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 # Historicism
 ## Historicist Philosophies
-The historicist philosophies follow the fact o ftime's simgular dimension, the continued anticipability of that which has not yet or may never yet come to pass. The inability of the mind to conclusively confirm whether something that occurred could have come to be of a different path of preceding events, and so on.
+The historicist philosophies follow the fact of time's singular dimension, the continued anticipability of that which has not yet or may never yet come to pass. The inability of the mind to conclusively confirm whether something that occurred could have come to be of a different path of preceding events, and so on.
 ## Double Negation
 The double negation is another fascinating concept which reinforces the propensities of human thinking already inherent in the human form. The mind which reflects on the reality that there is currently a state, that this state can be changed, and that this change can be sooner if made to change through deliberate intent, or that the mind does not welcome the change and sees the best outcome, in the immediate, as one where the human mind does not yet have to consider that anything must be different; if things should be different then they shall come to be without the mind having to admit error.

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+Communism occurs at the onset of "positive-reality": natural form of life for emancipated man, not contingent on abolition of private property
+Communism is when the need to negate is itself negated: the final negation
+Communism is the religious object around which all are aligned
+Communism begins when the optimal state is achieved
+Communism occurs when all living men voluntarily hold the same consciousness
+Communism starts at the moment of the double negation
+"we have no business with the construction of the future... there can still be no doubt about the task confronting us at present:
+the ruthless criticism of the existing order" - Karlos "showers on weekends" Komrade

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 "As you can see, according to Karl Marx, Communism true and proper is the self-conscious solution to the `riddle of history`. Where things have to work, in reality, there is no riddle of history. The riddle of history Marx refers to is Dialectical Anthroposophy (man-centered heretical nonsense). Any claim upon a solution to that riddle is pure pretense and dangerous hubris. The true solution to the riddle of history, if should even allow even such a phrase, must begin with the outright rejection of Communism, and the dialectical framing in which the riddle is posed in the first place, including the underlying assumption that history has a purpose and, thus, a riddle to be solved."
-*Listen, Karl Marx said there's a riddle to history. But there's no riddle to history - this is dialectical nonsense. This is not much we should be thinking the issue*
+*Listen, Karl Marx said there's a riddle to history. But there's no riddle to history - this is dialectical nonsense. This is not much we should be thinking the issue*
+Marcuse wrestles with a number of mid-century challenges, sputtering Marxist sophistry, which was just barely chugging along on fumes everywhere outside of east Asia (China) and Latin America (Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Soviet Union going okay in the 60s - Kruschev has come out and confessed to the sins/crimes of Stalin and things are starting to get dark.) Everybody is recognizing it - Marcuse, Freire etc that Stalin messed up.
+Prominent among those challenges and the thesis of the second chapter of One Dimensional Man is the Dialectical Relationship between capitalism in the west and socialism in the east/south. What that means is that capitalism and socialism are the same thing viewed in different incorrectly opposing lights. They're not truly opposites, but the same thing and we're not seeing how yet from a higher perspective.
+They are both partial answers to the riddle of history, which finds itself on a higher plane of understanding that synthesizes them both together into one single program - putting capitalism and socialism in a dialectical relationship might have been Marcuse's most significant contribution to leftist thought, because it in a sense poses two great warring systems as two great insights into solving the riddle of history.
+I think it is my (James') most significant contribution to recognize this in Marcuse - that he reframed socialism and capitalism so that they're put into a relationship to be mixed together - be left with a liberated socialist program that can actually produce and deliver the goods - but not at an unsustainable level like you have in shareholder capitalism.
+For Marcuse, part of the solution exists in what he sees as the chief problem of capitalism: capitalism "delivers the goods." It allows the middle class to rise and the worker to have a good life that he enjoys. He has stuff, he isn't hungry or cold, he isn't miserable. Though he's allegedly still exploited, he's conditioned by the goodness of his life (the inversion of Praxis). He's conditioned to accept and even enjoy it, and he admits it's absolutely true that "everyman"'s life is a good life under capitalism. That makes your average man one dimensional, though. He accepts and embraces the system and has no revolutionary thought against the system. No critical dimension to his thought to see how the system is conditioning him to accept the system. Even though he has a good life he's imprisoned in his life and sees no way out of it.
+Not having a miserable life, which Marx depended on to get the worker to revolt (which most workers don't want - most want lunch). All of a sudden, by the 60s, you have capitalism delivering the goods (Marcuse's words). In Horkheimer's words, it's not emiserating the worker, it's allowing hi mto build a better life. Marxists have a big problem with this because it turns people counter-revolutionary - even conservative. They have no desire to overthrow a society that's working for them. But, as one-dimensional, they don't even understand that there's a utopian possibility out there that they're not even willing to consider anymore because they're too happy with having a life that's actually good.
+It sounds preposterous to think that they're being imprisoned by the goodness of their own lives, but that's exactly the case that Marcuse and Critical Theorists are making. It's not "really" good. IT's selling you culture and your own life and meaning as fake commodified packages that aren't even real, and you don't even know it because you've been so conditioned to just accept it - that's your false consciousness. That's Marcuse's big idea.
+To be a revolutionary, the worker has to be radicalized by becoming miserable enough. Marx thought that woudl happen through the abuses of monopoly capital and exploiting that misery. Advanced capitalism had fairly-effectively put a stop to these abuses, thus flattening man and conditioning him to accept and even love his largely meaningless and static one dimensional work a day and consumerist life.
+Again, you're in prison by the fact that your life doesn't suck, because if it sucked you'd want to break free of it and get to utopian socialism. For Marcuse, the working class was removed from his historical position as a revolutionary base by this evil success of advanced capitalism so much that he insisted tha ta new working class woudl have to be found through Identity Politics (Racial, Sexual, Feminist and more) that would then be led, in turn, by the more easily programmed college students.
+Now, of course, Marcuse would be aware that Mao Ze Dong in China preferentially brainwashed the youth to lead his revolution, just as what Marcuse was recommending through college students. But he was also a professor and therefore knew that he had access to college students and that people like him could get access to college students and that colleges could be manipulated to bring people like him in to indoctrinate impressionable young people who are just now confronting that shit in the world costs stuff and, woe is me, they're easier to radicalize (get them on racial and sexual issues that the vanguard of the civil rights movements that are happening (civil rights, stonewallll / gay civil rights, feminism)). And he knew that he could use them, just like Mao used the youth in China.
+What they can do, then, is bring theory to these radical groups that are fighting for civil rights and basically poison those groups from the inside. We see that now. The queer agenda, which is these Marcusian radicals, have burst forth and destroyed the gay civil rights movement.
+CRT, derived off of Marcusian identity politics and Critical Marxism, has bburst forth and cannibalized the civil rights movement around race.
+## Feminism
+Look at feminism. RIP feminism. Consumed utterly by its own social constructivism. You have to be a man in a dress, now, in order to be a real woman that count for anything. Completely destroyed.
+## Marcuse
+In Marcuse's telling, besides flattening man and locking his essential nature as a socialist away from his consciousness, this successful dimension of capitalims creates an impending disaster of excess.
+He devotes so much time in the book to talking about how excessive it is. Capitalism delivers the goods but it turns people into relentless consumers whose needs multiply as fast as they can be satisfied. In fact, what he argues, is that once you have your needs satisfied you just take it for granted and you, therefore, have new needs. It doesn't matter how satisfying your life is, there's no end to your new needs and, meanwhile, capitalism keeps expanding to keep satisfying more needs until all it's doing is producing meaningless stuff that conditions you.
+You can see it tipping into the Beaudrillardian hyper-real where nothing is real, everything is completely commodified and reproduced and taken out of its context as original to the point till the original cannot be found. You can feel this mood of the 60s.
+Capitalism delivers the goods but turns people into relentless consumers whose needs multiply as fast as they can be satisfied. A problem of intrinsic, unsustainable excess. It profiteers off of deliberately wasteful practices, like planned obsolescence and the destruction of the limited natural environment. Capitalism works in Marcuse's dialectical view of it, btu works too well and isn't sustainable.
+On the other hand, of the great riddle of history, Socialism has the right view of things - the right sensibility. (`But it's a dump. Capitalism's delivering the goods but it's going to destroy us all. It makes you hollow/empty an turns you into a consumer. It makes everything a commodity. It's excessive. It has planned obsolenscence. It's wasteful and giong to be unsustainable and build itself out until it finally collapses (that's capitalism!) but, on the other hand, socialism has all the right ideas but it can't produce`)
+## Riddle of History
+By 1964 when Marcuse publishes One Dimensional Man the riddle of history is Socialism has the right idea, but it's a dump. Capitalism has the wrong idea but it delivers the goods. How do we mix them together?
+Socialist nations were undeniable shitholes - far worse because they were brutally totalitarian and abusive on top of it. Marcuse pinned these failures on the abuses of bureaucracy and their tyrants but those in turn were, to him, the result of a specific problem that the Marxists of his era didn't know how to solve. That problem is sometimes called the problem of production.
+Socialist societies cannot produce. They cannot even manage to meet the basic needs of their people and in their mounting failure to be able to produce, they become brutal. Socialism, for Marcuse, has it right, but it doesn't work. If it did work it would be both productive and sustainable and the people would be happy. How do we make Socialism Sustainable?
+They can't meet basic needs - they can't produce. The marxists can't figure out why. They can't brainwash people, they can't force people or re-educate people into being productive members of a socialist society - it just keeps not working. They run through people, literally, killing them, murdering them, sending them off to the mud fields, whatever it happens to be. They don't know how to solve this problem.
+The other problem is the problem of distribution (Friedman? von Hayek? Mises?) One fo these famouns anti-communist economists put forth that one of the reasons that socialism fails is because market economies don't just exchange goods and services, they exchange information about supply and demand. The question of how we distribute our goods and services is also being answered by the fact that people rae buying and selling these things and working to supply them.
+So when you go into a command economy, like a centrally planned one in moscow or beijing, it doesn't have that information sharply enough to be able to do the distribution.
+AI might be smart and predictive enough, and the stakeholder capitalism tyrants are kind of banking on that. They think the problem of distribution can be solved through AI-predicting. They look at things like Walmart being able to predict how many boxes of strawberry poptarts are needed if the weather takes a particular turn, and they think the ycan look at these supercomputer number crunching statistical patterns and produce the distribution outside of having to actually pay attention to supply and demand except that supply and demand provide a feedback into the supercomputer crunching the numbers. The classic argument about socialism not being able to overcome th eproblem of distribution because the information exchange isn't happening correctly but the current regime believes that AI solves that problem, and they might actually be right about that.
+The problem of production, on the other hand, they're banking on automation to solve. They aren't under and illusion, at this point, that people are actually going to do the work. That they can be forced to do a bunch of work for free - as the old saying goes, pointless work for pointless pay - or - we pretend to work and they pretend to pay us, as characteristic of these regimes.
+The riddle of history for Marcuse's time is "Socialism has the right idea but it can't deliver the goods, capitalism delivers the goods but it's not sustainable (and it's not socialisM). What to do?"
+Marcuse's contribution is put these things in dialectical relationship with one another to try and solve it. So that riddle of history, which I insist defines Marxist leftism (a redundancy) in the tumultuous 1960's and stagnating 1970's was the framing in which stakeholder capitalism and the notion of a "sustainable and inclusive future" first emerged. The Soviet Union was toast - for all its might. The model wasn't tested there. They tested the new model/combination in China.
+They didn't go to a capitalist country like the US or UK. They didn't go to an advanced socialist nation like the Soviet Union - advanced dilapidation - they went to Green Space. They went to a newly communist, but without having done too much as of yet, China. Mao got something out of the way. The old guard dictator model got out of the way with Mao's death in 1976.
+Under his successor, Deng Xiaoping, who rose to chairman of CCP following a couple of politically tumultuous years following Mao's death, the productive socialism experiment was to open up restricted markets under China and Chinese industry, and open them to western markets.
+"I don't care if the cat is black or white so long as it catches mice." SO why not experiment with a market-driven solution to the problem of production. Meanwhile you have these neoliberal shitheads going over there, thinking they're going to get rich moving production to a dirt poor autocracy. We're going to put american manufacturing and world manufacturing in China to exploit the fact that of how cheap labour was there and how cheap it would be and the fact that it's under a command economy and can therefore do crazy things to build and open factories that no one else could do. These brilliant neo liberal hegelian shitheads are going to move all of our production ove rthere and then we're going to have this market relationship - and this will bring CHina into capitalism and defeat Red china - but as Vivek has said, that's not what happened.
+Chine built the great firewall to their market and if you want to participate in the chinese market iwth their huge amount of consumers that have emerged since the 1990s (like the NBA and Disney definitely do), you're going to roll out the red carpet for the CCP and you're going to be anti-west, because they's what the CCP works.
+So you're going to crap on your country and you're going to elevate China and turn a blind eye to all of its excuses. So it actually backfired, whether that was the original plan or not we won't speculate, but it was a neo-liberal scam. Deng Xiaoping was no fool, however, and was ready to take advantage of this - he didn't care if hte cat was black or white:
+- As long as China becomes powerful and succeeds, i don't care how we do it
+- I don't care if we use Socialism or Capitalism; let's do both
+China was rapidly enriched and went from being a broken backwards extremely populous nation with an econom the size of Italy's to a global financial superpower in just a few decades. Huge consumer base - a center of financial gravity that's heavy enough to throw the world around. Also, a gigantic manufacturing base because that's one of the blessings of Socialism is that you can make people work for very little money.
+They had, it seemed, cracked the code on Productive Socialism. The trick (it seemed) was to open quasi-capitalist markets like little controlled terrariums inside of the socialist architecture of the command-driven Communist state. THere's your state capitalism, that Klaus was talking about.
+The trick in reality was probably little more than turning that humungous impoverished and easily exploitable population-base into a gigantic manufacturing base for western consumer goods (thank you Henry Kissinger) which was only so good as long as it lasts. The cheque might be coming due on this, for what it's worth. They think they cracked the code, but they didn't. They have gigantic reservoirs from capitalist-generated or market-generated wealth from western nations dumping in and propping this whole thing up. That's why it seems to work.
+Their own markets inside, however, are a catastrophe. Their housing market fluctuates and threatens to crash and gets papered over. In shambles internally ebcause it's super fake, but it has an unbelievaable river of market-generated western money flowing into it.
+Meanwhile they engage in massive exploitation of Africa and the Carribean to colonize and steal their natural resources to their own wealth. So it doesn't really work, but it looks like it works because there is a gignatic wealth base that are being able to be dumped into that economy, which is socialist and therefore not actually productive. It's not "productive socialism".
+The thinking, though, is that if the model could work in China, then not why in the west? (because it only can LOOK like to work by having a reservoir of riches in one form or another being dumped into it from the outside. it doesn't work otherwise). It has to have wealth dumped into it from the American, European and British markets to buy manufactured goods. It has to have wealth poured into it through exploitative practices to gather natura lresources. Only then, it can look like it works, at least for some.
+It's kind of like OnlyFans, unless everyone is taking off their pants and then no one really wants to pay each other to take their pants off.
+If the model of prostitution (a luxury good, like academia) could work in China, then why not in the west?
+The west, obviously, would naturally fall behind the rising command-economy behemoth in the east if it doesn't transform itself as well (that's the logic beign applied here). We'll transform China, get it working, it's so amazing look how much it's grown (a gigantic wealth transfer from th west into China). The gigantic mineral grab, using that wealth, by China. They've convinced themselves that this works and now the West, as Biden might say, "If we want to keep up with china we've got to compete. We've got to chang eto be like them"
+`State Capitalism has certain advantages!` Klaus says. Yes, there are certain advantages: command economy, very fast an dflexcible in terms of what it wants to decide to focus its resources on. But it's also a parasite on a reservoir from somewhere else. That makes for one hell of a sale's pitch that many western elites have bought hook line and sinker.
+So with Socialism in the west, where socialism is mostly anathema, you're going to need a radicalized youth that believes it can't live without socialism. Remember that biological bfoundation for socialims that seems more like psychology? that you can't function in the world unless it's tha tway, because it's at the level of vital needs? What does that mean? It means you can't function psychologically in the world if it's not catering to you.
+Herbert Marcuse told what was needed in the US to transform into that system.
+- Radicalized youth that believes it cannot even live without liberated socialism
+- as simple a matter of getting ahold of the education system through which you can disrupt family, faith and national identity
+- News media and entertainment industries, and do the same thing with them
+- More would be needed, too: the right understanding of capitalism - the basis fo the west that synthetically moves it towards productive socialism.
+- How do we become happy and comfortable with less? We have to be sustainable - recycle
+Again, to believe Marcuse on the issue that the probelm of western capitalism wasn't that it couldn't produce, but that it produces too much, is unsustainable. The problem of western capitalism isn't production int he satisfcation of needs, argues Marcuse, it's overproduction and thus the insatiable production of newer and newer false needs.
+"in the comptemporary era, the conquest of scarcity is still confined to small areas fo advanced industrial society. Theirprosperity covers up the inferno inside and ouside of their borders. It alos spreads a repressive productivty and "false needs""
+He said this:
+- Scarcity has been conquered in the west because it's an exploitative practice that rips everything off
+- Ignore it, here, and ignor ethe damage it's doing (the inferno tha tconsumes the world);
+- meanwhile, we're producing false needs
+What's to be done about these false needs generated through theexcessive successes of advanced captialism?
+"The process always replcaes one s ystem of preconditioning by another. The optimal goal is the replacement of false needs by true ones . The abandonment of repressive satisfaction."
+You accept your conditioning , your corvette, you accept your house, your comfortable life. You're ust consuming commodified forms of life and not living life at all.
+The replacement of false needs is necessary and to get there you have to abandon repressive satisfaction. You are repressing ourself by satisfying yourself with a life you actually like. So, of course, consciousness - the Marxist Gnostic counterfeit of Christian discernment and Greek wisdom - is needed to distinguish the two - true needs and false needs.
+They know what they are! They're gnostics. They know not even just theirs but your true needs. They know that when you're happy with street tacos and a 48,000 brands of IPA and stouts and the grocery store, that you didn't need any of that in the first place> They're just examples of things you've convinced yourself you need that you dno't actually need that are just a repressive satisfaction, holding you down, making your life miserable through playing the rat race. EArn money to spend money to get stuff you didn't want that's actually just kind of junk in the first place.
+But you don't know that - you're stupid and buying that stuff because the economy is evil and doesn't care nad just wants to make money off of you.
+So they have consciousness of which needs for you are true and false needs, bceause they're better than you, and you're an idiot who doesn't have true mind. They have an awakened conscious mind, and you are conditioned by society to work like a hamster and a dog - like a pavlov's operantly conditioned dog - to continue the capitalist machine and make yourself miserabel in the guise of making yourself satisfied all the time. Your satisfaction is preventing you from true satisfaction.
+True needs are the basic needs of life, and not more ,which a government of productive socialism should be able to provide and thus liberating man from needing to provide them for himself. False needs can be identified through Critical Consciousness (the Critical Marxist gnosticism - you understand how the demiurgic society conditions you into false consciousness that serves its interests and not yours).
+### Gnosticism

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+# Fatalism
+## Reification
+- "to make a thing"
+- "labour objective and independent of them"
+- Relations are established only through actions undertaken to sustain enagement with the commodity economy and they appear as natural or concrete is a delusion
+- Caused by "commodity fetishism"
+- Commodities are produced to be exchanged (rather than used), which means they are created for the exchange and no longer can be evaluated insofar of their intended use. The only use which matter, in the perspective of the Marxist, is as a tool of oppression
+## Producers
+People's activity, no longer connected to the things they produce, and the inscription of social relations onto a product
+People fail to see that certain social structures (relations) are established and sustained only by their own actions (classical social constructionism focuses on this side); thereby, the bond between the product and the producer is broken
+## Paper
+"The opponents of our method and theory – bourgeois scientists, and Syndicalist or Anarchist doctrinaires – are in accord in urging against Marxism the accusation which men like Guyot, of vulgar political economy, levelled of old against Socialism in general: they say we are guilty of an attack upon the individual, of an attempt upon liberty."
+So anyone who opposes these guys, their ideas or their methods are automatically captured by "capitalist ideology", as evidenced by the fact that they disagree! It demands obedience and elimination of free thought, as one must be certain to not put forth an expression which conflicts with the pronouncements of the theory!
+"we hear vituperation against “the Socialist tyranny,” against “the future slavery,” and, above all, against the “suppression of individual liberty” – of capitalists!"
+Indeed, all those who would preserve individual liberty, be concerned about collective enslavement or a tyranny which describing itself as Socialist would specifically be capitalists! Having such concerns MAKES you a capitalist because otherwise you would be eager to advocate for and help realize Socialism.

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+The mask brings an opportunity to hide vulnerabilities innate to our physical form. That we are accountable to the actions of the body is an intrinsic consequence of the ability for one to be identified. Repeating the ritual of suppressing that ability also ambiguates one's experience, conception of self, and conception of reality as a whole.
+As the human face is an interface through which it's plausible that the densest data can be exchanged, as not only does it rapidly provide a path to large sets of metadata, but it also provides a dynamic and continuous stream of output containing potent indicators of emotive and physiological state heavily impacting the context of environment and probabilities of an ever-changing set of outcomes.
+As we alter the standard of social interaction by means which constrain the use of our most significant and stimulating junction, we facilitate focus on increasingly detached and arbitrary endpoints. This means a reality where humans are less able to recognize one another's unique form, state of being, and viability in this world, and one where we are more readily invited to indulge in directing our minds to matters of import to one's ego.
+Oh, the irony of bringing about an industrial revolution, in the name of altruism and humanity, whose effect is to isolate us in chambers of vanity so easily believed to be virtue.
+## Remembrance
+September 17, 2023
+Yes, we remember, but is it just to feed bitterness? Surely the first thought is that thinking of it at all would breed some resentment and make one more stubbornly resistant against differences of opinion. But we were never permitted to express differences of opinion, because we were made to be inconsequential advocates, nullified and made inert insofar as being able to affect the world for anything we believe to be of value, save one small exception:
+- We were declared as being the detriment to all mankind.
+- We were the real virus who, worse than the mere limiting factor, were the source, the switch, the predicate which enabled the terror and misery for humanity as a whole
+So, no, it wasn't mere difference of opinion, as we became uncertain of our very survival in this structure for which all seemed content to feed its power to whatever point it might reach. And if nothing was learned from before, then we expect even lesser chances to make it through further iterations of similar kind.

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+# Transforming the Child
+## Cultural revolution
+- Seeking liberation -> from? Immediate details are those things which get weaponized in the sense of appealing to emotional needs
+  - inequity and oppression excuse any failure and shortcoming
+  - Social Justice make it a moral good to complain
+    - Culture grants and compels attention and affirmation
+    - yields munchausen behaviour
+      - something everyone is already disposed to, because we are emotional babies with baggage
+## Critical Theory
+Critical Theorists learned to aim for culture ~ 1919-1930s
+- Theory of knowledge because of dialectically synthesizing what it means to be educated or literate
+- trying to solve the reproduction problem of society -> Why? (#Tension Creates Progress)
+- Marx was wrong (this is why people claim they are anti-Marx or post-Marx -> prediction never happened)
+- Best puit into words by Herbert Marcuse
+  - Intellectual's duty is to recall and preserve Utopian Possibilities
+## Tension Creates Progress
+- Movement with inevitable endpoint
+Because access to private property does lead to pacification
+- People enjoy their stupi dhobbies (stupid, endless labour leads to gadgets and plastic)
+  - People who appear happy are actually unhappy
+- Ultimtaely, people work because they have a biological system
+  - this is the ultimtae oppression of the human form (the oppression of subatomic forces)
+- Gnostic/Mystical past -> intuitive recollection of a perfect way of being which we are kept from knowing in this false reality
+  - desire for rebirth / desire to expand the potentialities
+  - occurs through negating the mundane aspects of reality to unearth / reveal the divine (getting into Hegel's roots as Hermetic / Alchemist (Plebian Pietist / Lutheran))
+- Folk nation => German roots to these philosophies -> obsession with a totalizing system for the folk!
+## Folk Nation
+All these flags and symbols to denote allegiance and membership to the supernation with its overarching ideals
+Inconspicuous escapes leave the giant asleep. People try to leave the beast of Marxism, thinking it too obscene to truly become the chosen ideas of our time. Unfortunately, it's not just about the Benjamins! -> This strikes at the very core of what it means to be real or to be a human.
+Marxists don't care abotu where things come from, be it money or bodies for the meatgrinder of history. What matters is always the destination, which needn't even be fully elucidated before being chosen as the only true endpoint.
+People constantly aim to remember the past if even just as intuition that things should be better. The real wonder is if it is hidden or just never discovered -> Perhaps we have to elevate ourselves to be capable of perceiving it, much in the way that it was suggested that man need to become great enough to be worthy of itself for having killed God.
+What of Utopian visions and our plan to realize them? They negate to reveal the seeds of something better. The idea is that we remove all the parts of the world which keep us from realizing how things truly are.
+The Utopian is not something conceivable because the language we use is nothing more than algebraic abstraction that we employ to get what we desire, be it food or a position/political advantage.
+As the victors write history, the accepted experts or those who have come into power will naturally be involved in defining the terms of the their domain. The self interests are not something that can be controlled for. You either have faith that, below the abstraction, we still mean the same things, or that we have no desire to understand one another at all. There has to be some balance between faith in the shared reality and our potential to see the same things independently.
+## Clearing the Mind
+There is always much to involve oneself in, as the proposed affairs of the day are endless and the proposed ways of thinking about each are exponentially more (or each an infinite set in its own rite), but the truth is that one must simply be primed to be thinking and not reacting. That is, we may be reacting in the sense that we are thinking and communicating based on what is presented before us, but we needn't be reacting in the manner to which we are being baited.
+*This follows descriptions of Hegel's wizard circle, navigation of mass line narratives, the dialectic attacks as described be Stephen Coughlin, and so on*
+Always consider: propaganda, source bias, verifiability, and, perhaps most importantly, the degree to which an interpretation is able to both stand as credible and comprehensive about something while also being completely irrelevant or misleading.
+This is especially obvious when new information is being utilized or when information is being used in a new way.
+## Clearing the Debris
+March 1, 2023
+It must be both courageous and glorious to fight a war, yes? So many of the baizuo he-hims seamlessly support this was by whatever means are available, even suggesting that every Ukrainian must certainly be enthusiastically do their part in the ongoing struggle against the most notorious, villaneous dictator who only cares for genocide, and nothing more.
+Do we really need for things to be this childish at all times? How much of this support and interest has been potentiated through the Hollywood and Marvel Comics entertainment empires? From Indiana Jones to Quentin Tarantino, to Hydra and I'm sur ethere are plenty of other examples, these theme-sharing offerings provide plenty of symbolic programming by which to affect powerful influence, suggestion and rationale for the disregard of significant loss of life in pursuit of an ideal, and you can literally see the aging it induces in taking young minds and hearts and forcing them to work within new constraints for far too little reward.
+# Puberty Identified
+March 17, 2023
+Non-consensual puberty has laughably become a real issue and it's interesting to note that the majority of queer and trans activists who make its mitigation a priority aren't taking the critique to its ultimate logical conclusion:
+- really, the issue is that no on consents to having a human body and, surprisingly, this hasn't yet been a major focus for them, at least not in terms of the first-order material laden throughout their demands and arguments.
+- but what else could it be to consider pubert as non-consensual?
+*The puberty seems as though it is part of the social conditions creating an expectation of how you must be or what you must become, but that only works if your biological transformation would not be the same should no other humans be present. But, no, the general types of changes and the characteristics associated are generally the same, and might even be more pronounced in a circumstance sans-society, if all else were to remain equal.*
+*That is, if you were born in a vacuum, teleported into an environment where you had access to necessities in the same abundance as would otherwise be the case, you would, over the course of a temporal period, undergo the transformation of puberty. This is not something that you would negotiate with the environment and make some sort of decision about. It would just be a consequence of the actual structure of your physical existence sustaining itself through that particular temporal period*
+# How We Got Here
+March 2, 2023
+Indeed, the precipitating event to realizing this was discovering not only pedophilia in middle school libraries, nor even the fact that teachers, activists, and even some parents were aggressively fighting for it to be available to children, but the fact that more of the voices busying themselves about the issue were even speaking of it in light of its pedophilic and pedophilia-normalizing aspects. Let us enumerate the failures:
+- perpetuating normalization of perhaps the most destructive sociocultural values or practices in terms of its effect on psychology and society
+- broken communication
+- construction of varying, completely separate narratives which convey isolated realities
+- abandonning prioritization of human skill development
+- glorification of self-obsession, comiseration and narcissism
+## High Level Thoughts
+- Those who push this believe that it can change the world by changing minds
+- Exposure to gay people? No - not enough of an explation / Homonormative
+- Children identifying as teh demand for systemic change and control
+- Children being queered to discontinue something unwanted
+  - ensures old will be negated, rather than ensuring addition
+- Proportion of people seeing reality as space to move and create vs people who are rejecting reality outright (not palatable)
+## Steps
+The first step is that those people are joyless and feel isolated. It is difficult to derive from certain types of jobs. One's relations within the closest familiar circle may be the only authentic relations one believes themselves to be engaging with, and thatwill have distinct challenges which should very well be expected to induce more sress.
+Is that tv-bred cultulre, the individuals are TV-chip-fed into a state where they are continuously invited into an alternate reality where predicates can be made true without reason, much less sound critical reasoning. Here, particular ideals can be modified and one's emotional attachment to certain understandings or beliefs can be can be increased. Ultimately, when confronted with concrete reality and without the digital reinforcement, the desire to have one's suppositions reinforced, and acknowledged becomes ever-greater.
+That is the friendly entryway, but with many partners with which to commute
+# Symbols
+We know that we represent objects from the world most especially from their function. How could we map this, physiologically?
+1. How it fits into the hand and what the hand does with it (pulling a trigger, for example)
+2. How it changes our life experience - your activities - changes what activities one expects to be performing
+3. Changes your expectation of how others are interfacing with one another
+4. Sentimental associations to activities and environments with their associated sets of objects which thesmelves can be recursed upon
+5. How it changes your life experience (activity x replaced with activity y)
+Image generated in visual cortex:
+- recall of associated memories
+- evoked as snapshot of emotional state and corresponding interfacing of the body
+  - The significance of that occurrence created the associated or corresponding symbol. So do the archteypes that are connected. Then, we have all the cultural programming, both deliberate and happenstance - and often done in such a way or simply of a nature where it is impossible to discern one vs the other
+## Covidism
+But then let's bring this back to the covidist perspective and the public health narrative which is only seeming to finally change its tone out of sheer necessity to not completely lose all credibility.
+## Covidist Symbols
+### Jonathan Pageau
+### Other
+- The most obvious defining element and a connection to the other is through a rejection of our shared reality
+- There are already things I completely took out of rotation
+  - Some movement patterns come more easily enthused
+The COVID symbolism has been plentiful. From Bats and Soup to test kits, social distancing, masking.
+#### Positioning for Austerity
+Anything to make it seem more obvious that we are herd animals. For so many, it awakens an automatonic mode of consent. They employed so little effort for sure-fire rewards and a sense that you have done the minimum to have become qualified for whatever social entitlemenets there are to be claimed.
+Even if nothing is officially declared, you are positioned to implicitly receive whatever was standard for the social circumstances of the time. You are likely able to continue to at least discover what is standard, or what everybody assumes is standard, what is avaialble through happencenstance and what is afforded to those in the most advantageous positions.
+And so, yes, we are saying it again: When resource distribution changes, incentive structures change and anyone concerned about honesty, truth and faitness must do all they can to understand how things are affected accordingly, or they will soon be swept out by those changes.
+Those who tried to stay ahead of the crowd, in terms of their own wealth and placement in society, are undoubtedly struggling with the moral dilemma of understanding that resources should be universally available to all, while also recognizing that one has an unfair advantage (though they may believe it earned through doing "the work").
+# Set Identity
+When they declare "a child's identity is set (or fixed) from the time they are 3 years old", what they are really saying is "I have the power to ssign any child their legally acknowledged gender identity so ong as they are at least 3 years old". So long as they are able to get the child to produce any indication that they are consonant or congruent with their suggestions.
+# Social Unit
+Laughably confused about what constitutes a fundamental social unit? At the surface, it seems like some form of lunacy, but one must remember that we are deaing with a world view where there is no fundamental nature of Man. We are also dealing with those who are defining a social unit as part of the only society that they believe to be legitimate -> a socialist/collectivist/communist society.
+That is, the current society is not conducive to allowing humans to understand their social nature; it gameifies scarcity and compels humans to dominate one another - forcing them into an ideology and false consciousness.
+So when they say fundamental social unit they mean, of course, a unit as it relates to the commune where everyone is the same family, because they have the same mind and participate in the same totalizing system which puts the edification of socialism above the needs of an individual, because it is assumed that well-being cannot be attained except through socialism.
+You might insist that there is a human nature which presents itself in the smallest possible social unit that would be expected to occur in primitive society, but they reject this and say that you are limiting numbers arbitrarily, and that social tendency and survival would supersede any other factors.
+# Predatory Practice
+March 31, 2023
+Forever we must be vigilant, especially when the smiles are being stretched oh so wide. Everyone likes to have a good time but you can never be totally sure as to why someone is having a good time - it might be at your expense!
+Like the groomer teachers, for example - so pleased they are not simply (?) because they are helping you learn skills, or because they are improving their own skills through teaching you, but because you are their hope. You are a force which has the power to liberate them. This can be through different means, but they needn't have an understanding of the details so much as the the faith that it is present.
+# Exceptions and Rules
+The exceptions are comprehensible because of their relation to the rule. Even if one of them happened to be really common, it's going to be described against the rule, and the rule explains the overall system being studied
+Here's an example that trans/queer activists like:
+You have "male" and "female" which are just like 2/13 of the possible types along a "gender spectrum". (as an aside, I just want to point out how painful it is that this table is trying to describe gender through only talking about sex. It should trying to make the case for a "sex spectrum").
+The system of sex is as a developed strategy for reproduction, with 2 strategies. Male and female describe them.
+Everything else here is a description of something as a deviation/complication/dysfunction relative to the strategy. On their own, they don't describe anything

+ 417 - 1

@@ -382,4 +382,420 @@ There might be many moments, but not the least of which being:
 - environment
 - health care
 - When we extrapolate wisdom across humans, assume a model of linear trajectory, aim to understsand a perspective by placing ourselves in the relevant situation, and so forth
-- As our abstract, do we come to also see ourselves as negative?
+- As our abstract, do we come to also see ourselves as negative?
+# Dialectical Inversion
+February 18, 2023
+The dialectical inversions never quite complete, but they are best described as gaining power by criticizing and also proposing an alternative which solves the specific problem to which you had drawn attention
+So, on the topic of weaving syntheses in order to supplant ideas and understandings through the technique of dialectical inversion, we come upon a technical discussion about work targets and work task viability. That is, we find ourselves looking to find the utility of normies (perhaps not fully-fledged NPCs) and it is contentious.
+We see a balancing act taking place on the pivot of opinion surrounding an issue, but is that so much the aggregate of genuinely-formed opinion, or an expression of human mind and experience given a set of conditions? We might say that education makes some more courageous, but we can't be sure that everyone who comes to accept a better idea, or form a critique of a bad idea (or vice versa!), is doing so at the behest of courage or bravery.
+Perhaps the better "go-to" perspective on this has to do with having a bare minimum of mage-level warriors wh can disarm the threat and flip the tables without completely selling out on one's principles. That is, people need a demonstration of what' spossibly when someone pushes to reveal more substance of the issue being deliberated. This, at a fundamental level, need be demonstrated to simply have it become enumerated. Things which are not enumerated can't be expected to be observed or discovered (though that isn't to say that they won't be).
+Then, it alos has a time component to be considered. The effectiveness of the interaction considers a range of what outcomes might be achieved not just in the sense of success, but whether the transformed recipient might become semantically astute to a degree sufficient to provide significant assistance towards the disarmament and elimination of woke gnosticism.
+And so they ask: "Why would you wish to eliminate something from the marketplace of ideas?" to which I first respond with "no one has said it must be eliminated as an idea". Literally, what they are doing, is invoking your principle or value of having the ability to have ideas juxtaposed and set into competition and proposing to transform its meaning to saying that an idea should be left uncriticized and unchallenged as proof that you are willing to be open to ideas, and new ideas in particular, as a whole. It's utter nonsense and it has nothing to do with proving that one acknowledges the value fo a marketplace of ideas. A market place of ideas is precisely why you aren't demanding that someone be silenced on the basis of them having described an idea to you. That you are willing to refute the idea specifically shows that you value the marketplace of ideas as you have upheld the standard which makes a marketplace of ideas possible. That is, discussion and debate rather than censorship.
+*But it is not enough for it simply to be enumerated and known of. You haven't actually given it a fair try because you speak ill of it without having attempted to practice it yourself - without having adopted it into your life and world in order to fully see how the particulars function against the whole.*
+So, there are a few issues here. The first of which being that, fundamentally, they are usurping and manipulating the means by which you sufficiently attempt/experiment with an idea. That is, there is no formal understanding of both what constitutes an idea being adequately explored, nor the degree to which one must have attempted to adopt it in experiment or how to understand whether one has formed a legitimate opinion. It is not even the case taht a formality can be compared for this, especially not without a breach of ethics and the potentiation of tyranny and domination.
+The next issue is that there are, indeed, means of denying or rejecting an idea out of hand based simply on its proposed logical structure and, given that these ideas in contention are derived and continued from the domain of Critical Theory, we know already that the proposition itself is to supplant critical thinking with a process of dialectical inversion/inversion of praxis - to do so is an **Act of Faith** and, in this case, the Faith is presented as a rationale for undermining and eroding human freedom and liberty.
+# Freedom is an Ideology
+February 20, 2023
+Freedom is just an ideology which results in humanity having no freedom.
+How do we quantify this assertion?
+- We don't need to, at least not along an agreed-upon dimension or level of observation
+- We, in fact, do quantify on the basis of whether we, ourselves, are satisfied with the environment and social structure, in real terms, phenomenologically, or theoretically - a theory of which only some are experts
+## Becoming an Expert in Theory
+How do you become an expert in The Theory?
+1. You must hold the opinion as the consensus of its experts
+2. You must declare that the theory holds precedence over its alternatives
+3. You must do the work!
+And, so, here is the implicit Dialectic of Freedom. A synthesis presupposing that there is no principle of freedom. There is something much more complex and sophisticated in the sense that we can establish freedom through the following:
+- Enumerate actions, characterizations, attributes and so on with which to evaluate one's freedom (score or index)
+  - Assumes that quality and compisition of freedom are indeed universal, but only behind an opaque function which, yet again, can only be interpreted or defined by experts of The Theory
+  - Assess populations, chosen by experts, to draw up this data as necessary and transform/modify/evolve the social structure as is appropriate
+What of the default circumstance of Freedom as an Ideology, which assumes universality and which is used to prevent the creation and enforcement of laws which actually grant and enable freedom? Let us declare, define and critique.
+## Freedom, Definition and Critique
+### System
+Temporality. Object localization. Movement potential. Dimensions of movement. Object creation/destruction. Object modification/transformation
+Freedom is characterized, observed and expressed through:
+- movement, constraint, access to resources, ability to think ,the proportion of unwasted time, connection to genuine, ability to avoid fallacy, life expectancy, personal ability
+- We could come up with an infinite set of expressions and activities for which a case could be made that they constitute freedom itself, or can function as a legitimate proxy, and you can evaluate a freedom index or score to establish whether the state / apparatus - that is, they score your freedom according to their own conception of freedom or the proxies by which it is to be evaluated
+- They enumerate a set of actions, expressions and circumstances which they represent as affecting a freedom score and then not only determine your freedom score through it, but measure their own progress insofar that they promote or create the freedom of others/the world (they also, consequently, completely monopolize not just the means of evaluating freedom, but even imposing an implied philosophical argument or concept as to what freedom is)
+Who gets to decide what constitutes freedom?
+Those with freedom or those without?
+Freedom is one's own free movement along any conceivable dimension. One might say that freedom is also, then, the freedom to harm and oppress, but that is not so perfectly apparent. Causing harm to other humans in some ways constrains even the person causing that harm. Emotional disturbance and conditioning to no longer be made content through other actions and circumstances. Now, through habituation, they fall into a destructive pit.
+### Infringing on Freedoms
+And even if one's own freedom is somehow maintained, the fact that it has potential to infringe on the freedom of others in any capacity means it's not only a freedom but also a constraint.
+That's right! Any and all actions with a body in space time will certainly infringe on others, if even by occupying space that could otherwise be occupied by another (or be made a part of one's prospective pathway which is now made difficult to conceive of due to your having infringed on the possibilities of space and movement of others), thus there can always be a rationale that your actions - your every action - incurs cost and burden to all others and that your very existence means that you must pay for the cost you placed on the world. In a world of data, this must be recorded and tracked - if we are to have an equitable and inclusive society.
+So, you see, your very existence is, in a sense, unreasonable. It does not make sense that a being, such as yourself, should have come to be only as a net cost to the world. This is a form of original sin and though one might point to primitive peoples of primitive times, such peoples were actually sophisticated to maintain their process of survival with fewer tools and less knowledge.
+### The Body that Infringes
+How can you repent for having a body? Repent for not being immortal. Repent for the density of your existence; you should be no more dense and sluggish than light, which should be the case if you are pious and pure; if you contribute revolutionary energy; if you bring about Critical Consciousness.
+The sin of the body is eternal, with prehistoric theological thinking having first realized the potential for sex-related depravity. You cannot fool everyone, but when I am serious about discovering options, use both sides and reap rewards.
+How would we have first discovered shame through the body? Being simply less capable in any regard? For at least hundreds of thousands of years, but perhaps millions, human-like beings have been sufficiently intelligent to reflect on their environment, actions, cause+effect, survival potential and their sensations and emotions.
+### Comparisons
+The comparison that a being may have placed itself in may have been against other peers of differing stature and abilities and age, or even against one's conception of how they would feel if successful (more). It does not really require more than that in order to feel negative emotion with respect to limitations and circumstances surrounding one's existence through the perception afforded by having the body.
+For all of these thousands to millions of years, that body could not change. There were no sophisticated and lasting mechanisms by which one could adopt the means of enhancing or presenting as enhanced their body / physical form.
+One wonders whether the earliest experiences of shame caused the beings in question to lie. Because we now lie even without feeling the shame, but to keep ourselves from feeling it (if even several levels of abstraction removed from the context of that shameful scenario
+# Valuing Critical
+March, 2023
+## Faux Stance
+What is the goal with critical thinking but to challenge existing limits on what is known in order to bring about enlightenment and development?
+*Of course, that's absurd, as one is critical to critique the existing society which they feel cannot serve. It's the ruthless criticism of all that exists (the existing order), not to means of putting forward the society which does serve. The terms of the truly harmonious society are not comprehensible within the current existing order, thus it must be torn down - it must be taken down and dismantled to alleviate the limits of subjectivity. That is to say, a creative and productive approach would posit the replacement for the society, but the assumption is that the path to a new society - to a good society - would be found be critiquing exising aspects of the current society out of existence. Identify and target the aspects which should be destroyed so that the ideal society can be conceived of*
+What could possibly be holding humanity's development and enlightenment than subjugation, indoctrination, wastefulness and malicious excesses? Surely we can see that in the periods that we suddenly have growth, or make progress, that things can rapidly improve -> from temperment to the quality of life, to the degree that someone can become serious in their operational capacity.
+__So, it is actually you who has failed to be critical. You circumvent the opportunity to present the widest variety of perspectives on the matter, preventing yourself from thinking critically.__
+What is happening, here? Incessant and ambiguous demands that you aren't valuing particular evidence or ideas based on the presumption that those forms of argument present an approach that is referred to as "critical". Critical thinking is being supposed, but then being represented as anything which "challenges existing limits on what is known" or anything that leads to "enlightenment" and "development").
+Any demand for political power and resource distribution, so it is obviously something which potentiates development. Resources lead to education and, thus, to enlighten those who most need it.
+The play on all the terms that people trust and assume they can rely on is exhausting, and also the deliberate target of those who seek maximum utilitarianism. For them, the utility proves that it is true and that it should be no surprise for anyone who has attended school.
+Teachers are one reason for this, but we should always remember that the soruce/initiating factor for the socially utilitarian truth is the children; that is to say, it is ourselves - as this is a natural, evolutionarily supportable, self-preserving approach to understanding and communicating about truth. In a sense, th pragmatists' truth ends up being the only one which can be analyzed and validated. It's the only thing that you've seen for sure whether it has power-power to evoke change, power to be believed, and the power to be so evidently the description of how things should be.
+# Pejorative Directions
+Again, it is a shame to see so much concern about one's declared political disposition as well as one's political associations. Even more profound, however, is one's concern as to whether their choice is recognized as being of the colour and association that they prefer. But why is it a preference? Why not simply have a behaviour and disposition of one's own that no political cookie cutter can accuratel describe? Why not put all the effort into determining what you think and why, rather than what framing of your thoughts is likely to cause onlookers or interlocutors to perceive you some particular way? If you are operating in this way, you have misrepresented yourself and you likely don't have developed thoughts on the matter in question. You ar e aslave to your desire for social benefit and you choose your position in the social hierarchy as having greater iportance than your thoughts, or even having thoughts. You are a slave to sensations and you are foregoing the opportunity to bring something unique into being.
+# Back to Chaos
+March 10, 2023
+We must melt off the murky cultural confusion and direct group associations which feed pride and ego, and just generally impede progress and understanding. Ultimtaely, we need to see each participant's behaviour at the level of analysis where they are most alike and then traverse to higher levels of abstraction and use the previous understanding to make more insightful predictions and descriptions.
+We are complex beings because there are many facets of our being that can be examined and used to make more robust a proposed understanding or theory of our behaviour.
+We have sensations - a continuous set of cascading seas interwoven intuitively and calibrated in effect, defining our experiences, adjusted such as to incorporate those sensations in perceptive frame and memory formation, be it through a sensation being made more apparent and influential, all the way to the opposite be it by valence or type of parameter.
+Together, as a matrix of properties and processes, it forms an expression of being which itself is not limited to within, or amongst the self.
+But what too we have is fierce and rabid desire to help us insist on the voice of logos echoing through the field of reality. The unrelenting, stubborn drive to charge forward with the entirety of whatever capactities can be afforded as an unwavering assault through the contour of a perceived environment. Taking its shape and pattern as it appears and following through with an expressive interplay with it. A complete and continuous flow where the intiation and reaction are indiscernible - collapsing into one another so perfectly as to be expressing total stability.
+Is that what is being harnessed, here? To reduce everyone to a complete loss of cotrol and intolerant mode so that they clamour and whimper for the only matter that they believe will satiate their emotive needs while also completely starving them of other nourishment? The real satiating parts of life have nothing to do with access to material sensation. The fulfilling of emotional or carnal desires can never articulate the omega part of the journey. In fact, such a thing could only serve to cloud the path and process. (makes no sense - was falling asleep)
+# Manipulative Money
+March 2023
+- Insisting that a position taken is predicated on one contentious memory
+- Complete intolerance of perspectives you disagree with
+- Attitude of entitlement to your company
+- Ignorance that your mood affects others
+- Passive aggression through referring to you and your life as depraved
+- Expressions of disgust
+- Endless self-indulgeance
+- Bringing up issues you disagree on and then circumventing your perspective through playing the subject off of others
+- Pretending to be ignorant as to your position on a matter
+- Bringing the state's authority and ideals into domestic environments
+- Pretending to care for hearing one's perspective while never listening
+- Failure to demonstrate family loyalty and cohesion vs ideals of the state
+- Demonstrating that you are willing to keep company with those whose values you don't care to hear
+# Health Crisis
+March, 2023
+The path to transform reality interfaces through the issue of health.
+Public Health Gnosis
+- What it means to be healthy
+- The carceral aspects of reality making health unfeasible
+- Health cannot be achieved without changing reality
+- The human body is not naturally healthy
+- We must come close to death in order to have a healthy life
+- The only path to any individual health is through collective commitment
+Covid State of Working People can impose restrictions:
+- because they are the humans that work to create Communism
+- other humans aren't trying to stop dominating through capitalism
+- everything they hope for is predicated on a belief of forcing their constraints on others -> dictatorship
+- the helpless, individually unhappy, non-working workers
+- no hope to create their own health -> must define what health will be and then force everyone to agree and express that manner of health
+  - making it the idea and understanding of health which exists in our reality
+# Tribal
+We can be swayed to a tribal position on any issue.
+Not a matter of logic, but an enforcing of a change in lexicographical ordering whether by competing factors or choice of level of abstraction.
+With race, for example, they have completely rejected the concept of colourblindedness and have come to represent it and refer to it as an aspect of White Supremacy, the ideology of Whiteness, and even the ideologies of Capitalism and Colonialism.
+This isn't exactly to say that they don't think there are people who genuinely believe they are treating everyone equal, or not applying judgement by race, or even that it isn't possible that someone might be or could become capable of doing just that (though most would reject the latter as impossible), but that to do so would itself be an act of racism, and that it perpetuates racism by not taking the opportunity to enact or compel antiracism.
+# The Pronoun Trigger
+March 2023
+They claim your failure to use the language demanded of you si evidence of you being triggered, but wait until they find out that you don't actually speak in reference to them except as a fascinating study of human behaviour, social conditioning, psychology and cultural revolution.
+It's a shame that their school environment has declared that a modified handle and process of speech is necessary for them to be respected, reassued, and made more stable, because it posits that the manner in which they lived their life was not sufficient and that this was due to their mind or soul being incongruent with the social constructions made around and about their body.
+But this presumes that the distinctions which exist between humans, as expressed in terms of the structure fo the human body which have allowed for humans to have existed as long as they have, are also complete fabrications, and that one's choice with respect to one's perception of one's own body is just as arbitrary.
+The fact is that there are always complications which come with having a body, and any path which increases those complications cannot be presented as being an approach more conducive to health of being.
+# The Freedom Loving Socialist
+Interesting to see self-proclaimed socialists who advocate Freedom of Speech. It seems to me that the vast majority of these are slightly older to senior aged and that their position and opinion thereof is the product of assuming the plentiful runoff more than suffices to provide living and thriving resources for the entirety of the populace.
+So much effort is spent to convert people to one's view rather than feeling that we are so privileged to have access to a variety of views and perspectives. This is partly because of the socially-mediated, and even professionally and survival-related consequences that exist today, but it is also, in a more direct sense, the consequence that much of the framing and dialogue comes in a form which accuses the other of wrongdoing.
+So, why do I see a distinction? What is my excuse?
+1. The framing is done to fabricate a model/stereotype and then hold it over you as a constant threat while forcing you to always hear their recitation of reality which they recruited you for as a witness to confirm it is true through your absence of protest, knowing full-well that they are being manipulative, threatening and abusive by doing so (but excusing it under the belief or stated belief that it is measured and serving a great purpose).
+2. The simple fact that absence of action is not action, or especially not the action you portray it as
+# Proxy Debunking
+No one really cares to debunk the debunk when it's not something which represents the issue in the first place, much less the take on the matter that someone particularly had composed out of their concern.
+What are people concerned about, with this transformation of law, standards, wealth, public health apparatus and culture?
+*Quite simply, they are concerned that their value, and the value in pursuing existence through the human experience, are being suppressed and made into unnecessary suffering*
+# Duality
+There are those who already believe the human experience itself is acceptable and improving, and others who claim they cannot accept this / cannot tolerate it.
+# On Freedom
+If freedom is defined as a being's ability to undertake, affect and transform as per dimensionally discernible movement, then the crucial apparatus through which these movements can be determined to be viable/feasible and just would be that of speech, as it is through interlocutory transaction, argumentation and understanding that the consequences of these movements can be understood.
+# Dialectic of Life
+## Thesis
+- Living
+## Antithesis
+- Dying
+## Synthesis
+Existence having purpose through instantiation of life conflicts with antithesis
+- This occurs as individual life, but;
+- the collective, as abstract, is eternal and without limitation through determination
+## Death
+Death is only a part of life because we must be forced to exist as individual bodies, but do we not yearn for unity and togetherness? Is not all we do because of awareness to the existence of others?
+What might we think and do if the yearning and pain were alleviated while still retaining our consciousness? Is it not already suspected by some that, upon death, through our return to the void, that our frame of perception and mode of existing becomes an expression of unity, being, all, one, awareness in the pure immediacy? That this occurs as a totality?
+# Covidism as Marxism
+Yes, "Covidism" (imo) is a subset of Marxism. Or, at least, it retains the core theological aspect of Marxist thinking and it uses the dialectic to synthesize concepts like health, consent, and so forth.
+It also uses historicism
+Covidism also always asserts that those who do not conform to the new collective totality are doing so because of ideology, which very much follows a Marxist definition for "ideology"
+There are even covidists who are explicitly Marxist in the sense that they will proclaim that capitalism resulted in the conditions for SARS-CoV2 to come about, point to disaster capitalism failing to fulfill its duty to mankind, and so forth
+Just as Marx's conception of man was as a being to be completed in order to attain its nature as a species being, the covidist conception is one where its inherent structure is incomplete and must be made whole through the new synthesis of health
+This is why desire for natural immunity is a form of blasphemy, in a sense, because it functions as a contradiction towards completing the sanitized and immunologically complete being that could only come to fruition through public health
+Belief in the validity of one's health as an individual is a form of false consciousness, much in the way that a Marxist views false consciousness as that which excuses the material conditions of bourgeois society
+That said, I do prefer the sound of "Covidian" to "Covidist", but I believe the latter to be more correct
+## Marxist Theology reca
+### Origin
+man creates himself, which is why he's separate from an animal (Marx specifically sidestepped the question of infinite regress by making fun of the questioner and saying "are you an abstraction? Man should only owe his life to himself").
+Man creates the world which not only creates man but also refining the idea of what it means to be human.
+### Telos:
+Man's purpose is to complete himself as a species being, and he does this through through praxis which advances history using dialectical materialism
+Communism is basically what begins when that process completes
+### Ontology:
+The meaning of existence as man is a consequence of man's ability to conceive of that which changes the world, to create it, and then to be changed by it
+If he didn't have this volitional ability, the meaning of his existence wouldn't be based on having to change anything.. he could just exist like an animal
+but because of this ability, he's basically in a prison until he can free himself by changing the world until he can fully understand himself and spiritually nourish himself through nature as the object of his subjectivity
+### Theodyssey:
+The tragedy of existence is the evil in the world which is a consequence of division of labour creating structural conditions with a stratified class structure of humans in conflict with one another.
+The great plight is to work through the violence, pain and struggle to move history until domination ends
+### Soteriology:
+Salvation occurs through dialectical praxis (putting theory into practice, which actualizes reality and is the only truly scientific way of thinking, since it considers the activity in the historical sense that the significance of its effect is towards the very end of history which represents the most complete context of all activity (this is why use values of goods differ from their price in a market economy)
+So, again, salvation by faith in the theory which informs your practice in a spiraling process where nothing needs to be yet understood, yet this is the most scientific way of doing things 🤡
+### Axiology
+The true values being transacted in this existence are insofar of doing the work, the praxis - consciously advancing history. The process of history and man's inability to attain his true nature until its completion gives rise to duties of conscience.
+### Epistemology (Gnosiological):
+What is true is what is what advances theory and history. As with Hegel, subject is not separate from substance, so you have true knowledge which can't be proven or disproven in the current frame of history, since not everything can be realized until man is free to follow through with the conceptions of his mind.
+The epistemology is literally that things which advance it are true and things which don't are false.
+This is why, for example, in Canada, they supposedly found these underground graves of indigenous kids from 70-80 years ago and, now that it seems there's no real evidence of it, it's complete blasphemy to deny it as something confirmed true and real.
+What's real is that liberation is achieved by doing the thing which moves history towards liberation. In that case, it's the unfounded, romanticized story about dead indigenous kids. That has the REAL effect of making progress.
+Saying that the evidence of it isn't so good is friction against that progress, and is therefore false. Your only motivation for doing such a thing is because of your ideologies which gave you false consciousness.
+Everything is incomplete. You just have to have faith in the process because of your gnosis that you are trapped in existence and could only live your true, fully actualized life once once a totalitarian collective has all achieved the same consciousness, since the consequence of that is utopia.
+# How to Create the World
+To create the world, you must be conscious. This means that you notice which magic spells are being cast - that is, the language being used, by who and what it serves.
+You can essentially determine how conscious other people are by seeing how much they agree with you without descending to complete naivety (either because they offer no conflict and mirror all your opinions, or because the rationale for their shared position seems something of a caricature).
+So only your tribe can be creating the world (as opposed to other tribes which are creating the anti-world or whom are poisoning, wasting and killing the world, or are creating a false world which hides the fact of there being a real world to be discovered or created), and you are constantly paranoid that your members are playing for the other team - that is, they must continuously move with you in the same direction and by the same magnitude or at the same velocity. Anything reminiscient of the past has become the other side - the reactionaries.
+But also, engaging any system or partaking in any activity needs to become another instance of being...
+# We Are All Gnostics
+What makes us all predisposed to the manner of perceiving and engaging the world as a gnostic (from the gnostic mindset)?
+## Mortal Thinking
+Perhaps it comes from the following question: *If life is something good then why do we live to die?* Once we realize our mortality we fall into fantasy and imagine the ways in wihch our personal existence might be saved.
+## Gnostic Historicism
+Historicist thinking allows us to expect anything not yet actualized. It all occurs along one train of time, making it apparent that things which happen are part of the array of things that can happen as well as that of things that are to happen.
+We are seduced by the belief that we can change reality and, perhaps later, that we can come into a higher level understanding of reality such that the perception of it conforms to our conception through reflection of that reality by other perceptions. The confirmation of seeking and discovering evidence of other perceptions confirming particular ideas is used to cultivate that higher level representation of the phenomena we encounter.
+If we can get the state to pursue a conception that we have affinity for, we are liable to perceive it as reified and becoming actualized. In this case, reification not in the sense of that claimed of bourgeois mystification, but the reification of a conception of reality which approaches the endpoint alluded to by historicist thinking.
+Built into our base cognitive architecture, we continuously seek ways to simplify the complex for otherwise we drown in such immense complexity that perception and, by extension, existence itself is revealed as grotesque and obscene. Something no to be accepted, approached, or considered palatable.
+# Intelligently Unique
+March 23, 2023
+It's particularly pernicious to face the idea, narrative and the advertising/promotion elements of ideologies which, independently and as a whole, presents that persons of a particular way of thinking (as represented within those ideologies) are as they are because of increased intelligence and uniqueness. That they notice what others cannot notice or have difficulty in noticing.
+- unique mind
+- withstanding a greater burden
+- intelligent
+- new intelligence
+- their achievements are heightened while also being difficult to compare against
+- simply being is a monumental accomplishment
+## Queer/Trans
+- place "neuroatypical" under the umbrella of Queer
+- statistical studies/surveys showing interesting data
+- reinforces one's focus on anxiety, giving one reason to engage in the activities as other to the anxiety - to the anxious nature of the supposed unique self
+- affirmation:
+  - love-bombing
+  - companionship
+  - you declare congruent/relevant identity presupposing framing of ideology
+  - all identities also include oppressor/sin asect
+    - you must do the work
+- those outside this way of thinking are liars/deceived/immoral and harmful to the sacred, pure, unique and truly intelligent
+  - this purity is not insofar as the traditional uncorrupted/sexless purity as cast by fable, but expresses purity of theory - demonstrates a construct that is pure with respect to the theory
+# Unconventional Warfare
+March 25, 2023
+There are tactics being used that are designed to exploit the very best characteristics of humanity. Your patience, open mindedness, willingness to give people the benefit of the doubt, etc. Anything that you might associate with the concept of liberal tolerance (not liberating tolerance, which is a very difficult and different thing, indeed, especially when sorting through the dialectical framings and attacks which attempt to blend these concepts in an ambiguous concept used to undermine psychological and intellectual stability and introduce confusion to set the conditions for a dialectical inversion).
+We see it with the Attorney General in New York, who has promoted the symbols of reading and the rainbow. How interesting that it is still the most innocuous of the flags - maybe I'm reading a bit too much into that but if drag is supposed to expose children past the limits of conventional being then it stands to reason that the most conventional flag, now associated by queer activists as being monopolized by the most privileged among them - in fact by those who effectively use the moment to focus themselves, while extinguishing the authentic, passionate drive of the liberation-seeking collective.
+But they call it "don't say gay". Get over it. Gay is so far accepted that you can't find any example of those words being suppressed or forbidden except by the progressive sauce who subsist from the stereotyping itself.
+Everything done is as a provocation. This means that a dichotomous scenario of you reacting or being inactive are both considered and each of these is considered as being a winning outcome for the purveyor of unconventional warfare in the form of a dialectical attack.
+# Dealing
+People never quite realize what they're dealing with when the context of every situation now includes an ideology that is cynically seeks complete transformation of society and, perhaps most importantly, is a system of thought which considers itself the only means of not practicing an ideology. Because of this, you must continuously declare obedience, demonstrate servitude, pledge allegiance to an
+This is because it has redefined ideology to mean the set of ideas and systems which resist submitting to their goal of totalitarianism, which they define as some form of spontaneous socialism (which itself has to be forced, so that the conditions for the spontaneity can be made).
+As we previously mentioned, the objective is always to provoke a reaction. But you have only limited options for what to do:
+- nothing: do you have this luxury? Forever? Encroachment?
+- pre-emptive action
+- reaction
+# AI and Transhumanism
+March 26, 2023
+Do these get to be separate issues?
+It's best to be clear about what level of abstraction is used to understand each of these, because I do not think they are the same.
+Transhumanism exists as the idea - the concept of changing the human being so that human capabilities transcend their limits. We can get into the weeds about why this might be sought or desired, but it is always the same concept: transcend limitations of the human form, such as it has evolved to have become what it is today.
+AI has concepts and ideas behind it, but it is most fundamentally technology. More specifically, it is the attempt to develop digital technology which mimics human thinking/human mind. One might opine over whether it is centered on creating or replicating the human mind, whether it is a reproduction of the human neural matrix or, more generally, an automated ability for a decision-making apparatus which can go beyond the limits of pre-programmed intervention.
+*Worth mentioning Bruno's theory that fantasy of creating self absent other sex involvement is expressed by males.*
+We already do things equivalent to asserting minds have been read - more through double-meaning and overriding any presumption of reason. Now, we create evidene to take place of what would have otherwise been purely subjective. That means that, from that point onward, we have official mind-reading evidence available to the state in a standardized format, and we can only expect two things:
+- it will expand/become more sophisticated, and;
+- it will be used to improve the state's ability to predict us, and (bonus);
+- even for the state to generate inputs for our consumption in order to prompt us to provide it with the output it wants to see.
+If this begins (and it has in many respects), eventually the state will expect a minimum amount of data from each of us.
+## Transhumanism vs AI
+March 27, 2023
+Do they even compare? At different levels of abstraction. AI is transhumanism but the reverse is not also true.
+Transhumanism: concept to transcend the inherent limitations of the bioevolutionarily created human being. Everything from medidicine to a walking stick to hyperbaric oxygen therapy to handheld devices to pacemakers to neural implants to prosthetics/prosthesis are successful implementations of transhumanism or things that bear some degree of being transhumanistic ie having relevance to understsanding ourselves as having capability beyond our inherent and discrete form.
+The next step would be a more explicit and profound application of AI to human ability than what is currently evident.
+What would make for a good demarcation of this progression would be something which requires more of a commitment on the part of the person -> physical integration with the body, production and transmission of data that will be recognized as representing your state of being in REAL TIME to a governing entity, whether that be the state itself (sovereign) or something akin to a powerful company (the corporation!).
+## Religion of Resentment
+March 28, 2023
+Even if not all can explicitly see it for what it is, most likely intuit it at the level of sentiment and through resonance either of the expression or as is expressed within themselves when embodying the speaker of the word, actor of the performance and generator of the movement.
+In most cases it is the same - a victimization of one's existence necessitating a correction not from the self, as one is not accountable, and not from existence itself (as a reality) as it cannot yet be delivered, but from all other entities that share in having an experience (actualization of existence). It is fundamentally a childish sentiment which breeds unreasonable rage.
+The sentiment necessarily reaches a characfter and strength of unrelenting hate and disgust for one's fellow man, and pity and loathing for the self, first out of discontent for self, and later out of attempting to ignore one's awareness to the fact that they are playing an ever more committed role of the petulant and ungrateful child. The anxiety comes from a never-resolving suspicion that as one traverses the path of constructing a simulacrum, one will never be able to reach the desired endpoint.
+The only solution is to enforce the most hyper-real simulacra and a specific interpretation of it that is so totalizing and absolute that doubt cannot manifest to seed anxiety and uncertain again. This is the goal of totalitarianism.
+## The Cult Religion
+April 2, 2023
+1. Target initiates
+2. Introduce mythology. Codify world in its terms
+3. Place them in that world, inducing anxiety, guilt and anger
+4. Provide antidote:
+  a) ritual to affirm/confess
+  b) life-long commitment to purification (do the work)
+5. Work: Create conflict
+6. Replace family with found family
+## Whole Child
+April 6, 2023
+Whole implies that this framework has a more complete understanding of the matter than similar frameworks, or those it intends to supplant.
+- Asserts that there are goals that cannot be attained due to certain impediments -> systemic forces
+- Anything not applying the same theory is the systemic force, by default
+### Generative
+Data-mining - what makes your child tick?
+Any prospect of uncovering or declaring a new identity becomes evidence that the whole child is being addressed, because:
+1. It increases the quantity of aspects that have been assessed or touched upon and;
+2. even if it's wrong, it becomes an increment in the path of doing this work
+This all means that there will be a bias for seekign to declare new identities over something and though it can be so easily performed with simple redundancies, that practice creates momentum for identity declaration and the prospect of declaring a liberatory identity carries the weight of itself being a form of liberatory praxis based on the theories which inform the applied whole-child model.
+### Sin and Karma