logicp 2 år sedan

+ 15 - 1

@@ -81,6 +81,19 @@ Strangely, some figures whom I have admired actually fall for the absurd suggest
 At the margin, what is an asexual sexually reproducing species? It is almost like a protest against being. Someone finds either the proposition of life completely untenable, or they find the social aspects of society to have been so distasteful and horrid that they are explicitly focused on making this sexual grievance a centerpiece of their identity. Sex, as it was, was a distasteful proposition and they will live in a way which makes existence unfeasible for humanity. Whether that is void of sex is ridiculous as the entire context is based on male/female sexual relations.
+# Who has Diversity?
+Demanding that there be legitimate diversity is a trap of sorts, because everyone demands it in their own way. The Neo-Marxists demand that members of marginalized groups be present, and that these members speak in a manner which authentically describes the perspective ascribe to that group as per the Theory, whereas right wingers describ diversity as having conservative voices in places where they are normally excluded, while insisting that these conservative voices include people who are of diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds. Those are not the same things, and none fot hem really achieve whta should be regarded as diverse, which is simply derived from knowing that every person is capable of having a unique perspective which isn't necessarily predictabe based on their aesthetics.
+In other words, you get diversity, the real thing, based on how you allow discourse to be undertaken, because people speak more authentically when thy don't feel that their words are representing their group or that their words are beign  used to shame them by virtue of their supposed group affiiliation.
+This relates toa  quote by Ayn Rand where she states that the smallest minority is the individual, thus you cannot be for minorities unless you are for the rights of the individual.
+But perhaps the collectivists see no individual, just persons guided by collective consciousness, ideology and belief who are unable to see themselves for what they truly are, or that they themselves are absolutely not individual becausse they see their identity based on how it connects and organizes them to others.
+It may also be that the idea of being ultimately alone brings about angst -> the idea that you cannot ever be certain that there will always be a group to which you belnog, who can advocate for your survival and forgive your moral failure on the basis of needing to keep the collective identity alive.
+Again, there is that inkling of an expectation that everyone hopes to someday find immortality and that once it is discovered, the secret can be shared across your groups.
 # But We Aren't Right Wing
 Yes, anything that is not Che becomes right-wing. Any structure, any specification, any static definition. But of course, the mind which insists as such is perpetually fixated on the evaluation of every prospective participant, and evaluating them as revolutionaries or dead mess to be cleared from the page of time to make way for a supposed New Sensibility.
@@ -97,4 +110,5 @@ How unfair, no? What did you do to deserve this? You were simply made inadequate
 Finally, imagine that you redefine the path to association with that identity, proclaim your association and then acquire its characteristics. Now, entertain the idea that you express those characteristics exceptionally well and that it is a moral good and even an ethical duty to claim that identity. You feel that you have new rationales and you, in a sense, have taken revenge on the non-identity as well as life and reality itself. In fact, by moving the standard of reality, you yield universal emancipation to all things.
-Unfortunately, it is one's quest to believe they are unique which comes to dods with their need to claim an identity, any identity, that is recognizable. For even though a story might be told of one discovering their unique place and form, it is a story that has always already been told and the ability to believe the story can take hold and be relevant only insofar that it is communicable. In having to be told, the identity within the story must be understandable by those with whom it is shared, and it is only understood when the listener can imagine themselves as embodying that identity or by recognizing that it is something for which an association in the world already exists. This composition has already been written, the song already played. How to be unique an dalso have a form and set of thoughts which anyone believes to be their own?
+Unfortunately, it is one's quest to believe they are unique which comes to dods with their need to claim an identity, any identity, that is recognizable. For even though a story might be told of one discovering their unique place and form, it is a story that has always already been told and the ability to believe the story can take hold and be relevant only insofar that it is communicable. In having to be told, the identity within the story must be understandable by those with whom it is shared, and it is only understood when the listener can imagine themselves as embodying that identity or by recognizing that it is something for which an association in the world already exists. This composition has already been written, the song already played. How to be unique an dalso have a form and set of thoughts which anyone believes to be their own?

+ 9 - 0
collectivist_theology/Marxism Theology Notes.md

@@ -178,3 +178,12 @@ History, for Marxism, as the object of its theology, is therefore the trajectory
 - The object of labour is the objectification of man's species life, duplicating himself in consciousness and actively in reality, seeing himself in the world he created
 - His own advantage over animals is used to disadvantage him by removing his inorganic body (no longer free)
 - Consciousness of his species views it as a means, causing estrangement
+*These are deep ontological claims about the nature of man, being, separation of man from beast, and the effect of division of labour*
+*Teleological process in the relationship of man, work and freedom*
+### Being and Existence
+- Man not free/independent unless he owes existence to himself (the actual creator)
+- Even physically, man creates man
+- Wrong to ask of first man, as it is wrong to abstract man from nature (man is nature)
+- By sidestepping fundamental ontology, Marx bootstraps man into role of Creator

+ 1 - 1

@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ Man makes his life activity itself the object of his will, and of his consciousn
 *That's not mere philosophy, this is deep ontological claims about the nature of man, the nature of being as man, what separates from man from beast, and what the effect of this fall of man through the division of labour where we're no longer Social Man, anymore, although in estranged little social pods called tribes and communes - we're now individual man who has to work for himself and that is able to be exploited by selling his individual labour to s/omeone else. Neither is doing their spiritual work, creating nature (and by creating nature and society and therefore creating himself). And, so, the ejection from the garden for Marxist Theology is the act of dividing labour. This creates, though, another dialectical spiral that we can see, which is that Man does Work, and authentic work creates freedom and liberation, but freedom and liberation is what makes man Man instead of Beast, which allows him to do work and create more labour and liberation".*
-*You have a telelogical process in the relationship between man, work and freedom, and at the end when this dialectic synthesizes the whole thing, you have truly free men whose work is all just the projecion of their sacred labour and will to work. So, man creates himself into a truly free man in this way and the name of that truly free man is Social Man beacuse Social Man is a man that realizes he lives in a Society, and he is therefore not exploiting any other man and stealing from him his fundamental nature or estranging him from one another and the product of his species labour. The man bootstraps himself to total freedom, just like he bootstraps himself as a species being in the Marxist theology. The end of this rainbow is Communism - when we get to complete Social Man who has achieved the goal of creating the complete independence of Man.*
+*You have a telelogical process in the relationship between man, work and freedom, and at the end when this dialectic synthesizes the whole thing, you have truly free men whose work is all just the projecion of their sacred labour and will to work. So, man creates himself into a truly free man in this way and the name of that truly free man is Social Man because Social Man is a man that realizes he lives in a Society, and he is therefore not exploiting any other man and stealing from him his fundamental nature or estranging him from one another and the product of his species labour. The man bootstraps himself to total freedom, just like he bootstraps himself as a species being in the Marxist theology. The end of this rainbow is Communism - when we get to complete Social Man who has achieved the goal of creating the complete independence of Man.*
 ### Being and Existence
 Here Marx talks about Being/Existence/Creation when he says:

+ 96 - 1

@@ -159,6 +159,11 @@ If you want to get religious, your sermon has a lesson. It's not even a sermon a
 ## Different Human Knowledges
 So the process of coming to know things isn't really one where the thing that you're learning matters. The thing you are learning is a mediator or vehicle of actual knowledge, which is political knowledge - Freirean education will hijack every other subject to deliver political literacy lessons. Your child becomes a tool for proliferation of Marxism.
+### Example
+1. Spoke with mother in Idaho. Boy was required in math class to write a "mathography" -> autoethnography about his experiences in Mathematics (Diary entry posing as scholarship - generizable social conclusions from your experience). Instead of learning Algebra, you write about your history of mathematics to find out how you felt and how you now feel about mathematics. Politics lesson dressed as math through vehicle of Social Emotional Learning.
+2. Crackpot feminist goes on date to find a wonder woman doll at a toy store and freaks out (this is proof of misogyny because it's still easy to buy male action figures).
+## Reading
 "Like any active study, reading is not just a passtime, but a serious task, in which readers attempt to clarify the opaque dimensions of their study. To read is to rewrite, not memorize, the ocntents of what is being read. We need to dispense with the naive idea of consuming what we read, like Sartre, we might call this artificial notion the nutritionist concept of knowledge, according to which those who read and study become fat intellectuals. This might justify such expressions as "hungry for knowledge", "thirst for knowledge", and to have or not have an "appetite" for understanding."
 *Reading has to be a serious task in which you rewrite what you're reading -> codification, problematization, decodification. The dumb smart person who repeats things is an annoying and worth of criticism, but being a Marxist isn't the distinction which makes you smart.*
@@ -175,4 +180,94 @@ So the process of coming to know things isn't really one where the thing that yo
 *Human is the conscious subject who knows he is the conscious subject taht can envision what he wants to create in the world and thus by creating the thing he puts some of himself in the world and then sees himself in the world. He brought his humanness into that thing (a tree into a picnic table - humanized wood / useful to humans / value to humans by envisioning what the human process is). You see yourself and humanize yourself.*
-*Remember the difference between animalizing and humanizing - you can't animalize the world because they don't have a subjective capacity. Humans are different - we need to exist to prove we are not animals through the Marxist ontology of Man. We are human because we envision as a concept subject who humanizes the world, make it fit for humans and then see ourselves and understand that we ar the kind of animal that can change the world, rather than adapting to the world. We adapt the world to ourselves, and not just the object as the world, but man is his own object. Society is his object as well. Other men are man's object, and we do this with ourselves and each other.*
+*Remember the difference between animalizing and humanizing - you can't animalize the world because they don't have a subjective capacity. Humans are different - we need to exist to prove we are not animals through the Marxist ontology of Man. We are human because we envision as a concept subject who humanizes the world, make it fit for humans and then see ourselves and understand that we ar the kind of animal that can change the world, rather than adapting to the world. We adapt the world to ourselves, and not just the object as the world, but man is his own object. Society is his object as well. Other men are man's object, and we do this with ourselves and each other. We humanize ourselves, society and the world.*
+## Still Speculative Gnosticism
+"In humanistic terms, knowledge involves a constant unity between action and reflection upon reality. Like our presence in the world, our consciousness transforms knowledge, acting on and thinking about what enables us to reach the stage of reflection."
+*A truly Marxist theory of knowledge itself. Knowledge is a special bourgeois property if you think that it's static. If the things that we know about the world are things that we'll still know later (men are men and women are women). Knowledge is a special bourgeois property that has to be made a matter of a social formation. Math and reading are not about learning or learning reading - they are transformed into vehicles for political literacy -> Marxism*
+"This is precisely why we mjust take our presence in the owrld as the focus of our Critical Analysis. By returning to our previous experiences, we grasp the knowledge of those experiences."
+*Shifting from knowledge to lived experience. Epistemology to other ways of knowing. Ways of knowing are transformed knowledge. Activist Ideology posing as knowledge fills the gap. The grasped knowledge is data-mined in the Dialogical model and used for generative concepts, and then used in the codification/decodification process.*
+"The more we can uncover reasons to explain why we are as we are, the more we can also grasp the reason behind our reality and thus overcome our naive understanding".
+*Everything not Freirean or Marxist is naive. They alone are conscious and know the direction that history must take and how knowledge must change in order to achieve the History they hope to achieve*
+### Back to Truth
+Truth definition in Marxists encyclopedia - different types of theories of knowledge:
+- Rationalists believe knowledge is located in reason
+- Empiricists believe knowledge is located in experiment
+- Pragmatists believe it's a matter of practical outcome
+- Marxists most like Pragmatists, but where Theory and Practice are wedded together. What makes Marxism work in the present context.
+All Truth is relative because everything withers away.
+"Even as I wrote, no matter how often readers read what I am writing now, we together must employ a Critical Analysis. That is, we must use our experience, or taht of other subjects in the field, as the focus of ou rreflection, as we attempt to increase understanding. Then we can begin to understand the real meaning of our theme. The process of political literacy, where the noun literacy appears metaphorically, given the presence of this metaphor, let's review our analysis by briefly reviewing the process of adult literacy in terms of linguistics, which in itself is also political; a process upon which this metaphor is based.
+Methodologically, this involves the creation of different practices in the field of adult literacy and pre-supposes different ways of perceiving illiterates. Two kinds of antagonistic practices that reflect those ways of perceiving illiterates are usually called domesticating and liberating."
+*Literacy is a metaphor now. We're not actually going to learn to read, we're going to learn politically literacy. There are just two options: everything is Domesticating, or Liberating. Marxification of Education, Generative Concepts, Dialogical Grooming Model, Codification/Problematization/Decodification Technique, Marxist False Dichotomy, Liberating Approach*
+False dichotomy of "Marxist" or "domesticating". Analogous to Queer Theory: "You can have a trans kid or a dead kid". Liberating or Domesticating.
+*There might not be a better example of the Iron Law of Woke Projection in print, which is also prescient because of its "liberatory education"*
+The Liberatory education model is the next step in the Equity/mArxist-Based education program.
+The most egregious iron law of woke projection:
+"It's not important whether educators are conscious of following a domesticating practice, since the essential point is the manipulative dimensions between educators and learners, by which the latter are made passive objects of action by the former."
+*Doesn't matter if teacher knows they are brainwashing their students (they might think they're doing best practice). The essential point is that it's manipulative, because it's manipulating kids to become passive objects of education who are just going to learn whatever the society already produces. Reproduce the present.*
+*Giving kids none of the critical thinking skills necessary for them to point out and figure out that they're under a Marxist frame which pretends to be liberating, but actually will be used to enslave them*
+"This demonstrates that there is no truly neutral education. An ingenuous consciousness, though, might interpret this statement by attributing a lack of neutrality"
+*What's the consequence of a leap of logic from the strawman of education to a manipulation that's pretending to make a point of there being no neutral education. Everyone is grooming! Grooming is good when we do it, but grooming is bad when you do it. Repressive grooming!*
+"Education of a liberating character is a process by which the educator invites learners to recognize and unveil reality Critically. The domestication practice tries to impart a false consciousness to learners, resulting in  afacile adaptation to the reality whereas a liberating practice cannot be reduced on the part of the educator to impose freedom on learners."
+"Although in a domesticating education there is a necessary dichotomy between those who manipulate and those who are manipulated, in an education for freedom there are no subjects who liberate or objects who are liberated, since there is no dichotomy between subject and object."
+Necessary dichotomy as declared by they who engage in the iron law of woke projection..
+"The domesticating process is, in itself, perscriptive. The liberating is dialogical. Education for domestication is an act of transfering knowledge, whereas education for freedom is an act of knowledge and a process of transforming action. This should be exercised on reality"
+*Freire has setup the scene so that everyapproach to education is manipulative grooming that domesticates learners, except his approach. The point of his approach is to make education on creating Marxists who will go out as change agents to transform the world and knowledge through their activism. The failures of education today can be summarized through this.*
+## Iron Law of Woke Projection
+Why do we have this phenomenon? It's a massive failure of imagination among a lot of Marxists, like Freire. They conceive of the world and everyone in the world in the way that they conceive of the world. They can't see outside of their own bias.
+They look at education and see it as domesticating and grooming, and then they think "no, you guys are the ones who are grooming. That's how education already works and we're going to do something different". The Iron Law of Woke Projection arises because it's how they think about the world. They are confessing. Confession by projection.
+"You as parents just want to groom kids into ***" - they say this because they think raising a child is an act of grooming. There is not the parent child relationship distinct from grooming. Thus, the model they produce is based on the way that they think. They think everything is a conspiracy theory because they are running a conspiracy. They think everyone colludes to keep them out, because if they had the power they would collude everyone to keep them out. They say that they privileged are entitled because they are entitled. We are dealing with someone who has a limited range of understading about how the world works, and so they project that into everyone's heads: "If I were the teacher, this is how I would act, therefore that's what teaching really is". They just have to play a language game around it to flip it over, make it inverted and upside down, because they know these approaches are bad form, so they say that others are doing it already, and that they are the one group who are not doing it.
+## Freire's method
+"Since they're not marginal beings who need to be restored to health or saved, learners are viewed as members of the large family of the oppressed. Answers for their situation do not reside in their learning to read alienating stories, but in their making history that will actualize their lives."
+*We are not the ones trying to save your kids, you are, in a messianac effort. They break things and then claim to save you from the thing that they broke by taking control of your life and saying "well get the solution to you"*
+"If we now begin to consider the problem of political literacy, our point of depature might be an analysis of political iliteracy. From the linguistic point of view, if an iliterate is one who does not know how to read or write, a political iliterate, regardless of whether one knows how to read or write, is one who has an ingenuous perception of humanity in its relationship with the world. This person has a naive outlook on social reality which, for this one, is a given. Social reality is a fate accomplis rather than something that is still in the making."
+*You are a history maker who ahs to understand their role in changing history. You have the unique conscious perspective to guide history to its intended destination. A political iliterate is someone without that critical consciousness.*
+*We have a crisis of education now because we have adopted a failure of an education model as the primary education model and educated all of our educators and administrators in this educational model. You have to pause and ask yourself how this was adopted in North American education - how did nobody say no? Marxist infiltration. A massive, pre-existing Marxist subversion in the discipline of education had already taken place (especially in the colleges of education).*
+"It is impossible for us to escape the real world without critically assuming our presence in it. If we are in the sciences, for instance, we might try to hide in what we regard as the neutrality of scientific pursuits. In different to how our findings are used. even in interested in considering for whom or for what interests we are owrking. When questioned about this, we respond vaguely that we work in the interest of humanity"
+*Science is political because we are indifferent as to how our findings might get used by people. Maybe we discover some form of propulsion and military people strt using it. So we intrinsically did a political thing, even if we are just focuing on the technology itself. What is the flip-side of this? What does scince education have to become under this liberating approach? You have to always think about how findings are used, and you have to be interested in considering for whom and for what interests might our results come out.*
+*So if you get the results which might help someone whom you don't want to see helped, you have to squash those results. Science has to be remade to be political because it's already political and in trying to not be political we aren't paying attention to the politics that might follow from our science. Science must be politicized and made into political education.*
+"If we practice religion we might establish an unfeasible separation between humanity and transcendence. If we work in the social sciences we might treat our society, under study, as though we are not participants in it. In our celebrated impartiality we might approach this real world as though we are weearing gloves and masks in order to not contaminate or be contaminated by it".
+*So everything must be politicized such that it grooms people into Marxism or else it domesticates them, whether science, math, religion, etc. They must be retooled to be the other way around.*
+All that is done is the grooming phase which is done to decodify and make you believe that you're oppressed based on the way that everyone participates.
+"Our concept of history can be mechanistic and fatalistic. History is what took place - nto what's in the making or what will come. The present is something that should be normalized, whereas the future, as arepetition of the present, becomes the maintenance of the status quo. Sometimes the political iliterate perceives the future not as a repetition of the present but as something established - a fate accomplis. Most views are domesticated visions of the future. The first domesticates the present, which must be repeated, and the second reduces the future to something inexorable. Both negate people as beings of Praxis, and in so doing, they also reject history. They both suffer from a lack of hope"
+*So if you don't teach children to become change agents who make history and change their conditions, you are domesticating people. You are negating the fact of them being beings of Praxis. They can't change the world in any substantive way, like curing cancerr, and they suffer from a lack of hope, all because they are not using their education and training as part of a Marxist path of achieving political literacy. History is the sum total of the human drama, including the future, and you are in a particular chapter and, as such, you are this chapter's author. If you don't know this, you are hopeless and ahve been groomed to be oppressed, but if you do the right things with the right solidarity then you can be a change agent to change the future.*

+ 20 - 2

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # MessengerRNA Vaccines
 ## Recap as to how the mRNA vaccines work
-These vaccines contain a synthetic messenger RNA which is encased in a container which consists of lipids. Synthetic lipids, as we ll as some natural ones. The lipid casing has two functions:
+These vaccines contain a synthetic messenger RNA which is encased in a container which consists of lipids. Synthetic lipids, as well as some natural ones. The lipid casing has two functions:
 - Protects the messenger RNA during transport in the body (vaccines injected into the muscle, mRNA is normally not chemically stable, so it mjust be protected)
 - Facilitate the uptake of the vaccine particles into our body cells and one specific lipid contains in the mixture, a cationic lipid, will cause the release of the mRNA from the vaccine particle into the cytosol. From there the mRNA can then bind to the ribosomes and direct them to produce spike protein
@@ -44,4 +44,22 @@ Here's another study by someone who survived. Also in those persons, the spike p
 If you take this in conjunction with the plan to vaccinate people again and again at tim intervals of several months, you will have practically continuous expression of spike protein, and a continuous reaction of the immune system against your own body cells that have been induced to produce the spike protein.
 ## Heart Muscle
-Intact heart muscl fibres. and on the right hand side you see fragments of heart muscle fibers undergoing destruction. Blue dots these are the lymphocytes that are doing the damage. Burkhardt found this kind of damage to the heart and to the lungs in most of his patients - even in elderly patients. We hear about myocarditis in yong people in particular, but at least in these autopsies we see lots of myocarditis going on in teh elderly and it's quite possible that at least some of these cases are misdiagnosed as heart attacks. You can have sudden heart death both in the case of myocarditis and heart attacks and since normally heart attacks are so much more common in the elderly than myocarditis, I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of these cases were misattributed.
+Intact heart muscle fibres. and on the right hand side you see fragments of heart muscle fibers undergoing destruction. Blue dots these are the lymphocytes that are doing the damage. Burkhardt found this kind of damage to the heart and to the lungs in most of his patients - even in elderly patients. We hear about myocarditis in yong people in particular, but at least in these autopsies we see lots of myocarditis going on in teh elderly and it's quite possible that at least some of these cases are misdiagnosed as heart attacks. You can have sudden heart death both in the case of myocarditis and heart attacks and since normally heart attacks are so much more common in the elderly than myocarditis, I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of these cases were misattributed.
+### Interpretation of Burkhardts findings
+What we have to see in addition to the destruction of blood vessels and clotting (stroke, heart attack, etc), we also have immunosuppression.
+#### Immunosuppression
+Patients with shingles, reactivation of varicells zoster virus, this is a good indication of immunosuppression. If you see this in a middle-aged person you generally start by looking for an underlying disease that has compromised the immune system (lymphoma, etc). We see this indication of immunosuppression. Some people have reported higher numbers of cancer, reactivated cancers that blow up and spin out of control after vaccination, etc. I have also heard of people after their 3rd injection developing ulcers in the mouth and throat - this is also normally a hint that something like a leukemia might be in progress. You would perform diagnostics for some sort of blood disease. We see quite significant symptoms of immunosuppression.
+This happens because, in my opinion, I think the immune system is kept busy with attacking their own body. We have a huge number of lymphocyte proliferation and immune stimulation against the spike protein and downstream of that against two autoantigens. The body has some sort of regulation of inflammation - a limited bandwidth for inflammation, unless we descend into a cytokine storm, we have enocrine mechanisms to limit the overall extent of immune stimulation and if the activity is already maxed out, and on top of that a true pathogen appears, there simply is no bandwidth left, so to speak, and the extent of overall immune activity cannot be upregulated sufficiently in order to combat this new pathogen effectively - there is too much noise - that's at least part of it. Maybe at least other aspects exist as well, but that's part of the story.
+## Data Shared by Pfizer (Japanese Regulators)
+EMA and FDA never talked about this.
+Pfizer did conduct some animal studies that showed that the vaccine after intramuscular injection shows up very rapidly in the bloodstream - after 15 minutes already detectable in the bloodstream - maxes at 2 hours and then drops as it accumulates in various organs (liver, spleen, ovaries, adrenal glands). That should have set off alarm bells right away - a rapid spread into the system. Normally what you want with a vaccine is that it injects locally and the immune response occurs locally. This is what happens with a tetanus vaccine, for example, btu with this vaccine it gets around and accumulates in various organs. The accumulation in the ovaries and the adrenale glands means we need to expect accumulation in the placenta and lactating breast glands. there are, indeed, many reports of women who have problems with their pregnancy (increased numbers of fetal death),and even a small number of reports in EMA and VAERS database of breast-fed infants that got severely sick or died shortly after their mothers had taken the shot. All these problems had to be expected based on this animal data, and they were not followed up on in any of the so-called clinical trials.
+For example, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers were not included in the trials, but after the emergency use authorization had been given, they were immediately vaccinated. This is completely without any kind of data from human studies, but frmo the animal studies we already had to expect great problems. This is the level of no tjust negligence but criminality that we have in these so-called clinical trials. We see a total failure of the regulatory bodies (FDA and EMA) to protect the population from these *poisons*. We had the data, knew what it meant, and they didn't take any steps to protect mothers and pregnant women.
+## mRNA Track Record of Failure
+- They have never worked - tried for a decade to bring any sort of product to market, and never succeeded until COVID
+- One key problem is Cationic lipid toxicity - not solved. Necessary to break down the membrane barrier in a cell and release mRNA into the cell, but because of that it will also damage the membranes of the mitochondria.
+- In the Mitochondria we have a reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. If teh mitochondria are damaged, they produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) which will damage DNA and this damage can cause cancer. DNA damage has a lifetime dose limit. A good illustration is taht you can give one person a bone marrow person only once. You have to give, in preparation for a bone marrow transplant, such a high dose of DNA-damaging drugs to suppress the preexisting bone marrow and therefore permit the seeding of teh new bone marrow that the entire tolerance of that person for DNA damage is maxed out. If you try it again, you will kill that person even before you transplant.

+ 7 - 1

@@ -70,4 +70,10 @@
 - Vaccines causing different immune response compared to the virus
 - Type-1 Interferon response disruption (early immune response)
-- India study showing vaccine induced spike uptaken by exosomes packaged alongside MicroRNA 148A/590 - known to suppress Type-1 Interferon
+- India study showing vaccine induced spike uptaken by exosomes packaged alongside MicroRNA 148A/590 - known to suppress Type-1/3 Interferon
+# Comparison to AIDS
+- Weakened innate immunity
+- Disruption of CD4 monocytes
+- T cells not promoted by Type-1 interferon response