ardent and passionate about the effort. There are still parents, however, that are strong advocates for insisting on a developmental infrastructure which maximizes the prospect that their child will discover or come to believe themselves as being Queer. How does this play out across time?
 One of the primary effects is: *Less expectation surrounding marriage and reproduction.*
 For many, this is the pivotal milestone which denotes success of upbringing, and is the standard for measuring health of the family unit. With this being supplanted, we move from future potential for failure to a form of immediate success. Given that the LGBTQ community is extremely adapted towards positive reinforcement to affirm decisions and positions which further the pursuit of LGBTQ goals. These goals purport to be centered around the needs of children, but without defining them, we can already recognize that the affirming of an identity which is not compatible with historically common identities allows for the formulation of an approach to criticize. Any normative structure can work in one's favour if one wishes to suggest that their course of development and anything which influences the process by which they've come to situate themselves was damaging. This is a fine strategy to deny that one had the power to make demands on the surrounding structure and is also a demand for labour to your own benefit. Ironic that asking for new debts to be paid is always done on the basis of some labour claim, but that making the demand also requests labour to be performed for you in service of you and your ideas.
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ It is natural for the neurocognitive system to simplify operations such as to im
 The prospect of being unsuccessful in propagating one's genetic signature is coplex and multifaceted, and not something which can simply be evaluated on the basis of romantic and/or sexual stimulation and experience. The question of whether one can participate in a mating process is dreadful as it calls into question the very essence of reality and interpreting the rationale for one's presence in it. There are a sleugh of factors to enumerate:
 - Evolution, attractiveness, confidence, physical development, acceptance, acknowledgment, health and vitality, sexual viability, virility, competition/performance, the social environment, expectation for the future, resources, avaiability, mode of operation, loneliness, death, aging, safety net, the right to exist, etc.
-Quite simply, Queer Theory enables rationale to further insist upon any subjective belief for it already insists on making human comparison to nature inadmissible. One might fail to realize this on the basis that everyone, to some degree, assumes that physics are real and that we are sbujected to material consequences that are, to some degree, beyond our control, but this disregards the powerful rationale Post-Modernism gives one to avoid critiquing themselves. In short, if there is a possibility of imagining an outcome whereby someone or some group might be excluded, or maliciously references through a subject, attribute or otherwise enumerable event, then there is fulfillment of the capacity to disrergard the validity of any related language.
+Quite simply, Queer Theory enables rationale to further insist upon any subjective belief for it already insists on making human comparison to nature inadmissible. One might fail to realize this on the basis that everyone, to some degree, assumes that physics are real and that we are subjected to material consequences that are, to some degree, beyond our control, but this disregards the powerful rationale Post-Modernism gives one to avoid critiquing themselves. In short, if there is a possibility of imagining an outcome whereby someone or some group might be excluded, or maliciously references through a subject, attribute or otherwise enumerable event, then there is fulfillment of the capacity to disrergard the validity of any related language.
 If our declarations and definitions cannot unequivocally be the absolute source level construct, then there is always some degree of fuzziness whose lack of absolute detail provides that potential to misunderstand, whether delierate or not, thus this affords all the rationale an individual has to ignore factors that could otherwise be considered as being the most consequential, even if they are the only reasonble factor.

+ 52 - 1

@@ -14,4 +14,55 @@ Early treatment necessary for those who are immunocompromised. Half patient coho
 - Spike dysregulated pathways
 - NK cells keeping viruses and cancers in check (30,000,000,000 in circulation?)
 - Post-injection, toll-like receptors downregulated by spike, unable to provide instructive signals to Lymphocytes. Reduces their ability to target cancer
-- Weakened-immune system
+- Weakened-immune system
+- Wildfire cancers normally kept in check by population of T-cells, but weakened immune system via Protein, Lipid nanoparticles, etc harm T-cell acuity and functionality
+## Reactivating Immune System
+- We don't know precisely when the body stops making the spike protein (Stanford Study - 60 days, Journal of Immunology circulating spike in exosomes at 4 months, Burkhardt 120 days, Bruce Patterson CD-16 monocytes spike protein)
+- Vitamin D levels very important
+- Deficiency in trace minerals - selenium (activate T-cell immunity 3-4 brazil nuts per day), Zinc (little bit, not too much), Magnesium at bed time, cutting out sugar/fructose, Sleep (sticky immune cells)
+- Ivermectin/HCQ - Anti-cancer effects
+- Low dose naltrexone - modulate t-cell response
+## Other Data / Observations
+- Reactivation of latent viruses - immune suppressive effects, toll-like receptor 7 and 8 responsible for keeping viruses in check
+- Nederlands - Dr False et al - conclusion stated concerning dysregulation of innate immune system (dendritic cells, macrophages, etc)
+- In summer in US RSV outbreak at time vax rolled out to kids
+- Pfizer data dump - admitted immune suppression 1-2 weeks after administration
+- Long Covid - doctor should be checking for reactivated Herpes family viruses
+## Shot vs Virus
+- Shot more dangerous than Virus now
+- Old spike would split - S1 would go into circulation and cause clotting. End up anywhere
+- Shot is made for virus that no longer exists
+- Omicron - mutation in spike doesn't allow S1 and S2 to split as easily. More whole-spike subunit
+  - Less clotting
+## Long COVID
+- Constellation of findings - not hte same thing in any given individual
+- Important aspect of the fatigue and persistent sickness: consequence
+Most who are immune competent clear covid very quickly. Even certain microRNA arrays that are getting messed
+We are at a point in society where people don't want the booster. They've had 1 and 2 and the doctor said you can't participate in society unless you participate in this experiment. Most people have recovered, and have been fine, and they know people that have recovered. They know people who are unvaccinated that have fared better than others who have had the shots.
+I wanted to ask you about a spike in cervical ulcers in young girls - is this also related?
+## Ulcers
+Generally driven by a microbe / anaerobic bacteria or virus. Is there enough of an uptick to eb concerned? Yes. Almost 100 kids in the UK who have had hepatitis, and several who have needed a liver transplant
+Now you're more pron eto hepatitis A, or B, or C. And, like with these young women and the ulcers, certain organisms causing those ulcers aren't kept in check.
+This is the insanity of moving forwad with any booster for anybody. The shot is expired, it doesn't cover omicron, it does suppress your immune systemSpike protein is toxic and suppresses other viruses.
+Public policy always lags science by months and months. People say why are you speaking out, you should just be quiet. I see society harming people. It's my duty as a caring physician to step it up and stop it. It's wrong it's scientifically wrong it's harmful. We don't know ht elong term outcomes, we've only been doing this for a year and change with these shots. I can only imagine what we'll see down the road with these shots.
+```We've seen data coming out of the UK and Canada showing that after 2 shots there's a decline in the immune system. After 3 it's particularlya larming. What's the decline in the immune system? Is there some data on that?```
+## Immune Decline
+If you've been poisoned, the answer isn't to take more poison. if I gave you arsenic on your eggs this morning you might have a tummy ache and have some hair loss, but you'll probably be okay. If we do it everyday, it's only a matter of tim before you're dead. Why in teh world would we continue to introduce a shot into the body that makes that toxic product, that spiek protein, that continues to suppress our immune system? The answer is we have no idea when the body is going to stop making that spike - so why keep making it? It's absolutely criminal and shameful for any public health official to say any more individuals need more of these shots. Most people have natural immunity - to most people omicron is a cold - we ahve to stop. It makes no sense to say a shot is the answer in th emiddle of a pandemic. Early treatment is.
+A double or triple crime is to say that any child needs to put this in their body. We know that the nanoparticle goes to the ovaries. We know that there are a lot of ace2 receptors in the eggs. What binds there? Circulating spike protein. And any cell which secondarily expresses the spike protein on its surface is now an enemy to the immune system. They say there are approved shots, but if you look at the data Comirnaty was approved on data through March 31st - before omicron or delta appeared. They got their license on data that is old and irrelevant. There's no way we should use children as human shields and guinea pigs. A shot that is all risk and no benefit or reward - why put it in the arms of any children?
+## Genetic Clotting Disorder
+3 feet 4 feet long, veins and arteries. Some patients get the shot and are short of breathe / fatigued / lethargic. Sometimes you might find a deep vein thrombosis and embolis to the lungs. When these shots rolled out, I saw interesting clotting conditions in skin biopsies. Microclots in the GI tract. Early on clotting condition even on the micro level. The ones I showed on the camera in the Steve KIrsche interview, these are coming from morticians from across the country. Dr. Patorius from South Africa showed the mechanism with the spike protein. Normally there is a waterfall cascade, but what the Dr. showed is that without the factors and without the platelets, if you have spike protein in the blood it will cause all the blood proteins to clump into a clot. So, that's why these look odd - they're really firm and rubbery because it's a thickened clump protein. In Alzheimer' you hear about amyloid plaque in the brain.

+ 78 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#include <mutex>
+#include <stdexcept>
+void do()
+  static std::mutex mutex;
+  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
+  std::ofstream file("file.txt");
+  if (!file.is_open())
+    throw std::runtime_error("Can't open file!");
+  file << "Add some text!";
+} // if exception is thrown, we skip the writing to file and the scope closes, releasing all objects
+// State Pattern
+class Context {
+  public:
+  void request() {}
+class State {
+  public:
+  virtual void handle() {}
+class RealState : public State
+  void handle() override { (void)(0); }
+class GreatState : public State
+  void handle() override { (void)(0); }
+// Visitor
+class CarElement {};
+class CarElementVisitor {
+  public:
+// Double-checked locking with singleton
+class Singleton {
+  public:
+  static Singleton* instance();
+  private:
+  Singleton() = default;
+  static std::atomic<Singleton*> s_instance;
+  static std::mutex s_mutex;
+Singleton* Singleton::GetInstance()
+  Singleton* p = s_instance.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+  if (!p)
+  {
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(s_mutex);
+    p = s_instance.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+    if (!p)
+    {
+      p = new Singleton();
+      s_instance.store(p, std::memory_order_acquire);
+    }
+  }
+  return p;

+ 44 - 1

@@ -25,4 +25,47 @@ If a change is coming which necessitates technological and industry changes, the
 ### In The Know (Discoveries)
 If, indeed, I am a part of the apparatus that tests the very latest discoveries, then it stands to reason that I may be first to benefit. If it is not widespread enough,t he same drive is leading to its greater form and availability to a later date. Surely, if the mechanism to demand is powerful enough, then my affiliation works in so many ways, not just to my own benefit from others as well.
-Standing among the most adamant of those demadning it, and among those who most intelligently explicate the need for it, and among those who represent the peak of sophistication. Surely I will at least be one of the relatively earlier adopters. Surely, mankind must do this to survive and if some loss occurs through transition to sustainability, I will be one of those who makes it, since I am most aligned with it.
+Standing among the most adamant of those demadning it, and among those who most intelligently explicate the need for it, and among those who represent the peak of sophistication. Surely I will at least be one of the relatively earlier adopters. Surely, mankind must do this to survive and if some loss occurs through transition to sustainability, I will be one of those who makes it, since I am most aligned with it.
+### Climate and Sustainability
+- Absolute control over environment
+- Humanity is not liberated or even capable of taking a moral standing unless we have fully controlled reality such that we can fulfill the living of a holy life
+#### Gnostic Knowledge
+- Special access because
+  - more intelligent
+  - not corrupt by dependence on oil
+  - listening to no or better propaganda
+  - University education to learn Climate Change
+  - Have a vision of the future
+#### Dialectics
+Sustainable Development -> Corporatism -> Stakeholder Capitalism
+Human Development -> capitalism -> Sustainable development
+Limitless future - limiting circumstance - limited future
+Health population level - Overpopulation/underpopulation - Controlled population
+Adequate resources - short supplies - rationed distribution
+Peaceful living - wastefulness - proportional living
+#### Notes
+The assumption, again, that our productive output is also a measure of violence, except when measured in terms which prioritize certain market activity, thereby influencing a shift in market capacities. It is a very high level formal influence which doesn't necessarily benefit a single business entity which presents a distinct conflict of interest, though someone could be just as compromised with such a configuration of situation.
+So, then, shall we simply try to make the best of the situation by positioning ourselves amongst the newly prioritized markets, or is that strategy doomed to failure at the time scale of concern? The fundamental problems affecting mankind are still the same, and ones for which there are multiple contentious means of referencing.
+## Promise of Being
+What promise can possibly interest you more than the promise of being? That you are is not contingent on any other recognition and is no crime or moral burden. You can simply be, make observation and become action. The chemicals and particles might seem to suggest that you are not what you perceive, or that what you are is not being, but reacting, and that this calls into question the very basis for understanding ourselves as being sentient beings, but this becomes a choice for each of us; how could you take that away from all of mankind? You wager against them all for what? A false promise of less fear? And now, have you no fear? Have you clarity of mind?
+## Transcendent Man
+Transcendent man is new man. The process of becoming is declared by its very existence and if everyone became this, we would all be liberated. Sexuality is made both glorified and rejected. We seek to have the pleasure by virtue of demonstrating that we are refusing the oppression which demands that our biological realities are used to serve another. Interestingly, it is not assumed that in having developed an interest in sexual deviancy, or sexual/reproductive dysfunction, that we might be serving another interst or entity's needs. The only oppression, in this case, is an expectation that you would continue the genomic propagation of your family tree. Partner is oppressor because they have any expectation of normalcy. An expectation that your family should best hide. The expectation is that you must remain on a path of normal life, where the expected outcomes are just that - a conceived result.
+This subjective means of committing all others to the process of liberation is not just limited to a few domains. It appears to be tied into the human experience, and so this wuld help to understand why considering certain speech as forbidden would be the norm, rather than the exception. In climate science, you have professors who remark how their own students are paralyzed with anxiety, which prevents them from performing their scholarly duties at the expected pace, but there is no contemplating whether this is brought about by subjective conception of the threat level - understanding (the degree of) the material conesquence and anticipated rate of impact in a measured and balanced way which takes into account some of the egregious predictions which have failed to come to pass. That some predictions line up is a consolation, but the fact that some of hte most, or all of the most stress-inducing of predictions have been shown to not come true - this is a simple test to demonstrate the degree to which our dimensions are measurable and comprehensible.
+## Resist
+They claim the resist WHAT?
+- Image of small dissenting citizens, resisting
+- wish to create resistance to status quo in order to form a revolution. Incredible to think that the state has subverted the populace to the point where the populace believes that compliance to the state is the path to revolution. It makes you wonder what the nature of such a revolution would look like. The death of real dissent?

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