logicp vor 2 Jahren

+ 26 - 3

@@ -23,10 +23,33 @@ Though there are theories of evolutionary biology surrounding the homo sapiens'
 Why is this? Because:
 1. Though unfulfilled expectations are disheartening, they reveal that more is yet to come -> reveal the contradictions
-2. Events can occur which are in some respect unexpected, but their impact on perception can induce such significant reflection on their previous understanding of their own conceptions (their discernible forms, declared representations and composition), leading to revision of these conceptions.
+2. Events can occur which are in some respect unexpected, but their impact on perception can induce such significant reflection on their previous understanding of their own conceptions (their discernible forms, declared representations and composition) that it leads to revision of these conceptions (speculation, reflection)
-3. This suggests a dialectic transformation which not only revises history in the mind to align with the proposition of a single linear path, but proves that the mechanism for moving through history is, indeed, a dialectic process which transforms the subject into the object
+3. This suggests a dialectic transformation which not only revises history in the mind in order to align with the proposition of a single linear path, but proves that the mechanism for moving through history is, indeed, a dialectic process which transforms the subject into the object.
 Fundamentally, one does instantiate a sensorial and semantically complete frame of perception in a local modality. As one's own experience always maintains the basic start->end sequence, there is already the structure of a complete epic. If there is to be a base feature of meaning from a temporal life, then it is through accepting that the more difficult portions were endured in contrast to other portions that were not as bad. This is a common feature of human experience that can be reasonably agreed upon, though we can also enumerate the wonderful, beautiful, magnificent, eccstatic and so forth, it really is not necessary, so long as there is at least agreement that there is exists disparity between the worst/most difficult moments from the rest. Should that not be enough to come into a perception that is fond of or motivated by a historicist outlook?
-This comes through during the visceral experience of longing for a reprieve when dealing with great difficulty.
+This comes through during the visceral experience of longing for a reprieve when dealing with great difficulty.
+### Logical Conclusion
+But expected from what?
+The binary of accepting or rejecting the construct of reality:
+- its forms and features
+- the movement made possible through it (material transformation)
+- the biological aspect of one's experience
+- the ability to self-perceive or approach it
+#### Algorithm (concept/abstract)
+Reflect on self/experience (speculation)
+Accept proposition of moving forward (history advances), or abandonment
+Introspection through speculation leads to requirement to transcend (sentiment? what is the biological description of the experience?)
+Speculation/reflection vs ascension/transcendence?
+Is it the case that those who desire identity supremacy simply want to transcend human limitations? Well, you don't transcend through demanding that others change. We can only transcend by moving higher, not just by reference, but first through visualization.
+You envision your ascension and make a decision to embody it, therefore one must never interpret demands for other wickedness to cease preventing ascension of teh noble. Ascension is first demonstrated.
+#### Discussion
+So the question is, how does one visualize their ascension if one does not also view oneself as the principal actor in teh given/relevant scenarios?
+That one considers an activity or scenario as being a component of universal ascension while not having the event be interfaced by first order through the body indicates taht their subjective conception of the world is being instantiated through the event. That is, the event propgates them into the world and is thus universal and a form of ascension, and though they are removed from the experience of the event in a material sense, their experience of it is occurring in conception and speculation of the event. This is their ascension and the belief that their influence is synonymous with a moral progression.

+ 11 - 1

@@ -84,4 +84,14 @@
 - Assumes everyone develops into what they're supposed to, regardless of disregarding developmental psychology and destabilizing identity growth
 - Forge conversation between Queer Theory and Childhood Studies to complicate assumptions about sexuality and a predictable future
 - Remove structure of problematic developmental psychology
+#### Notes on Sex Education
+- Comprehensive Sex Education first suggested by George Lukach to induce revolution
+- Compatible with Antonio Gramsci's view to attack 5 key cultural institutions: Family, Religion, Education, Media and Law
+#### Hannah Arguments Continued
+"Here I dwell on the contradiction that results from the synchronous assumptions of the child's asexuality and protoheterosexuality to show how emphasizing queer growth within a discussion about how children negotiate development is constructive
+- Asserts society expects children to be asexual
+- Links expectation that children are asexual with perception that they are protoheterosexual
+- Claims that emphasizing Queer growth in child development is constructive
+- Recommends examining Queer Theory of child such as to account for racism and colonialism (implies Queering can function on power dynamic against racism)

+ 36 - 1

@@ -12,4 +12,39 @@ This does a few things:
 - reducing burden from such optimal utilization of resources increases the degree to which one pursues a modality
 - Given the above and a culture celebrating self-centredness
-So th transformation ends up being both reflected on as something compelled through ethical ..?
+## Viral Dialectic
+Back to the COVID narrative, how does dialectically-mediated praxis affect the perception and use of the COVID era/event?
+### Brainstorm
+- Historicism, achieving absolute idea through synthesizing contradictions until we are left with the idea
+- Means to disregard factors
+- Allowing for men of action
+- Seeing the application for material and cultural equity
+- Transcending original ideas about Public Health and governance
+- Opportunity to allow your idea to create reality is amplified when it is insisted upon through forces, like the state, or the appearance of death
+- Original Philosophy: allow for romantic and self-indulgeant thought.
+- Social Justice and Critical Consciousness. If we can finally get everyone to do X then we can get them to do my thing
+Many have been waiting for the means to make their fantasy come true, particularly through subscription to their preferred form of collectivism. One world would be hard pressed to reveal a path to reveal a path to collectivist thinking which doesn't entail resentment regarding distribution and availability of resources for everyone's displeasure comes from the perpetuation that they are whom they would like to be or are not doing what they would like to be doing.
+One might say that it is out of identification of the suffering of others, but even if we are to accept the proposition of altruism at face value, how even if we are to accept the propsition of altruism at face value, how can one identify the plight with no familiarity to its structure? The only other reasonable modality is desire for power, except perhaps if they endure some important physical circumstances.
+One of the things that the activist seem to have stood strongly gravitated to is the mask. This seems to serve identity Marxists in a variety of ways. To bring about a claim of allyship is towards a calling of solidarity. The solidarity means having or rather serving something beyond oneself, but it is not distinctly the serving of any person. It is in service of the identity theory, which presupposes that the theoretical description for every identity category is more real or accurate than the claims of even a person of the category is more real or accurate than the claims of even a person of the category. This is because the system has subverted their perception. So, then, how does the mask serve? Well, we neednt have descriptors uttered by anyone - we already have theory, either wear the mask as a sign of your acceptance of collectivism, or wear it to disable your individuality, which we want suppressed anyway.
+In short, if you are a collectivist, though you have ample reason to be biased towards wanting masking to be enforced, perhaps the simplest of those reasons is because it provides authority to force an action by everyone's person.
+But what of the jab? Well, we could see that there was an extremely asymmetrical handling of concerns vs the promoting of it. Some might say this is due to advertising dollars, corporate ownership, partnerships between pharmaceutical companies and the media (Reuters, CNN, etc), as well as government purchasing massive quantities on faith from a very early time, but there is more to it than just that.
+The human mind has a tendency to view itself as exceptional to what it expects are the states and experiences of other minds. Even if another mind is suspected as being accomplished or having achieved a more expressive result along some measurable dimension or heuristic, the mind can excuse itself for not achieving the same level of performance while still possessing greater overall advantage (even if only imagined as such), or even one advantage which carries more weight than all other factors of consideration (superordinate/superseding factor).
+It does seem to me that those who don't care to see a thorough and symmetrical addressing of concerns are not so focused on understanding whether this is the expected solution all hoped for, but whether we are utilizing the opportunity to transcend. Transcend the flesh and transcend the ways in which you are  accountable to reality itself. It is very difficult to come to terms with having a body and consolidating all the complications that come along with it. Given an aspiration to solve mortality, disease, physical/cognitive inadequacy, sexual attraction, reproductive ability, gene propagation.
+Many dream of constructing a neutral or enabling environment with with fictitious representations of form (avatars) and being able to address issues of sex and virility with medicine and technology (in some respects, we seem almost there, though in others, we seem to regress). Most of all, we can address the prospect of not being able to do something (FOMO/YOLO), like being capable of highly developed figure skating or simply being able to be an up-to-par model as per any cultural context.
+What is the difference between those conceiving of such ends and demanding them vs the more casual supporter? We know, for example, that those with a negative disposition are more easily manipualted over the prospect of evading physical or mental discomfort, yet they are being made to perform an action which can produce discomfort and which can cause anxiety. Is that not enough to stop them?
+No, the simple truth is that the threats are numerous and social exclusion is always implicit. Furthermore, there is still the question of plausible deniability. Everyone should wish to preserve and optimize its use.
+So, then, we are all transhuman because of various reasons: (to be completed)
+- the presence of a synthetic particle
+- supplementation with the express intent of modifying a particular biological modality.

+ 2 - 1

@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
 I choose not to participate. Why?
 Because this initiative is being used to implement new constraints on society and societal participation, when we have historical precedent of marginalizing humans within tiers of society. That it is forbidden to discuss the ways in which this is contentious while related infrastructure is implemented through public/private partnerships with companies that have clear conflicts of interest, unlimited public funding, at the global scales, without consolidating the problems of incumbent politics relating to formulation of policies to initiate and concretize the undertaking of these infrastructure and security/classification projects, and at a tim when there has been the largest appropriation of wealth, transfer of assets, creation of new billionaires and liquidation of businesses from small to mediaum in size, and that it is all delivered and marketed in language which presupposes assisting the marginalized while promoting collectivism, and no one even bats an eye. It should be the implicit duty of anyone with a modicum of intelligence and moral substance to refuse participation, even if you are afraid of getting sick, excluded from the infrastructure of society, or made fun of by your peers. Boohoo.
-Corruption issues of the past are not solved through complacency. Ignorance, failure to be critical/skeptical particularly at a time when technology is at its most advanced and psycho-social conditioning is at its most mature level of understanding. TIme to say no.
+Corruption issues of the past are not solved through complacency. Ignorance, failure to be critical/skeptical particularly at a time when technology is at its most advanced and psycho-social conditioning is at its most mature level of understanding. Time to say no.
 # Safe and Effective
 What is your standard for effective? That you can participate and that you didn't suffer a dehabilitating and permanently altering adverse effect from administration of the substance? A substance for which the state both demands that you inject it into your body while telling you over and over that it is your choice to make the meeting of your basic needs increasingly difficult. It is, taken to its logical conclusions, a "join us or die" proposition. Fuck you.
+Don't assume you can ignore all-cause mortality, entropy, aging, cross-reactive immunity, original antigenic sin, the difference of binding affinity vs neutralization, the proportion of previous "metric"? in different cohorts, the degree to which immunity keeps differentiating, or transformation of society which occurs as a result of using tremendous social pressure to convince people into taking it.

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Trevor
+For when you have been pressured and chastized by your peers and social surroundings continuously to adopt a morally-acceptable identity but the only ones suitable for a white or white-presenting youngster are Queer, and you are concerned that your parents might have concerns about the prospect of:
+- Choosing an identity which is incompatible with your biology, such that you will require surgery and at least a chapter of your life dedicated to recovery, and;
+- choosing to opt out from the trajectory of possible reproduction, as this would have not only allowed for the continuation of your genetic lineage (and, by extension, that of your parents), but would have contributed to the continuation of human existence as a whole, yet you are now likely to opt out because fulfilling your declared Queer identity carries several cultural expectations which you feel compelled to demonstrate for acceptance.
+How ironic that the narrative surrounding the need for Queer identity is predicated on a supposed refusal to conform, but the adoption of any collective identity is itself only possible to undertake through conformity?
+The other problem here is that children are intelligent enough to notice a contradiction, but not experienced or knowledgeable enough to be able to thoroughly decode and explain it. They are, thus, making normalizing the ignoring of contradictions

+ 2 - 0

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+# Protest as Destiny
+April 23, 2022