@@ -12,4 +12,39 @@ This does a few things:
- reducing burden from such optimal utilization of resources increases the degree to which one pursues a modality
- Given the above and a culture celebrating self-centredness
-So th transformation ends up being both reflected on as something compelled through ethical ..?
+## Viral Dialectic
+Back to the COVID narrative, how does dialectically-mediated praxis affect the perception and use of the COVID era/event?
+### Brainstorm
+- Historicism, achieving absolute idea through synthesizing contradictions until we are left with the idea
+- Means to disregard factors
+- Allowing for men of action
+- Seeing the application for material and cultural equity
+- Transcending original ideas about Public Health and governance
+- Opportunity to allow your idea to create reality is amplified when it is insisted upon through forces, like the state, or the appearance of death
+- Original Philosophy: allow for romantic and self-indulgeant thought.
+- Social Justice and Critical Consciousness. If we can finally get everyone to do X then we can get them to do my thing
+Many have been waiting for the means to make their fantasy come true, particularly through subscription to their preferred form of collectivism. One world would be hard pressed to reveal a path to reveal a path to collectivist thinking which doesn't entail resentment regarding distribution and availability of resources for everyone's displeasure comes from the perpetuation that they are whom they would like to be or are not doing what they would like to be doing.
+One might say that it is out of identification of the suffering of others, but even if we are to accept the proposition of altruism at face value, how even if we are to accept the propsition of altruism at face value, how can one identify the plight with no familiarity to its structure? The only other reasonable modality is desire for power, except perhaps if they endure some important physical circumstances.
+One of the things that the activist seem to have stood strongly gravitated to is the mask. This seems to serve identity Marxists in a variety of ways. To bring about a claim of allyship is towards a calling of solidarity. The solidarity means having or rather serving something beyond oneself, but it is not distinctly the serving of any person. It is in service of the identity theory, which presupposes that the theoretical description for every identity category is more real or accurate than the claims of even a person of the category is more real or accurate than the claims of even a person of the category. This is because the system has subverted their perception. So, then, how does the mask serve? Well, we neednt have descriptors uttered by anyone - we already have theory, either wear the mask as a sign of your acceptance of collectivism, or wear it to disable your individuality, which we want suppressed anyway.
+In short, if you are a collectivist, though you have ample reason to be biased towards wanting masking to be enforced, perhaps the simplest of those reasons is because it provides authority to force an action by everyone's person.
+But what of the jab? Well, we could see that there was an extremely asymmetrical handling of concerns vs the promoting of it. Some might say this is due to advertising dollars, corporate ownership, partnerships between pharmaceutical companies and the media (Reuters, CNN, etc), as well as government purchasing massive quantities on faith from a very early time, but there is more to it than just that.
+The human mind has a tendency to view itself as exceptional to what it expects are the states and experiences of other minds. Even if another mind is suspected as being accomplished or having achieved a more expressive result along some measurable dimension or heuristic, the mind can excuse itself for not achieving the same level of performance while still possessing greater overall advantage (even if only imagined as such), or even one advantage which carries more weight than all other factors of consideration (superordinate/superseding factor).
+It does seem to me that those who don't care to see a thorough and symmetrical addressing of concerns are not so focused on understanding whether this is the expected solution all hoped for, but whether we are utilizing the opportunity to transcend. Transcend the flesh and transcend the ways in which you are accountable to reality itself. It is very difficult to come to terms with having a body and consolidating all the complications that come along with it. Given an aspiration to solve mortality, disease, physical/cognitive inadequacy, sexual attraction, reproductive ability, gene propagation.
+Many dream of constructing a neutral or enabling environment with with fictitious representations of form (avatars) and being able to address issues of sex and virility with medicine and technology (in some respects, we seem almost there, though in others, we seem to regress). Most of all, we can address the prospect of not being able to do something (FOMO/YOLO), like being capable of highly developed figure skating or simply being able to be an up-to-par model as per any cultural context.
+What is the difference between those conceiving of such ends and demanding them vs the more casual supporter? We know, for example, that those with a negative disposition are more easily manipualted over the prospect of evading physical or mental discomfort, yet they are being made to perform an action which can produce discomfort and which can cause anxiety. Is that not enough to stop them?
+No, the simple truth is that the threats are numerous and social exclusion is always implicit. Furthermore, there is still the question of plausible deniability. Everyone should wish to preserve and optimize its use.
+So, then, we are all transhuman because of various reasons: (to be completed)
+- the presence of a synthetic particle
+- supplementation with the express intent of modifying a particular biological modality.